Member Reviews

DNF at 30% this book is….odd. Just so odd. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it. On paper the premise is literally my dream book but the execution is so strange, I don’t even know how to put it into words.

The way the two main characters meet again and suddenly are back in each other’s lives like 13 years haven’t passed feels so unrealistic. Initially I loved that they jumped right into a conversation, I thought that was very cute, but then it got weird FAST. They’re so overtly sexual with one another immediately after meeting again despite never having a sexual relationship in the first place. This is especially weird when you find out they’d only really been friends for one year and had spent most of their lives as just acquaintances. If it felt like the characters had more chemistry, maybe I could buy it, but their conversations are extremely sexual, stilted, and (my new favorite word) odd.

Even odder I do think I could see myself picking this back up someday, but not today.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC!

I loved this book and feel like people could take a note from this book about healthy relationships!

This book was not what I expected going into it but I loved it! I loved the two MCs and their story! This book warmed my heart, which is needed in this cold weather!

4 Stars!

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The plot for this book was interesting and I enjoyed the characters of the book from the start.

Unfortunately, I had a really hard time following the story. The books pace some how felt simultaneously painfully slow and way too fast. I couldn’t keep track with what was happening. On multiple occasions felt like I had missed something, would back track and could not figure out what the characters were talking about.

I definitely liked a lot of the book but overall had a really hard time following the story.

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3.5 stars

This story follows Wil, an insurance adjuster living in Wisconsin, who recently started a TikTok channel where she kisses a new person twice a week, reconnecting with celebrity Katie Price. Katie, is home for the holidays, while trying to hid from the media while working on her next big project. Katie and Wil, spent their senior year has best friends before Katie was swept up in Hollywood and a new relationship.

I believe this is Mae Marvel's first book and it is not bad. The dialog reminded me a lot of the Gilmore Girls, where there were a lot of inside jokes and pop references. Sometimes it was hard to follow, and there was a tendency to repeat certain wrds, that didn't sit with me. The characters were well done. I really like Wil and resonated with her journey. She was funny, confident, yet still uncertain, and had really great self-awareness.

This is a friends to lovers (or as a friend calls it, idiots to lovers) book, with some second chance romance feels. Idiots to lovers is not my favorite trope because the characters spend a lot of time pining for each other, while coming up with all the ways they can't be together. Which can become tedious. While there were moments that slowed a bit too much for me, I did appreciate ht eoverall evolution of Wil and Katie's relationship.

All in all, I thought it was a cute romance and that fans of celebrity romances and friends to lovers would enjoy this story.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the ARC copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martins Press for this ARC! I feel it’s rare to find FF romcoms that have a great balance of romance and spice but this was one for it! It was a bit slow of a build up for me but the second half of the book had me hooked!

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I had super high hopes for this sapphic romance, but ultimately am rating it 2.5/5, rounded up to 3 stars for Goodreads. I DNF’d this one at the 30% mark because the dialogue-heavy, over-specific writing style wasn’t really working for me. The pacing felt off and the way that Wil and Katie interacted from the jump didn’t feel realistic to me in any way. I enjoyed them as characters and think I would’ve liked reading about their development both individually and as a couple, but the winding story-telling and over-specificity with dialogue prevented me from sticking with the story. I think I’d still recommend this one to readers that enjoy second-chance romances or romances that focus on Hollywood/fame.

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I enjoyed this book! I love reading books about actors and actresses and their relationships with people who are not in the public eye! I also just love reading queer stories! I think their friendship and their relationship to one another was described pretty well! I also think the story was well developed and not choppy with a rushed ending.

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This was so cute! It touched my heart and was so cute to read. Banter was A+, both characters were so fun and engaging.

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A massive thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!! I really enjoyed this book; definitely something I will tell my friends about!

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unfortunately for this author, i am not reviewing due to the st martins press boycott. nothing personally against this book or author.

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not reviewing because of the st martins press boycott. not reviewing because of the st martins press boycott.

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I really enjoyed this book! I’m not usually a fan of the second chance trope but it was so well done! I love being able to recommend good gay books especially lesbian representation! I can definitely say this is a book I would recommend!

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This was a cute plot and I really liked the characters. Wil and Katie are best friends first, but they haven't talked in 13 years. I like the side characters as well. I really wanted to love this (I wouldn't have signed up for the arc if I thought I wouldn't.) The writing itself (descriptions and body) was good. The idea of the book was fascinating. A woman who is famous on Tiktok for kissing random strangers 2 times a week and her famous best friend? Such a good idea for a plot. Both of their moms being prominent in the book was such a neat little side story, although I found Katie's mom to be overbearing. I think it was written this way on purpose and at the end of the day, she wants whats best for her daughter, so it didn't bother me too much.

The one maain complaint I have and the reason it didn't get five stars, is that it got slightly confusing in parts because there is one line of dialogue and then 3-5 paragraphs of backstory in almost every conversation that is held in this book. It made it confusing because by the time I was done with the backstory, I forgot what the conversation they were having was and had to go back and re-read. It felt like the characters were constantly being interupted, which broke up the flow of the book. The characters deal with some very heavy emotions and it was disjointed in parts.

I really loved the descriptions, of the houses, the world building, THE BRONCO?? I could imagine it sitting in front of me!!! I just wish some of the descriptions and backstory would have been shifted right after the dialouge. 4/5 stars

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I’m sorry. I loved the cover and the premise, but I don’t like the story. My New Year’s resolution: stop reading a book if you don’t enjoy it. So here I am, quiting at 23%.

Thanks for the opportunity to read it, though!

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Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous was…fine? Great title, totally dreamy premise––it’s a sapphic, famous/non-famous, best friends-to-lovers romance. The prose is solid & I was really drawn to the BFFs-with-homoerotic-tension dynamic. It’s flirty, it’s fun, it’s uh, plausibly deniable! 😳 But a lot of the book didn’t work for me. It loses a lot of momentum early on, and I was mostly kind of bored. I wasn’t invested in Katie’s industry plot lines, though I did really enjoy the subplot with her ex, an abusive predator à la [insert any Hollywood creep who dates super young women]. There’s also a section near the end that’s essentially Busy Phillips fan fiction. It’s quite strange, and I struggled to get through it. Overall, I'm so grateful I got to read this, but probably won't reach for Mae Marvel's next novel.

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This book was a bit mixed for me, maybe a result of two authors writing under a shared pseudonym. I liked the premise, the characters, and the chemistry was exciting, but sometimes it felt a bit overwritten in a way that disconnected me from the characters. I wanted a little bit less self awareness and a little bit more discovery, leaving things less on the page would have propelled me through this more.

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I DNF'd I was very curious in this book based on the title, but it just wasn't for me. I usually like WLW romances but this one just didn't work for me. It felt like it needed to be "woke" which hurts me to say as a liberal person, but I cringed when one of the protagonists asked the other what pronouns they use for themselves to themselves. Maybe I just need to diversify my books more, but this just didn't feel real to me I couldn't get lost in the pages.

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Thank you to netgalley and St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin for allowing me to reading this book. This was such an amazing romance book.

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I loved this book. Initially I requested it because I loved the title - it was so snappy and clear I had a lot of hope for the story.

Katie is a successful and famous actress, paving a new path for herself as a director. She lost touch with her childhood friend Wil, who remained in their hometown of Wisconsin. Wil & Katie reconnect, sparks fly, etc etc.

What I loved about this book was how clearly defined Wil and Katie were, independently of one another. The dialogue and the banter in this book are great, and it’s so flirty from the jump. It takes some plot turns you don’t necessarily expect either.

Looking forward to Mae Marvel’s next!

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I love a good contemporary romance in which one of the main characters is very famous so this was always going to be up my alley. I was a little uninterested TikTok plot but it became relevant to the overall story so I came to terms with it.

This book gives major Dorothea and Would've, Could've, Should've (both Taylor Swift songs) vibes. So Swifties might enjoy this one.

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