Member Reviews

Such a wonderful setup. How it blended hometown lovers trope with the star aspect. Really hot sex scenes regarding intimacy and connecting with a partner. Can't wait to read more from these authors.

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Thank you to Netgalley & the Publishers for allowing me to read this book before publication.
To start a second chance, romance will always do it for me, especially when they are friends or lovers; it is the perfect trope. Second, this book had the thing I don't see much in romance novels: communication!! We need more of this to show healthy relationships rather than lies and miscommunication tropes embedded into all these novels. Every page was steamy and the tension was there, this was probably one of the most romance novels I've read in 2023.

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This was my first lbgtq+ book. It was a refreshing friends to lovers/ second chance romance of characters who were honest to each other and didn’t hold back. And crazy cat people! My kind of people!! It was nice to have characters who were honest to each other for once. Easy to read and get sucked in. Took me awhile to read only because of work and life, but was fairly easy to get back into it. I loved that it was partially set in Green Bay WI and loved all the local references. I would definitely read another from this author(s). I have read others under their own names that I enjoyed.

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I asked for this Galley before I knew about the boycott against St. Martin's Press for their employee's comments on the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people. I stand with Palestine and against Zionism and Islamophobia. I will be happy to review again for St. Martin's Press when a legitimate solution is found and that employee apologizes.

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I really enjoyed reading this book. I am a cat person 100000% and I loved the scenes with the cats and their buttons. They made me laugh with their little broken sentences, so cute and funny. As for Wil and Katie, there was such a build-up of tension between them, I love a good slow burn. It made reading through the book totally worth it.

One big thing about this book is the healthy and good amount of communication between the characters. So many books I have read have turned me off because of their lack of communication (I do not like the miscommunication trope...ugh).

Definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves childhood friends-to-lovers with good character development and a refreshing plot.

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A super sweet, cozy, sapphic rom com! This was such a fun read, with great character development and a plot that progressed gracefully!

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The world needs more sapphic love stories so I was really excited. If I had read this three years ago, I would have loved it. In fact, if I had had this book in high school, I would have been obsessed. I think it dealt with really heavy topics really well but their lack of chemistry was hard to get over for me.

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Katie is famous but when she returns to her small home town she runs into Wil. A lot has happened in both of their lives over the last several years since they were in highschool. This book has a cute love story with witty banter with some steam mixed in.

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I have mixed feelings on this book. There were things I enjoyed and things I didn’t like. Overall, the story had a good plot idea with the relationship with Wil and Katie. One thing I had trouble with was there were so many different factors added in that made parts of the story confusing or hard to follow. When I focused on the development of Wil and Katie’s relationship, I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I am glad I read the book and look forward to how others feel about this book too.

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I really loved the premise of this book at first, but I found it to be overly long and way more detailed than necessary (truly there must be upwards of 50 named and described-in-detail characters in this book). I’d still recommend it for the right reader, though.

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I just simply couldn’t finish no matter how hard I tried. For me the characters were oddly unlike able. They both said and did things that nobody would ever say or do and they were so unrelatable I couldn’t connect with them.

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This was a great story about a world of "what if" in regard to celebrity culture and knowing someone before fame... I couldn't put it down! I really enjoyed following along with this story and feeling all the emotions as I turned the pages. I will highly recommend this book to lovers of the celebrity romance genre.

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"Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous" was a fun read that reminded me a lot of the recently released Tello movie Merry & Gay.

The book takes readers on a heartfelt journey through the lives of Katie Price and Wil Greene, childhood friends who reconnect after a decade of separate experiences. Katie, now a famous actress, returns to her small Wisconsin town and unexpectedly crosses paths with Wil, an internet-famous TikTok star -- for kissing people on camera. The story unfolds as they navigate the rekindling of their friendship and their desires. Both protagonists are strong, empowered women who openly communicate their needs, challenging traditional expectations associated with fame and relationships.

The two main characters are wonderful, with realistic flaws that contribute to their relatability. Despite minor concerns about the story's structure (lots of back and forth jumping between present and past), it was an enjoyable read!

Overall, "Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous" gets a positive review from me for its originality, strong character development, and a refreshing departure from conventional romance tropes.

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I ended up not finishing this one. The chapters are too long for me. It was taking me up to 40 minutes to read a chapter.
I did like the story line though and I may try again. But with the chapters being this long it makes it hard for me to follow along

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Everyone i kissed sinced you got famous was such a fun read! I loved everything about this. The writing and character development was really great and thorough. Just as well, the storyline was genuine and and just all together a good time. It was interesting to read these perspectives and their stories.

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Thank you NetGalley and Mae Marvel for the eARC!

I was very “middle of the road” while reading this book. I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it. In reflecting why I didn’t rate it a little bit higher at 4 stars, I think it’s because I wasn’t connecting with this particular writing style which is one that some may enjoy. I didn’t like the long run-on inner monologues that happen very very frequently throughout the book, often times in the middle of a spoken out loud dialogue with another character. It kept me from really getting into the book.

I would say in terms of the main characters, I connected with Wil more than I connected with Katie. Wil is unapologetically herself and Katie is a bit annoyingly of a people pleaser. There is mentions of an emotionally abusive relationship from Katie’s past that may be triggering to some readers, so just note that.

I liked the story line. It’s very relevant to culture now in that Wil has a viral Tik Tok account and Katie works in Hollywood as an actress/director.

I loved all the girl bosses in this novel which includes the main characters and awesome side characters who lift each other up, support each other, and push each other to be the best they can be.

Final rating of 3 stars!

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for this eARC!

I’ll start by saying, holy smokes, did I love this book. Absolutely LOVED. I devoured this book in a matter of hours, and I don’t typically love third-person books. This book is everything I’ve ever wanted in a romance. There’s steam, there’s sweet, and there is HEALTHY COMMUNICATION. One of my least favorite tropes is miscommunication and this is the antithesis of that. This book takes what romance novels should be, and gives it to us. It’s different from most romances in the best kind of way. Our leads are sweet and wonderful and this book is so much more than just a second chance/friends to lovers. I cannot give this book enough stars.

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Loved this book! Loved the story, and the plot and most of all the character development. I need more from this author as soon as possible!

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I did not enjoy this book. If you like soft core porn instead of a story, it’s for you. There wasn’t really any story until the end of the book and I loved that message. Katie is a famous Hollywood star. Wil is her best friend from high school. They meet up after 13 years of not seeing each other.

The first time they see each other they’re talking about their sexual preferences and masturbation. It wasn’t believable. And then the rest of the book was just about sex. I would’ve enjoyed more from the storylines about their careers.

I did like the message at the end about taking control of your life. Writing your own story. Don’t let other people dictate your life in the tabloids or social media or whatever affects you.

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This is a super cute, sapphic love story about childhood friends, with a touch of a mystery. Honestly, it wouldn't have been super note worthy to me, were it not for the very clear/explicit conversations that the characters have regarding gender and sexuality. I'll admit, I've been out of the dating world for a long time, but I really admired/appreciated how frank and matter of fact the characters were about their pronouns, and about their sexual fluidity. I certainly hope that's the sort of conversation that dating people are having now. Not entirely my jam otherwise, but I totally appreciated the cute story and modern feel.

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