Member Reviews

Wil and Katie have a special relationship. Even after 13 years of no contact between them, they pick up right where they left off. This time, with a LOT more banter and intimacy between them. There are clear romantic feelings between the two of them from the start, but a wonderful slow burn between their decision to finally act on their sexual desires for each other.

Between their romance there is a lot of other factors coming into play like Katie’s career as a Hollywood star and Wil’s beginnings of law school. These two struggle with the trauma of their pasts, but really lean into communicating their troubles with each other. I LOVE when characters communicate well!! I loved that instead of going for the cheesy miscommunication trope, the troubles they faced were real. These characters felt like real people.

There were some parts of the book I felt were a little too focused on the side plots like in meetings with Katie’s managers and co, I think some of that could have been streamlined and given just as much to the story. Overall I felt the book flowed very well!

This book is the perfect sapphic Christmas romance you’ve been looking for. Thank you for the chance to review this book!

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Interesting concept behind the relationship and how it developed between two friends. Wil’s concept for her TikTok was very interesting and intimate. Overall it was a great book! I couldn’t put it down.

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Thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my review.

This book was so good. It follows high school friends Katie and Wil as they reconnect after 13 years apart. A random bet made during a Christmas party has them both piling into Wil's old Bronco and trying to get to the bottom of an old teacher's possibly adultery/possibly bigamist relationships. It's a silly bet, but it starts to stir old feelings that had begun in that very car years ago.

Both have their own issues they need to deal with, from Wil trying to find her way in life and Katie trying to make her own stamp on Hollywood while dealing with an abusive ex (tw this book does cover grooming of a teenager by a much older man). But both find solace and strength in one another and take chances to try and get what they want out of life.

I loved seeing both Wil and Katie grow into their own and put behind their fears to finally get what they deserve. Their chemistry is almost immediate and has a hiccup or two, but they have friends and family in their corner that cheer them on. Diana and Beanie are utterly adorable and if I ever decided to strike out into Hollywood territory I would want Madelynn and April in my corner. Don't even get me started on the Kitty Quartet because I audibly 'aww-d' every time they came on.

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I adored Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous. I typically steer away from stories that focus largely on contemporary pop culture-type areas, but Wil Greene and her TikTok were such a great catalyst for her re-sparking and finally blossoming love with Katie Price. Wil and Katie's chemistry was so fun, and I loved seeing how they explored their relationship after so many years a part.

My only snag with this one was the pacing was sometimes a bit slow, making the book overall feel a lot longer than it actually was but otherwise, the characters and story were a joy! Definitely recommend this one for anyone interested in a cute (and a little spicy) sapphic romcom.

Thank you St Martin's Press and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my gosh. *faints* This was a lovely, swoony sapphic friends-to-lovers and second chance romance that takes us from Green Bay, Wisconsin, to Los Angeles.

I absolutely fell in love with both characters, their banter, their years-long yearning for each other, and watching the ups and downs of fame. Those who surrounded both characters -- their mothers (who are besties, which is how they met), Katie's publicist and manager, and more -- were equally heartwarming and lovable.

Please go read this book RIGHT NOW.

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I really liked the plot and idea of this book, but the execution wasn't there for me. The story was interesting enough to keep me reading the entire book, but it felt overwritten and like they were trying too hard. There were too many characters and too many things going on and it got confusing for me because of it. Also, I live in Wisconsin and have my whole life and all the Green Bay references were overdone. They really did not want you to forget that this took place in Green Bay. It got eyerolly to me.

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A strong character driven romance that you’ll struggle to put down!

Katie Price and Wil Greene have known each other their entire lives, but it wasn’t until their senior year of highschool that they became friends. It’s been over a decade since they last spoke. Katie’s a famous actor now and looking for a quiet place to work on her newest project. This leads her back to her parents’ house in Green Bay. Meanwhile, Wil has been feeling a bit stuck since her father died. When the two reconnect at a family holiday party Wil hopes spending time with Katie will be what she needs to get unstuck.

This is a character driven novel and it’s clear from the very first page. All of the characters have really strong personalities that immediately drew me in. Even the cats have their own unique personalities. On its surface this is a second chance romance that plays out over two timelines, present day and their senior year of highschool. The past storyline mostly serves to build up the tension and chemistry between Katie and Wil and that’s what kept me reading.

There’s also a deeper storyline around the power and strength of women that I absolutely loved. Even when Katie finally calls out her ex for his abusive actions she still manages to center herself and her strength rather than making it about him. This is a really difficult balance to strike but writing throughout the novel walks the line perfectly to make this believable. Everyone involved with Katie’s new project is a strong woman who has managed to be successful in a male dominated industry and it’s great to see them all come together with the mission of helping others. Wil’s strength comes in the form of her TikTok. This was a storyline I felt could have had a bit more attention.

Overall, this is definitely worth a read if you like stories about strong women with witty banter!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Katie and Wil have been friends since they were little girls, but during their senior year they became really close. Then Katie left for Chicago to pursue her acting career and Wil ended up staying in Green Bay after her dad died.

Katie went on to become a famous actress and Wil had become an insurance adjuster who was also insta famous on TikTok with her videos that showed her kissing two total strangers a week for exactly one minute each.

Wil and her mom are invited to Katie's parents' house for a Christmas party and it's there that Katie and Wil reconnect. It's been 13 years since they've seen each other but their friendship picks right back up, with a little flirting thrown in.

After the party, Katie wakes up with the stark realization that she was in love with Wil back when they were 18. And now at age 31 that truth still exists. 13 years of not seeing each other had not diminished her feelings.

But, Katie's life as an actress meant that her life didn't really belong to her enough for a relationship to be possible. Or did it?  And even if it did, would Wil want the same thing? 

This book had me feeling all the feels.  Both of the FMCs are smart, witty, strong women. Their playful banter had me laughing out loud and their ability to be so straight forward with each other that there was no chance of miscommunication was incredibly refreshing. There was a little spice to their romance but it was mostly closed door, which I appreciate.

Thanks to @netgalley @stmartinspress @ruthieknoxromance for an advanced e-copy of this book. It was a fun read with thought provoking topics that were real but not preachy. Keep an eye out for it and grab it on June 11, 2024!

As always I like to find a quote that causes introspection or promotes conversation:  "Be something that you really, really are, but don't be afraid you'll lose it all if you try. You'll at least have had it, even if it was only for a little while. "

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Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous is witty and charmingly entertaining. The characters in this book are easy to fall in love with and keep you turning the page to discover more of them. Wil and Kate are almost exact opposites, personality wise, but the author does a brilliant job of giving them depth that makes you want to see what happens next in their lives even separate of each other. This book is upfront and is one of the rare books that did not leave me thinking that everything could be worked out if they just honestly talked to each other. It was refreshing reading a story that had scenes that feel like they finished completely and left the reader with a reason to discover what would be next because the usual tropes were absent.

The author wrote Wil, Kate, and their mom’s like real people with complex personalities and issues in life that most books leave out. Wil dealing with stagnation due to her fathers death, but also finding internet fame is poignant in its view point about finding the right path in life. Kate dealing with working towards her dream, finding success at a pivotal age in life comes with lasting scars that she has to work through privately while living a very public life. The two main character’s Moms being best friends while protecting their adult children is the tie that binds the whole story together. I was pleasantly surprised with this book and look forward to other work from this author.

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The cover and blurb sparked my interest for this book as I hadn’t heard of the author, later learning it was actually authors. I liked the storyline and thought the chemistry between the MCs was there, but felt as though there was something lacking that made this one a bit harder to keep my focus. The characters jumped a lot during conversations and it was sometimes hard to keep up with. Overall, I enjoyed the story though.

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Thank you to NetGalley for sending me this virtual ARC to review :) This book was sweet, but unfortunately not a favorite for me. I love a sapphic romance, and I think the main characters were really sweet. Friends to lovers is always so good, and I love how they reconnected after all this time. Plus all those Taylor Swift references? Chefs kiss. They were placed in such a good, fun way. Almost like Easter eggs ;)

However, the writing style wasn’t for me. It was very show and tell in my opinion, which didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. There were also a lot of run on sentences that lost me. It made me hard to follow the plot at times, and I think breaking up the text would have been beneficial to keep the reader engaged.

Overall, it was a sweet story! It may not have been my favorite writing style, but it was a very nice story.

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This was such a cute, light hearted book that really kept me interested from beginning to end.

The characters were described perfectly with just the right amount of detail so that everything that occurs just makes sense. Wil, in my opinion, is so dominant and sexy, and remains my favourite character from start to finish. Katie is the inexperienced bi sexual who used to be best friends with Wil back in highschool - which was before Katie was famous. They rekindle their friendship but is it really just a friendship? Or did they both overlook how they felt when they were younger because they were naive?

4/5 rating from me. Wish there was a bit more drama from the Ben side - but such a great read especially for the Christmas season.

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Having delved into this author's work for the first time, I discovered both commendable and disappointing aspects. The narrative's uniqueness initially captivated me, with the initial chapters exhibiting remarkable strength.

Regrettably, my overall rating was hindered by concerns related to the writing style and the utilization of humor. In the realm of romantic comedies, the overindulgence in humor, especially at inappropriate moments, can overshadow the story's serious and romantic elements, and I felt that was the case here.

Additionally, I noticed an excess of exposition and verbosity in the writing, prompting me to skip paragraphs in an attempt to reach the core of the narrative. Despite the author's skill in building sexual tension between the protagonists, their relationship lacked a resonant connection for me. The pervasive humor may have impeded my ability to empathize with and take the characters seriously.

I would lean towards a 3-star rating. Despite the innovative plot and commendable exploration of the characters' coming-of-age experiences in their respective fields, the extended length of the chapters, ] contributed to a sense of prolixity.

While marketed as a romance, the story effectively incorporates a significant coming-of-age aspect, a facet I appreciated.

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Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous was a fun and delightful read! I loved the premise and how it relates to Taylor Swift's 'Tis the Damn Season (one of my favorites!). The lead characters are both well defined and communicate well with one another which is great. Bonus points for the adorable cat content!

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I really enjoyed this book. Reading it as an ARC I definitely noticed a lot of editorial errors but it didn’t take away from the story too much. This story contains complicated but well rounded mother-daughter relationships. It features a compelling and memorable best friend turned lovers, sapphic style. The characters don’t change much throughout the book, I would say this is definitely plot driven. It touches on a few sensitive topics but they aren’t the main plot point. It’s really a book about two people finding their way back to each other and learning how to navigate their newfound love.

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Thank you to St Martins Press and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

I will happily leave a review for this when the racist remarks by one of their employees is addressed. I want to support the author, but also want to know they don’t support this behavior.

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It's definitely a cute read, I just wanted more. I felt underwhelmed by some aspects. The plot truly had promise and others will definitely enjoy this one more than I did.

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Not bad, but mediocre. I wish it was more interesting but it really didn’t suck me in and just stayed the same level the whole time.

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It’s a cute book, but I was expecting a little more, maybe because I’m a huge fan of Hollywood romance and second chances! The characters are adorable, I really enjoyed them and their relationship. The romance is very well written, and I swoon for them!
Unfortunately, I think that the themes of the book are a little off, a little superficial and that’s a pity. This book could really be astonishing, but it’s just cute.
However, I enjoyed it and I want to read more of this author.


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3.5 stars. This was a promising premise, but there was too much going on. Katie is a famous actor AND she's teaching her cats to communicate with a keyboard. Wil is considering law school AND she has a lot of past trauma AND she has a popular TikTok account where she kisses two new people a week. I would have been satisfied with about half of these plotlines, because wrapping everything up took way too long. Marvel is a talented writer, though, and I look forward to seeing what she does next.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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