Member Reviews

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy. Review may have spoilers.

I loved this book. I found it very refreshing - two adult humans, who both adapt and grow over the course of the book, through clear and beautiful communication and mindful actions. The two main characters are quite beautifully developed and different, and it was clear where each was coming from in their internal struggles.

The way that Katie's response to a past emotionally abusive and controlling relationship was dealt with quite beautifully, I thought. As was Wil's history with grief and being stuck in her life. I felt both of these complicated pasts were dealt with compassionately and respectfully.

I loved that the fact these were two women was not a core conflict at ALL. Whether that is realistic or not (with the conversations with marketing professionals and agents, even in 2023 I doubt this would be such a non-issue) I am tired of reading characters struggling with their sexuality and much prefer reading about beautiful relationships without that piece even being mentioned. Some people may disagree.

One quibble - did Katie seriously have an EGOT? At 31? I think the level of awards she had received was way too advanced even for one of America's superstars. Maybe lose the grammy and tony! Or have just oscar noms!

I loved the side characters and the CATS! my favourite cats in a while, especially Sue and Almond Butter.

Really quality romance, thanks for the opportunity!

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I really enjoyed this slow-burn romance and man, was it worth the wait! Those spicy scenes had me blushing lol! I liked the setting and the complexity of the characters this story had. I am always a sucker for a second-chance romance!

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I’ve never been one to read a sapphic romance but this was absolutely adorable. I liked it a lot. Wasn’t my absolute favorite but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and I appreciate the opportunity to read this to spread the word. You like cutesy Christmas romance. This is for you with a FF romance.

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I really wanted to enjoy this but this was just cringey and slow and I couldn’t care less about the characters or the romance.

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This book really spoke to me when I read it - I was in the mood for a intellectual sapphic slow-burn, and this is exactly that. There's something really special about the friendship that Wil and Katie have, that even after thirteen years of absolutely no contact, they can reconnect and immediately find themselves back in the same intimate closeness you can only really achieve when you're a senior in high school and the world (and your future) is at your fingertips.

I loved a lot about this - as mentioned, Wil and Katie are both fantastic characters. We get to know them on a really deep level, since a lot of this novel is long conversations about their feelings, their lives, and how everything can fit together. It's a slow burn in a sexual way, but absolutely not a slow burn in a romantic way. These two are it for each other from the moment they sit down on Diana Price's mallard couch. I also thought the ending - while a little fantastical - was so sweet and great.

That said, the book is quite long. A lot of it is cerebral, and it could easily be 100 pages shorter and still include all of the yearning, and conversations, and tension. It will probably not be for every reader, which is okay! I happened to have a great time.

4 stars. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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I really wanted to like this story, but it was a slow read for me.

The premise was unique, interesting & promising. First love, reconnecting, social media popularity and show business. Alas, I just did not enjoy it.

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Katie Price is known in every living room in America. A small-town Wisconsin girl who became an A-list star, she rarely makes it home, but this year is different... Little does she know it will lead her straight into the piercing blue-eyed gaze of Wil Greene.

A lot has happened in the decade since those cold Wisconsin nights when Wil and Katie drove around in Wil’s Bronco senior year. Since then, Wil's law career hasn’t taken off. Her father passed away. And what started as a personal challenge―kissing a new person twice a week, every week―has made her a growing sensation, but her life is still stuck in phase one. Through the years, the two have never left each other's thoughts and desires, but now suddenly, they are back in each others' lives. Their reconnection is instantaneous and the passion is palpable... but can it stand the test of time?

This book was brilliant. Two strong women supporting each other, communicating, and working to be bad@sses. Both Wil and Katie feel like real people. It was fun to watch them realize their love for each other and to watch their romance develop. I really don't get the TikTok thing (I'm old, okay? LOL), but it was a cute setup. This book was lots of fun with a wonderful message. This goes in my re-read pile for sure!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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I did not realize the troupe when I downloaded the book. This theme just doesn't appeal to me. I love the title and I am sure that will grab a lot of attention. I was definitely intrigued when reading the summary. I just assumed when the character Wil was a guy. My fault totally. It is fairly apparent on the cover both characters are girls.

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a lovely, beautiful slow burn of a romance that I just loved. Katie and Wil was everything. I kept turning the pages to find if they would get there happy ending. Had a fantastic time reading this and I would highly recommend reading this book. Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy for a honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an early copy of this book in exchange for my unbiased review.

I really wanted to enjoy this book, but I couldn't get into it and ultimately had to DNF at 44%.

The romance felt forced to me and I didn't feel like there was any chemistry between the two main characters. All the romance felt very clinical in ways that felt so disconnected to me.

I'm quite disappointed because I loved the idea of this book, but the execution just wasn't for me.

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I appreciate mae marvel and st Martin press for this opportunity. I unfortunately had to DNF this book. The chapters were long the plot had promise but was not for me. I wish there was a little more spice and conflict. Thank you again.

Thomas Anderson

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This was my first book by this author and there were things I liked about it and things I didn’t. I thought the storyline was very unique and the first couple of chapters were very strong. Katie's love and adoration of her cats reflects well with animal lovers and wanting to hear their pets talk. Katie and Wil became best friends late in high school but have not seen each other for years. Wil would have gone to law school if her father had not died. Wil started a Tik Tok where she kissed two new people for 1 minute each week. Katie is an actress, director, and a producer. They connect back in their hometown and sparks fly. During their high school days Mr. Cook was a teacher who bullied students. When Katie and Wil see him with two women, they decide to see what is going on. I did not think this activity really fit. The gals were very creative in their own way, and I did not think Katie’s mom should have hung on like she did. I also got very tired of Katie and her cats. Another thing that I observed was an overuse of exposition and the writing was just very wordy at times, so much so that I found myself skipping paragraphs just trying to get to the point. I wasn’t very attached to how the story would unfold like I am with many other books of this type. Overall, I think I would recommend for others to try it out, especially for the fantastic depiction of coming of age in their 20s. The book fell flat between the long winded "thoughts" and some of the banter it was long for the content involved hard to keep interest.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press, the author and Netgalley

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3.5 stars! Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous is a fun, charming romcom with a super original premise. It follows Katie Price, a small-town Midwestern girl with a lucrative career as an A-list actress, who moves back home for the holidays only to cross paths with her ex-best friend from high school, Wil Greene. Wil's life isn't quite as glamorous as Katie's—she was set to start law school before her dad's tragic death led her to put her dreams on hold. She's become a social media sensation by kissing a new person on camera every week, but while her follower count is moving forward, Wil still feels stuck exactly where she is. Can Katie and Wil reconnect and help each other achieve their dreams? And has their undeniable chemistry really stood the test of time?

I thought this book was so sweet and endearing! I loved how healthy Katie and Wil's communication was, and how they supported each other. They were both such compelling characters in their own right, and as a couple, their chemistry felt natural even after not seeing each other for years. It was like they picked up right where they left off, and it was just heartwarming to see them both grow as people, cheer each other on, and finally admit their feelings for each other. I also really liked the attention to detail and sense of place we got from the setting. In terms of things I didn't love, I kind of felt like some of the humor didn't totally land for me. and I'm not sure why. It almost felt a little unnatural, which was a little jarring because of how real Katie, Wil, and their individual journeys/struggles felt. I also thought the pacing was a little slow sometimes, and wanted more tension or conflict at some points. Still, I enjoyed this one a lot! I'd definitely recommend it for anyone in need of a good slow-burn romcom with plenty of character development and emotional depth. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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I found Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous to be unique, but a very slow read. I might have enjoyed a little more conflict or depth.

Thank you to St Martin’s Press and NetGalley.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review. I loved this one! Absolutely fell in love with the characters and the journey, felt like so much more than just a romance novel to me.

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A very special thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for sharing this advanced copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts!!

Oh, this book had NO business gripping my heart like it did!! I was so not prepared!! For once, I felt like the description provided for this book gave very little away. "Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous" is so, so much more than what meets the eye (or synopsis). It's more than just a bet, or a famous actress coming home to Green Bay for the holidays and reconnecting with a childhood friend. It's a heartwarming story of love–two people finding what they need in another person, and communicating their feelings in healthy ways. 

I thought so much of this story was original, and was taken in directions that were wholly opposite of your typical, tropey romance. Wil is an effortlessly cool, internet famous TikTok star who's channel is just her kissing a new person from Green Bay twice a week. V interesting idea, but I love how it's more than just kissing–it's diving deep into who the person is that Wil is kissing. And Katie is on the verge of starting her own production company as an already successful actress, but comes with a lot of traumatic baggage. Both women are strong, powerful in their own ways, and aren't afraid to articulate their needs! We love to see it!! I also really loved that this story didn't follow the typical trope of what happens when one partner is uber famous, and a "regular" person is brought into their world (they usually can't handle it, and that "regular" person ends up being the one to blame? Never understood that!). 

My only downside is that the story felt a bit long, which is odd since it's only 368 pages. But regardless, the representation was done so so well. And also love setting such a progressive story in a conservative-leaning area–what a juxtaposition!!

There's a line in the author's note that I loved, which I'll share with ya'll:
"Keep working, protect and take care of others, make community and connections, include, learn, choose love, [and] put down attitudes and bias that don't serve."👏

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Unfortunately I DNF this book. I liked the characters and premise, but it felt like it was moving so slowly. The chapters are very long & I just couldn’t get invested enough to finish.

This book has an audience, but it is not me.

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Katie and Wil became best friends late in high school but have not seen each other for years. Wil would have gone to law school if her father had not died. Wil started a Tik Tok where she kissed two new people for 1 minute each week. Why would someone want to kiss and record that kiss twice a week? Made no sense to me. Katie is an actress, director, and a producer. They connect back in their hometown and sparks fly. During their high school days Mr. Cook was a teacher who bullied students. When Katie and Wil see him with two women, they decide to see what is going on. I did not think this activity really fit. The gals were very creative in their own way, and I did not think Katie’s mom should have hung on like she did. I also got very tired of Katie and her cats. I did enjoy watching Katie and her progress in writing and directing. She did show talent.

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"Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous" is a charming sapphic romance that brings a warm, contemporary twist to the classic celebrity romance genre. Katie, one of our protagonists, doesn't fit neatly into traditional gender roles and is still on a pronoun journey.. Still, for simplicity's sake, we'll consider this wonderful novel as a piece of WLW/sapphic literature.

The story exudes a cozy, 1990s-2000s romantic comedy vibe, reminiscent of beloved films like "Sweet Home Alabama" and "America's Sweethearts." Katie and Wil's lifelong connection, strengthened during their senior year of high school, forms the foundation of the plot. A decade later, Katie is a famous actress transitioning into directing, while Wil leads a unique life as an insurance adjuster who runs a TikTok account where she kisses two new people each week. The stage is set for a delightful array of classic romantic tropes - from love rekindling at Christmas to second chances, friends-turned-lovers, and the intriguing dynamic between a celebrity and an "ordinary" person. And, of course, it's all delightfully queer!

In this modern love story, the language sometimes feels a tad too contemporary at times, featuring phrases like "sus" and "because Katie." While these expressions add authenticity, they might make you cringe a bit, especially if you're not a fan of too much millennial lingo. I didn't mind it in the dialogue so much, but when it crept into the narration, I wasn't a fan. Because reasons. ;)

What truly sets this book apart is the authenticity of its conflicts. Unlike many romance novels that rely on silly miscommunications or exaggerated reactions, "Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous" presents genuine, earnest obstacles, inner and outer, for both protagonists. Occasionally, the story ventures into the realm of after-school-special discussions, addressing important topics like consent, age gaps, white privilege, and emotional regulation with a heavier hand than I would prefer. While these discussions are commendable, they might feel a touch didactic at times.

Despite these minor hiccups, it's hard not to root for the queer cat-loving former best friends as they navigate the rocky road to rekindling their romance. The novel's charming and genuine approach to love and relationships makes it a satisfying read. If you're a fan of sparkling romcoms of days gone by, like those led by Sandra Bullock and Meg Ryan, this is the book for you. While the romantic comedy genre may have lost its way on the big screen, it continues to thrive within the pages of books like this one.

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Decided to give this book a chance because I'm very cognisant that I don't read nearly enough sapphic romance and one of my goals this year has to be to take more chances - and I'm so glad I did with EVERYONE I KISSED SINCE YOU GOT FAMOUS!

Celebrity romances can be hit and miss for me, but this one left a big grin on my face the entire time. This one ticked all the right boxes for a Christmas rom-com - witty banter, sexy tension, a healthy relationship!!!! It was a great take on "small town Christmas romance" and I think will be one everyone will love this season!

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