Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book and the way it didn’t throw in unnecessary obstacles that could've easily been remedied by adequate communication like so many books in thus genre. These characters definitely used their words, were excellent communicators, and I enjoy a second chance romance.

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Katie is a famous hollywood actress and Wil is her high school ex-gf. Wil promised to kiss someone twice a week, every week after her father's death. When they meet again, there's instant attraction and they actually talk and discuss about their feelings! It's cool how there aren't any big miscommunications.

Enjoy this slow-burn romance a lot. Katie and Wil are interesting characters. They have terrific chemistry.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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I was a little dubious going in because of a theme of some of the reviews - “no one talks like that in real life.” Well those people are wrong. Sapphic women talk like that. We do. It might be a little exaggerated but not past the point of disbelief. I have spoken to not just my romantic partners like that but also friends. We’re touchy-feely like that. This book was a treasure. I loved every sentence and I adored every character. This book is kind of like if Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was a grown up sapphic second-chance romance. The daughters of two best friends, former best friends themselves, fall out of touch for more a decade when one is whisked off to Hollywood by a predator at age 18. Despite all that time and history, their reunion is as though they’d never parted, in a way that feels natural and right. Oh yeah, this book is the good stuff. It managed to be both deliciously steamy and exquisitely erotic without being aggressively explicit, like an artsy film, which was the definitely the vibe. The book itself was very artsy and thoughtful but it was also full of heart. Like if a Hallmark Christmas movie was made by an indie filmmaker. This is the gem of this year’s holiday offerings

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This is a simply outstanding slow burn romance and I didn't want it to end. I could read about Wil and Katie for an eternity.

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I had never read anything by Mae Marvel, but glad I tried this title. I often wondered why the writing seemed a bit different during certain sections of the book. I had no idea this was written by two people and it made so much more sense. I enjoyed the characters and descriptions. Can't wait to read another title by this duo. Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this title early.

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I....rarely think a book is a '10' from the first chapter to the last... I like heart wrenching stuff, like maybe a bit too much and love a queer book that doesn't really trip over itself at 'being queer'.

This book...was more or less a WOW from beginning to finish. I don't love second chance romance but I was lapping this up like there is no tomorrow. It's angsty, it's interesting, the dialogue/inner thoughts are insightful... and the whole thing was just... smart (you know how some books are just eye rolly? this isn't...well, at least for me). It is also... I don't love to use the word 'sexy' ever... but it is.

I also don't love comparing people's books and name dropping by saying it's like so and so's writing.... but while I was reading this, I was thinking of Nina LaCour's work... and how they make me feel while I read it... only seriously, this book was like those feelings, times a thousand, on every single page. It's actually maybe... a bit much. I need to take a break and have some snacks, I think.

Oh one more thing. I get irritated when there are 'cute animals' in books, I know, I'm a monster. But you know what?? The cats in this book? Lovely! Makes me want some, even if I'm deathly allergic to them.

It's good, very good. People should go buy the book and read it and tell their friends about how much they liked it, because I've been texting my friends while I was reading this and actually did a bit of a crazy arm waving thing with my jaw dropped in the last couple of chapters of the book... so ridiculous that my partner looked at me and asked if I was okay. (I'm fine, thanks for asking.)

I'd like to thank NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced digital copy of this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous had an interesting storyline that kept me engaged. I enjoyed the character who made the videos living her life without a direction as if lost at sea. I read this a little bit ago and don't remember it all (thanks TBI) but do remember that I read it quickly because I liked it.

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First, thanks so much to St Martins Press for sending me an ARC for this amazing book! To say I fell in love with Katie and Wil from the word go is an understatement, these characters are complex, messy, but that’s what makes them so special. The way they are open and communicate with each other is a breath of fresh air I sorely needed, I mean I love a good miscommunication trope as much as the next person, but this was such a great subversion of that trope! The slow burn to their first kiss was worth every second of waiting, and the *spicier* scenes were so well written. I don’t want to have to wait until June to have a physical copy in my hands, I need it asap!

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An actress home for the holidays makes a bet with her former best friend-turned-online sensation.

Katie Price is known in every living room in America. A small-town Wisconsin girl who became an A-list star, she rarely makes it home, but this year is different . . . Little does she know it will lead her straight into the piercing blue-eyed gaze of Wil Greene.

A lot has happened in the decade since those cold Wisconsin nights when Wil and Katie drove around in Wil’s Bronco senior year. Since then, Wil's law career hasn’t taken off. Her father passed away. And what started as a personal challenge—kissing a new person twice a week, every week—has made her a growing sensation, but her life is still stuck in phase one. Through the years, the two have never left each other's thoughts and desires, but now suddenly, they are back in each others' lives. Their reconnection is instantaneous and the passion is palpable...but can it stand the test of time?"

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There is always something special about that first love, even the love that you don’t is love until it’s much too late, and this book captures that so perfectly. That second chance with your first special person is something so many think of and to capture it so perfectly in a book is incredible.

This was spicy to the max (and I loved every bit of it!) At first I wasn’t in love with the concept because I really found it a bit weird how obsessed Katie was with religiously watching Wil’s videos but as it went on I quickly forgot about those feelings and grew obsessed with their fun little angsty relationship!!

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Thank you so much St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this eARC!

This book was definitely a SLOWW burn but I love the story of Katie’s and Wils love. They both grew exponentially as characters throughout the story, which always hooks me in.

Plus the cover was gorgeous 😍

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Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous was a lovely twist on a second chance romance with a dash of celebrity romance thrown in as well. I loved the premise of this book and the intricate backstories woven throughout the two main characters storylines. I did struggle to connect with this one on an emotional level. I wanted to root for Win & Katie so much, and I did, in a way, but despite knowing so much about them, I still feel like I didn't know them/who they are and I craved some internal pull. Regardless, I recommend this one for anyone looking for a light sapphic read!

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Thank you St Martins Press for this eARC. This book is so incredible it makes me a little bit bonkers. The fact that I ever had to put it down to do silly things like "work" and "sleep" feels like an actual crime. My very very favorite part of building relationships is communication and OH BOY DO THESE LADIES COMMUNICATE. They use their words! They don't hide things from each other and let them blow up in their faces! They don't pretend like they aren't bananas for each other from the second they reconnect. They are open and honest and that makes them so SO much more interesting. The chemistry is out of this world. And the way that the tension leading up to their first kiss feels like all of those moments on Wil's Tiktok and in movies, that lead up to the big grand sweeping knock you on your ass kiss just blew me away. I need to get this physical book in my hands as soon as humanly possible. Just unfair how brilliant this was, how am I expected to go on???

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i love gay

An actress home for the holidays makes a bet with her former best friend-turned-online sensation.

Katie Price is known in every living room in America. A small-town Wisconsin girl who became an A-list star, she rarely makes it home, but this year is different . . . Little does she know it will lead her straight into the piercing blue-eyed gaze of Wil Greene.

A lot has happened in the decade since those cold Wisconsin nights when Wil and Katie drove around in Wil’s Bronco senior year. Since then, Wil's law career hasn’t taken off. Her father passed away. And what started as a personal challenge—kissing a new person twice a week, every week—has made her a growing sensation, but her life is still stuck in phase one. Through the years, the two have never left each other's thoughts and desires, but now suddenly, they are back in each others' lives. Their reconnection is instantaneous and the passion is palpable...but can it stand the test of time?"

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I enjoyed this book and read most of it while at a music festival. It was an easy read with decent character development and a simple to follow plot. I really enjoyed the revelations of Katie and Wil's inner minds though I would have liked a little bit more conflict. Overall, this was a nice feel-good read with complex characters and a quick read to boot. Thank you for allowing me to read this!

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<i>Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this eARC!</i>

I loved this book! I loved this book so incredibly much!

It probably won't be for everyone. I mean, a romance about people communicating their needs in a healthy, productive manner? Who could imagine that. lol

This book was really unexpected. I love how many tropes this story <i>didn't</i> have. Don't get me wrong, tropes are tropes for a reason, they can be very loved, but they aren't going anywhere. And it's refreshing to to have something different, even in the framing of a second chance/friends-to-lovers type story.

Our two leads were wonderful. Tarnished, perhaps, but recognizing areas they sought comfort, and willing to grow. I don't want to spoil too much this early before release, so I'll just said everyone was wonderful, apart from the ones who weren't and were meant to be like that.

Any issues I have are minor. It seems to end a couple times, or maybe it's more accurate to say there are a couple points that could feel like endings. But from my perspective, that's just giving me more of characters I already love, which isn't a bad thing imo. Annnd...that's honestly all I can think to say against it.

5 happy stars.

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It was so lovely. This is a lovely slow burn romance that was very hard to put down. It’s steamy in a way that I was sure I was blushing even when I wasn’t reading a sex scene. A beautiful mix of tension and feelings. I loved all the characters. I hope these co-authors write more!

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This one didn’t work for me. I probably wouldn’t have finished it if I hadn’t generously been given an ARC. It leaned into the hyper-reality of a world where people communicate clearly and properly which reads as inhuman to me, but seems to be a trend in fiction. I appreciate how seriously the authors took abuse and recovery. I liked both of the main characters well enough, they both did feel like fleshed-out people, but their chemistry didn’t land. A lot of their conversations didn’t make sense to me and it’s probably because I am missing an internet degree that would help me out. It felt like it could have been a lot shorter and I wish some of the conversations felt more natural instead of one-dimensional easy statements about capitalism and gender that felt out of place and only there to make it clear that they were Good People. It falls into how there was no real grey area to anything. There were good people and bad people. There was no real tension because of how obvious everything was. There were positives that I think will make it enjoyable for other people. The writing was solid, I liked their setup of the bet but wish the tension of how they felt was held onto longer, and I appreciated how detailed the created world was. However, it unfortunately didn’t work for me.

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If i’m completely honest, this book wasn’t for me. I felt that the plot had real promise and I loved much of the dialogue between the two MC’s when they were speaking casually. Their banter about the High School teacher that their bet was over was a real delight. However, I felt much of this book felt unnatural when discussing anything with the characters personal lives. For instance the conversation about pronouns at the beginning of the book felt extremely forced. I think many of these conversations wouldn’t necessarily take me out of the story if it weren’t for the characters ages being in their thirties. Overall, i think the romance of the book just fell a bit flat for me personally.

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