Member Reviews

This was a fun read. It was cute and a bit spicy and kept me entertained. The premise was simple enough and the book delivered just that - quiet, bookish girl who loves romance novels gets to know the captain of the baseball team and slowly falls in love. She basically lives her very own romance novel.

This is a fun quick read. A simple palate cleanser for me.

Thank you Wattpad WEBTOON book group for the eARC. All thoughts are my own.

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The cuteness of this book outweighed just how fast things moved. It did feel a little heavier on the smut, but it was done in a necessary to the plot way. Good light fun read.

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This was a fun, light "new adult" story that was enjoyable and easy to read. Kendall a bookworm who loves romace works the night shift at the collage library. Vincent the hot, star basketball player comes in needing some help with poetry. This meet-cute sets off some insta-lust with a make out session the first time that they meet.
From there the miscommunications and misunderstandings don't stop. I thought this was about to be a "She's All That" retelling. But then you just figure out that both MCs won't get out of their own ways to try to build a relationship with each other. I had a real love/hate with the FMC.

But when they are finally together it's cute and sexy. Except, who chats that much while getting it on?! The spicy scenes were hot but also kinda clumsy and cringe. But I knew it was about a college age couple going in, so I guess the awkwardness is kinda legitimate.

Overall it was a fun, light romance that lived up to the Wattpad name. I would probably reccomended it to someone much younger than me though. Lol

Thank you to Wattpad Books and Netgalley for my review copy.

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Thank you @wbywattpadbooks @netgalley for the free review copy!

📖 Kendall likes to spend her Friday nights working at her university’s library, reading spicy romance novels. When basketball star, Vincent, comes in one night, Kendall finds herself falling head first in her very own love story.

💭Honestly, this one was not for me. I would have DNF’d it, but I’m doing a reading challenge this month and wanted the points for finishing the book 😂. This is a new adult book, but I found the characters to be very immature. I kept having to remind myself that the characters were adults and not kids 🤦🏻‍♀️. The miscommunication trope is big in this one, which really bugged me. So if you don’t like that, this one won’t be for you either 😂.

📚Read this if you like…
Sports romance
Spicy 🌶️
College romance

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This was a really fun read! It was a perfect palate cleanser between two long, intense books. Short and sweet (in a good way), enjoyable and easy to get through. I was really rooting for the main characters and enjoyed their love story lots! I think this book would be good for a wide variety of readers. There was a fair bit of spice!

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Thank you NetGalley & Wattpad Books for an ARC of Night Shift in exchange for an honest review.

When I first started reading the book, I found the constant mentioning of the miscommunication trope irritating, especially since that was its main trope. As I kept reading, the mention of other tropes throughout ended up growing on me and I thought it was cute.

This bookworm librarian and basketball captain match up was fun to read about (I've been really enjoying sports romance lately!). Although the MCs were charming, I felt their characters were lacking depth. It was like I didn't really know much about them outside of the surface level introductions we're given at the beginning.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Night Shift and would definitely check out more works from Annie Crown. A solid 3.5 (rounded to 4) stars!

One last thought - damn, I can't escape the mention of T Swift anywhere!

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This book had some really good bones but I did get frustrated with our main girl!! She constantly back tracked and her lack of trust really got annoying. And for a character who hated the miscommunication ... there was much of it... it was ridiculous! It was spicy though and the narration was good!

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"I don't read romance novels for the realism. I read them because they make me feel seen and heard as a women. They let me explore my desires--both the ones I'm proud of and the ones I clear from my search history--and they've taught me who I am and what I want"

Night Shift is a cute, sweet, fluffy, at times funny, quick romance that serves as a palate cleanser. It's one of those books you don't remember much except the spicy scenes and the feeling it gives of contentment and enjoyment. I just know my sixteen-year-old self would've eaten this one up! As a thirty-year-old, it's still entertaining and perfect for a cozy reading night.

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Very sweet coming of age story. Even as an adult I enjoyed this, it gave me a throwback to my teenage years.

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This was a cute read that served its purpose in taking me away from the real world. I enjoyed the story and the character building was great.

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The chemistry was off the wall, and this was a super cute romance for new adults that I felt would speak to a lot of emerging adults!! I loved the characters so much, and fell in love with them falling in love. I thought this was such a good romance, and it had me swooning chapter after chapter.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A super cute and easy read.

This did read a bit like a typical Wattpad romance novel in some places, but I do think it was super cute. Not to mention easy to get into - it took about 2 hours to read from start to finish. A great way to spend Christmas Eve at the reception desk!

Thank you to NetGalley, Wattpad Books, and the author for allowing me to read an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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“Reading is so much fun, but I’m tired of feeling like all the best parts of my life have been lived inside my own head.”

I love this book because it says the quiet part out loud. The awkward, insecure and unsure movements of your first time—and first love.

It’s a journey from page one to the last about sex, girlhood and finding yourself while also discovering new parts of yourself that you’re unsure of how to exactly master.

As someone who’s felt a lot of these thing, I felt seen.

The insecurity of a first time, the asking questions and not wanting to “fuck it up.” It’s all there on the page, every single awkward conversation and encounter.

Loved this on Wattpad and love it now.

And Vincent if I ever catch you on the streets I’m kidnapping you and duplicating you in a lab because you’re unreal.

Ok bye.

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My love of romance books and basketball collided in the steamiest, most enjoyable way in Night Shift by Annie Crown. Our heroine is a voracious reader who works at her college library. Our hero is the star of the basketball team. And sparks FLY between them. I loved this book!

Here's the book's description:

The bookworm and the basketball player are about to meet their match.
Kendall Holiday spends her Friday nights exactly where she wants to with her head buried in a spicy romance novel while she works the graveyard shift at her university's library. She knows she could join her friends for a weekend of drunken debauchery and college parties, but she likes her alone time, so she tells herself she isn't hiding when she gets lost in the pages of fictional love stories.
But that all changes when Vincent Knight, captain of the basketball team, turns up with an injured wrist, a sour mood, and a pressing need for poetry recommendations for a class he hates. Vincent is tall, smart-mouthed, and challenges Kendall like no one has before. Suddenly, she's falling headfirst into her very own romance novel—but it takes a lot more truth than tropes to get to a happy ever after in real life.

My November TBR list was out of control with books I had requested to review. I stumbled upon Crown's and said, no, Kaley. You don't need another book. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I am SO glad I caved and Wattpad gifted me with an egalley. I would have been so sad if I had missed out on this book!

It's been awhile since I've read a really good, solid New Adult book. I define a New Adult novel as one that takes place during college/university or in the year after graduation. You know, when you're trying to figure out who you are and what kind of adult you might be. (Which, honestly, we all know takes a lot longer than four years!) I started university (gulp) eighteen years ago so it's been a hot minute since I've been on campus. But Crown hit all the emotions I remember feeling when I was a student and I felt it was so so well done. The house Kendall and her friends shared may not have looked like the place I stayed with my own friends but that's the house I was picturing as they studied and had fun. The campus, library, and street where the basketball house was? All based on my own memories and the university I was at. I don’t know if others would have that same kind of reaction but I personally loved the little walk down memory lane as I read Crown’s novel.

Kendall was a huge romance reader, which is always fun to see. Obviously a romance author is going to be pro romance novels but it's nice to see authors take a stand in their books. Romance isn’t something to be looked down upon and it’s about damn time us romance readers embraced that and stopped being or pretend to be embarrassed by our reading choices. Though, I must say, I’m with Kendall on some of the covers. I may not be embarrassed by my reading choices but I’m not a fan of some of the cover designs. They can be better. I also appreciated how Kendall talked about the difference between a hero in real life versus in novels. Just because you enjoy reading about Alpha Males taking charge doesn't mean you actually want to date one. It was a refreshing take!

Kendall and Vincent fall prey to the miscommunication trope, a widely hated trope, but what made it bearable, and dare I say enjoyable, was that Kendall’s roommate called her on it. Like, duh, girl, stop spiralling and just go TALK to the guy! Talking is scary, absolutely, but I liked reading as Kendall put on her Big Girl Pants and worked on the budding relationship before anything completely disastrous could occur.

There aren’t sexy time scenes on every page, by any means, and the ones that are there were ridiculously well done. They were steamy and respectful, which is hot as hell, especially when the characters are on the younger side and one of them is a virgin. Plus, how many bookworms out there have imagined having a makeout session in the library? Kendall got to have that and I was HERE for it!

Romance readers will want to read Night Shift. I devoured Annie Crown’s novel in a weekend and was still thinking about it days later. It was smart, funny, sweet, and spicy and I enjoyed it so much. I’ll definitely be looking into what Crown writes next!

*An egalley of this novel was provided by the publisher, Wattpad Books, via NetGalley. All opinions are honest and my own.*

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This book was cute, but I felt like it was missing so much from the plot. I felt like the big conflict was solved too early and too easily. If there was maybe some other conflict to go along with it I would've liked the book better. I really liked the characters, but I felt like not much was done with them. I didn't hate this book, but I didn't love it either. I'm pretty neutral about it.

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I enjoyed that. I'm a huge fan of sports romances. This was a sweet romcom that definitely fit the bill. I love the friendship between the characters on the way that both of them fell for each other but we're afraid to admit it. I also enjoyed that the male in this book was not a player, but instead really likes the girl.

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Night Shift had such a promising setup, with Kendall, the quiet bookworm, and Vincent, the basketball star, meeting in the secluded stacks of the college library. I was all for the opposites-attract vibe and wanted to see how these two would challenge each other’s comfort zones.

Unfortunately, the story didn’t fully click for me. The chemistry between Kendall and Vincent felt forced, and their connection seemed to jump from zero to steamy too quickly. There was a noticeable lack of emotional depth or build-up, which left the story feeling somewhat shallow. I also found that the plot was thin, relying on clichés without giving them the kind of twist or depth that makes a story memorable.

While Kendall’s passion for books and Vincent’s academic struggles could have added depth to their characters, these aspects were not fully explored. The story had its share of light-hearted moments, but it fell short of delivering the emotional depth I expected from a romance set in the unique backdrop of late-night library shifts.

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I was able to read an ebook arc of this thanks to NetGalley. A fun romance. Great read. Would read more by this author.

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I was really excited to read this book. I thought it would maybe be like ice breaker or wildfire but instead of hockey it would be basketball. This book was too much for me though. First it wasn’t very realistic, in the first few pages she goes to help him look for a book and they basically bang in the library. It was also a little predictable, nerdy girl who loves romance and popular boy who is a star athlete. Although I understand people may not really be reading this for the plot and just for the spice. I will say this book was way too spicy for me but if you are looking for something really spicy this is up your ally just maybe read it at home and not at work or in public.

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I'm fully embracing my sports romance era, so I was excited to dive into this book featuring a bookworm and a basketball player. It perfectly captures the awkward, angsty moments of first love, with Kendall and Vincent’s relationship bringing a delightful mix of fun and spice. Their romance was sweet, steamy, and packed with all the tension and excitement you'd hope for!

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