Member Reviews

I really, really, REALLY enjoyed "Nigh Shift'. Kendall, the bookish library worker who loves romance novels, and Vincent, the D1 college basketball captain, meet one night at the library during Kendall's shift. While helping Vincent find a book for an assignment, things quickly heat up for the pair. Both of our leads are inexperienced in the realms of romance; Vincent never having been in a serious relationship and Kendall's only knowledge coming from what she's read in her novels. This leads to a lot of miscommunication, but that does get resolved.

What made this such a fun read, in my opinion, was that it was very aware of the tropes that we generally see in similar contemporary romance novels. This could have been annoying, but it allowed for fun dialogue and scenarios where the characters acted certain ways because they were following the storylines they'd read. I wouldn't call this an ensemble story, but the side characters were fun and shined when they popped in and out.

If you're looking for a quick romance read with two likable main characters, then give "Night Shift" a try. Annie Crown created a really fun little story that I will probably be picking up again.

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This book was sweet and sensitive, but it was also very Wattpad. One thing I am always excited about with Wattpad books that get published is that they might become less Wattpad like and that did not happen for this one. There wasn't a plot outside of the romance which was disapointing and it was hard for me to love any of the characters

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“I want to wrap him up in a blanket and keep him here forever.” - (me too)

New book boyfriend alert: Vincent Knight!!

Okay, maybe it’s because I related a lot to the main character Kendall, or maybe I was just in desperate need of a cute romance, but I loved this book.

“Reading is so much fun, but I’m tired of feeling like all the best parts of my life have been lived inside my own head.” - (this struck a little too close to home)

This college romance was cute, funny, and surprisingly had a lot of heart to it. It reminded me of my college days working in the tutoring center, hanging out with friends and falling in love. Like I said, I really related to Kendall and her relationship with Vincent. There were certain moments where I was like - wait, is this fucking book about me? 😂 But alas, my college boyfriend (now turned husband) was not a Division I basketball player, although he was in STEM so hey - there’s one similarity.

I think what I loved the most was how imperfect the characters were and how realistic their romance was. Sometimes we overthink things and situations and we don’t know how to make our feelings heard, but that’s just part of life and growth, and that’s okay. While there was a bit of the miscommunication trope in this book, I liked that it was acknowledged by the characters and it was improved upon.

“The thing is, I don’t read romance novels for the realism. I read them because they make me feel seen and heard as a woman.” - 🙌

Things I loved:

🏀 College sports romance
🏀 Popular guy x shy girl
🏀 Anxiety representation
🏀 Bookworm representation
🏀 Vincent 🫠

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If you're looking for plot. This is not the place to find it. Hilariously, that is not a problem for me.

I loved this book. I found it endearing and engaging and adorable and emotional. What this book lacks in plot it really makes up in really deep character work, and Grade-A sex scenes. Like I am a sex scene hater and these made me giggle and swoon. Every moment of these scenes is played out and it's so charming and fun.

I related so much to Kendall with her love of the quiet and insecurity at parties, and her reading of spicy novels. I loved Vincent for his golden retriever energy, his ability to laugh, and the way he's so for Kendall. Their interactions and banter were absolutely iconic, and the story really encapsulates that young first college love.

So fun. So cute. So SPICY. And I loved every minute of it.

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Night Shift is everything I wanted it to be and more. This book was incredible, and I’m so glad that I stumbled upon it on NetGalley and was selected to receive a digital ARC!

From the cover to Annie Crown’s exceptional writing, I was completely enthralled with this right from the start. I loved how cheeky this story was (it almost felt like it was breaking the forth wall at times) and just how sweet yet steamy the romance got between Kendall and Vincent. I couldn’t get enough of their playful banter, as well as all the trope callouts and book references sprinkled throughout their story. I honestly wish I could’ve lived in this forever.

This really pulled every heartstring in my hopeless romantic’s heart, and I seriously can’t recommend Night Shift enough! I’ll definitely be picking up a physical copy once it hits shelves, and have so much love for Annie Crown for this. She has a certified new fan on her hands.

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-MF new adult romance
-Sports (college basketball)
-Athlete x Book Worm
-Opposites attract
-Singular POV

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I had so much fun with this!! It it was full of tropey goodness and I ate up every second of it. It was lighthearted, spicy, heartwarming, and didn’t take itself too seriously.

This story follows Kendall, an introverted romance reader working at her college’s library, and Vincent, popular hot shot on campus and captain of the basketball team. Any lover of romance books will totally relate to Kendall. Her friends would constantly call her out for engaging in the miscommunication trope and I was living for it. Vincent was such a sweet blushing hero, I loved how obsessed he was with Kendall from the start. Was it super instalusty? Sure, but the characters were so endearing that it didn’t bother me like it normally does in other books. They had such great banter with each other and their chemistry felt so authentic. This cover is adorable as well, so I’m glad this was such a hit for me.

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Night Shift by Annie Crown is officially my favorite romance novel of the year! As a romance reader, I felt so seen! Our girl Kendall works the Friday night shift at her university library, living vicariously through the romance novels she reads. Cue Vincent, gruff basketball player spending his Friday night trying to decipher poetry for a class. When the two hit it off in the stacks, their back and forth is absolutely to die for.

One of the things that I loved most about this book was how self aware it was. It simultaneously criticized the miscommunication trope (what a god awful trope) while acknowledging its place in the modern day dating world. Kendall also perceives the world in terms of romance tropes, hyping herself up to move the plot along and get ~steamy~. But even better, this book took an honest look at how secondary characters get unfairly stereotyped and reminded both Kendall and the reader that people are more than their part in your story.

Overall, perfect romance read. 10/10 will certainly read again!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Wattpad Books for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This was more fun than I initially thought! The story really got rolling and I really enjoyed the characters. Would love to see more from this author

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I was really rooting for this book but unfortunately I had to DNF. I understand that this was a wattpad book but it felt a little too wattpad for me. The writing wasn’t horrible, I just think it needs to be developed a little more. I’d totally give this author another chance down the line but as of now, this book wasn’t for me.

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Night Shift by Annie Crown is a romance between book lover Kendall and star basketball player Vincent. Their connection was immediate, and while the story progresses, the characters stayed pretty flat. I enjoyed the trope call out throughout, and am interested to see what Annie Crown writes in the future.

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I am so happy that the author got this book published. This book was funny at times and I love all the chatter about book tropes. I thought Vincent was so utterly adorable and cutesy. I am not really a fan of the miscommunication trope but it was handled pretty well. This book wasn't really for me but nonetheless the writing was good and I enjoyed the book. Thank you for the ARC!

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This was such a cute book for the book lovers. Your classic early college insta-love romance with miscommunication (which she addresses because she is a bookish girl). He's a college athlete, she's more studious and of course a virgin. Even with all the classic stereotypes I love how she addresses them because she of course compares everything to what she reads. Their relationship is cute and dives into the naughty category too (in a bookstore - oh my!). I enjoyed the dynamic of the characters and thought it was an easy read that made me want to keep going. Vincent is just perfect and we love a good book boyfriend, even though he didn't do anything wrong which is so abnormal, lol. Her roommates were great and I hope this series continues with them and their relationships too!

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This book is dirtyyyyyyyy
Kendall and Vincent are basically magnetized to each other. The sexual tension is definitely there.

First encounter they’re just making out while Kendall is working at the library. Then they’re infatuated with each other.

This book doesn’t have a ton of plot and the last 40% of the book is spicy time. And I am not complaining. I love a good spicy book.

They’re so awkward together, talking about books and poetry.

The biggest reason I’m rating this a 3.5 star is because of the miscommunication trope- and Kendall jumping to conclusions. I hate when they can’t just talk it out right away.

Once they got over that and figured everything out it was super cute and smutty. And I did enjoy it. It’s an easy read, and not something you have to really pay attention to.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion!

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This was definitely a cute, easy and fun read. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the bookish girl meeting the popular athlete trope. Vincent was a breath of fresh air from the usually cocky athletes you find in books and Kendall had me cracking up with her inner monologue. If you’re not a huge fan of miscommunication like me, then beware because that is a good chunk of this book. However I was able to reach past that to get to the HEA!

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This wasn't groundbreaking or new and was a bit too corny at points, but it was still a fun, light, easy read that was easy to enjoy and get through between heavier reads. That being said I do feel the writing was a bit weak but it shows room for improvement.

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This was so cute! I felt like the tone of the story felt young, but that made sense considering the characters were in college. This is a popular basketball player and a nerdy girl who have a heated moment together in the library. It's very insta-lovey but so many hook ups in college are, so I felt like it fit.

I don't typically love the v-card trope, but it was okay in this one.

- basketball player X nerdy girl
- insta-love
- v-card trope
- single POV

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Night shift was a cute and fast read, that I think you will enjoy if you are looking for something light and easy to read. It’s not the kind of book that is a slow burn. Things happen fast. There’s a lot of misunderstanding. And it does give me the fanfiction feels, in a good way. It is a Wattpad book. It is insta love. It is full of tropes. And it is smutty.
For me, it was a good book to get me out of a reading slump, as it was short and didn’t require me to get involve to much emotionally. I easily read it in a few hours, and it was simply a fun time.
Will it be in my top 10 this year? No, but I had fun reading it. That’s what matter at the end of the day, and it was exactly what I needed on a Friday night after an long and exhausting week

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i found kendall to be super annoying, she kept mentioning how much she hates miscommunication tropes in books and then she never communicates and jumps to the craziest conclusions

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This book was cute and a quick read! If you're looking for something to get you through a raining afternoon I would recommend it.
I struggled relating to the main characters and their relationship. Although,their awkwardness hit home and frequently made me smile. I do wish there was more character development to make the relationship more believable. I am not a fan of the lack of communication trope but, I'm thankful that there were supporting characters there to call the main characters out for their blunders. Overall I would give this book 3 stars.

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"Night Shift" is everything I just needed!

The story is funny and sweet and spicy in parts. The story itself is really fast paced, but I think that was also the reason I liked the book so much.

Kendall is a typical "I'm not like other girls" girl who doesn't party and prefers to spend her time in the library. But what if maybe she is just like other girls and that's not a bad thing at all?

And then the popular basketball player Vincent shows up, and not only Kendall falls in love with him, but I do too. You could tell right away while reading that Vincent was written by a woman. He is charming and funny, and above all, he makes sure Kendall feels comfortable. I think Vincent is one of my favorite book boyfriends I've read about lately!

It was a lot of fun to read the story and to be excited until the end. The story itself was quite predictable but that didn't really bother me. Partly it was a bit cliché but it fit very well into the story.

It's the perfect romcom if you just want to read something light hearted!

And I definetly need more books by Annie Crown!

Thank you to NetGalley and Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group for this EARC!

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