Member Reviews

I had high hopes for this book after I saw the cute cover, title and synopsis. Unfortunately this book was not a good fit for me.

I just reviewed Love Is an Art by Kathy Strobos. #LoveIsanArtloveisanartromcom #NetGalley

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I loved this book ☺️ I received an ARC by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and I am soo grateful for it!! The first thing I saw was the cover and then I read the title and I was sold. The story was amazing, realy well written with different POVs and amazing characters. She pretends to be an artist to catch a scammer guy. How can this not be cool? They’re both dog people, which is always a point up for me😄 and the way the art was described was also incredible. I haven’t read the first book yet, but I definitely will !!

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Tessa is a lawyer and trying to help a friend catch an art scammer (ironically, by scamming him into thinking she's an artist) when she meets Zeke, a finance guy he feels a strong attraction to. Can a relationship grow on a foundation of misrepresentations?

This book was so painfully repetitive. So. Painfully. REPETITIVE. I very quickly got really tired of reading about Scammer Guy and Tessa's objectives with him and how she also needed to show Zeke her real self while continuing not to do so. I thought this premise had potential, but the writing style didn't work for me, and it was way, way longer than it needed to be, so I cannot recommend it.

Thank you to the author via Strawbundle Publishing for gifting me with an ARC to review. I wish it was a better fit for me.

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I really enjoyed this book, the romance was very well written, loved the characters and just enjoyed this book all round, can't wait to read more by this author.

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The story of Tessa and Zeke, who meet at an art gallery. She is there undercover, so leads him to believe she is an artist, so what will happens when he finds out the trust? I liked how it is told from both points of view. A great series, looking forward to the next book!

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WOW. I have no words. This book was brilliant, so well written and I was hooked. Never read anything by Kathy but I am now going to check her books because I enjoyed so much that I can not wait to read about the other side characters in this book.

Tessa is a LAWYER. but today she is pretending to be a struggling artist to help one of her friends to catch a Scammer, what she did not expect is to find herself attracted to a very handsome blonde guy, so she tries to get the blonde's attention aka Zeke, and she does manage for him to get her a drink and to talk to her, sadly Scammer guy was there when Zeke ask what does she do for a living. Did she do what a normal person would do? No!
She carried on pretending because they really wanted to catch this guy. She thought I will tell him later, and he will understand, RIGHT?

Zeke has come out of a very bad brake up, she cheated and he now does not trust LAWYERS and LIARS. So when Tessa hears Zeke saying he does not want to date a lawyer, she decides she needs to convince him, just pretend for one or two more dates and tell him the truth. How will it go?

Well I don't want to give any spoilers, but what a ride! This book was full of action, giggles, tension and chemistry, I loved Tessa's character, she was so lovable from the beggining, she is one of those characters that she would do anything for her loved ones, like crazy anything, and Zeke, oh he has been hurt, so I understand his reluctancy on Tessa, and I enjoyed how the author described in the book real life insecurities and how both characters deal with them as individuals. It was a very realistic book where helps some peope to feel identified.

This is a closed door romance, so don't expect any spicy or steam, but the build up chemistry and tension, makes up for it. I just wished the book was longer because I really enjoyed it!

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Tessa dressed as a struggling artist at her friend's art exhibit in order to bait a scammer, but instead, she finds Zeke. She continues playing the struggling artist for the evening because Scammer Guy is nearby. She soon finds out that Zeke hates lawyers, so she doesn't end up telling him the truth until they've been on a few dates. Oops. Can they find a way to make their budding relationship work?

This was a fun read. I really enjoyed the interactions between Tessa and Zeke, even starting from the very beginning. It was fun to see their relationship issues and how they worked things out. I love reading about messy relationships. 😂 Great book to curl up with this fall next to the fire with a cuppa or glass of wine!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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1.5/5 ⭐️
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the ARC copy of this book.

I’m going to be brutally honest, I was shocked to learn that this wasn’t the author’s first title. The dialogue flowed weird and the character’s internal voices felt stiff and unrealistic. Most of my annotations just said “no one talks like that!”.

Repetitive. There were instances where character’s internal monologue mentioned something and literally on the next page we would have another person say the same thing almost word for word.

It also wasn’t formatted right for the NetGalley app, empty pages popped up in every other chapter.

Honestly, this could’ve been a 100+ page novella and it probably would’ve read a lot better.

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Love Is an Art is book 2 in the New York Spark series by Kathy Strobos and it was such a cute and fun romance read. I loved My Book Boyfriend and was super excited to open this sweet little book up.
This story was so wholesome and unbelievably cute. The plot was well-paced and captivating from start to finish. The characters were charming and witty. This book was equally funny as it was charming and heartwarming.
All in all, this was an entertaining read with an adorable romance.
And I’ll read anything KS writes.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Strawbundle Publishing for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this book.

The cover is the first thing that caught my eye and then once I read the blurb, I was hooked.

This is a sweet and amazing read. The main characters had so much depth and growth during this book. It hooked me in and I didn’t want to put it down until I knew how it ended.

Tessa & Zeke were just the best together and always bring out the best in each other. They had to both grow after bad ex partners hurt them in some way.

Recommend to read

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Ever pick up a book to read just because you want a light easy read.....and the cover caught your eye?!! Yes to all of that and it was free!

Well, i did not and could not put this down, i thoroughly enjoyed this book.

The characters were interesting, not overbearing or wimpy, the world building was great and story just pulled me in.

Nothing too taxing at all, just a wonderfully written bit of fantasy that i became so engrossed in that i didn't notice the day had disappeared. I will definitely be reading more from this author

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