Member Reviews

A lovely, heartwarming love story between a famous actor who doesn’t take himself too seriously and a young writer still getting used to fame, “Love, Unscripted”, by Denise Hunter, is about glamour, reality, and learning to trust despite all doubts.
I liked this tale about fame, celebrity, appearances and hidden truths, and the fears and insecurities plaguing both protagonists and how they deal with them.
The author explores the world of fame and celebrity and how individuals face its challenges while also dealing with their own personal vulnerabilities.
The hero, Liam, is the most down-to-earth, laid-back person, and the heroine, Chloe, surely wasn’t expecting it with all the publicity about the supposed womanizer.
The heroine’s first impressions about Liam and their first contact during a phone call were hilarious; I also found their first encounter so funny and it really set the tone for the rest of the book.
Liam is such a wonderful hero: thoughtful, caring and devoted. He even plays with the cat, Buttercup, and misses her despites his allergies. Because of his past and family, Liam is a very guarded person, despite his public image as a womanizer. But he’s just a “regular guy”.
I liked his teasing, playful nature, and also his professionalim, sensitivity, earnestness and smartness.
Chloe, a romantic at heart, has trust and abandonment issues and has trouble admitting that her ideal fictional hero might be performed by the “womanizer” she criticized.
I liked seeing them doing things together, enjoying themselves in a very easy relationship.
Despite their different lifestyles they grow fond of each other and Chloe has trouble dealing with these feelings and emotions.
I liked the secondary characters and their personalities and lives, too.
I felt expecting the public relation’s deception to not be found, and its participants scrutinized, was perhaps a bit naïve.

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this book gave me the feels. i was drawn by the title of the book and then i was sucked in completely. really liked this and want to find more of her books.

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Love, Unscripted
This is the second book I have read by Denise Hunter and I really enjoyed it. She has a knack for engaging your interest immediately.
Chloe lives in a small southern town and has written a best seller about the perfect hero and Hollywood is making it into a movie. When she finds out the lead is being played by an actor with a less than stellar reputation she is horrified and doesn’t realize Liam is on the call, too. Not a great start to a working relationship! Will they be able to work together?
Really fun read with great characters.

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This was a light, sweet and enjoyable novel, although a bit predictable. I do love stories where a celebrity falls in love with someone who is not in the public eye, however, so was rooting for the two main characters all the way. Loved the last line too!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed this stand alone novel from Denise Hunter. The characters drew me in, even though I haven’t dealt with similar issues in my own life. There’s lots of fun humorous scenes, and lots of plot twists to keep everyone upset. It’s a good beach read, and brings to light issues of self worth, book boyfriends vs the real thing, trust, and communication.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." #LoveUnscripted #NetGalley

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Let me first say that I have read every book Denise Hunter has ever written, and I will continue to do so. Forever. She is my go-to for a great romance that tugs the heart strings, and she always makes me long to hop into my car and drive to the Carolinas. Denise Hunter has written a many novels, but I believe this one might be her best yet! What a wonderful story! An excellent romance by one of the top Christian contemporary authors, but I think anyone regardless of religion would enjoy the sweetness and the depth (and the man!) of this well-plotted love story. Wonderful, captivating writing gives this novel the ability to pull in any reader. Vivid, descriptive story-telling, with interesting characters that have depth to them, and are skillfully rendered. At the end of the book, they seemed more like friends than book characters to me. I highly recommend this author and all of her other books I have read have been nothing less than fantastic. She is definitely an auto-buy author for me, and I can't wait to own this novel in print. After sending in this review, I now plan to read it all over again!

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Another great book by Denise Hunter! Small town, fake dating, celebrity/author tropes.

Liam is the lead in a new movie based on the book Chloe wrote, and filming is taking place in Chloe’s hometown. Liam isn’t what Chloe had in mind when she wrote the character, but they work out a deal… fake date to help Liam’s reputation and in exchange, he’ll take notes from Chloe on how she wants her leading man to act.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Watch for Love, Unscripted to come out March 12, 2024.

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Chloe has written her dream man into a character in her first book, which is a bestseller about to be made into a movie. The film is set in her small town, and even on her property, and the handsome actor cast as her dream man is not someone she would pick. In an effort to salvage what she is sure is going to ruin the film, she cuts a deal with Liam in order to get him to spend some time with her, so she can influence the portrayal of the main character. Of course, things don’t go exactly as planned…

Denise Hunter has a way with small town romances, laced with family drama. Her characters aren’t perfect, which makes them even more likeable. I really liked the story and loved the characters, and was rooting for a happy ending for Chloe.

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Hunter has a gift of writing heartfelt, beautiful stories with unforgettable, loveable characters. I started reading this book on a Saturday morning and never set it down until the last page was turned. None of my Saturday chores were done, however, my heart was full of this exhilarating, inspiring story.
Chloe Anderson’s debut novel is being made into a movie. Lodger, the main male character was written to portray the perfect boyfriend. Chloe is worried what acter will be chose to play him since she feels he is the key to making the movie a success. In reviews of the book, Ledger has been called the “best book boyfriend of all time.” When the call comes to announce to Chloe that Liam Hamilton will play the all-important role of Ledger, Chloe is stunned. Liam is hugely popular at the box office, however, in real-life his reputation as a womanizer precedes him.
The movie is to be filed in Chloe’s small hometown of Stillwater Bay, North Carolina, where Liam arrives a week ahead of schedule to get the feel of the town. When Chloe notices him strolling through the town, toward her, she dives into a round rack of clothes on the sidewalk to avoid him. Several sneezes later, she peeks out from the clothes and looks right at Liam. This is just the beginning of a wild adventure for them both.
To improve Lian’s reputation, Chloe agrees to a fake relationship with him, that includes numerous social media posts. So many times, I had to pause in reading just so I could catch my breath after laughing.
This delightful, charming story, has many interesting facets, even going back to the childhood of both Liam and Chloe’s family. It was a letdown when the last page was turned. I was not ready to say good-bye to these unforgettable, loveable characters.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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