Member Reviews

Thank you to Berkley for the gifted copy! While this book had interesting elements, I felt that I wasn't able to get truly invested until halfway through. The dual timeline was somewhat confusing and the pacing was glacial. This was too much of a slow burn for me, and I would have enjoyed it more if the pacing was faster and the novel was shorter. I understand that's my preference though - the creepy elements and slow burn will be perfect for other readers!

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This is a dual timeline horror following a family living on a reservation. I felt that both timelines were engaging, but Louie's was definitely more suspenseful and filled with more horrific elements, which I particularly preferred. The overall vibe of the story is more slow-paced and character driven with a lot of conversations on mental health and substance use. One thing I really appreciated in Medina's writing was his use of Indigenous stories and myths, which added such a unique element to the story.

I only wish Noemi's narrative was a little more fledged out during her timeline. Overall, this was a very intriguing story that I would definitely recommend!

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This book was so well done. This has some magical elements in it that helps to discuss the story very heavy topics brought to the attention of the reader through this book, which is alcoholism and suicide. I felt like this gave a look into how these two things are hurting Native American communities, while also telling a very compelling story with magical realism elements. This was a heavy book, but it left quite an impression.

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A tense read that bounces between the past and present while keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. I think this will be a hit with Stephen Graham-Jones fans!

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Review can be found on the Chinook Indian Nation blog:

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I feel so lucky to have been able to narrate this book alongside Gary farmer! As an actor, I’ve found that there are some books that are written so perfectly for performance. You’re able to settle into the character, feel her perspective and her deep emotions. You don’t always get that, but Nick Medina’s book had that. And I am so appreciative of that.

Indian Burial Ground is a horror novel following the perspectives of Noemi and her Uncle Louie. We follow Noemi in the immediate aftermath of her boyfriend’s alleged suicide, and mixed in are chapters where we learn about Louie’s past before he’d left the reservation. I really enjoy novels that are more character driven, and Medina’s characters are well-rounded, complex, and layered. The book covers grief, mental health, substance abuse issues, and more. And it handles it all with care. All wrapped within a horror that had me in its grips until the very end.

I highly recommend this book, and now I look forward to reading his debut novel ‘Sisters of the Lost Nation’.

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Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina
Noemi is devastated by the death of her boyfriend and is convinced it could not be a suicide. Her Uncle Louie wants to help her get answers, especially since things are reminding him of what happened in his past.
Indian Burial Ground had two timelines: what was happening in the present with Noemi and Louie telling the story of what happened in the past.
Of the two storylines, Louie’s was better. It told a complete story of strange and scary things happening. Louie was very concerned about these things and he kept looking for answers and got them.
There is a strong theme throughout about addiction and the trauma that causes.
Noemi’s story was sad and seemed more like just the means to get Louie to tell his story, and also to see where Louie and others are at in the present day after everything that happened in the past.
So basically this is Louie’s story.
3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 I liked Louie’s story and just felt so bad for everyone.

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Solid book! Cool cover and the scary beginning pulled me in immediately. I appreciated the creepy moments and it gave me S.G. Jones vibes.

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Things are looking up for Noemi Broussard. She’s got a boyfriend who treats her well and is moving back to the Reservation where she grew up. When her boyfriend dies by apparent suicide, things fall apart for her. But the details of his death don’t add up, and people start suspecting something sinister is lurking on their tribal lands.

Noemi’s uncle Louie has been away from the res for over a decade, and now that he’s back, he teams up with Noemi to discover what really happened to her boyfriend. Louie has insight into old secrets, but maybe it’s better to let the past stay buried.

This book explores the generational trauma of Indigenous folks and the damage that alcoholism does to these communities. Blending real world issues with traditional folklore, this book is what I love about horror. It takes our fears and real problems and uses supernatural and paranormal elements to help shed light on them. I really enjoyed it.

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Thank you to Berkley Pub for the free e-arc! Wow! Nick Medina knows exactly how to set up a creepy and slow burn atmosphere in his stories. I enjoyed the duo POV set in different time periods that shows what could be happening in the present time. Although I did find the pacing of this story to be inconsistent, I can still appreciate that different cultures may just present storytelling a little different than what I am used to and that's okay too.
Medina did a great job in showing generational trauma through a horror lens. The ending was a great pay-off.

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the eGalley.

I made it to 30% and DNF. The story was slow paced and what really made me put this down is the characters. I will try again later and see if my opinion changes.

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I tried, but this one was not for me. As much as I enjoy a book that incorporates mystical Native American beliefs, I just could not connect with this book. Nothing against the writing. I listened to the audio and people might find the Uncle Louie narration a little frustrating in cadence - I listened at 1.8 speed and that helped.

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I really enjoyed this author's debut novel and when I heard he was releasing another book centering a character from that novel, I was super excited! While I didn't enjoy this book quite as much, I still had a good time reading it! My main issue is that I think I had too high of expectations going into this. The horror was super interesting and slow moving and I really liked how it didn't seem real until it was! This author does a really good job writing super realistic characters and the hardships that they face. I was really invested in all of their stories and I was rooting for every single one, which is super rare for me. Again, I can't wait to read more from this author. I think he has a lot of potential and has a lot of great stories to write.

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Noemi Broussard's life is finally looking up after a lifetime of bad choices and disappointments until the night her boyfriend Roddy is hit by a car and she is informed it was a suicide. Noemi cannot accept that it was a suicide because Roddy was very happy with their life and had a wonderful career plus many friends, so what happened? As she struggles to get answers she finds her uncle Louie has kept many spooky secrets from their childhood that were based on native lore but could any of these strange tales be connected to Roddy's death and if so, what else is playing out on the reservation that the elders have knowledge of and will Noemi somehow be able to find some peace with the truth or will it bring about more sadness and devastation to her as well as to the people on this reservation!

I thoroughly enjoyed this eerie and creepy novel. The storytelling was excellent and also executed very well as it was taking place in two separate timelines yet the stories were seamlessly connected and just so entertaining. I loved some of the history of two teenage boys on the reservation and their curiosity and belief in vampires and other childhood stories which took place. Some very scary and tragic events occurred when Louie was a teen and Noemi was a toddler that were never rightfully explained during that time but it was enough for Louie to leave the reservation when he came of age and now he has come back to settle some old scores and to help his niece if possible plus attend their tribes yearly celebration as a proud warrior who had never forgotten his roots!

I want to thank the publisher "Berkeley Publishing Group" and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this wonderful novel and any thoughts or opinions expressed are unbiased and mine alone and I can't wait to read more books from the author, Nick Medina!

I have given this book a rating of 4 1/2 CREEPY AND VERY SPOOKY🌟🌟🌟🌟🌠 STARS!!

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Indian Burial Ground tells the dual narrative of Noemi trying to make sense of the shock death of her boyfriend in the present and the supernaturally tinged summer her Uncle Louie experienced in the past. Fearing the carnage of that summer is happening again, Louie and Noemi team up to investigate the circumstances of her boyfriend’s tragic death. I really like past/present dual narrations, although I always end up spending more time in one or the other, and I think the past timeline is that for me here. But I really thought the central mystery was really chilling and paced really well. The thing for me with Medina is that he has a way of creating such a vibrant and rich community landscape within his narratives. It feels so lived in and you’re observing a moment in time with people who have clearly lived in the same space together for decades. The narrative never feels like it’s inventing a fictional community, it feels like you’re visiting a real one. I also think this balances the supernatural horrors and the horrors of everyday people, even the horrors good people are plagued by. I think this a really ambitious follow up to Medina’s debut- Sisters of a Lost Nation, and it’s executed phenomenally well. Tinged with community, mystery, horror, and mythology this is a really rich novel that I can’t recommend more.

My review will be posted on my Instagram @boozehoundbookclub

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This is a really intriguing book that mixes mystery with a sense of horror as well. The setting of the book itself is interesting and you really feel like you are there with the main character Noemy. I really enjoyed how the story wave together the present day, thinking of Noemi, who was trying to figure out why her boyfriend was murdered as well as her beloved uncle Louis who while he was there I was thinking about what happened when he was a teen. I was caught up in the story from the beginning and enjoyed it throughout all the twist and turns

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This is not my usual genre, but the story and characters hooked me in the beginning. The writing was descriptive and I liked how the past and present storylines intertwined. I couldn't wait to see how the stories both ended, but the last third of the book didn't live up to the first part. I still liked the writing style, but the storyline felt a bit clunky and like a few too many things were happening at once.

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Thank you to Berkley and Netgalley for this advanced copy through the #BerkleyBesties program. All thoughts are my own.

Indian Burial Ground is a Native American horror novel following two timelines: In the present day, Noemi is grappling with the sudden death of her longtime boyfriend Roddy. In the past, we follow Louie as he struggles to understand the strange things happening during the summer on the res. When Louie shows up on the res in the present day, Noemi and Louie try to make sense of the various questions they have about the monsters that lurk in the dark.

Frankly, I'm not really sure what I read. I'm not sure if my description of the plot really conveys what actually happens because I'm not even sure about what happened...and not in a good way. The two timelines felt clunky and it was hard to tell how they would eventually tie together in the end. The pacing was a bit off at times and I felt like there were a lot of secondary characters where it became hard to differentiate who was who.

I don't read horror so I am proud of myself for at least trying a genre out of my comfort zone. A more avid horror reader might enjoy this more than I did.

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i really wanted to like this book, but ultimately it felt too unfinished. i also couldn't get over the cruel way it described people with addiction troubles or overweight people, or the roles it gave them in the story.

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I loved Sisters of a Lost Nation and love reading about cultures that differ from mine. Sadly I didn’t love this one quite as much, but it was an interesting read. I think this disconnect is a little on me as I am not a huge fan of the supernatural.

It is a dark novel, but ultimately offers a little hope. There are two POVs of Noemi and her uncle Louie. Noemi’s story is more of a mystery of if her friend committed suicide or was killed (as Noemi suspects. But Louie’s chapters really dominate the book and are creepy and eerie.

At times it seemed like Louie’s story is more of a mythical folklore than reality. A bad dream or nightmare. This part really is a little horror with quite unsettling events

While Noemi’s story is sad, I connected more with it. How she deals with her grief as she comes to terms with the unexpected death weighed on me a little. I did love how she was able to rely on Louie to help her through.

I really wish the style of story between the two POVs was more consistent. At times it almost felt like I was reading from two different books.

Gary Farmer and Erin Tripp bring Louie and Noemi to life and do a good job of adding to the atmosphere of this one. Both the horror and sadness increased for me as I listened.

But if you are looking for an indigenous horror story, you definitely need to give this one a try.

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