Member Reviews

This is probably my new FAVORITE horror book. This work was beyond beautiful, in a horrific, mind-crippling, dysfunctional family trauma, and buried secrets typa way. You have two timelines happening, the present and around the mid-eighties. I thought every twist and turn was beautifully crafted and I did NOT expect the final conclusion and I love it even more because of that. This book might make you uncomfortable at times with the underlying message and harsh topics. But it’s a interwoven masterpiece that below the outward horror is a deep look at families and their trouble. I absolutely recommend!

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Not only did this book grip me with the characters, but this has such a fantastic supernatural plot. The unsettling level in this was so well done. Following Noemi and her uncle Louie, we are introduced to their life on the reservation and the dangers that stalk them.

Noemi is ready to get out and start a new life, just like her uncle did… but her boyfriend Roddy’s suicide shakes her to her core. Her uncle Louie has returned home after years away, leading Noemi in the direction of answers to Roddy’s death, since she is sure he didn’t kill himself.

There is something really sinister at play here though and something is lurking in wait. The closer Noemi and Louie get to the truth, the more danger they find themselves in.

The characters were some of my favorites I’ve read this year. Through hardships, they are so strong, determined to see things through, no matter the outcome.

The creepy factor in this book was pretty high. There were parts that I definitely felt like looking over my shoulder.

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Gut wrenching - focus on Native American suicide and alcoholism, lore and traditions. Excellent story. Told in non-linear, multiple narratives.
Noemi - in her 40's, in love with a younger man who is killed - suicide or accidental death? Noemi has spent her life struggling with her truth - it's taken this long to find a good man. She relies on him for her self-esteem and self-worth. Who will value her now?
Uncle Louie left the rez decades ago; his visits back few until none at all. He has returned again - to attend the upcoming powwow. Reuniting with his family reminds him of his first powwow - and the evil he tried to escape.

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4.5 rounded up to 5!!

I've heard so many good things about Nick Medina, so I was extremely excited to have received this galley. He lived up to the hype and has officially become one of my auto-buy authors. This is one of the best horror novels I've ever read! It was a terrifying and highly suspenseful experience and the slow pace of the book only added to its chilling nature. Nick Medina carefully curated a mix of culture and the supernatural to create this spine-tingling read. If you enjoy horror, then this one is for you!

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3.5 stars

Noemi Broussard’s life has finally just started going her way when it is abruptly upended once again. Her boyfriend Roddy throws himself in front of a moving vehicle. Noemi doesn’t believe Roddy would ever do that to himself, and she isn’t the only one that believes something more sinister has taken place. Noemi’s Uncle Louie arrives back to the reservation at the same time, and he brings with him many secrets from the past that may hold the key to the horror that is unfolding once again.

The turned into quite the story! I was worried at first - as the book starts off really rough. With the use of dual timelines if felt very jumbled and choppy. However, it did eventually find its flow!

These characters aren’t the greatest and are definitely flawed but they were written with such depth that I kept on flipping the pages to find out what would happen to them next. Both Noemi and Louie - our two MC’s are struggling with some series issues (for example- poverty, addiction, grief).

While I had a small issue with the ending (having to do with the point of the now timeline) I just loved the Native lore, tradition and mythology so much that I would consider this book a win for me.

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Did Not Finish at 25 percent.

I really can't even summarize or recap this one. Sorry. I can honestly say that I started this way back at the end of last year and tried to get into it a few times and finally just pulled the plug. I was not enjoying it. The jumbled storytelling with the two characters in two different timelines/ages was doing my head in. I don’t know what is going on but I just hit, I don’t care enough to force read this anymore the other day and I still don't care enough to finish it.

The flow was really bad and it may have made better sense to have the earlier timeline first and we just stick with it, instead of jumping back and forth and trying to figure out the ages/timelines.

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Set on a fictional reservation land, Indian Burial Ground centers around 40 year old Noemi.
Noemi just learned that her boyfriend Roddy has passed away after jumping in front of the car. The police are ruling it a suicide but Noemi isn’t buying it. The circumstances around Roddy’s death just doesn’t add up.

After spending a decade away, Noemi’s Uncle Louie has returned to the family home. Bringing with him some dark secrets from the past that may be the key to solving what really happened to Roddy.

The story is told through alternating timelines through Noemi’s pov in the present and Louie’s from 1986.

Indian Burial Ground is a genre bending mystery sprinkled with a mix of supernatural horror and thriller elements. The story is a bit on the slower paced side and is more character driven than plot. The book contains many underlying themes such as addiction, grief, family, and generational trauma.

This is my third read by the author and I look forward to seeing what he writes in the future.
Many thanks to Berkley Pub and NetGalley for the gifted copy!

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Thank you, NetGalley and Berkley, for my free digital copy for review.

Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina kept me engrossed, leaving me, much like the characters, questioning the supernatural occurrences within its pages. Throughout the narrative, a pervasive sense of dread gripped me, and the author's vivid depiction of the past timeline compelled me to read during the daylight hours.

This was my first foray into a story set in a reservation, and I savored the opportunity to delve into the myths and beliefs of the tribe, observing how each generation reshaped these beliefs. The setting exuded both suspense and despair, offering a stark portrayal of poverty.

The protagonists, Louie and Noemi, grapple with their own personal struggles. The author skillfully peels back their layers, allowing us to intimately understand the burdens they carry. Louie bears the heavy guilt of a tragic loss, especially the anguish stemming from his mother's battle with alcoholism, for which he unfairly blames himself. Meanwhile, Noemi, plagued by abandonment issues, grapples with feelings of unworthiness. Louie, her uncle, endeavors to reassure her, emphasizing her inherent worth beyond the opinions of others.

The story unfolds to reveal not only the unsettling events surrounding a mythical vampire at night but also a surprising twist that caught me off guard. It serves as a poignant reminder that human actions can be just as fearsome as any supernatural entity. Looking back, I realize I should have heeded this foreshadowing.

This book fearlessly delves into profound themes such as suicide and alcoholism, seamlessly weaving them with the supernatural and myths. The author's adept handling of these weighty subjects makes this a truly unmissable read.

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I had high hopes for this book. It’s told in alternating chapters set in past and present. I thought the present story was a little more interesting. I didn’t really care for the main character Noemi. I was expecting a better mystery too. Once again I’m the odd person out who didn’t really like this book.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy

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First book I've read by Nick Medina and it did not disappoint. The mix of family dynamics that guts you and horror is very well done.

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Indigenous People, myths-legends, mysteries, horror, pow-wow, family, family-dynamics, MMIP, MMIW, relatives, religious-symbolism, religious-practices, mysterious-deaths, supernatural, paranormal, rural, urban-fantasy, thriller, fiction, terror, riveting, secrets, demons, dual-perspectives, triggers, violence, PTSD, reservation, alcohol-issues, suspense*****

Myths and legends get real.
Perplexing strange events from the past return with something a lot different from reality. This is one scary book but not of the slasher, vampire, or shoot-em-all variety. Love the characters and the writing style!
I requested and received a temporary EARC from Berkley Publishing Group/Berkley via NetGalley. Thank you.

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Dang. I really wanted to like this one.
I got about halfway through and was so bored. I can't imagine how this book is rated horror.

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𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗕𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 was everything I was hoping and the bar was set high because grief and Indigenous horror are a few of my all time faves in horror. I loved all of our main characters, the dual timelines and the dialogue and found myself so invested in the story and the folklore. This was my first from Nick Medina and I immediately had to go back and read Sisters of the Lost Nation and was super excited that they were very loosely connected. There are a few triggers, the biggest being suicide, that I feel like those who may be triggered by need to know. I really loved this one and immediately need more from Medina. A big thanks to Berkley pub for my eARC. 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗕𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 will be published 4/16 and I really think it’s a must read.

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Told in the past and the present by Noemi and her uncle Louie. Noemi has just received devastating news, her boyfriend Roddy is dead, and she refuses to believe what the police are saying about his death.
Enter Louie, Noemi’s uncle, who moved away from the Indian reservation many years ago. Louie cared for Noemi when she was just a toddler and loved her dearly. What could’ve possessed him to move away and have very limited contact with her before deciding to come home.
We learn what happened to several people all those years ago and the role Louie played. No spoilers, but it was a lot. Holy mysteries, someone or something was responsible for quite a few bizarre deaths. I kept trying to put the pieces together and figure out what was going on.
Alas, I never looked twice at what was right in front of my eyes. I’m looking to blame that omission on a story that just kept me flipping pages, wanting to know what the heck was going on. When everything was revealed, I might’ve screamed at my Kindle, no way!
I finished this book hopeful that some of these characters might finally be ready to embrace a brighter future. I’m not the only one who pictures what happens to book characters after reaching the end, right 😂
My first book by this author and it won’t be my last. 4.5 stars.

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A story about an uncle and his niece and the intersections of their stories decades apart. I really loved the uncle's story, the one set in the 80s on the reservation. It was intense and myth driven and I had no idea what would happen next, but what made me review the book lower was the "current" timeline, which felt less deeply wrought and took place in such a scattered way that it was hard to track the character. Because the niece was so concerned about her boyfriend's death, we only got to know her in reference to the men around her (something which comes up later as she learns this about herself, but as she's in her thirties, this felt less like a character fully wrought to me). In general, a good horror novel about dark pasts.

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A thoroughly spine-chilling work of horror that expertly utilizes indigenous legends to create grotesque but believable terrors. I liked the dual perspectives of Louie and Noemi, their stories complementing each other and providing different perspectives on the same experience. Their relationship also contributes to the powerful themes of loss & intergenerational trauma, pulling in real life horrors faced by native communities to complement the more supernatural elements.

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This is a must-read for horror fans! The way that the novel is structured, moving between past and present, adds a really wonderful tension that makes the novel’s climax feel thunderous! Louie’s voice is rich, and the unraveling of the mystery keeps readers on the edge of their seats page after page, never really able to relax.

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"It's people, Louie. It all comes down to people." 4.5 stars (rounded to 4).

With spine-tingling intensity and an atmosphere thick with unease, "Indian Burial Ground" will leave you on edge, especially when you hear strange noises outside your window in the dead of night.

In the present day, Noemi grapples with the sudden loss of her boyfriend, Roddy. Was it suicide or a tragic accident? Refusing to accept the former, she delves into a journey of grief and doubt. Uncle Louie, having just arrived back on the (fictional) rez, is witness to his niece's grief. Events of the day, lead Louie to unveil his past revealing supernatural terror, grief, and a longing for forgiveness as he and Noemi dive head first into the darkness together.

Told from two points of view across decades apart, Medina weaves a story part mystery and part horror filled with Native American lore and the enduring impact of generational trauma.

Driven by compelling characters and story-telling, each revelation brings a new wave of suspense, leaving readers haunted, remembering ...."Tamakha don't chew."

Thank you to NetGalley, Nick Medina & Berkley Publishing Group | Berkley for an advanced e-copy of this book. Look for it April 16th, 2024!

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"Indian Burial Ground" was an amazing horror story with a Native American twist! Set on a reservation, and jumping between two timelines, the story starts with the suspected suicide of one its residents. His girlfriend, Noemi can't believe that he would take his own life- he was known as happy and outgoing, and was a newscaster with a bright future. When Noemi's uncle Louie comes back into town for a pow-wow that is scheduled to take place, we go back in time to when Louie was a 17 year-old teenager and the strange occurrences that began occuring on the reservation, including several deaths under mysterious circumstances, bones being stolen from the graveyard, and the recently deceased sitting up in their caskets during the wake and uttering sounds. Their is talk of the legendary Takoda Vampire, as one of the dead had been drained of blood, and an evil spirit moving amongst the members of the tribe.. As Louie recalls his past with the recent death of his niece;s boyfriend, there is concern that they may be related and that evil has returned to the reservation.

This is the first novel of Nick Medina's that I have read, but it will not be the last! He does an amazing job of weaving together Native American lore with a supernatural element that provides the perfect blend of chills, in addition to tackling difficult issues that have become associated with Native Americans, including alcoholism, mental health concerns, and poverty. It was a fast and engaging read, with a twist at the end- I had a hard time putting it down!

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. "Indian Burial Ground" is set to be released on 4/16/24.

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Wow, this was such a powerful read. Subtle and terrifying. Medina spun such a suspenseful story. I loved the two timelines but I definitely liked Louie’s POV a lot more. Noemi felt authentic, but she wasn’t very likable. For someone going through such loss, I felt she was too self-involved in her emotions. I also felt a bit unsatisfied in how the present-day mystery concluded. Thankfully the past timeline saved the day!

Highly recommend if you enjoy supernatural horror, dual timelines, dysfunctional family drama, and indigenous stories.

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