Member Reviews

This is a quick cute christmas read.

Gwen is a bakery owner in small town Jasmine Falls who needs a date to keep her mom and the town off her back. Logan is renting the house next door to escape his family and attend an old friend’s wedding. Fake dating for Christmas ensues....

Like i said at the beginning, this was cute. But there is no spice. Like no open door, no closed door, not nothing.

If that's your thing, go for it.

Thanks to NetGalley for the Arc. All opinions are my own.

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This is a cute read with sweet heat (clean, but cozy). Logan is escaping a difficult family situation over in Scotland, and temporarily moves in next door to Gwen, who is dealing with her own version of a difficult family situation, in South Carolina. They help each other to overcome personal struggles and manage to fall in love along the way...

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This book has small town romance, fake dating, family drama, and Christmas spirit all rolled up into one pretty package. Gwen and Logan are adorable and I couldn’t get enough! Although it felt like instalove, their sweet love story was encompassed with valuable life lessons and healing. Wonderful short read to get into the holiday season. Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for this ARC!

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Such a sweet Christmas Romance, I want to live in Jasmine Falls where Christmas is everything. Gwen is a small town bakery owner who finds it difficult to ask for what she needs, Logan is a Scottish billionaire there to help.

I loved the cutsey holiday vibe and the characters, they were believable and had good back stories. My only critique is that Logan is Scottish and I feel like its a bit overdone in some places and he also uses lots if americnisms that British wouldn’t use.

Loved the story all the same.

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YAY Christmas stories. This was adorable, fun and sweet. Gwen and Logan were so charming together and I truly enjoyed their romance. This just made me so ready to celebrate the holidays.

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Wow! This book is absolutely amazing. The descriptions are so touching and vivid. As soon as I started reading it I couldn't put it down. I recommend this book to every other reader out there.

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Gwen is a bakery owner in small town Jasmine Falls who has trouble asking for help. Logan is visiting to escape his family and attend an old friend’s wedding. When Gwen needs a date to her sister’s wedding to keep her mom off her back, Logan is up for the job.

This cute, small town, fake dating romance was a quick and easy read that I couldn’t put down. Gwen and Logan are so relatable and Lucy Day makes you feel like you’ve known them forever.

I’m excited to read the rest of the Jasmine Falls stories!

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This was such a wonderful and enjoyable read!!!! I loved this book and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre. Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for this ARC!

I’d recommend this to anyone looking for a holiday romance with a bit of substance in terms of understanding the importance of asking for help. The female lead is well-written in terms of plausible backstory leading into present issues, which I appreciated.

My only complaint is the use of common romantic tropes. Some parts do fall into damsel in distress tropes that I don’t always feel mimic real life, but it’s made up for by the male presence also acknowledging past failures and makes sense given the age and experience gap between the leads. I’m also not a huge fan of “love at first site” vibes which this book kind of gives, but I think the author infuses enough personality to make up for it.

Overall, a strong 4/5 in the romance category.

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