Member Reviews

Unreal! If someone had not told me this was an autobiography, I would have said this was an interesting book of fiction with a FMC who goes through so many ridiculous things that it’s absolutely unbelievable. But this IS an autobiography! And all of the things Kendra writes about ARE real and they are unbelievable. What a wild ride from childhood to now! I am sure, if you read it, your mouth will drop open so many times you might actually hurt yourself. Kendra writes from the POV not of someone who’s rising above, or with the aim to be inspirational. What she’s writing from is real, the hurt, the pain, the’s just real. Not something she puts a positive spin on to make you feel better about it. Good read!

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3.5 stars. Wow what a story. Kendra has been through so much and her story is definitely worth the read.

Thank you to Net Galley and the published for a copy

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I really felt for Kendra Petty, and appreciated getting that she shared her story with us the readers. It was written well and I’m glad that it was a real look about cults.

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Fascinating story! I truly could not believe all the author had been through and come out alive of. At every new situation, you wonder how this could happen and just know that the author was thinking "nobody will ever believe this". It was absolutely wild! I commend their ability to relay this story to us in a way that is inviting, funny, and insightful.

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I also can't believe you're not dead, but you did mention to write a very good memoir in the process. Full of interesting stories that go from relatable to oh damn I never want that to happen but still kept me interested throughout.

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