Member Reviews

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. A fun and interactive book about having a sleepover with a monster.

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What a sweet little book!! Monster wants to have a sleepover with his new little friend (you) and invites you to sleep under the bed - like all the other monsters. Once invited to sleep ON the bed - and given a little stuffed animal and pillow - he is fast asleep. Super cute little read to share with your own little friend!!! I was given a digital copy of this book from Netgalley, Guilherme Karsten and Happy Yak in exchange for an honest review

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This is a children’s story about a grumpy but sweet monster.

It is helpful in teaching kids about bedtime routines and also makes phobias of monsters under the bed seem less scary

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I can see myself reading this to my children. I thought this was so funny and cute. I definitely would recommend

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This has been our bedtime story for about 3 weeks now! My daughter can recite every page by heart and I am pretty sure she wants a sequel to this book!

Really beautiful book, wonderfully written. The monster is so grumpy but you cannot help but adore him! The story is written in a way which is interactive with the young readers and fully gets them involved!

Great book to help your own little monsters get to sleep and it makes the notion of monsters under the bed far less scary as well which is always a bonus!

5 stars from my 4 year old and 5 stars from me!

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This is so adorable. I loved the book.
The way the story is told and illustrated melts my heart.
The monster is so grumpy, but so sweet.
The textured drawings are expressive and wonderful. They transport us into the book and to bedtime.
The book is a wonderful experience. You're never too old for a bedtime story.

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This is a very quick book to get through! I’m always looking for books with functional or new vocabulary to use with my kiddos in therapy. There were a few nice describing words to talk about! Cute illustrations also.

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This was a cute story. The monster was a little bossy but hey he is a monster, lol. My favorite part of this was that the ending included the reader which pulls you into the story. Along with being the readers time for bed to conclude the story. Good read for my 4 yo. Would recommend.

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I read this my family before bed and we loved loved loved it. Very cute...will be adding to our collection

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ARC reader for NetGalley
Your sleepy lil monster will enjoy this read. Combat the sleep procrastination with a monster sleepover. Where do monsters sleep? Under the bed of course! Cute lil bedtime book.

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I got this on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

I read the previous book too and this was super cute too! A perfect book to read with a young child at bedtime, and a lot of silly situations to talk about with your child! Once again love how it refers to the reader the whole time!

If you need a cute bedtime story: this is it!

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This is an adorable book! The illustrations are beautiful and this is a fun read for children (and adults!). Highly recommended!

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Kids like monster stories. This one has a monster having a sleepover. And the narration invites the listener to get ready for the sleepover as well. You can follow along seeing it is better to sleep in the bed and not under it. Or in pulling up the blanket, settling on the pillow and snuggling up with your comfort teddy. The illustrations are cute and inviting. Great for a going to bed book for pre-school aged children.

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I received an ARC copy of this book via the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This is my first children’s book from Netgalley. It’s also my first from this author and publisher too. The cover looked really good and intriguing. The blurb was very intriguing as well. As a new mom, I’m always looking for good books for my baby girl. And this book delivers!

It’s a cute story and it is very reader interactive. It’s a simple, quick read but it’s great! It will be one that we read over and over again! It will be one I get a physical copy of when it releases! The artwork is beautifully done and pairs perfectly with the story. I can’t recommend this book enough!

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Monster is having a sleepover under the bed. He doesn't understand why you don't want to join the sleepover too. Why would he want to sleep on the bed?

The book will be a bedtime hit for a lot of children, especially the noisy, stinky ones who sleep in beds! There's a lovely story before the 'interactive' part - there seem to be a lot of those books at the moment, but this one is a little different with the story first and only a couple of interactive bits rather than the whole book.

The illustrations are lovely, I wish the monster was a bit brighter, but then he sleeps in a mess under the bed so he fits right in.

I'll add this to a wishlist for when my daughter is a bit older and can join in with the story.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.

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My son is almost two and we have been working on getting him to sleep in his big boy bed! This book is. A great, fun tool to help him transition. The illustrations keep him engaged with the story until the end!

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This is a very cute and silly book about a monster sleepover. It's a very easy read, great for young kids, interactive and cute illustrations.

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This is a fantastic, cute little bedtime story. Are your kids scared of the monster under the bed? Well, then, invite the monster for a sleepover. Before you know it, you'll all be comfy and sleeping the night away.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this gorgeous little picture book.

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It was cute about a monster in the book thinking we were monsters and trying to get us to do monster things and then trying human things.

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I read this to my 6 year old son and he absolutely loved it. He really enjoyed that "the monster is actually speaking to me". Definitely buying this one fir the collection.

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