Member Reviews

I’m not sure what I expected but there was a lot of science in this book which wasn’t what I was expecting from a self help book.

The chapters are shirt and packed with information, just I think for someone looking for information on the science of how the brain works.

Sorry this wasn’t for me, hopefully it’s very helpful to someone else though.

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The content is not what I expected. I didn't expect it to be leaning more in science because it is listed under spirituality. Some parts are motivating though the science part overrules the supposed purpose of this book.

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I'm not sure if this is the kind of book I would read. I mean, I requested it; but the content wasn't for me. In short, it wasn't my cup of tea.

However, this book is without its merit: it contains some self reflection exercises to be filled so that we could actively search within, not fixated on the outer world.

The cons for me would be on the writing itself. There are too many ellipsis and it's too woowoo to be that scientific, and 'too scientific' to be woowoo.

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Matt Spencer's "You Are Now" is like a GPS for your wandering mind, complete with witty commentary and a dash of humor. If you've ever found yourself lost in thought, reminiscing about the past, or worrying about the future, this book is your ticket to getting back to the present moment - and you won't need a DeLorean for that!

So, what led to your current situation of mental time travel? Blame it on evolution, folks! You've got those ancient animal instincts to survive, and you've also got a brain that loves to overthink. It's like a sitcom where your instincts and your thoughts just can't get along, and it's causing havoc in your head and the world around you.

But fear not, because "You Are Now" has the answer: Enter the Now! The present moment is where the party's at. It's where you're breathing, creating your world from your senses, and just being aware. When you live in the Now, you'll be connected to the source of life, and your mind will finally shut up and enjoy the peace, abundance, and joy of the moment.

This book is like having a Zen master with a sense of humor in your pocket. It's divided into three parts, kind of like a superhero trilogy:

Part One - The Essentials: Think of it as the "How to Stop Time Traveling for Dummies." You'll get all the relevant and timely info to start your journey to presence.

Part Two - Guide to Meditation: If mindfulness and meditation sound intimidating, fear not! This guide will make you a mindfulness ninja in no time. No ninja outfit required.

Part Three - Further Reflections: More wisdom and insight to round out your transformation into a present-moment master.

"You Are Now" is like a breath of fresh air for your cluttered mind. It's the book that tells your inner time traveler, "Hey, take a break and smell the roses - they're blooming right now!" Matt Spencer's approach is not just enlightening, it's entertaining.

So, if you're ready to stop time traveling in your head and start enjoying the here and now, "You Are Now" is the hilarious guidebook you've been waiting for. Get ready to laugh, learn, and live in the moment. Who knew enlightenment could be this much fun?

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