Member Reviews

I absolutely loved reading this book. I was completely drawn into the topic and could not stop reading it.

Absolutely the best read

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This book was such a fun read. However, I was not a fan of the third act breakup. It felt forced and like they could have talked about it when he showed up at her apartment and easily resolved the issue. But I loved that she stood up for herself to her mother and pursued her acting career. I also liked that the book did not end with her giving up acting and becoming a stay at home mom.

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I enjoyed this book: the pacing was literally perfect, there is never a dull moment and never a moment where I am like okay it's not evening out... and this is also something that is quite difficult to achieve so really many props to you Nicole Ryan. The balance between tension, romance, and self-discovery was also perfectly balanced and also quite refreshing truthfully. Also I think in a lot of ways this book pulled me out of a reading slump and for that I am forever grateful to it.
Thank you to the author and netgalley for the e-arc.

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Okay this was such a fun book with so much banter, I read it in one sitting.

Liam and Hannah had so much tension between them it just hit the spot for what I was looking for even though It had a bit of miscommunication that makes me so bloody angry lol

A very good enemies to lovers!

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This was a cute enemies-to-lovers romance with some quirky banter. The forced proximity was a cute bonus.. It was fun seeing these two come together

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Rating: 3.75 stars! I was lucky enough to recieve an ARC of this book and I'm so glad because I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The banter between Liam and Hannah was so funny and I loved seeing their relationship blossom, I was really rooting for them.

The spice was great too!

I'm already looking forward to the next book in the series, coming fall 2024!

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Cute romance that’s enemies to lovers and forced proximity. Hannah and Liam have good chemistry, even when they hate each other. And it was sweet to read their backstory and see them fall in love!

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This was my first experience reading something by this author and I found it to be a very entertaining read. This is actually the second book in the series, but I had no problem reading it as a standalone. It's a fun enemies to lovers, workplace romance. The story was well-paced and kept my interest the whole way through. It has plenty of humor which kept me smiling or laughing all along the way. I liked the dynamic between Hannah and Liam and I was really intrigued as to why they were such bitter enemies, especially since they had practically grown up together. I enjoyed seeing their individual journeys as they each grew separately and as a couple.
The story was delightfully cute and enjoyable. These two childhood enemies were completely drawn to each other and you could definitely feel the sizzling chemistry between them. The characters were well-crafted and interesting and I enjoyed the fun and witty banter between them. If you're looking for a fun and spicyread, then you definitely will want to pick this one up.
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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The story of Hannah and Liam. They have know each other for years through their families. When she ends up with the job as his assistant will it be make or break for them? A great read, I liked how it was told from both points of view.

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This was a fun romcom with two interesting main characters. I always like a story where the characters have known each other for a long time and you get more backstory and character development so this book was perfect for me. Liam and Hannah were both fun and complicated and had great banter and depth. Overall a great enemies to lovers trope plot line. I am definitely going to read more from this author.

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This was a fun read with some spice! This read like a TV show, complete with complicated character history and some fun banter. This was my first bully romance book and I think it was a great intro to this sub genre. The characters spoke to each other in a way that felt real and navigated some issues that I don't often see portrayed including complicated parental relationships, reconnecting friendships after messy ending, and balancing career dreams with jobs that pay the bills.

All in all, this was a really good time.

Thank you Netgalley, Nicole Ryan, Victory Editing and NRC Publishing for an eARC of "Mostly Loathing You".

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I’m a fan. This book had me in my feels. I loved the banter and cute moments!! Overall, a full 5 stars read.

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please note that the trigger warnings and topes/themes may contain spoilers
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
HEA: yes
spice: several hot open-door spicy scenes
TWs: unsupportive/manipulative parents, slut shaming,
standalone: book 2 in Just Peachy series but I read it as a standalone with no issues following the story
final thoughts: I. Loved. This. Book. It’s my favorite when there’s a cute cartoon cover and a filthy interior 🥰 Hannah was a dynamic FMC that showed a lot of growth throughout the story. Liam was a pleasant surprise when it came to those spicy scenes, and I loved being able to see him find his footing in Hannah’s world. I loved watching their relationship develop, get some background context for the rivalry, see a grown man grovel, and all with a dual POV throughout… though I could always do with more groveling 😜

read this book if you love

🏝️ forced proximity
😬 angst
💓 slowburn
🤫 hidden secrets
🧠 “it’s always been you”
🌈 LGBT+ representation
🤜 rivals-to-lovers
💼 workplace romance
😳 forbidden lovers (brother’s best friend / boss)
2️⃣ 2nd chance romance
🤜 friends-to-rivals-to-lovers
💞 childhood crush
🥰 nicknames
😂 romcom

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4.5 stars! Thank you so much to the author for allowing me to be apart of her advance readers team to read this book in exchange for an honest review! I honestly loved this book so much! It was the perfect amount of romance with spice together! I definitely recommend this entire series and can’t wait to read more!

I really wish her mom would have realize how great of a kid Hannah was at the end. When her dad finally stuck up for her I was like hallelujah but the fact that her mom still didn’t realize Hannah’s potential broke my heart.

I cannot wait for Gabe and Saje’s book to come out!! 😍😍

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Spicy second chance, enemies-to-lovers romance that had a good storyline. I really enjoyed this book and I loved both Liam and Hannah as characters. It's the second book in the series but completely standalone, the main characters from the first book are in this one as well but it doesn't affect anything in this book.

Hannah and Liam have grown up together as their parents are best friends so they've spent a lot of time together. It's implied in the story that Liam had a crush on Hannah when they were teenagers but it wasn't until he came back from university looking more like a man and less like a nerdy teenager that Hannah took any notice. One night during a party she sees him with someone else and immediately gets jealous which leads to them having sex and spending the night together, but the next morning when Hannah wants to talk about it, Liam shuts her down and tells her it didn't mean anything. This crushes her and she vows never to let him near her again.

Over the next 9 years they constantly bicker whenever they're around each other and while Liam doesn't realised why she hates him so much, he enjoys pushing her buttons and getting a rise out her. Things change between them fairly quickly when Hannah moves back to Atlanta and starts working as Liam's assistant at the law firm his father owns, but they keep it a secret from everyone. Until things start to become more official between them when Liam announces himself as her boyfriend after following her to New York for a weekend. However, he still isn't really keen on telling people about their relationship leading Hannah to believe he's embarrassed to be with her.

There is a third act break up, unfortunately, but it was nice to see them actually work things out over time rather than a quick apology that ends with them back together. I felt both characters had a lot of substance to them and they were both able to grow, particularly career wise over the course of the story. The dialogue was well written and didn't feel at all forced at any point. For the most part, Liam was the perfect book boyfriend - he stood up for Hannah when her mother tore her down, encouraged her to keep working at her acting career, and was there for her when she needed him even after they broke up.

Thanks to NetGalley and NRC Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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There are some books that just flow easily from the moment you pick them up and then suddenly its 4 am and you have finished the entire thing and there is that feeling of contentment because it was just so good. This is certainly one of those.

This book has: enemies to lovers, brothers best friend, workplace romance, and forced proximity.

I suppose I will start with the characters. Hannah in particular was an absolute standout for me and in so many ways she is the archer by taylor swift personified. She has a pure heart of gold and as she grew throughout the book it really was so easy to root for her successes and personal growth throughout and the balance between this and romance was something that was incredibly special to me. She's vibrant, full of life, and someone worth fighting for and sometimes that has to come from within first and the way that she found that was something so beautiful. I saw myself in her at times and its always so nice to see these characters learning to choose themselves. I will admit Liam took some time to grow on me fully, but that's because my preference typically is not bully romances, but overtime it was quite easy to see how much he cares about Hannah and in my head we came to a mutual understanding where he promises to keep her happy forever <3 Also, her dynamic with her mom was complicated and I really liked this because it made the story feel more realistic. Often the families in these types of books showcase endless happiness and acceptance, but this is just not realistic and so I liked this more nuanced aspect of the book.

I have read many enemies to lovers books in my time, but I do believe it is very difficult to achieve it in a contemporary setting. Luckily, Nicole Ryan succeeds at crafting this narrative and more with their additive history, but also the fact that they have known each other since they were children. These two combined facts with the mixture of perfect tension made every situation one where it was comically obvious to everyone except for them, that they were totally meant to be together. Love really is about pushing each other to be the best version of yourself and this is exhibited throughout the book, but also it's about standing up for each other even when the situation is uncomfortable, if that was a love language that would probably be in my top two and the way Liam does this is so incredibly sweet. I was giggling, kicking my feet, having the best time ever with this book. Oh, and they DELIVER on the spice.

Now a few odd things I enjoyed about this book: the pacing was literally perfect, there is never a dull moment and never a moment where I am like okay it's not evening out... and this is also something that is quite difficult to achieve so really many props to you Nicole Ryan. The balance between tension, romance, and self-discovery was also perfectly balanced and also quite refreshing truthfully. Also I think in a lot of ways this book pulled me out of a reading slump and for that I am forever grateful to it (so is my goodreads goal tehe)

Special thanks to the author and netgalley for e-arc <3 I cannot wait for Sage's story!

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4/5 Stars

Ahh, I really enjoyed this one.
I loved Hannah and LIam.
The banter was so fun! The enemies to lovers was giving for sure!!
Also lets talk about how adorable the cover is!

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If I had to choose a favourite romance trope, it’d definitely be enemies-to-lovers, and I really wanted to like this book. Unfortunately, it fell a little short for me and ended up being a 3/5 read.

My main issues really were the unlikability of the characters – I really didn’t like Liam much at all and he didn’t endear himself to me throughout the book; he just seemed mean for the most part. I also didn’t like a couple of big plot points or the way that the characters handled them, and I found sometimes that the characters’ reactions for each other were a little unrealistic, swinging from hating each other to liking each other to hating each other again out of nowhere.

I did enjoy the book to an extent; I thought it had some good spice and some cute moments, but it’s not one I’d read again.

I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review – thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and everyone else involved!

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When I started reading this book I did not know that it was the second book of a serie by Nicole, and of course now that I finished this one, im going to read the first one and keep it track on the others two (I think there will be four books)

Did I enjoy this book at the beginning? Yes Did I hate Liam? with all my heart Do I love him now? absolutely.

This book, I think, is the mother of the enemies to lovers force proximity books. We have Liam Park and Hannah Thatcher-Miles, whose parents are best friends, so obviously they grow up together and hate each other. But the real thing is that, since they were teens, both of them had a crush on each other but never talked about. But it is not until Hannah start to work at Liam's dad law firm that they must to interact more due to the fact that Hannah is Liam's new assistant.

At the beginning I wanted to kill Liam, it was such a jerk with Hannah, and I only one to hug Hannah and let her know how worth it she was, but at the end Liam made it to my heart and now I love b¡them both.

This book is not just a enemies to lovers romance, is about how to lear to love yourself, how to learn that you don't have to take everything people said to you about your body or career option. In this book we have a abusing mother who said whatever si want, not caring about her daughters feeling, and we have Hannah, who , after being always the second in despair, decided to confront her mother and keep doing what she want and love without a doubt. And of course we have Liam who, despite de fact than he was once of the few people who said mean things to Hannah, started to motivated her to keep doing it.

In conclusion, I can say that iif you want to hate and love a MC and read a really good book, I will totally recommend this one.

Thanks to NetGalley, NRC Publishing and Nicole Ryan for this eARC in exchange of a honest review.

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