Member Reviews

Amazing book!
I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book and I didn't want to put it down! The author captured my attention from the get go! Five stars from me :)

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An enjoyable novel by Ready. I wasn't a big fan of Ghosted and hadn't realised this was part of the same series but I preferred the plot of Switched and really liked the characters. I felt at times aspects of it were repetitive which put me off a bit. I also found it hard not to compare it to The Space Between which was one of my fave books of 2023. One of Ready's strengths is setting the scene incredibly well. It is always so easy to picture where the story is taking place. If you want an easy rom com/Freaky Friday read then I'd highly recommend.

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This was my first book by Sarah Ready and I really enjoyed it. This like Freaky Friday. Serena and Henry meet in a bar one night when she quite literally gets stuck to her seat. They hit it off and have a one night stand. Serena doesn't believe in love and Henry wants love and family. They both feel something that night, but Serena is terrified of it and then she finds out Henry is her new boss and she ends things before they can begin, not really in the most mature way. That leads to months of workplace enemies. Until one night at work, something happens and they switch bodies.

This is my first paranormal romance, and I enjoyed it. I loved that it was kind of Freaky Friday like. There were some really funny moments too, like Serena (in Henry's body) getting aroused and Henry (In Serena's body) having menstrual cramps. If only all men could experience that, I actually laughed out loud during that scene. There was also an aggressive ex-girlfriend of Henry's that made for some funny moments.

I also really enjoyed the sweet moments, how each character had to interact with the other's family in difficult circumstances (a wedding and medical scare). The way that both Henry and Serena got to know the other person through the interactions with their families. I really liked that, the understanding they each got through being the other person.

I loved how their deep understanding of the other person, lead to a deep love between them.

I do wish that this was a dual POV. We do get one chapter from Henry's POV, but I really wished there had been more. Other than that I loved this book and can't wait to read more from this author.

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I liked the book really much and I am for sure going recommend it to my friends.
I was laughing out loud multiple times, Henry and Serena are just a really funny couple.

I read this before the first book in the series, so now I am siting back with a weird feeling. I am both super happy that I still have the first book (and hopefully also the third book soon) to read but I am also super sad that I won’t read about henry (at least I suppose sins she first meets him in the book)

The whole idea of the book is so interesting, and I really hope that I can find more books where somebody switches bodies.
I also really liked that they could get to know each other so well, and that she couldn’t hide why she acted the way she did, as so many other main characters tent to do.

As I have said way to many times now I really liked the book.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Switched is a delightful supernatural rom-com from Sarah Ready that delivers a unique reading experience, blending women in STEM (a la Ali Hazelwood-esque style) and a gender-swapped Freaky Friday.

Serena and Henry's story is witty, entertaining, heartfelt and at times emotional. They literally have to see from the other person's perspective which proved extremely difficult when it came to family and confronting deeper emotions. I would have loved for Switched to have been told dual POV.

If you've read Ghosted (not a prerequisite) you'll be delighted to see Serena's friend Jillian and Fran again.

[Note: I did not understand: 1) Why didn't Henry or Serene just call each other when they woke up swapped instead of running all over town?! 2) Why did Serena in Henry's body have her own California accent and Henry in Serena's body have his British accent? (hide spoiler)]

3.5 stars

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This was so much fun!!!! It's so completely unlike anything else I've ever read before. One of my favorite guilty pleasure movies is <i>It's a Boy Girl Thing</i> wherein Nell, a bookish intellectual who hates jocks, and Woody, your stereotypical football-playing himbo, swap bodies unexpectedly and have to learn to understand each other better in order to switch back.

<i>Switched</i> doesn't have that Nerd x Jock dynamic, but Serena and Henry still could not be more different. She's a walking tornado, he's so organized that it could be considered neurotic. She's career-driven, he's very family-oriented. She's a commitment-phobe, he's a hopeless romantic. She likes coffee, he's a tea-drinking Brit. And yet, they find each other for one perfect night together. Then their worlds come crashing down when Henry turns out to be Serena's new boss at her lab in Geneva, and they find out just how different they are. Chaos ensues, and they wake up in the other's body. They have to navigate their new realities, take on each others' responsibilities, and figure out how to switch back.

<b>Oh, and they refuse to discuss that one night...</b>

This was my first Sarah Ready book, and I enjoyed it so much!! I loved the dynamic between Serena and Henry, like they really could not have been more different. Some of the things Henry said to her........... I was blushing, and I never blush!!!! THAT'S A REAL MAN!!!!! He was so sweet, and kind, and thoughtful. They just don't make men like him anymore!! And that ending.... WHEW.

The only thing that was missing for me, personally, was an exploration of their sexuality when they were in their new bodies. I feel like that would've been so much fun to dive into.

All in all, I had so much fun reading this, and I will definitely be reading more of Sarah Ready's writing!!

<i>Thank you, NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing, for an advanced reader's copy!!</i>

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I love anything with body swap! And knowing Sarah, she mastered it. I love Serena's character so much (AND THE FOOTNOTES!)

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This book is the perfect nostalgic read for people who grew up obsessing over the movie, Freaky Friday. Though, this time it's an enemies to lovers type of Freaky Friday. It's nerdy and cute, and you'll laugh throughout the entire book. The author does well to keep you hooked from the beginning with the likeable, relatable characters.

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After a slightly precarious meeting in a local pub and a one-night stand, Henry is in love. The only problem is Serena insists that she'll never be in love no matter what her night with Henry was like. It's probably for the best though since he's her new boss at CERN. Late one evening, after over a year of working together but mostly avoiding each other, an unexpected event switches Henry and Serena. To further complicate the matter, Henry's brother is getting married the next weekend.

I adored this adult version of Freaky Friday. Henry is grumpy and stern on the outside but he's so in love with Serena it made my heart hurt a little. His patience and gentleness with her is achingly sweet. His family is hilarious, they're loud and nosy with so much affection for each other. Serena is strong and very independent, to her detriment almost. Her family of three is close and her parents love for her is huge. She's afraid of losing herself and her career she loves if she ever gets married or has kids. The family interactions, pretending to be each other was an absolute disaster waiting to happen. I cackled watching them adjust to being in each other's bodies, and trying to figure out the memories and emotions attached. I will admit there were a couple of times I was confused and to go back a paragraph to two. Overall, I adored Switched. It's funny and a little quirky with some spice and some sweetness. I definitely recommend.

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Have you ever wondered what Freaky Friday would look like if the body swappers were actually love interests? I know I sure haven’t but when I saw that was the premise of the second book in the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready, I was certainly intrigued!

This book was cute and a lot shorter than book one which I think better suited the story! I really enjoyed the premise and the lighthearted nature of this romantic comedy, but felt like we didn’t really get a lot of depth from either main character. Because of this, I didn’t feel overly invested.

Still a fun and quick read, even if it’s a bit on the silly side. If you’re a fan of enemies to lovers workplace romances or fake dating tropes, this book is worth checking out! While the narrators did a phenomenal job, I would recommend reading this with your eyes if you’re able. With all the body swapping I got a little confused as to who was actually who via the audio!

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I adore Sarah's writing and I loved this second book in the Ghosted series. Henry and Serena are so much fun and I loved this romantic take of a freaky friday switch. I also enjoyed the physics in the story and the intelligently witty banter. Having to switch accents was perfect for the audiobook and Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster did a fantastic job with the narration. I can't wait for the next book in the series!

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Ducky (Serena) and Henry are two physicists who experience two improbable situations: love at first sight, and a cosmic event in which they switch bodies. The result is an incredible journey of self discovery ( for Serena) and falling in love (Henry fell first and HARD and she's catching up).

This book is weird and hilarious, deep but light-hearted, deeply intelligent and thought provoking and utter perfection.

5 shining stars.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. The footnotes were fun, the diagrams mixed things up, and I couldn't resist the romantic Freaky Friday premise. There were several places where I laughed aloud and my only complaint was that I was expecting more of Henry's point of view than we got. I have never read a Sarah Ready book, but my library wishlist is now full of her titles.

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Serena Otaki and Henry has my whole heart. When they say opposite attract it’s about couples like these two.
Where She is messy, eccentric, outgoing, one child and queen of ONS— He is calm, kinda stoic to outsiders, loyal, comes from a huge British family and a VIRGIN!
Their paths collide and like they say, the rest is history.

This book gave me major Ali Hazelwood book vibes and I couldn’t get enough of them.
My God, there were many many moments they made me hoot with laughter and emotional. Especially where Henry had to suffer through the PMS and subsequent monthly visit from someone we all dread! Kudos to author for writing such a scene. Poor Henry! He was traumatised.

And what a unique story concept. This is my first time reading a romance about body swap and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Fran, Jillian and Daniel’s cameo made me nostalgic.

I admit, Serena’s initial actions did make me irritated especially because Henry was such a sweetheart. But as the story progressed I understood Serena and the reason behind her actions better.

Overall I absolutely recommend this book to all who love:

-Brit Hero x American Heroine.
-Forced proximity.
-He falls First closely followed by her.
-Body swap.
-humour, angst, characters with depth, self discovery, wonderful gang of secondary characters.
-Highly Recommended.

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I loved this! I found this book hilarious from the first page. It was something different and interesting and I enjoyed it immensely. Serena and Henry had great chemistry and I adored getting to know them both through each other. The story was a real page turner and I was hooked all the way through. I can't wait for the next book in this series.

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Body swapping is one of the most classic magical realism tropes, but Switched is a fresh take on a timeless plot device.

The story kicks off with insta-lust between Serena and Henry; Serena gets stuck on varnish at a bar, and Henry helps rescue her. A couple of rounds of spice later, an email that Henry will be her new boss, and commitment-phobe Serena is running out the door. A year and a half later, Serena and Henry tiptoe around each other at the office, especially since they are complete opposites, but a blow-up timed with a catastrophic physics event lead to them switching bodies. The foundation of the blow-up is not understanding each other, but their time switched helps them learn to appreciate one another beyond the lust. Throw in a brother's wedding and a medical emergency and you are in store for chaos and connection.

In all honesty, I kind of wish I skipped the first few chapters. I really hated Serena at first (why was it necessary to make her a PhD at 22??), she was a complete caricature, but she really grew on me while she was in Henry's body. She truly had so much character development, from realizing how her way of life was unsustainable to reconnecting with her mom to learning that understanding is the foundation of love. She became more of a person. Same with Henry - the lovesick uptight Brit was so annoying at first, but he grew to embrace chaos and to fall in love for real, not just lust.

The last few chapters were also a bit contrite, but the middle part was so good that it makes up for it. Even though I often don't like insta-lust, it helped make sure that they weren't falling in love with themselves or their bodies, but with each other's personalities. The footnotes and graphs were a fun splash, and this is a worthy entry in the body-swap pantheon.

Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest review! I'm definitely going to go back and read Ghosted now :)

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This was cute! I definitely enjoyed Ghosted more than this one but it was still very cute.

I didn’t enjoy how opposed to relationships Serena was. None of her reasons were actually realistic (to me) and I didn’t like how it took until she was LITERALLY ON HER DEATH BED to finally decide to take a chance on love.

I read the ebook and listened to the audiobook and the male narrator was WAY TOO OLD. Idk what they were thinking but that dude definitely already has 3 grown kids and a gaggle of grandkids somewhere off in the countryside

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy in exchange for a review

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What makes this book unique: endnotes, science heavy, breaking the fourth wall multiple times, and it being a story concept I haven’t read yet (unless you count watching Freaky Friday).

The “footnotes” idea is neat, except that they’re actually endnotes. It didn’t always work and allow me to go back to my spot (read via Kindle app), which made me second guess if I was going to click on the endnote, lose my place, go back to the start of the chapter and flip to the Location no. It is unique and it reminded me of my own studies, but poorly executed. At night, because of my blue light sensitivity, my phone goes into “red” mode (thank you, iPhone and your accessibility features!!), this makes the endnotes hard to see/impossible to see, so I missed them. It would have worked well if they were at the bottom of the page as actual footnotes, rather than in the back of the book aka endnotes.

This was a bit slow for me due to how detailed it was. It did feel like reading a science textbook and research papers. I appreciated rhetorical visuals, as I am a visual learner, but this was a dense read. It starts to pick up about 35% through.

I can’t even imagine switching bodies with someone I barely know and being thrown into their life and family events. A lot of complicated emotions to explore, leaving Henry and Serena to wade through their own thoughts and merging thoughts during their soul swapping.

The physiological differences between sexes is touched upon here, particularly morning wood, “wet” dreams, and menstrual cycle. What made this unbelievable to me is that the characters truly don’t explore their new bodies.

2.5 ⭐️
Overall, this book missed the mark for me as there wasn’t much character growth, but it was very plot heavy, and left me wanting more from the characters - especially Serena falling more in love with her own self through Henry (???) and accepting love.

Thank you NetGalley and W.W. Crown for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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📚 Book Review: “Switched” by Sarah Ready 🎧

Just finished listening to the audiobook of “Switched” by Sarah Ready and I am blown away! 🎉🎧 The narrators did an amazing job bringing the characters to life and keeping me engaged throughout the story. 🌟💫

I received a copy of this book off of @netgalley m, thanks to the publishers and @sarahreadyauthor , and I couldn’t be more grateful! 🙏 This book was an absolute delight to listen to, and I hope the series continues because I am hooked! 🌺💕

For Serena Otaki and Henry Joule, an unexpected event at the particle collider leads to a mysterious switch where they find themselves in each other’s bodies. Serena, a free-spirited Californian, and Henry, an uptight Brit, must navigate the complexities of their new reality and discover that love and life are more complicated than they ever imagined.

The storyline is filled with sparks, particles colliding, and a universe coming to a halt, creating a captivating and unique narrative. The characters’ contrasting personalities and unexpected circumstances make for an entertaining and heartfelt read.

If you’re looking for a story that combines science, love, and a touch of magic, “Switched” is a must-read! 💖✨

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Serena Otaki, a carefree Californian, finds joy in smashing atoms at The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. Her love extends to Star Trek, spicy tofu, and her feline companion, Captain Purrk. Embracing a cluttered apartment and an unattached lifestyle, Serena's simplicity defines her.

Despite my efforts, I struggled with the writing style due to constant fourth wall breaking and confusing footnotes. The dialogue and word choices felt cringey at times. Overall, it's a swift rom-com with a magical twist, recommended for fans of the 'body swap' trope, the central theme of the story.

I appreciate Netgalley and W. W. Crown, an imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, for providing me with a copy of Switched by Sarah Ready.

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