Member Reviews

I loved this book just like I did the first one. I really enjoyed the freaky Friday type theme. This is a slow burn, opposites attract romance and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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This book is a heartwarming paranormal romantic comedy about two physicists named Serena and Henry. One day, after an unexpected storm, they switch bodies. Despite being complete opposites, they end up meeting one perfect night and sparks fly between them. This book is packed with banter, tension, chemistry, and hilarious moments that make it an absolute joy to read. It emphasizes self-discovery and female individualism while still keeping the story engaging and entertaining. If you're looking for a sweet, hilarious, and delightful romantic comedy, this book is highly recommended.
This is my first book by Sarah Ready, which happens to be the second book in the Ghosted series. I enjoyed it so much that I'm planning to get the first one now. It was a fun read! I also listened to the audiobook and I highly recommend it - the narrator did an excellent job.

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This stand-alone sequel, to last year’s Ghosted (loved, loved, loved!!), is an opposites-attract, body-swap romance, featuring two highly passionate and independent physicists, who are struck by the hands of fate and forced to work out their immense feelings for one another, in a very unconventional (but charming) scenario, that defies the laws of science they live their lives by.

I liked it. I liked the romance, the multi-continent settings, the body-swap antics, the amusing use of reader-interactive footnotes, the pop culture references (live long and prosper!), and the loving and supportive cast of secondary characters that rounded out the story.

Did I enjoy the story as much as book one (Ghosted)? Well, no. Not quite.

For me, the chemistry wasn’t as strong here as between Jillian and Daniel, and I think this had a lot to do with FMC Serena and her right-until-the-end mentality that embracing love would somehow make her cease to exist as the person she was before Henry. This belief that, to fully, wholeheartedly love another you must lose a huge part of yourself and your autonomy as a person, definitely leading to a professional death sentence, and potential end to her many wants, hopes and desires for the future as an independent woman.

Some readers will love this about Serena… but it drove me nuts. And the fact it was such a big, repetitive part of her personality, hurting Henry (that’s not on!) in hopes to save herself from becoming (in her skewed beliefs) a mindless, hopeless, purposeless woman in love, was just exhausting for me.

To be fair, this was an extremely personal reaction for me, because, unlike Serena, I have no professional ambition in life, never having loved my career in education with any sort of calling or passion that consumed me. Therefore, just like Serena struggled to imagine choosing love over work, I’ve always struggled to imagine people, anywhere, choosing work over love and family, because for me, love and happiness revolves around the people in my life and not the job I do to get by.

So, yeah, I had a hard time getting on board with Serena’s feelings and beliefs—each to their own—but liking her for the most part, even if I was personally vexed by some of her thought processes along the road to love .

Thankfully, Henry was a dreamy sort, winning Serena over eventually, showing her through actions—not just words—what a healthy and loving relationship could look like, where the act of being in love with each other would only make them stronger as individuals, rather than weaker.

Although I’m well-versed in body-swap films, this was actually my first ever body-swap book, and as such, I think it went very well, providing all the fun and frivolity that usually goes with this trope, but adding some spins that made this story uniquely its own thing.

Overall, this was a quirky, fun-loving, romantic story, and I’m definitely glad I read it.

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Switched is the second book in the Ghosted series, although it can be read as a standalone. I did not read Ghosted prior to reading Switched.

Switched is Freaky Friday, second-chance romance in which Serena and Henry meet one night at Serena's bar hangout. Serena ends up in a bind, and Henry is her Knight In Shining Armor. The two end up spending the night together and hooking up. Henry thinks he's found love at first sight. But there's one problem, Serena doesn't do relationships. And there's also this little problem where she finds out that Henry is her new boss. Things are awkward until they unexpectedly wake up in each other's bodies.

I thought this book was so cute! I laughed, I cried, I was on the edge of my seat. I relate to Serena in that I, too, survive solely on coffee and have clothes scattered all over the place. I found myself rooting for everyone (except Henry's ex). And I loved the footnotes the author put in, they were an unexpected touch. I highly suggest you look out for them if you're reading the ebook. Also, I liked forward to all of Serena's charts, diagrams and drawings throughout the book.

Without giving too much away, I dislike the entirety of Chapter 41. It was so unrealistic. Like, who would want to fool around for hours after nearly dying and just getting out of the hospital? Come on, now.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good rom-com!

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, and Sarah Ready for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this!!! Serena is such a brain and I love that so much about her! It was so nice to see someone so incredibly smart and also so incredibly messy in the same person. Henry is the best! I just wanted to hug him the entire book! The switching of their lives really hit home when they had to be there for each other’s huge life events, and it was so well written, it tugged on my heart strings! I love this series so far and I can’t wait for the next book!

Thank you to Netgalley, W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for the eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC book for an honest review.

This is book two of a series but could definitely be read as a standalone even though our main couple from previous book plays a minor role. This was another fun, quirky book that doesn't follow the normal standards of this trope. This time being a "body swap" of our hero and heroine. Serena and Henry are both scientists and have a total soul mate/love connection at their first meeting...which freaks Serena out because she doesn't believe you can be in love without losing yourself and follow your dreams. Therefore, she sabotages the relationship shortly after discovering Henry it to be her new boss. The two work together, but not happily. Then one night there is a storm and a bunch of mystical/science stuff that happens that causes the body swap. I enjoyed how the two could get an inside scoop into to each other's feelings and glimpses of past life events. The entire premise was clever but a bit too much science stuff for me. I adored Henry's character and while eventually you got to see why Serena/Ducky got her stubborn belief about love, she could still be so frustrating at times.

There are some spicy scenes that honestly, I could do without. The story was solid with just the sweet romance in my opinion. Still an enjoyable read with the long awaited "aha moment" and happily ever after.

3.5 stars

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Thank you to @NetGalley and W. W. Crown, Swift & Lewis Publishing, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), and Members’ Audiobooks for my free advanced readers copy of this book and audiobook!

I both listened to and read the book. The writing was excellent, great character development, a plot that kept you intrigued and an animated narrator.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! This book, such a hilariously sweet, love at first sight, fated mates romance. I thoroughly enjoyed this funny, quirky romance. I cried so any tears of laughter and of sweet joy. The characters, Serena and Henry are both science nerds that meet at a local bar. Serena aka Ducky unknowingly sits on a newly varnished laden bench and becomes glued to it. In comes her rescuer, Henry, donates his coat for her to wrap around her as she shimmies out of her pants, sans panties and pants.

They have a magical night that terrifies Serena. It feels like instant love and she is not having that at all. She breaks Henry’s heart with a lie, he ends up being her boss and for the next two years they work begrudgingly together until another fated magical day where they somehow switch bodies.

Together, Henry and Serena work side by side, meeting each others families, being supportive and attentive to each other’s needs, while finding a cure to their debacle.

Full of witty banter and funny quips, the author takes you on a wild ride of fated love. Will Henry and Serena get their respective bodies back? Do they fall in love and admit it to each other? Or like a psychic’s prediction, will they both die?

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This book was a bit challenging for me. It's not that it was awful; I believe I just picked it up at the wrong time.
I really liked the main male character; he was sweet and wonderful. The main female character was genuinely interesting, but at times, she got on my nerves.
Overall, I just felt it wasn't the right fit for me. I struggled to connect with both the story and the characters.

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Serena thinking she can't love someone and still have all of her dreams is my bread and butter. She resists Henry so much because she doesn't understand that it's okay to love a man. Henry is so obsessed with her and I love to see it. The fact that they get engaged and then married the next month is so funny. Honestly, the whole book was funny and I enjoyed seeing them get used to being in the other persons body.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Thank you to NetGalley and W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for allowing me to read a copy of Switched by Sarah Ready in exchange for my honest review.

A multiverse of stars!

I absolutely loved this book! The quirkiness, the dialog, the "switch", even the "nerdiness"!

I strongly encourage everyone to read this book. It is not to be missed!

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This was definitely a cute one! A little modern freaky Friday science nerd story! I was really torn between a 3 and a 4 rating because while it was cute, it wasn’t one that blew me away. Although I did enjoy the parts where they had to view the others point of view…that was fun to see from each side. I did get through it rather quickly as it held my attention, so that’s always a plus!

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Sarah Ready always creates fun reads that draw you into the story - becoming a go to author when I am looking for something light and entertaining. This book features two physicists crossed in love and the universe intervening to show them the way to true love through a soul switch that has them literally experience life from the others perspective.

While it is book two in a series, you do not have to have read the first to get into this story. It does have some literacy devices that some readers may not enjoy (footnotes and breaking the fourth wall) but author forewarns of them and they don’t interrupt the flow of the story. Perfect for those looking for a STEM romance with science geek joking around!

I am ready for book 3 in this series and can’t wait to see who is featured next

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I was intrigued by the initial concept, it starts out as a fun, original concept, a bit on the quirky diary-style, think Princess Diaries with the awkward stream of thought, but I didn't connect with how the story was actually told and quickly gave up. So it wasn't really for me in the end.

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5⭐️ | 2🌶

After absolutely devouring Ghosted, I jumped at the opportunity and immediately requested for Switched as soon as I spotted it on NetGalley.

I loved that the book came with cute doodles and footnotes, yes footnotes! And not the boring kind, most were witty and hilarious. At this point it’s safe to say I’m absolutely in love with the whole magical realism trope because I loved the freaky Friday vibe here. There are several moments that had me cackling in the middle of the night (ref. Chapter 31) I adored Henry! As if being gorgeously British wasn’t enough, his golden retriever vibe had my heart melting and the fact that he was so madly, desperately in love with Selena; who by the way I wanted to punch on several occasions! I get that she was a career oriented woman who was scared of loosing herself if she gave love a chance (I’m a bit like that!) but when you have a man like Henry, saying the things he was saying (ref. my annotations) how can one resist! I would’ve quit any damn thing to be with him (if he wasn’t fictional, or perhaps I was!)

I loved this book, even though I almost lost my mind and bawled my eyes out at one point (ref. Chapter 38) These two took me on a roller coaster ride and I would let them do it all over again! So yes, obviously you cannot miss this one.

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How unique! I loved Ghosted (my fave of the two in the series so far), but Switched was definitely an interesting spin on the Freaky Friday storyline!

Sarah Ready has quickly become a go-to author for me - you can always count on her to give you an excellent storyline and make you think and bring the drama without giving an emotional breakdown. Switched is one of her more quirky tales! I love that she’s brought in the body-swap idea for a couple that had magic and great sparks at first meeting but quickly discovered that they were new work colleagues so it couldn’t go further, until a freak accident at the Large Hadron Collider one lightning storm caused them to swap bodies and they got a really unique perspective on each other’s lives, including seeing their memories, attending the others big life events, experiencing their own preferences - super interesting!

Definitely recommend it to all, especially fans of Ready’s other works, including but most especially Ghosted! It’s not one to be missed!

Audio is narrated by my favourite couple - Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster. They did a spectacular job as always, but he only had a small role (I absolutely love Kelsey and I know the book was written the way it was for a reason, but would have loved to hear more of James)!

I received an advance read and listen copy from NetGalley and W.W. Crown (an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing), Members' Titles and Audiobooks, and this is my honest feedback.

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The premise Switched is intriguing and offers a fresh twist on the classic body-switch trope. Serena Otaki, a carefree California girl, stands in stark contrast to Henry Joule, a meticulous British man. Their initial encounter sparks a series of events culminating in a literal exchange of bodies, leading to a thought-provoking exploration of identity, perception, and the nature of attraction. While the story succeeds in weaving together elements of humor and romance, character development feels a little flat.

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If I could give this more stars I would. Henry and Serena switch bodies and try to get back to themselves by learning more about the other. There was quite a bit of science in this book which I think is what lacks in some Ali Hazelwood books which I think then rivals them. The spicy-ness is not all that bad which is interesting as they are in an opposite sex body. Granted it’s not closed door but it’s not bad. Serena narrates most of the book. I wish Henry had some more chapters because I would love to get inside his head more. However Serena has this sense of humor which both me and Henry loved. The author uses footnotes which took me a while to get used to but ended up liking. Overall this book was a little cheesy but I felt was wholesome and down to earth.

I did get this from NetGalley so thanks to them and the publisher for giving me this wonderful book. I did not read Ghosted the first book in the series which at a couple points was confusing but this book is standalone otherwise. I look forward to reading more Sarah Ready books!

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Bravo to Sarah Ready!!!

Wonderful characters and an amazing and fun storyline!!!

Such a brilliant combination of laugh out loud moments and a creative twist to a great romantic HEA!

Although much different than my normal reads, this was such a breath of fresh air and I can’t wait to see what Sarah Ready has up her sleeve next for us!!

Five stars all the way!!

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Like every Sarah Readys' book I loved it. It gript me from the first moment tillthe end.
Love the story line. 4 stars read.

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I would like to thank Netgalley for providing me with an ARC copy of this book. I really loved the cover photo. It looks so gorgeous that I was immediately attracted to it.

"Switched" offers a delightful escapade into the unexpected. Dive into the narrative with an open mind and enjoy the journey. Serena and Henry, both dedicated physicists, find themselves in the heart of Switzerland, working at the renowned Large Hadron Collider. Their commitment to their careers is unwavering. Yet, fate intervenes when they cross paths in a bar, unaware of their impending professional relationship. The chemistry is undeniable, but Serena's realization that Henry will soon be her superior sends her into a tailspin, prompting her to maintain a cautious distance. This tale is a lighthearted romp through the complexities of science, career, and the unpredictable nature of attraction.

The writing skills of the author are flawless and I was engaged throughout the book without getting bored. The plot was quite captivating and is a great book to read while drinking coffee. I will highly recommend this book. Grab your copy today.

#Switched #NetGalley

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