Member Reviews

This book was so adorable. I loved Ghosted by this author and when I heard a second one in this interconnected series was coming out I had to jump all over it! I really loved this Freaky Friday esk plot line and the depth of the characters, all the while still being so funny and lighthearted. I read this in one sitting because I couldn’t get enough of the characters and their stories. The back and forth / push and pull of their characters and stories really keeps the reader entertained and wanting more. I loved every moment and it’s such a cute romance to get lost into. Highly recommend.

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Freaky Friday with a side of STEM? Count me in!

The characters in this were so likeable that the chemistry between them, the flow and how they are in each other’s company really helps to give you that “leg kicking” cute moment. The experience that Serena and Henry have in each other’s bodies are packed with laugh out loud moments.

This is the second book in the Ghosted series and they both have the same elements which make it a really easy and digestible cosy read.

Thank you to NETGALLEY for allowing me to have an advanced readers copy!

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Sarah Ready has been one of the most consistent authors I’ve read in the last year. I’ve loved everything that she’s written and I was so excited to start this after reading Ghosted in the fall. I always love getting side characters/friends stories.

I’ll start by saying I was so nervous at the beginning in of this book. The way Serena handled some things made me cringe so hard but I ended up devouring this book. I loved the way Serena and Henry got to know each other and understand each other by first hand experience. The Freaky Friday vibes made it almost a nostalgic read. And I loved that a book about two physicists had so much magic! This just cements the fact that I’ll read anything Sarah writes because even when her characters do something I don’t like, I end up falling in love with them!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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Oh this is a totally different story! You definitely get Freaky Friday feels but of course its not family. Its two people who WE know would work out but because of some past mistakes, we know they are no where near couple status.

Henry and Serena meet in Genova. Its attraction at first sight. But that night is the only night. Because Serena has one true love, one she's had for many years. And there's no room for Henry.

After their first meeting, their relationship isn't like the day they met. Very, very far from it. But after a storm in their work place something magical (or not, maybe science), they've realized they've switched bodies.

Its so funny, heartwarming, with a lot of self reflection and some realizations are found about themselves and each other. I loved the bits with the families and all the times Serena found out something she didn't know about Henry. She came to understand herself so much. And Henry was such a dream. A great guy honestly who was a great guy all through out. Serena grew on me. This is the one who needed a perceptive change.

Its always heartbreaking to miss out on events but to actually be there but not be there is pretty sad too. I really liked this one!

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I have read some of Sarah's books and I can say with al honesty that she has a wonderful way to make books and stories so uniquely and sweet but with some lightnes to them.
In this book we follow Serena and Henry, we see their growth, their comprension to one another, the falling in love, their past and their future.

I loved this book and every single character in it.

I fully recommend listening and reading this book for a more pleasant expirence.

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I recently read Ghosted and really enjoyed it. I was excited to see another book in the series.

What a cute story. Reminiscent of Freaky Friday.

The characters are quirky to say the least. I loved them.

Hilariously funny at times.

A little too much science in some parts for my taste.

I liked how they could feel each others previous experiences when switched. This made the story for me.

Thanks to netgalley and W.W Crown for the arc.

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This book has comedy, sadness, and happiness! I admit the beginning was a little hard for me to get into, it was just a tad slow for my tastes, but I kept reading and I'm so glad I did. The relationship between Henry and Serena is a complicated one, but by the end it was an amazing one! I believe the universe switched them because Serena was scared to love and Henry wasn't, he showed her you can love someone unconditional without changing who you are.

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Oh my goodness book! I loved it and may have hugged my kindle after finishing it last night. Ps. I need a physical copy asap.

Ready is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. She excels in writing physical comedy, with so many scenes that had me laughing whole heartedly. She also writes truly heartbreaking scenes that had me reaching for a Kleenex. I loved the Freaky Friday aspect of the story and Serena’s character and growth through out it all was a highlight for me. I also LOVED Henry & that we got to see characters from book one Ghosted (which I loved)! again. This can be read as a standalone —- however reading Ghosted beforehand just adds to the experience. I alternated between the audiobook and e-book and enjoyed both formats. The narrators are amazing!! If you’re a fan of Sophie Kinsella or Katherine Center, I highly recommend adding this book series to your TBR. Ps. Book three is out later this year!!! Woot! Woot!

Thank you NetGalley and W. W. Crown and imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing for providing me with an advanced audio copy and e-copy. Thank you to Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster for the amazing narration.

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I have mixed feelings on this one.
The physics part was fun , if not a but rambly.
I loved the take on love, marriage but on the other hand could not relate to the Serena & The faceless english guy.
The love here was super insta , but i could roll it with for the story.

So yea. mixed feelings.

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4.5 stars

Serena and Henry are scientists, more adept at following their heads than their hearts. But one night changes everything, and they fall in love. The problem? While Henry is ready to dive in head first, Serena fears losing herself and her career. She'd prefer a clean break, but that's impossible to do when you discover that you'll be working together! And where they work becomes critical here, because one night, some machinery goes haywire, and Henry and Serena switch bodies! They embark on a journey to reverse the damage before it's too late, but wind up understanding one another better than they could ever imagine. Will Sarina allow herself to love? Will they switch back? You'll have to read to find out!

I had a great time with this book. I love how the author, Sarah Ready, seamlessly intertwines science and love. Who would ever have thought that you could make physics so poetic? I was so impressed not only by the depth of the story, but by the humor. The graphs and footnotes had me laughing out loud. The quiet moments in which they let their walls down were tremendous. Occasionally I struggled to understand Serena, but as the story went on, the author provided clarity.

I loved this audiobook. I enjoyed the female narrator especially. She was the perfect Serena!

Trigger warnings: heart attack suffered by a parent, visiting a relative in the hospital

I'd like to thank W. W. Crown, and imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks, and Netgalley for the eARC of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The squeals that I squealed while listening to this book. Omg I am living for the whole freaky Friday vibe that was going on and I absolutely adored Henry and Serena. I resonated a bit… like a lot … with Serena and I was so glad to see the growth she went through while on this “adventure” with Henry. It was wild from start to finish and I loved their moments. Seeing both of them grow and learn from each other made my heart so happy 🥰🥰🥰 can’t wait for the next book in this series.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy.

I was able to read Ghosted last year as an ARC and enjoyed Ready's unique take on a familiar romance trope, mashing it with science that breaks your brain. It was a little overcomplicated as a story but at least it wasn't the whole 'they were really in a coma' obvious twist. Switched is both similar and a little different. The freaky Friday body switch between the mains is a mash of science and magic. It isn't quite explained; I didn't really need it to be. The uniqueness comes from having the characters be opposite genders and navigating the weird/hilarious/awkward differences of finding yourself in a VERY different body. It has two people who know each other very well but are also complete strangers and it really dives into the idea of being alone and sidelined in situations where you can't be yourself because you aren't yourself.

Anyways, there were moments of this book I loved, made me grin and laugh. Then there were moments that felt too convenient and too cheesy, descriptions that became a little too saccharine and spacey. I was often frustrated by Serena and felt plenty of this conflict could have been wrapped up with a more honest conversation, one that these characters felt capable of having.

Overall, sweet and dorky, this book and this author deserve more attention and I look forward to reading the next book in this cute sciency romance series.

Side note: The most unbelievable part of this book is that this guy was a virgin when they met.

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If you like your romance book with a dash of science (like ali hzaelwood style) this book is perfect for you. This book truly is for all the nerds out there.

Our main characters swap bodies on a stormy night and they have to navigate how to live their lives. It also has an element of enemies to lovers *winky face*

This was a delightful read and I am definitely reading Sarah’s previous release. I would say this book is perfect for the fans of ali hazelwood and Christina Lauren.

Thank you to NetGalley and W.W crown and imprint of swift and Lewis publishing for graciously providing me an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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An unfortunate DNF 😭.

I have to be honest I'm really sad I'm DNFing this one. I have LOVED Sarah's books. However.....I'm not sure why authors keep doing the "break the fourth wall" thing. It makes for such a TOUGH read. It's almost like the story and the character talking to you are two separate stories and I just could not get through this. The random photos and graphs, the breaking up the story....I just could dive in because Ducky wanted to be quirky every five seconds.

However, im sure the actually story was good and the writing flowed really well, but i could not get pass all the random graphs and Ducky trying to be different and quirky.

All the random thought inserts (much like this would be in parentheses and break up an entire thought or paragraph) were super distracting.

Which is super strange, cause none of her other books read like this. :(

Overall, I think one day I will try to read this and hopefully change my thoughts because I love Sarah's books, but literally at 30% Ducky was killing me 😭.

I hope to read more Sarah Ready in the future, but this was such a stark difference from the first book of this standalone series, and an even bigger difference from how her works usually read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and WW Crown for providing the ARC.

Sarah Ready never misses, and that is doubly true in this crazy Freaky Friday-esque follow up to Ghosted.

Serena doesn't want to fall in love. Falling in love means losing yourself, your identity, and being subsumed by someone else. So when she experiences love at first sight, she cuts and runs, knowing exactly what will happen if she sticks around, and she loves herself and her career more than that.

When she ends up switching places with the man of her dreams, she comes to find out that there are certain things she can no longer avoid, including her dormant but never gone feelings she has for him. She learns more about herself in someone else's body than she ever truly realized as herself.

I loved Serena's character. She was raw and genuine in a way that I feel is missed from most female main characters. The lengths she went through for Henry to make sure that he had everything he needed was just a testament to what the reader already knows - she loves him and does so deeply.

Henry was just as endearing. He wore heart eyes the entire story, and all he wanted to do was understand Serena more, since she had brutally shut him down. He worked to make things so much more comfortable for Serena that it's hard not falling in love with him yourself.

This book was dreamy and special. I think everyone who enjoys a bit of paranormal activity will enjoy this book throughly.

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This is an adorable paranormal romance. This is an unexpected gem of a romance. Ducky and Henry share a hot first night stand, then a period of working together, then a switcheroo, then an adorable HEA.

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Thank you Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

3.75 ⭐️

When I started this book I had no idea it was part of a series, it is great as a standalone. This is like Freaky Friday mixed with a nerdy romance. It took me about 5 chapters to get into it, but then I was hooked and binged the rest of the book.
It's adorable, quirky, with vivid descriptions and an adorable romance. Definitely would recommend for a fun rom com book.

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Switched- Ghosted Book #2

By Sarah Ready- read Ghosted gave it 4* & French Holiday 4*

Rating: 5/5

Format: eBook 338 pgs. and audiobook run time: 10:01

Narrator: Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster. Story told by h Serena with one chapter w/ H . I loved Henry and his family's British accent. All the voices were distinct but I could easily tell the difference between all characters. The reading style brought the story to life and the pacing was great and flowed easily with the story. The narration and the author were in sync, and they fit together perfectly.

The audiobook's flow was pretty good. The narrators paused and announced every time a new chapter came. The book had a table of contents which helped me follow along with the e-book and audio.

Setting: Switzerland

Publication 2/20/24, Read 2/19/24

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher W.W. Crown & Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for this ARC and ACL 💜! I voluntarily give an honest review and all opinions expressed are my own.

What to Expect: Contemporary Romance, fake dating, forced proximity, one night stand, STEMinist Fic, insta-love,

Summary: Serena is a theoretical physicist in Geneva who doesn't believe in love. She has hook ups and goes back to physics-her 1st and only love. Henry, a physicist himself, believes in true love and after a one night stand with the beautiful "Duckie" he thought he met the one. She tells him they just had fun a year later working together. Henry is the project leader and Serena's boss. One night there's an electrically storm and Serena and Henry wake up having switched bodies. They spend the rest of time adjusting to being each other and their real feelings.

The characters:
Serena Duckie Otaki- from California, theoretical physicist working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Henry Joules-British, had his v-card, Serena was his 1st.
Jillian-h from book #1, Serena's BFF.
John-Henry's brother getting married in England to Olivia-Henry the best man
Lorna-a bridesmaid and Henry's ex
Eugenia+ Charles-Henry's parents
Caroline + Matt-Serena's parents

My Thoughts:

Overall, the romance was remarkable. Serena was so against love, but learned while in Henry's body what it truly felt like. I loved all the wedding stuff and their time with Serena's parents. I'd recommend reading the audiobook because you can adjust the speed, skip parts easily (if desired), and picture the characters more vividly.

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Serena is a layed back American. Loves coffee and her job and is Sworn off love and rhe idea of marriage. She hates the idea if losing her identity and merging into a stereotypical couple. The only rhis she loves - physics.

Henry is an uptight brit. He is an ocd clean freak, loves tea and his life is his job. Physics is his love but he wants a future and someone to share it with.

They meet in Geneva in a bar and after she gets into a sticky situation 👀 he comes to her rescue and she promises him to show him around only it doesn't go past his hotel room. Love at first sight she panics and pushes him away. Only years later the universe brings them together again and a thunderstorm makes them switch bodies.

Living in eachothers bodies makes them feel eachothers emotions and other things 😂 that make the truths come to light. Having to live eachothers lives till they figure out how to switch back is highly entertaining.

I really enjoyed this. It was witty and funny.  I've not read a freaky Friday type of story before so this was a great change for me. There was a few situations that made me a bit 😬 and that's big from me 😅 I just kept thinking... but he's you... but hey, when it's love it's love.

This was also my first full audio that I listened to. I usually give up because I  'didnt' like audio before but this has converted me. 🥳

Thank you so much netgally, Sarah ready and w.w. Crown publishing for the audio book in exchange for my honest review

"Little did she know her life was about to change forever

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Lorsque l'univers engendre un coup de foudre.

Pour Serena Otaki, californienne, la vie est simple. Elle aime Star Trek, le tofu épicé, son chat Captain Purrk et son célibat. Son grand amour, c'est la physique. Pour Henry Joules, britannique coincé, la vie est simple. Il aime sa famille, la viande rouge, nettoie son appartement de manière obsessionnelle et rêve de trouver la femme de sa vie. Durant une nuit parfaite, Serena et Henry se rencontrent. Des étincelles volent, des particules entrent en collision, l’univers s’arrête et… C'était une erreur. Ils sont trop différents. Cela ne fonctionnera pas. Jusqu'à ce qu'un orage provoque un événement inattendu, chacun se retrouvant dans le corps de l'autre. Et, la vie devient soudain très compliquée.

Je ne suis pas adepte du principe de coup de foudre. Ainsi, les sentiments qui en découlent me semblent niais, mais l'idée d'échange de corps est drôle. Cela apporte une touche de fraîcheur et d'humour au livre. Les personnages sont bien construits, et grâce à l'échange, le lecteur découvre leurs différentes facettes. C'est de cette façon qu'ils apprennent eux-mêmes à se connaître et à se comprendre. C'était appréciable de les voir évoluer au fil des pages, et les différents twists qui permettent leur rapprochement sont touchants et plutôt crédibles. J'ai beaucoup aimé la narration homodiégétique qui interpelle directement le lecteur, c'est original.

Même si le coup de foudre et l'amour fou au premier regard ne m'ont pas transcendée, j'ai passé un moment agréable en lisant ce livre. Et c'est toujours un plaisir de lire les œuvres de Sarah Ready.

Merci à Netgalley, à l'autrice et aux éditeurs pour cette lecture.

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