Member Reviews

Meet Serena. A double-doctorate physicist who is already madly in love. With her career. She has time for fun and flings - but absolutely no interest in anything more.

Meet Henry. He's pretty smart in his own right (if Serena comes up with the theories - he spends his time either proving them or disproving them). He believes in love at first sight, because it happened to him. The moment he met Serena.

And when Serena realizes what Henry wants. She puts an end to it. Chapter one over. Our two mains are not getting their HEA.

And then the Universe decides to intervene. All of a sudden (and after a whole thing) - Serena wakes up in Henry's body. And Henry wakes up in Serena's body. A Freaky Friday type of situation. Only it doesn't just last 24 hours. Instead, we get to follow on our mains as they visit their families - while inhabiting the wrong body. It allows for a lot of self-reflection from Serena to understand her beliefs about love and marriage. And Henry is just a solid, lovely golden retriever of a male lead.

Similar to the first book in the series, this book requires the reader to go along for the ride. Suspend reality and just enjoy seeing these two get to know one another - and really understand what makes the other tick. It makes for a super sweet love story of epic proportions.

I do wish that this one had been told in alternating points of view - I think it would have maybe moved the story along a little faster. But honestly - this was sweet and fun, and Serena is a brilliantly funny lead.

Totally looking forward to reading book three in the series. I REALLY loved Ghosted, but this one is a close second. And thank you Sarah Ready for including Jillian and Daniel (and Fran) in this one.

Thank you Netgalley and WW Crown for the ARC in return for my honest review.

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4 1/2 stars

I find that I love most anything I read by Sarah Ready and Switched was no exception.

When Serena meets Henry, he throws her into a tizzy. She's only supposed to have one true love and that is physics. There is no room for another one and Henry could just well threaten that for her. So, she must find a way to be sure it doesn't happen.

All is going along fine....or is it? Probably not because Henry is grumpy and miserable and Serena is none too happy herself when a freak accident happens. The two of them magically or scientifically (depending on which way you think) switch bodies and they can't figure out how to switch back. It's humorous for them to be in the body of the opposite sex but it's sad at times because they both have major life events occur while they are switched and their families are unaware of the situation so the hugs and attention go to the other person. Yet, it also opens up lines of communication for them to find out things they otherwise would not know, giving them an insight into the other person and a better understanding.

There are times this book made me chuckle and times I teared up. It runs the full gamut of emotions and does it well.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The audiobook was outstanding as well. The narration really fit the characters and helped me to fully immerse myself into the story. Very enjoyable. 5 stars

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This was a fun paranormal rom-com book, I was either cackling or swooning or enjoying the ride. Switched was my second book by Sarah Ready, Ghosted being the first. (Which by the way, GO READ ITTTT, it was one of my favourite reads in 2023!)

We have our main girl, Serena who is a lover of physics, Star Trek, and her rescue cat, Captain Purrk. She loves her simple and chaotic life with no desire of putting a man before her one true love—physics.
Then we have Henry, our main guy, an uptight Brit who loves sipping tea, organizing, and keeping things clean. He has many loves in his life— family, eating red meat, and physics. He’s the romantic and is the one who sees his own family and marriage in his future.

So things happen, they meet and collide and it feels so scarily perfect— except it won’t work because they’re just so different and they don’t understand each other. Opposites. Until more things happen and a strange phenomenon occurs where they suddenly find themselves switched into each other’s bodies.

Now everything they knew about their familiar, simple worlds are suddenly not so familiar or simple.🫣

Listen, I was scared I wasn’t going to like this book because there was all this big-brain, science-y lingo that was just going in one ear, out the other. 😭 But the interactions and adventure that Serena and Henry go through made it so worth it, and I found myself suddenly cackling at their banter. It was sweet and charming, and I loved how you can feel the magical sensation in the air. Almost how anything might be possible?

Anyway, I totally plan on reading more by Sarah Ready. She’s becoming one of my automatic go-tos!

E-ARC provided by Netgalley and Sarah Ready, thank you!

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I’m going to date myself, but when I was a kid, I loved “Freaky Friday,” the one with Jodie Foster. Seeing how the other one lives and feels and then seeing the characters improve their relationship at the end was neat. In Sarah Ready’s “Switched,” instead of mother/daughter, she has two physicists who get together. Serena is entirely career-focused; love is at the bottom of her list, and she doesn’t realize how hurt Henry feels being dismissed. Much later, they find themselves working together, and Henry is an entirely different person from the one she met years before. A strange occurrence happens, and somehow, they switch bodies. Author Sarah Ready makes their transformation humorous. Henry’s adjustment to all things being a woman, especially during certain times of the month, was hilarious. Serena was adamant that Henry not touch her body while they were switched, which made me laugh so hard.

Though “Switch” was a slow burn and very low in spice, I still enjoy the story. The lessons learned, and the sweetness of the couple made the story.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is book 2 of the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready. It's recommended to read the first book in the series.

Serena and Henry have an instant connection when they meet at a bar. It's such an intense first meeting and after they "get together" Henry expresses his desire to be with her. Forever. Serena doesn't do forever. She does one night because she's chosen her work as her one true love. This leads to her lying to Henry and saying it was fun but that was all she saw it as, not the intense connection that Henry felt. That same night Serena gets an e-mail saying her new boss is Henry which solidifies her choice to make sure they never have a repeat of that night.

At work one night there is an incident and Serena and Henry end up switching bodies. It's a freaky Friday type premises but it worked so well. Recommended for fans of paranormal romances!

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I LOVED this book! Sarah Ready is truly becoming one of my favorite authors. This book was SO fun and I couldnt put it down.

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This was so cute!

I love a good STEM focused romance, and Serena was hilarious with the way she told her story using charts, footnotes, and breaking the fourth wall.

The switching bodies part was written really well. Serena and Henry have so many quirks, and they start to experience each others likes, dislikes, and memories, allowing them to understand each other better.

I really enjoyed this, and now I want to read all of the other books in this series by Sarah Ready.

Thank you NetGalley for an eARC of this book. I really enjoyed it.

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Found this very interesting read, imagine waking in in a body of a woman haha or a man laughed out loud in few places highly recommended.
Thanks to netgalley for an ARC of this book for a free honest review.. Give it a whirl I think you'll like it.

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I was so excited for Serena’s book and it did not disappoint. I didn’t love the insta-love or love at first site aspect, but the rest of the book was so much fun. There is “love at first site” but Serena doesn’t want love so she pushed Henry away and they become neutral for a year and a half while working together. Then the switch happens! They spend almost two weeks in each others body but it was so great to watch them finally understand each other! I loved their families and the support they showed for each other. I think my favorite part was all the diagrams included throughout the book! This was an overall fun and enjoyable read!

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This was a charming, light romance with a touch of woo-woo. Besides switching bodies (not a spoiler, it's in the description and title), we have an amusing gender-specific switch of attitudes toward love: the man is the one seeking it and commitment, the woman is a STEM feminist who refuses to soften her laser focus on her career.

You know there will be a happy ending, it just seemed to take a long time. Enjoyable romp.

I thank the author, W.W. Crown and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I've really grown to love Sarah Ready as a writer and her writing style is really unique. I love how her main characters are often in STEM fields and that she has good background knowledge to make their careers seem more believable and relatable. This one is definitely far fetched but if you can suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the story, you're in for a great ride. I really liked the way this story unfolded and the way it wrapped up naturally. I thought the relationship development seemed very organic especially for an inorganic situation. I really enjoyed this from start to finish. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Switched by Sarah Ready is a magical realism love story between two scientists who work at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland and Henry Joules, a clean freak English man and the other Serena Otaki, an untidy Californian American.

Switched is the second book in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series which i have not read so can definitely be enjoyed on its own,

This was a romance that was a pleasure to read between two people who have totally opposite opinions on love and marriage and how it affects their individual lives both in work and personality going forward.

While the premise is a simple one where two people with opposite opinions swap bodies and experience the world through the other's eyes both family, opinions and memories. In addition to the life experiences that come with being a man or a woman,

While the story is told mainly through Serena Otaki’s view there are the odd chapters where you get to see the world through Henry Joules’s perspective but this is only during the odd key chapter.

With the story being told mainly through Serena’s point of view there is a definitive, writing style though the heart of the story which is a very logical way with the character breaking the 4th wall every now and then.

The only problem with the characterisation of the novel was with the stereotypes of Henry the Englishman, having him liking tea all the time in every situation, shortbread biscuits and living in the castle seemed to tick boxes of every British individual in fiction.

The only thing he did not have a title even though the family was awarded the castle and served various monarchs but is supposed they had to draw the line somewhere.

This characterisation did not come across with Serena, as nearly stereo typical.

Having said that Switched by Sarah Ready was an enjoyable romance novel, with a body swap twist.

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Super cute, wildly entertaining, a preposterous premise with heart and nerds: that’s Switched!

This is freaky Friday, the romance edition. And it is so fun! When two physicists have a love-at-first-sight moment, Henry falls madly in love with Serena. The feeling is mutual but Serena won’t let pesky love derail her career— she doesn’t have time or the energy for that! Her first love is and always will be science.

But then a mysterious event at the lab during an electrical storm (which, mind you, as a non particle physicist I still don’t fully understand) causes a bit of an issue. Serena and Henry wake up in each other’s bodies. A full-blown switcheroo!

You may be thinking that this is a totally unrealistic plotline, and you would be absolutely correct. But that’s what makes this book so fantastic. You have to suspend disbelief and let yourself enjoy this quirky story. It’s actually a tremendous thought experiment about what it would be like to be in another person‘s body. I absolutely loved how Serena and Henry were able to have a little glimpses of each other’s memories and feelings, but also experience the completely bananas situation of having different body parts, needing to pose as each other at family events, etc.

Henry is a total cinnamon roll and Serena is whip, smart and witty. I thought they were adorable together and they were really there for each other. I wish I could figure out how exactly the switch happened and how they were able to switch back, but that’s probably for someone smarter than me to figure out. Someone, for instance, like a particle physicist.

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No one pulls at my heartstrings like Sarah Ready. Once again she does it again. Signature humour ,writing and witty banter but oh my god the feels. No one does it like Sarah . I will always recommend her books. 5 stars!!

*Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this early.

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I really did not enjoy this book. The pacing was too slow, the dialogue was really strange, and all I could think about was how badly I did not want to finish this book. The "switch" did not happen until halfway through the book, and when it did, they spent a weird amount of time talking about how strange it was being in an opposite gender's body and ogling the body parts. I really would not recommend this book as I do not see anybody easily being able to enjoy it.

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”If you don’t reach out and capture the moment, you may never find that moment again.”
“This is one of those moments? The ones we should capture?”

Well, she’s only gone and bloody done it again! Sarah Ready -a must read Author in our opinion- has completely stolen our hearts with Switched. We can’t say we’re surprised as every book she’s written has left us in awe. In awe of how we connect to every single character. In awe of her seamless and flawless writing. In awe of her unique storytelling that always captures our attention as well as our hearts. In awe of her flair for bending the rules and challenging concepts of romance. We could go on!

”I’ve always believed one of the best things about humans is that we always strive, always hope, even when there isn’t any reason to.”

There’s something so human about Sarah Ready’s characters, sure, they encompass a little magic but mostly they’re made up of -real- real emotions, real fears, real dreams, real aspirations, real awkwardness, real hope, and real and honest love. Her stories are all so different, yet every single one has this realness running through the pages which is what makes us fall in book love. We laugh, we cry, we fall in love.

”Your soul burns so bright it doesn’t matter what you look like or what body you’re in – it’s you. Nothing can change that.”

Switched is an unusual story of love. It’s the second book in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted Series, however, can absolutely be read as a standalone. We highly recommend reading both though as each is as wonderful as the other. Serena and Henry, as different as night and day yet both complement each other beautifully, but wow does it take quite the journey for them to understand and realise the why and the how. A heartbreaking, beautiful, funny, and ever so sweet journey. One that had us smiling and laughing and falling in love.

’It’s not love at first sight. It’s not friendship to love. It’s not hate to love. It’s not blind love. It’s love built from understanding. A love that knows all my flaws, everything I’m afraid of or that I’ve done wrong, all my idiosyncrasies and all my blind spots – a love that knows I’m human and often bull-headed, stubborn, and mistaken. A love that knows me and still loves – loves every hidden corner of me, every dark depth, and every idiotic thing I’ve done in the past and may do in the future, and still, still loves me. It isn’t a passing love or a superficial love. It’s a deep, abiding, accepting love. A burning, undying love.’

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Serena grew up watching her mother give up her dreams for motherhood and marriage and she swore that would never happen to her. In a hilarious meet-cute with a stranger in a pub though something clicks and they have one amazing night together. Henry admits his feelings and it's all too scary for Serena, so she lies and says it's all a bit of fun. Fast forward a year and a half and Henry is her boss at the Cern super collider in Switzerland and he's aloof and distant as if that night never happened. They are complete opposites and will never understand each other... until a freak accident that leaves them in each other's bodies. They agree to stay together until they figure out how to switch back, with hilarious and sometimes frustrating results.
I enjoyed this funny rom-com and the laugh out loud moments that come from a woman trapped in a man's body. The story is told completely from Serena's perspective but even though Henry is trapped in her body, she still refers to him as himself, probably a good thing when you start to think about her kissing herself, etc. A weirdly unique love story reminiscent of Freaky Friday that makes you think what you would do if thrown into this same situation.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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by Sarah Ready
4 stars
338 pages
Feb,15th to Feb, 17th

Serena is a wild one who loves just living life. Henry is a guy who loves love, He wants happiness and forever.
When Serena meets Henry, she has to borrow his jacket since her pants get stuck to a booth. It was a charming and funny meet-cute, that hooks you from the beginning. You think it would just blossom from there, but Henry is Serena's new boss.
After some time of working together and keeping distant, they don't seem to get along at all. Then one night while they argue about work, fate so has it they switch bodies. Between having to deal with each other's families and past, they learn more about each other.
This was all around, a funny read. Listening to how they switched and Serena having to deal with having a hard-on at random times. Henry dealing with having a period. I enjoyed this so much there was a lot of science talk too. You can read it as a standalone but it is a series.

One night stand, love at first sight, opposites attract, forced proximity, fake dating, and slow burn.

Thank you, Net Galley, and W.W. Crown for this eARC for an honest review.

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Switched by Sarah Ready is a fun and unique romantic comedy that is perfect for fans of the genre. The writing is witty and engaging, and the characters are lovable and memorable. They were full of depth and emotion which I loved.
The magical realism was done so well here. I could picture everything so vividly.
I personally love anything and everything Sarah Ready writes, so I had to jump at the opportunity to read this remarkable story! She has a stunning talent for making books that are funny, that make you swoon, but that are also deeply emotionally charged. This one was no different.
This story is perfect for contemporary romance, rom-com, and paranormal lovers.

Thank You NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Serena Otaki loves physics more than anything and knows that a romantic partnership isn’t in her future. Henry Joules also loves physics but can’t wait to meet his future wife. Sparks fly when Henry and Serena meet, but they quickly determine they’re much too different for a future together. An electric storm causes an unexpected event at the Large Hadron Collider they both work at and suddenly Serena and Henry are switched. Henry is in Serena’s body and Serena is in Henry’s.

This funny, quirky book is the second in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series. What I love about Sarah Ready is how fearlessly she tackles different topics and writing styles in each of her books. Switched is in the same vein as Ghosted but is also wholly unique. I loved it in all its heartfelt silliness.

Recommended if you enjoy: 🪄 magical realism 🔃 body swapping 🛸 Star Trek 🎨 doodled illustrations 🤭 comedic footnotes ✨ love at first sight

Thank you to Netgalley and W.W. Crown for the advanced copy to read and review. All opinions are my own.

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