Member Reviews

Let's start with a couple of confessions. First, I’m not a real sciencey person. Especially something with theoretical physics, smashing atoms, and black holes. My brain just doesn’t work that way. So this story? Normally I wouldn’t give it a second look. Confession #2, I am a huge fan of this gifted storyteller. I’ve been with her since the beginning and she’s proven herself time and again. So when Ready gives us a sciencey romance, I’ll take a chance, and I’m so freaking glad I did!

Serena Otaki is in love with her job as a theoretical physicist at The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva Switzerland. There’s no room for loving a man, especially when her life view says love requires losing yourself in the other person and give up your dreams. A one-night stand is a different story, and this is how she meets Henry Joule. Lots of sparks, lots of colliding, and then…

Henry turns out to be her new boss. Uh oh. Now they have to see each other every day and work together on projects, all while ignoring the one-night elephant in the room. Then things get really complicated, and by complicated, I mean hilariously entertaining. Mother Nature rages, the Universe interferes, and Serena and Henry switch bodies.

Of course Ready doesn’t just give us a story that's hysterically amusing, but she takes us deep into these two characters, peeling back layer after layer until we empathize so much with them that they feel like friends. She makes it so easy to read this story that I devoured it in one night. It's wildly funny, but also a profound emotional journey. Charming, heartfelt, and completely unexpected, this is my favorite romcom this year. Take a chance on this unique, fun, poignant story and I promise your romantic heart will thank you.

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In Sarah Ready's charming and witty novel, "Switched," two brilliant physicists from vastly different backgrounds experience a literal body swap, leading to a hilarious and heartwarming exploration of identity, love, and the dynamics of relationships. Serena Otaki, a free-spirited Californian, is a dedicated physicist who cherishes her solitude and unconventional lifestyle. In contrast, Henry Joule, an organized and meticulous British physicist, longs for a conventional life filled with romance. When a freak accident involving the particle collider they both work with results in a body switch, their carefully constructed worlds collide. Serena finds herself inhabiting Henry's body, complete with his fondness for tea, organization, and desire for a romantic partner. Henry, on the other hand, must navigate Serena's messy apartment, spicy tofu, and independent spirit. As they stumble through their new lives, they discover hidden truths about themselves and each other, challenging their long-held beliefs and preconceptions. Ready cleverly depicts the challenges and comical situations that arise from the body swap. Serena struggles to maintain her independence while living in Henry's rigid routine, while Henry grapples with Serena's chaotic lifestyle and aversion to relationships. However, amidst the laughter and misunderstandings, a genuine connection begins to blossom between them. Beyond the body swap premise, "Switched" explores deeper themes of love, acceptance, and the fluidity of identity. Serena and Henry learn to appreciate qualities in each other that they initially dismissed, and they discover that love knows no bounds when it comes to appearances or personality traits. The novel also delves into the dynamics of relationships, showcasing the importance of communication, compromise, and mutual respect. With its engaging plot, relatable characters, and insightful observations on love and identity, "Switched" is a delightful read that will leave readers both entertained and moved. Sarah Ready's witty writing and heartwarming storytelling create a compelling novel that celebrates the power of embracing our differences and finding love in unexpected places.

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Science, sex, physics and the paranormal blend in this enemies-to-lovers globetrotting adventure. Serena of the two Ph.Ds doesn’t really believe in relationships, or even repeats, relying on one-time no strings one night stands to fulfill her needs. When Serena and Henry meet in a bar in Geneva, it’s chemistry at first sight, and they depart for his hotel and have mind-blowing, love at first sight sex–and then she learns Henry is the new project lead at work, beginning the following week. Since Serena doesn’t do repeats, AND they’re colleagues, she gives him the cold shoulder for… about two years. And then, during a freak thunderstorm on the eve of shutting down the Large Hadron Collider for annual maintenance for three weeks, they are both in the room at the same time arguing of course) when forces of nature and the supernatural combine for a body switch.

The ensuing freak out is comical as Serena has to navigate periods and has to deal with erections. Both have set plans with their respective families during their break, so it makes sense that neither should be left alone lest someone discover the person they know is “off,” so Serena attends Henry’s brother’s wedding and gets to know his (large) family–and ex-fiance–in a drafty English castle, and Henry meets Serena’s parents and experiences the California redwood forest. Forced proximity and international travel serve to bring them closer together.

Serena and Henry are completely different types of physicists (an experimental physicist specializes in the observation and analysis of experiments, while theoretical physicists specialize in mathematical modeling to rationalize, explain and predict) and neither can function without the other. Also: Henry is neat, British, a meat eater, and a runner, and Serena is… none of those. Ultimately, Ready puts together a fantastic case of opposites attract with a delightfully geeky, science nerdy, Ali-Hazelwood worthy STEM setting, complete with footnotes *swoon*.

Switched is a stand-alone novel, with characters from Ghosted making an appearance; this served to make me want to read the first book in the series, and frankly, everything else she’s ever written (I did really love the Josh and Gemma series, which is rich with emotional depth and medical and mental health issues).

I received a free advance review copy of #Switched via #NetGalley, courtesy of #W.W.Crown.

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Body switching 
Forced proximity 
Magical realism

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ALC in exchange for an honest review. 

I always enjoy Sarah's writing. It pulls me into the story and makes me connect with the characters. 
My only complaint this go round was the audiobook got confusing at times due to it not being duel or duet.
We met Serena in Ghosted, so I was excited to read her story. I definitely picture Henry as a hot nerd. Love an MMC with glasses.
The banter with them being in each other's bodies was hilarious. Serena being attracted to her own boobs 😅 Henry having a period 🙈
Not a closed door, but just one semi-spicy scene towards the end.

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This is my first book by Sarah Ready and I really loved it 😄 when Serena and Henry meet at the pub, they have no idea their lives are about to change forever. Being newly romantically involved and then switched by a freak accident- Serena mind in Henry's body and vice versa- it is the layout of a hilarious and heartwarming story.
I had no idea what to expect when I started this story, but I was impressed. From the characters, to the storyline, from their banter to their self discovery journey, the story was just perfect! I loved their geekiness and the connection they had from the beginning ❤️
I highly recommend this story. It is with a girl that believes in starshine magic and a man that smells like starlight ❤️

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I absolutely loved Switched by Sarah Ready! From the moment I started reading, I was completely drawn into the story and couldn't put the book down. The concept of two people switching bodies is nothing new, but Sarah puts a fun and unique twist on it by making the two characters completely opposite in every way.

Serena and Henry are both strong and well-developed characters.

Serena is a free-spirited physicist who loves her independence and has no interest in settling down. Henry is an uptight and organized scientist who is ready for love and marriage. Their interactions and inner thoughts are hilarious and relatable, especially as they try to navigate each other's lives and figure out how to switch back.

But Switched isn't just a romantic comedy. It also touches on important themes such as self-discovery, identity, and accepting and embracing our differences. The dialogue is witty and clever, and the chemistry between Serena and Henry is off the charts. Sarah creates a perfect balance of humor, romance, and heartwarming moments that had me laughing, swooning, and even shedding a few tears.

One of the things I loved most about this book was the attention to detail in describing the physics elements. It's clear that Sarah did her research and it added an extra layer of depth to the story. The writing is smooth, engaging, and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

This book is a delightful, feel-good read that will have you rooting for the unlikely couple from start to finish. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good romance with a side of science and humor.

𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗦: Paranormal romance, forced proximity, body swap, fake dating, second chance romance, workplace romance, boss/employee, opposite attract

(Huge thank you to Netgalley and Sarah Ready for giving me an ARC for this book)

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MCs in the STEM field *Physics* + Science-y phenomena + love-line? Sign me up! 🤭

I’ve read this book as some sort of “escape” from the demands of work (I’m a Physics teacher) and I’m like ‘Reading Ready bc I’m not yet ready (to face my responsibilities)’ kind of mood. 👀

Funny thing is, the more I read, the more I see words that remind me of Physics. LOL. I like how I’m aware of it being fiction but also had Physics concepts that make sense.

As the title suggests, there’s “switching” that happened. So the whole story covered before the switch happened, and after the switch happened. It’s interesting that in this switch, not only do they exchanged bodies but also had glimpses of the thought processes (and emotions) of the other person prior to the event.

In summary, it presents that loving a person goes beyond knowing who they are but also understanding them through/ past the baggages/ traumas they may have had, and genuinely being patient and present in navigating relationships and making things work out for the better.

What held me back from giving it 5 stars was the resolution. It just didn’t seem to make sense how or why one of them nearly died and the other survived.

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This was a fun read and I'm so happy I got my first ARC!!!
This one has an interesting premise and it's that (as the book's called) they MCs are switched. That means they are in the other's body and since they have to attend some family events, they have to stick together.
I liked the insta-love in this book. While I'm usually not a fan of this trope, in this case I find it to be romantic because it felt like they were fated, meant to be. That said, I felt that way during the first part, as the book happened I fell out of love with them.
They had good chemistry, but I didn't like the rhythm of the book.
My main complaints were about the FMC. I liked her, but at the same time I didn't. If you remove the way she was so averse to falling in love, then I thought she was cool. I enjoyed her humour and laughed quite a few times, it was a sardonic, biting humour at times and it was fun to read. But the thing is, she is really against love and that's a thing I couldn't get past. It's a thing I dislike in MMCs, so it was expectable that I wouldn't like it with a female character either. The worst part is that it really didn't make any sense. I mean, I get that the author came up with an explanation and it's not out of this world, but that just made me think that the girl was extremely dumb. You can NOT be an adult and still believe this kind of nonsense and ruin your life because of some childish beliefs.
The guy was ok, but he's not much in the story. I mean, he's physically there and they talk a lot, but as this story is more about Serena than about him, he just fades into the background, and I don't remember much of his personality.
Another thing I didn't like was the actual switch. Don't get me wrong, I loved the idea and the execution until 40% of the book. After that, I just really wanted them to switch. I didn't like their dynamic with their switched up bodies.
All that being said, this was a cute, fun and quick story, with an interesting premise and a meant-to-be couple.
Not memorable, but nice enough to spend an afternoon reading it.

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Serena Otaki (best friend of Jillian from Ghosted) works at CERN in Geneva, where her sole love is physics. One night she meets her complete opposite, Henry Joule. They share a passionate, revelatory experience, but Serena is determined to never lose herself in a relationship. But when an electric storm causes them to switch bodies, both of them get a new perspective on the other.
This was another beautiful story from Sarah Ready. I loved Serena immediately. Her illustrations and footnotes were HILARIOUS, and she had such an interesting perspective on love. Her first meeting with Henry was so beautifully written, and I was immediately invested in them as a couple. I loved Henry. He was such a romantic, and my heart broke for him immediately after their night together. The 'event' and the immediate aftermath gave me 'Freaky Friday' mixed with 'Your Name' vibes, and let me tell you, I loved it so much. Their absolute horror was palpable, but also hilarious as each realisation of what the swap meant on a day-to-day basis became apparent. One of the most hilarious things was their switched accents. When they tested each other before meeting Henry's family, I cried laughing (and I HIGHLY recommend listening to this book, as the audiobook just adds an extra layer to the humour). It was lovely to catch up with Jillian, and Daniel, and I loved that Jillian was there for her. The first time Serena met her as Henry was just brilliant. We also got some Zelda, which is always a hoot.
But, for all the hilarity, this was a deeply moving love story. The mutual pining was heartbreaking, as were many of the scenes with their loved ones, while they were in the wrong bodies. Serena's conversation with her mother (as Henry) broke my heart, but her revelation about love was joyous For the majority of the book, the story is told from Serena's POV, but as she's in Henry's body, with many of his memories, we get a lot of his perspective as well. Still, Henry's chapter as he recounted Serena's memories left me sobbing, especially remembering their interactions in the cafeteria. I'm trying hard not to spoil too many details because this book deserves to be experienced firsthand (and by enjoying Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster's gorgeous narration).
Just swoon-worthy.

Overall Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Heat Rating: 🔥.5

*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book, all opinions are my own*

Favourite Quotes:

Oh no, I’m a tepid tea-drinking, prudishly uptight, umbrella-carrying, an*l neat-freak of a British man. This is my worst nightmare.

She’s a boob bedazzler, a breast beguiler, a titty temptress. It’s horrible. I wave my hand in front of my face, blocking my view of her breasts.

“I meant what I said earlier. I never want you to lose yourself for me. That’s not a love I’d want.”

“I’m glad you and Ducky found each other. When she was little, she always asked if people paired up like electrons and protons, and I told her yes, that she’d find her match someday. I’m glad it’s you.”

“You understand me,” I say.
He nods, his dark gaze as solemn as a starry night. “I understand you.”

“I’d stay with you every night. Every day. If we never switch back I’ll stay with you. If we do switch back I’ll stay with you. It doesn’t matter, as long as it’s you.”

“I’ll always want you. We’re like binary stars—we’re bound tight. Gravity keeps us orbiting each other. When people look at the night sky, they think binary stars are one star. It’s only with a telescope they can tell there’s actually two stars there. That’s how I feel about you. Switching back isn’t going to change that.”

Switching places with her didn’t make me want her less. It made me love her more.

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“ Your soul burns so bright it doesn’t matter what you look like or what body you’re in- it’s you. Nothing can change that. And if being me can’t make you lose yourself, then how could loving?”

Serena is the definition of career first, love second. (Or in her case, she doesn’t believe in it or wants it). She lives a happy single life, until she has a one night stand with her boss, Henry. They share a perfect night together, then everything changes. Literally.
Fast forward 437 rotations of the earth later. Serena and Henry have not been able to forget that fateful night nor finding mutual understanding.
An electrical storm causes them to switch bodies and now they’re stuck together. They have to navigate each other's lives and feelings. Their banter and chemistry grows the more as they get to truly know one another. You root for them, especially Henry who is determined to try to change her view on love.

Kudos to Henry, for surviving his first menstrual cycle. That scene had me laughing and also wishing that every man should mandatory go through the same.

This story is Freaky Friday with a romantic twist and I enjoyed it. This book does include ‘STEM talk’, however it is not an overkill.

-Slow Burn
-Opposites Attract
-Body Switch

Thank you to NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and W.W. Crown for the audiobook and ARC for this book. All opinions are my own.

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This book is magical, beautiful and an amazing listen. I adored this book…every book from Sarah keeps getting better and better.

Serena is a unique, free spirit and highly intelligent woman. I love her quirky personality and how she is a bit geeky…but brilliant.

Henry is also a geeky, loves physics and loves his tea. He is a fun, quirky and smexy character.

The banter, dialogue and tension between these two is fantastic. The premise of this story is so creative and I love how each of them gets to experience what the opposite sex goes through on a daily basis. So many funny moments!!

You will go through all the emotions while reading this fun, creative and entertaining story.

Thank you NetGalley and Sarah Ready for the advanced readers copy.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC! Im leaving my review as honest as possible.

Man and woman met and got their soul switched! What a scandal! All it took me to got hooked was the blurb and im in. But my excitement was not last long after i got into the book. While I generally appreciated Switched, the first half of the book was challenging to get through. I thought it was overly clichéd and corny, initially i didnt relate to Serena so it was difficult to form a connection to this book. Also, the frequent use of scientific language and references was exhausting. I understand that she is immersed in physics but too much science talk makes the book a hit lengthy and boring cause it doesn't always relate to the current situation in the chapters. However, as the story went on I adapted to it and the characters' complexity grew as their romance blossomed so it was very fun to read that. While this isn't my favourite book, I thought it was a fun read and would suggest it to anyone who appreciate romantic stories that was written with science's touch.

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I have been super excited for Serena's story ever since I read Ghosted! I really enjoyed Serena and Henry's story though the tone is a bit different from Ghosted with less angst and more romcom.

One thing that was really interesting about this story is that we got to meet both Serena and Henry's families and see how their experiences with relationships growing up shaped their fears and expectations about relationships as adults. The body-switched element really let them connect with each other's families in a way they probably wouldn't have otherwise.

I also liked that Henry and Serena got to experience each other's tastes and even memories in some cases. There were times when I wasn't sure I agreed with what was connected to the body and what was connected to the consciousness but I didn't feel like that was the point of the story so I didn't mind too much. It did lead to some comedic situations such as them trying to speak in each other's accents.

I did wish some of the storylines had gotten a little more closure. I would have liked to understand more about what caused the switch and a bit more about Serena's mother and what caused her experience of love to be so different from Serena's.

Overall, I thought this was a really fun romcom and the magical element made it an interesting read. I do like the idea that love causes a little bit of magic.

🌶️🌶️ - There are two steamy scenes and some kisses in this book. It is fast burn then slow burn.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sarah Ready for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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Enjoyable slow burn STEM rom-com! This was a well written read with an interesting story line. The humor was fun and the women in STEM representation was well done.

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It was such a beautiful story and the narrators were perfect. This story was such a cool concept and these characters definitely deserved their HEA. This author never disappoints.

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This is a second book in the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready, and I absolutely devoured the first one. Switched was a lot of fun; however, I think maybe the first one edged it just a bit. This was quite a fast read, was pretty PG13 in most parts until the last couple of chapters, and there is a magical realism portion that comes into play. I didn't mind the "Freaky Friday" body switch, as it created a lot of funny scenarios! The character of Serena had such great growth over the course of the book, which I appreciated. I definitely enjoyed this one, I give it a 3.75/5 stars. I look forward to reading more of Ready's work!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy of this book. All opinions within this review are my own.

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This book was so good! Sara ready is the queen of heartfelt rom-coms.

I love that this story is a spin on the freaky Friday story we all know and love. Opposites truly do attract! The comedy was perfection.

I’m looking forward to whatever else Sarah Ready releases! She is a phenomenal writer.

I recieved this ARC via NetGalley and W. W. Crown, and imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, in exchange for an honest review.

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This is going to be a short and sweet review because by synopsis I shouldn’t have liked it… a little to sci-fi “unbelievable” type of a book. It wanted to suspend belief that two people can “live” in another person's body.
But….. honestly … it worked.

Sarah Ready has become a new rom com author that sneaks into me and has me chuckling and smiling all at once. Without booksta I wouldn’t know who she was but thank goodness I do because she’s become an auto buy.

Do yourself a favour and pick this up. It was fun, flirty and a total beach read of fun

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Sarah Ready is a favorite author of mine—I’ve never been disappointed when I choose one of her books and when I need a genre switch/break from thrillers I can count on a Ready book to do the trick. Switched was no exception! I will say this book started a little slower than I have come to expect from her books but once it got started I was hooked and in it until the end!

The humor, the characters, the romance all hit the spot for what I was looking for.

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3.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

Since i loved Book 1 of this series, I thought i would also love book 2, but As much as I did enjoy this book, i found myself skimming through a lot of pages…. Like way more than I had anticipated…. It was all of Ducky/Serena’s thoughts about science stuff…. I wasn’t really into all her turmoil? And I felt like there was too much over explaining in those sections? Or it wasn’t as relevant to the story? I felt that i didnt need all that stuff because once i got back to the main story, i enjoyed those parts WAY MORE and it was such a funny and endearing story!!!

I LOVED the interactions with Henry family! I wish i get to see that more, i also wish I had more of Henry’s perspective because we one chapter of it near the end, and it was soooo good!

Regardless of me skimming, I still enjoyed the book.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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