Member Reviews

Wow.. what can I even say about this book? I didn't know a Freaky Friday style book where two people switch bodies could be written so beautifully.

This is my first book by Sarah Ready and she has a way with descriptive language that has you feeling like you are right there with the characters. You feel their emotions, their fears, their happiness.

I really enjoyed how Serena and Henry switching bodies helped their feelings for each other come to fruition and helped Serena realize that love is worth it.

My sole complaint about this book is that before the characters switched, I could have done without the plethora of scientific jargon. After awhile, I skimmed over those parts as it got a bit boring for me.

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
Spice: .5/5

I have been anticipating on Serena's story since meeting her in Ghosted and I had so much magical fun and joy reading this! Filled with cute pictures/diagrams and footnotes, what more could you ask for?? 😍

Serena believes with every atom of her body that she found her greatest love at the tender age of 4, and since then she lives and breathes for physics. One day whilst at her local pub, she finds herself in a rather "sticky" situation and manages to catch the eye of the nearest stranger for help - Henry. It's love at first sight for both Henry and Serena. Their connection is electric and they end up spending the night together, but Serena doesn't do love or relationships. When she finds out Henry is also her boss too, no siree... Not going there 🙅🏻‍♀️
However, in a Freaky Friday twist of fate, they end up switching bodies during a storm one night and have to keep up the ruse of pretending to be one another, whilst navigating how to switch back before it's too late.

The story does focus mainly on Serena's misconstrued perception of love and strongly believes when you fall in love, you also lose yourself, your identity, your thoughts and opinions.
She loves science too much to give up her true passion in life and avoids it at all costs. Henry loves her too much to give up on them and makes it life's mission to try and change her warped ideology of love. Whilst spending time together, he shows Serena time and time again through his actions how she doesn't have to give up anything to fall in love. She starts to question what love truly is and starts to realise maybe she's been getting it wrong all along...

Thank you to Sarah Ready, NetGalley and W. W. Crown for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Sarah Ready's "Switched" puts a charming spin on the traditional formula for a romantic comedy by fusing humor, love, and science fiction elements. The protagonists of the tale are the free-spirited physicist Serena Otaki and the stiff British man Henry Joules, whose worlds unexpectedly and fancifully cross.

Henry is orderly, conventional, and fervently seeking his soul match, whereas Serena is a fan of chaos, science, and remaining single. Their differences appear insurmountable when they first meet, but fate has other ideas. They transfer bodies as a result of a strange accident at the Large Hadron Collider, which sends them into a hilarious and confusing maelstrom.

The way "Switched" explores acceptance, love, and identity is what really makes it stand out. As Serena and Henry learn to live in each other's bodies, they challenge stereotypes and gain insightful knowledge about empathy and comprehension. The narrative eloquently demonstrates how love can transcend outward appearances and expectations from society.

The supporting cast, which includes Henry's quirky relatives and friends as well as Serena's cherished cat, Captain Purrk, enriches the narrative. Every character adds a distinct aspect to the story, which enhances its overall comedy and warmth.

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I was super excited about reading this book and while I enjoyed it, there were parts that didn’t quite click. I truly wish the author would’ve explained why Serena and Henry switched bodies. For most of the book, I was convinced it was a dream of some sort. There was no scientific or magical explanation. And then the ending… that was never explained so it left things kind of in the air for me. I adored Serena and Henry though. This book cracked me up at times and the sexual tension was high. Their chemistry was there from the very beginning. I understood why Serena felt the way she did about relationships, but it was annoying how she kept insisting she knew how relationships worked when she’d never been in one. It was nuts that a year and a half passed from their first meeting and hookup to the next chapter but I enjoyed that. Overall this was a good read, but I wished somethings could’ve actually been explained.

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Magical Realism - Romance

Ready turns the impossible into a delightfully complex romance.

For Henry and Serena, it's love at first sight. The problem - Serena refuses to give up her career for love and that's what she thinks she will have to do, so she treats Henry shabbily and sends him on his way. To complicate matters, Henry is Serena's new boss, and he has shut down all the positive feelings he has for Serena.

Almost two years from their first meeting, they are working together, when a very crazy situation occurs in the particle collider - Henry and Serena get switched. Desperate to find a solution that will allow them to switch back, they spend every minute together.

They travel to visit both sets of parents as they search for answers. Living in another's body, gives them access to memories and feelings. Serena learns that love can be comforting, and Henry learns why Serena has denied her feelings.

There was no way, I thought, that I could like this book. Boy, was I wrong. This was so cute and achingly sweet. Ready handles the body swapping situation masterfully. Another winner.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC of this novel.

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Oh my goodness!! This book has my HEART!

First, let's start off addressing like the first four chapters. I am a LOW SPICE reader and when things started moving to the bedroom right away I started cringing thinking I was about to DNF due to overly spicy taste. I worried for nothing as it faded to black, so I kept going. THEN Henry (MMC) declares love at first sight right after their night together and I about again closed the book to DNF from the cheesiness of it all.


So much humor! So many squealing, happy feet kicks, blushing moments! Without spoiling any of the fun for you, this whole Freaky Friday body swap had me on the edge of my seat, staying up late to binge the book in a day. I couldn't get enough!

Please add this book to your TBR - it might just take one of your 2024 top read spots like it did for me.

(I received a digital ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.)

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Falling in love, especially after only one night, has never been in Serena Otaki's life plan. She's already decided that there one true love is physics, and not even Henry Joule can make her stray. Finding out he's also her new boss just solidifies the barrier between them, until it's broken during a freak storm, when they literally switch bodies during an accident at the lab. In a race against time to get back to their selves, Serena and Henry have to learn with each other, and discover some hidden secrets along the way.

Henry and Serena's first meeting in the pub was the stuff of meet-cute dreams, so when she instantly rejected him, I was a bit concerned with the future of the story. It plodded along until their "Freaky Friday" switch, which was amplified to the extreme, with their bodies retaining preferences and memories that the new inhabitant has access to. I loved them meeting Henry's family as one another, which precipitated their getting closer, but Serena's hesitance to enter into a serious relationship was frustrating. There was a happy ending, and although technically listed as a sequel, I enjoyed it as a stand-alone with no issues.

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Switched by Sarah Ready: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
Format: ARC and ALC from W.W. Crown- Swift & Lewis Publishing

Happy Valentine’s Day! After reading and loving Ghosted last year, I have been anxiously awaiting the next book in the set, Switched, to publish. I’m glad to report it was worth the wait!

Switched is a delightful rom com about Serena and Henry- two physicists who could not be more different despite having the same career! Serena doesn’t believe in love and quickly douses the sparks between them after their first encounter. But a freak accident at their workplace results in the unthinkable- Serena and Henry have switched bodies, à la Freaky Friday. Forced to literally walk in each other’s shoes, they have no choice but to work together to search for a solution, while getting a good long peek at the grass on the other side.

I really liked this book! If you enjoyed Love Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood last year, you would probably like the return to the world of physics. The body switching element was more comical than I was expecting, which made for a fun read! I was rooting for Serena and Henry from the first chapter and loved watching their story unfold.

Switched officially publishes next week on February 22nd, but was available “Read Now/Listen Now” on NetGalley. Thank you to the publisher for the ARC and ALC in exchange for my review!

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⭐️ 4.5 🌶️ 2 ❤️ 5
Switched, the second book in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series, once again forces the reader to suspend their beliefs between the scientific and cosmic worlds. It is filled with emotions of love & fear. And at the core of this story is a simple lesson: do not judge someone until you have walked in their shoes.

Books revolving around anything having to do with science do not usually end up in my To Be Read pile but I always enjoy Ready’s books even with all the science terms & theory that fly about on the page. Ready’s books are well written with engaging story plots & characters. All this draws me to her books and I really enjoyed this one. It took all of one day for me to get through this story. I was invested very quickly.

Serena & Henry spend one night together; Love is immediate. Henry embraces the powerful emotion & connection; Serena flees from it. She is of the utmost belief that love ruins everything. If she falls in love, if she acts on feelings of love, then she will cease to be herself; her dreams & goals will all disappear.

Running does not work out so well when Henry ends up being her new boss. The relationship is cold and uncomfortable. One evening, through some insane cosmic explosion (that only they feel & see) Serena & Henry switch bodies. Thus, each is literally forced to walk in the other one’s shoes; all the judgments, all the feelings, all the memories of each of them cannot be held back & cannot be hidden from the other. Things they would never share, the other now knows which means there is no denying the true feelings Serena has for Henry. It also means there is no denying her fears either.

When Serena and Henry have one last chance to switch back to their own bodies, Serena has to face her feelings head on or this cosmic explosion might not go so well. And a cup of tea is simply not going to make this better.

A must read! I highly recommend reading this book! I cannot wait for book 3 in the series.

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A gender-bending Freaky Friday. Serena and Henry come together for one explosive night that leaves them both reeling and Serena gets scared. After finding out that Henry will be her new boss, Serena scares Henry off because she only has room in her life for one love: physics. Love will change who she is, and Serena likes who she is. After one weird evening at work, Henry and Serena switch bodies. The only thing that will save them is understanding the other. It seems the universe has plans for Henry and Serena.

*Special thanks to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for this e-arc.*

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Sarah Ready has been added to my insta-read authors list. This book was the perfect follow up to Ghosted. I loved getting more acquainted with Serena, Jillian from Ghosted’s best friend. Serena’s adventure in figuring out what love is was so wonderful. Henry was a fabulous character to match Serena. The plot line of the body switching was so fun, it’s been done but this version was original and so amazing. I had so much fun reading this book. My favourite quote sums up what Serena had to figure out: “And by ‘true love,’ I don’t mean the kind where you’re giving yourself up. I mean the kind where you’re fully you.” It was bit too sciency towards the beginning but it’s necessary for the story and fits the characters.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Sarah Ready for the chance to read this very fun book.

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This book was… It was everything!

Firstly, I am mad at myself for letting this sit on my shelf for so long before finally picking it up. I literally devoured this book in a day; I had to remind myself to slow down. This book had it all: angst, smolder, steam, hilarity, and lastly… love.

Serena is a Theoretical Physicist at CERN in Switzerland. This is truly her love in life, her passion. She is under the misguided notion that love with another person is not possible, that she will lose her sense of self. But one night with Henry Joule changes everything. She felt it, it was like falling in love with the stars, that simple and easy. But she refuses to lose everything to love Henry.

Working together for nearly two years hasn’t been easy. One night, while in the control center, something cataclysmic happens. Serena and Henry find themselves swapped in each other’s bodies… think Freaky Friday. Unsure of how it happened that are on a race to get back their rightful bodies. But as more time is spent in the other’s skin, the more they start to understand each other. And Serena is starting to believe that she doesn’t have to give up her identity to love someone else.

Will they switch back? Will Serena learn to let go and let love happen? You will definitely want to one-click to find out.

Thank you to Netgalley and W.W. Crown for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Switched by Sarah Ready is a fantastic execution of an almost fairy tale like story wrapped in scientific fantasy! Two soulmates, who are trying to hide their true feeling behind their animosity, are forced to face their issues when their bodies switch with each other! It was quirky and adorable yet with appropriately devastating angst wrecking my heart.

Serena had a scorching hot one night stand with a sexy British whom she met at a bar. But the sex was a life altering kind and she panicked..and did some stupid things to break Henry's heart next day. Unfortunately he turned out to be her new boss at the CERN laboratory. Now they are at this awkward almost hate status. Then they get stuck in the LHC control room during a storm and they wake up to a switched body. They have to figure out a way to switch back but..Henry's brother is getting married and the Serena's mother got sick. So they are stuck together pretending. This brings all the suppressed feels on surface but what will happen when they switch back?

You have to put the rational thoughts aside and trust the author's imagination. She blended true science with her plot brilliantly! Serena and Henry are opposite every way. Serena is sloppy and messy. Henry is controlled and organized. She is lively and sassy. Henry is grumpy and brooding. Serena is afraid of falling in love and letting that love changing her. Henry is ready to jump into love without parachute. That one night sparked something really powerful inside them. But Serena pushed it back. Now they get to experience each other's lives, from each other's body. It was odd and difficult but they became closer through the challenges. Serena met Henry's very loving family and she realised Henry really loved her. Henry met her parents and understood why Serena is so reluctant about love. It was so funny and hilarious most of the times! Henry and Serena trying to imitate each other was just too entertaining but the author kept my heart in her palm with the heartaching feels. It's not very spicy but it was a slow burn to the level of lust madness! That ending was just epic and It took few years of my life away.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily

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Switched by Sarah Ready is sweet, and swoony, and quirky in the best of ways. As always I was swept away by the wonderful storytelling and hilarious moments and Serena and Henry are two of the best characters Ms Ready has ever written!

Switched is the second book in the Ghosted series but can be perfectly read as a standalone - and if you are new to Sarah Ready's writing this book, about two scientists and total opposites working at The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, would be the perfect place to start!

"In fact, it sounds... wonderful. Like sitting by a cozy fire, a dog at your feet, with a cup of hot tea and lovely book, and when you look up to share a quote the person next to you is the person you love most in the world - the one you want to see every day for the rest of your life. That thought isn't scary at all. In fact, it feels like the most natural thing in the world." Oh, my heart.❤

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Amazing. Wholesome. Funny. Breathtaking. Chaotic. A true delight. 10/10.

Read if you like:
Opposites attract
One night stand (but what a night)
English MMC (yes, there's an accent)
Californian FMC
Forced proximity
Freaky Friday paired with fake dating
Laugh out loud humor
Tension. Beautiful, sweet tension.
Tons of science

I didn't know how funny a footnote could be until Sarah. I didn't know diagrams and charts could be endearing until Sarah.
I didn't know how loud I could scream at my kindle in hopes the characters would just kiss and, for the love of all that's sacred, just tell us already what in the everloving red necktie does Henry DO with his tongue! Until, well yeah, you guessed it, Sarah.

Nothing I'll write will truly convey all the emotions Switched woke up in me, but I can honestly say it felt like sitting on your favorite café, laughing with your best friend after a long time without seeing her. It was so bright and heartwarming, I'm already mourning the lack of more chapters.

Thank you Sarah and NetGalley for this ARC. I loved every word.

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This was a cute romance with freaky Friday and enemies to lovers vibes! There were parts of the book that I really liked but then there were others that didn't impress me, but all in all, a good read!

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4.75/5⭐️. for me! I read this book in one sitting! Thank-you toNet Galley, Crown Publishing, and the author for an ARC.

This book is about an instant connection that goes awry. Serena and Henry meet at a pub. They end up having a One Night Stand because Serena finds out that Henry is her boss.

We fast forward and these two are polar opposites of each other. One night, Serena forgetting to give Henry some important information for the job. She goes back in and there is an event and suddenly Henry is in Serena's body and Serena is in Henry's.

I loved the interactions between the family members. My only big thing is I wish this book was mainly dual pov. I would've liked that. Other than that....i loved it!!

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Ready is one of my favorite authors; she just has a way of writing relatable, authentic characters & funny yet emotional storylines & this one was no different. I loved the Freaky Friday aspect of the story and Serena’s character arc was a highlight for me. I did not realize this was book 2 after Ghosted (which I loved), so I was so happy to see those characters return. This can be read as a standalone though. I would have liked to see more of Henry’s POV, but I did appreciate that we got to see how both characters dealt with their respective family situations. I alternated between the audiobook and e-book and enjoyed both formats. Overall, if you are a fan of Ali Hazelwood or Katherine Center, I highly recommend!

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the writing was very good. but the story wasnt it for me. i think i would’ve enjoyed it more if i was younger since it was a bit too ya for my liking. im just sad i didnt like it

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I didn’t like this one at first. I had to put it down, then came back to it. I wound up really liking it. I enjoyed reading about my favorite characters again from Ghosted. I like how that story was tied into this one. You don’t have to read Ghosted first, but I highly recommend it! Giving this one 4 starts because of the build up, it took too long for me. I would recommend. Thanks NetGalley for the read!

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