Member Reviews

This was such a different story and I loved it! My only complaint is how far into the story I finally got to know the meaning behind “Ducky” being Serena’s nickname. Perfect for a twist on the typical STEM romance.

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Serena, a free-spirit from California found her one true love when she was a child and she vowed to never let anything get in the way of that. Physics has always been there for her and it always will and she has her dream job at The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, so how could she put that in danger by falling for a guy? Henry is content with his life. He loves his job, his family, his apartment, but he is very much looking for love and marriage. One perfect night has Henry and Serena meeting and sparks flying, but everything comes to a screeching halt when things become a little to real for Serena and Henry ends up being her new boss. It was all a mistake, but one electric storm causes something out of this world to happen. Henry and Serena have switched bodies and have to work together to find a way to switch back before time runs out.

I won't lie, this wasn't my favorite from Sarah, but I still had a fantastic time with this read/listen. It had all the hallmarks of a Sarah Ready book, humor with a good mix of emotion, and I was rooting for Serena and Henry from the start of this book. Most of the science-y stuff definitely went over my head, but that didn't take away from the story for me at all, and I really enjoyed the graphs, charts, and lists that were used to explain the science. And just like the first book, I loved the nerdy aspects of this book with the love of Star Trek. Though I don't think you should avoid this book if you don't like or know Star Trek.

I did wish there was more from Henry's POV, but that's just purely for selfish reasons. I still got a good grasp on his character and I never questioned how he felt about Serena. I loved the character growth we got to see from Serena and I liked how her backstory played a part in this book. I honestly loved how the two of them worked together and how their relationship developed. This was honestly such a good time and I can't wait for the next in the series.

✔️ Instant Attraction
✔️ Missed Opportunity
✔️ Opposites Attract
✔️ Forced Proximity
✔️ STEM Romance
✔️ Paranormal
✔️ First Person Single POV (One Chapter from His POV)

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I enjoyed listening to the audiobook of this book. It is a contemporary romance with science fiction and magical realism. Overall I love the plot and the characters of Switched. I also love the audiobook of this book, the narration is also great.

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5🌟 Magical realism, force proximity, Instalove, and second chance romance. I loved this book and the audiobook was amazing as well. It was the perfect blend of a STEM romance from Ali Hazelwood and the magical realism of Rebecca Serle. Not only is the story great, but the author adding in drawings, footnotes, and having the main character break the 4th wall occasionally made this story the perfect reading experience in my eyes. If you like Freaky Friday and love romances this book is for you!

Audiobook: 4⭐️ Narrated by Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster. The audiobook is excellent. I enjoyed the narrator and how she told the story.

Thank you NetGalley, W.W. Crown Books, and Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC for the eARC of Switched by Sarah Ready (ebook and audiobook) in exchange for my honest review.

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4 stars

I have read many of Sarah Ready's books now, and one thing I adore about this author is how well she can take a certain storyline and make characters that bring it to life effortlessly. This is the second book in the Ghosted series, and I admit, I didn't know how Ready would top falling in love with a ghost, but switching bodies with the guy you could have some really big feelings with is definitely a step up from that.

I thoroughly enjoyed the concept of the body swap, but what truly made it work was Ready's character building. Serena and Henry, despite being in opposite gendered bodies than those they were born with, still felt just like themselves. Sure, there were some additional changes to their reactions whilst in the wrong bodies (still giggling over Henry enduring a period), but it was easy to envision their core personalities regardless. This was so cleverly weaved together, and I applaud Ready for doing such a fantastic job with it.

I also enjoyed the reluctant romance from Serena's side of things. I really appreciated how she went from being against anything to do with Henry romantically, to slowly evolving her beliefs in what a healthy relationship looks like for each couple. This plotline wasn't rushed, and because it took time to evolve her feelings from never having solid relationships to admitting there was something special between her and Henry going on, when it got to the proper intimacy and love confessions, it felt real and bolstered her character's depth so much. Henry, bless him, was so steadfast and honest with his feelings, that I just loved him from the beginning. His patience, and also his acknowledgment to himself that he couldn't keep putting his heart on the line was perfectly executed. The use of forced proximity was well placed in this book.

But I did give this one half a star less than Ghosted, which I'm so frustrated by, but I have to address the elephant in the room. Should I draw a diagram too? List it out? Go into the details of said elephant scientifically? And make sure I footnote everything? Whilst on one hand, fans of Ali Hazelwood's STEM romances would most likely enjoy this book a great deal, since both Serena and Henry work together in a science-based career, sadly, I found the use of footnotes, diagrams, lists, and the excess science lessons detracted from the story. I was rather dismayed when I started the story because it was just so overwhelming. However, whilst in Henry's body, Serena's need for all of these seems to disappear, and the storyline could breathe. I would have given this 4.5 easily, as I loved the couple more than the first book's, if they didn't come back again at the end, but they reappeared and it threw my love for this world away. I wish I could overlook the author's choice to write like this because the storyline was so good! But it really did a disservice to the story in my opinion.

Will I be reading the next book in this series? Absolutely. Do I recommend this still, despite the negative reaction I had? Most definitely. Is Sarah Ready an auto-read author of mine now? I really think so. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time picking up books by this author, and I can't imagine a time when I wouldn't.

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I fell in love with Serena. What a fun romantic novel. By far one of the best I've read lately.

Switched is a must read!

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Ducky is a physicist and loves her life! What could make things better in her life......definitely not a man and love. Then Henry walks into the bar and nothing is ever the same. Ducky prides herself with her work and discoveries. Love would swallow her whole and she cannot lose herself. Absolutely not. But that is not how Henry thinks. Can he change her mind or should he just avoid her all together?
Switched by Sarah Ready is book two in the Ghosted series. Full disclosure, I have not read Ghosted (Book 1) but I still followed this story and I don't think it is necessary to read book 1. This book was so entertaining!! I loved it! Ready grabs your attention from page one and has you enthralled the entire book. This book is a fun-loving rom-com with lots of laughs and a few tears mixed in there. You will root for Ducky (aka Serena) and Henry to make it all work. Even though the premise for the book has been done before, the story itself is refreshing and so good! I love Ready's addition of the footnotes! Most of them made me giggle!
I will definitely be recommending Switched to all my rom-com loving friends! And I will be looking for all future works by Ready. I will have to go read Ghosted (book 1) because I love this para-normal storyline! Special thanks to NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles Publishing group for the advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion. 5 HUGE STARS for Me!!

#Switched #NetGalley

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I had not read Sarah Ready before, so I was completely unprepared for this book. I thought it would be funny and romantic, but I had no idea how insightful it would be. I took extra time with this book because I wanted to reflect on what she had written. I loved Serena and Henry, I loved the descriptions of the locations, and I loved the deft way the themes were woven through the story. I would love to list all the things I loved, but that would take forever and spoil some surprises. I'll just say that I loved all of it, and I am now headed for her backlist.
I also have the audiobook, and Kelsey Navarro Foster was the perfect choice to narrate this. I always think that her best work is when the characters are confused and/or indignant, so that fits the humor of this book beautifully. She does a terrific job with the accents and the accent confusion -- there's a lot going on that she juggled. Her performance was a perfect match for an excellent book.

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Thanks to Netgalley & W.W. Crown for access to this E-ARC! The characters were so cute & I loved the body switch theme! Another good one by this author!

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"The Big Bang Theory" + "Freaky Friday" = A great book!!!

Yes, that's corny but describes how this book felt for me. I've seen every episode of "TBBT" many times over, so many of the terms/names/locations in this book were familiar to me. But only from watching that show!! I'm not smart, AT ALL, but this book didn't make me feel lost since I had the tiniest but of familiarity.

Serena & Henry. Serena as Henry and Henry as Serena. The author did a phenomenal job of writing their characters as they were. She also did a phenomenal job of writing them while they were switched. There was loads of depth, understanding and love for both of them. Before, during, and after the split. I doubt anyone could've written it better.

I definitely recommend this book!!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Why are there not more people talking about Sarah Ready and her books! Switched is the second I have ready by this author and both times I was instantly drawn in why the fun storyline, likeable characters and great writing. Switched is a fun semi paranormal/fantasy type of romance and a premise that had me questioning how it would work. Freaky Friday but its between our two love interests? How? It shouldn’t work as seamlessly as it does, but it does. I was never confused as to which character was who and I LOVED how Serena and Henry were able to get to know one and other by literally seeing through the others eyes and understanding each other on a cellular level.

This story was so well done and flowed beautifully. Switched had be laughing out loud, gasping in surprise and full on fan girling over the story. I highly recommend this one, low on angst but high on the rom com aspect. I love how enjoyable Switched was, I truly did not want to put it down! I will continue to reach for this author’s work, because so far I have not been disappointed.
-Mackenzie Bibliophile

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Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5

Switched is a fun, cute story that weaves the whimsy of supernatural romance with a nerdy comedy. The novel is charming in its use of often funny technical diagrams, footnotes, and Star Trek references, bringing a relatability to the story that will particularly resonate with fans of science and sci-fi alike.

The story follows Serena Otaki and Henry Joules, two physicists working at CERN with contrasting lifestyles (think chaos vs. order; coffee vs. tea) and outlooks on love, who are thrown together in a cosmic twist of fate. Serena, a Star Trek-loving American physicist, thrives in her independence. Henry is a serious, tea-loving Brit physicist who wants to find ‘The One’ and settle down. Their worlds collide accelerated protons one fateful night at the local British pub.

Sarah Ready delves deep into the intricacies of understanding and accepting someone else's perspective, literally. When a bizarre electrical storm triggers their swap, they are thrust into each other's bodies. Their experiences force them to confront their preconceptions about love, life, and happiness from an entirely new vantage point.

The emotional and character development of both characters truly anchors the story. As Serena and Henry navigate their swapped lives, they embark on a journey of both self-discovery and mutual understanding. The inclusion of a spicy scene adds a touch of heat to their adventure, adding to the story's overarching themes of love and connection.

I didn’t love the fourth wall breaking that occurred now and then, even though I must admit it was perfectly in keeping with Serena’s character. Also, as a Brit who grew up in America, some of the tongue-in-cheek stereotypes of both countries were a little much at times, but never stopped me from enjoying the story.

Overall, Switched is a feel-good story that strikes the perfect balance between heartwarming romance and nerdy humour. It's a story about finding love in the most unexpected places, the magic of understanding another person truly, and the joy of discovering that what we think is a universal truth isn’t necessarily universal after all.
This book is a must-read for those who enjoy a blend of romance, comedy, and a touch of the supernatural, all wrapped up in a narrative that's as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.

I highly recommend this sweet, sci-fi read to anyone who loves rom-coms, slightly supernatural stories, or just wants to escape into a delightful world.

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**same review with the audiobook version

Thanks NetGalley for providing the opportunity to read and listen to Switched by Sarah Ready.
I started off listening to the audiobook but *switched* to reading it about 25% of the way through.

The audio version just wasn't for me, the accent imitations and how the narrator just lowered her voice when reading the main male lead's lines was off-putting. I enjoyed the book more after changing to the traditional reading route.

I felt that the whole book would've hit harder in a different medium, because the writing was overly descriptive and seemed more suited for a script rather than a novel. I liked the overall concept and plot however there were just some things that affected my reading experience.

The good:
- inclusion of graphs and pictures, that was cute
- the main message of the story about staying true to oneself
- the overall plot wasn't that bad, it kept me reading and not DNF'ing it
- strong female lead and an honest wholesome male lead
- the annotations concept was great, though it fell off pretty quickly and was only reintroduced again near the end

The not so good:
- cringey 'breaking the fourth wall' instances
- repetitive (tea and starlight - that's all I need to say on this matter)
- insta-lust/love and I personally didn't see the chemistry
- side characters weren't that well developed and I don't know why some were even introduced if they're not going to be fleshed out further
- the whole 'supernatural' aspect to the plot didn't make sense at all

Would not read again.

Overall rating: 2/5

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When Serena Otaki meets Henry Joules for the first time, sparks fly, and it seems like the universe has stopped just for them. Yet when she stops to think about what she loves, it is her work in Geneva, Switzerland, smashing atoms at The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. Having a man in her life is not possible. Y et for Henry, life is simple. He loves making analog black holes, drinking piping hot tea, and been obsessively organised but he can’t wait to find the woman of his dreams. Love and marriage are in his future. So, when an electric storm causes an unexpected event at the particle collider and they find that they have switched bodies, life and love look very different, especially as Serena is in Henry’s body and Henry is in Serena’s body.
Another wonderful book by Sarah Ready, following on from one of my favourites ‘Ghosted’. I found the vibe between Serena and Henry, leapt from the pages, with plenty of tension. In particular, I loved the character of Henry who is so innately good and in turn, struggled to understand Serena’s reluctance to reveal her feelings for him. Even though this book is told from Serena’s perspective, by having Henry in her body, we get to see how he feels for her and in turn, how others see her. If this is a bit confusing, you will have to read the book to understand. This was such a cleverly written book, and whilst it requires the reader to suspend one’s disbelief, I found Henry and Serena’s journey to love, so very enjoyable.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I can’t believe this was my first Sarah Ready read — I loved it! I got through this book in a day because I couldn’t put it down. I really liked Serena’s voice throughout, and who doesn’t like a body swap a la Freaky Friday? Read this one for opposites attract, and you’ll also get to enjoy fun diagrams, and cheeky footnotes.

Thanks to NetGalley and W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for this ARC!

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC and allowing me to read Switched early!

I enjoyed the plot of this book. Two people, polar opposites, unlikely in love switch places and have to experience LIFE. Not just a week or bliss, real life situations. Hard conversations and working through feelings of happiness, sadness and everything in between. I feel like this book keeps a consistent pace, and enjoyed reading and at no point did I feel as though I was completely disinterested.

I am disappointed that there were footnotes dispersed throughout and then nothing from chapter 17 to chapter 40! I loved the footnotes and drawings in the book and thought they were so cute- I just wish there were a few more.

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This book was cute!! The best way I can describe it is 'freaky friday' meets 'the big bang theory' which I surprisingly enjoyed. I'll be the first to admit a lot of the science references went over my head (a mix of both not being a scientist and also reading this right before bed.) That somehow didn't take away from this book at all tho. I loved loved loved the diagrams that were added throughout. It was adorable and it showed Serena's humour throughout the book. It also made me giggle because Serena is such a millennial-coded character which usually would make me cringe, but I love it so much here. The only thing that bothered me is this is probably the most instant instalove I've read about. I do understand it plays into the whole 'we're meant to be which is why we switched bodies' thing but it's a little far even for that in my opinion. He sees her naked an hour after they meet and he wants to marry her?? if these characters were teenagers I'd understand but this is a full-grown man.

Anyways, I really enjoyed this book. It was cute and easy to read. Serena & Henry worked well together and they're well fleshed out chracters.

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Is there such a thing as love at first sight? What happens when a person is terrified of love to start with but then is confronted with love at first sight? In Serena's case, she runs but it turns out she can't get away from the object of her desire because he's her newest coworker. Worse yet, now he's mean to her and she doesn't know how to make it better. And then they switch bodies and have to work together to find a way to switch back. Can they overcome the friction between them to work together to find a solution? Will they be stuck permanently in each other's bodies? Will they find love this time around?

I was concerned that this was going to be just another body switch story like so many others. The author made some really smart choices in the story. This story felt fresh and new. I even laughed out loud at times! Serena's hang ups are slowly revealed, and the author makes some really smart choices as the extent of Serena's fears are uncovered and dealt with. Henry is just a really nice guy who happens to have fallen in love with Serena the minute he met her. His journey from spurned to admitting he still loves her was sweet and I found myself really rooting for him. All of the side characters added to the story and helped it to move forward. I really enjoyed the fact that the characters were forced to travel to visit their families and deal with the complication of being in each other's bodies. A few times I couldn't remember who was who since the side characters had no idea and their names were being used interchangeably! It was fun to keep it all straight.

This is a contemporary romance that takes place in Geneva, Switzerland, England and California. This is both a love at first sight and a second chance romance. This story explores overcoming your fears to embrace happiness. This book takes place following the events in Ghosted and I would recommend reading that book first because I really enjoyed it but it's not necessary for the reader to enjoy this story. I will read more from this author in the future.

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Quick Summary: Tea of Coffee? Tidy or Messy? Dogs or Cats? Forever Love or Fleeting Lust? Henry and Serena couldn't be more different but none of that would matter if their one night stand didn't get complicated. After one amazing night together, Serena realizes that Henry is about to be her new boss and that, on top of her anti-love/marriage stance, may be an issue for her and lovestruck Henry. So what happens when things get a little "freaky friday" at the particle accelerator? They find out if it's possible that two incedibly different people come to understand each other's perspectives on life and love.

My thoughts: This smart, sweet, sometimes silly book was just what I needed during a few cold winter days. The battle Serena faced as she figured out her feelings was so raw and the inclusion of both of their families led to deeper character development and more meaningful dialogue. The way Henry and Serena learned about each other through their families was beautiful and the rollercoaster of emotions I felt throughout this was all worth it to end it with a smile on my face.

I'll end with this... Adhesive is important. It holds people together. I don't know why I didn't this of that... :)

**review to be posted on Instagram on 2/20

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I truly enjoyed this book. Sarah Ready's description of settings and facial expressions really enthralls you in this book and transports you. For me it felt more like watching a movie than reading a book in some ways.
Serena's miscommunication and I hate love attitude was frustrating for a second, but honestly, it made the 'enemies' to lovers all that more enjoyable for me. I usually hate when a character gets too attached fast or moves too quickly, but for some reason, in this book, it just seemed right.....

I found myself laughing out loud multiple times and it was just overall a fun read.

Thank you, Sarah Ready and NetGalley for giving me early access to this novel!

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