Member Reviews

Just as life, love and happily ever afters, this book had a lot of ups and downs. 3,75💫

This book reminds me of that movie 500 days of summer. He fell for her and wants commitment and spend the rest of his life with her, while she thinks love is only an annoyance and that it takes people's individuality and personality away. It is basically the same thing in this book, except they both fell in love, but she doesn't want to be in love because she thinks it will destroy her individuality and career. But he knows she fell in love with him because they switched bodies and he has access to her memories.
It isn't a bad book. It's just that all the switched bodies makes it confusing sometimes. Like, the whole book is in Serena's pov, and it is weird when she refers to him as Henry but she is describing her own appearance. This is all very confusing and I caught myself skipping a lot of lines with those descriptions.
One of my favorite aspects of this book was Serena's relationship with her mother, and how it impacted her view on love. I don't want to get too much into this aspect, but there is a scene about it that is simply beautiful. The interactions between the mcs and theirs families were one of my favorite things.
Also, the graphs, doodles, tables and footnotes were super fun and helped to make the reading more fluid.
To summarize everything, the book is very confusing but very beautiful in the end. If the switched-bodies-thing appeals to you, you're going to love it!
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC!

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Serena and Henry meet one perfect evening and it’s instant love. For Henry, love is all he’s ever wanted but for Serena love means the loss of herself, and her true love of physics, so she panics and sabotages their relationship before it has a chance to begin. Unfortunately for her, Henry has been employed where Serena works. They spend the next two years working together, misunderstanding each other, until a freak storm strikes and causes the two of them to switch places. Through switching places they are able to come to a greater understanding of one another and take a second chance on the opportunity for the love of a lifetime.

I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful, heartfelt, hilarious rom-com reminiscent of Freaky Friday. At first I wasn’t sure about the plot. I side-eyed the insta-love and had to fully allow myself to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the story and once I did, I was in for a very good time. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book that made me laugh out loud and also feel so emotional in the same breath to shed tears. Serena and Henry were great characters. The writing was funny, sharp, and at times poetic with great banter and chemistry between the mains as well as heartwarming moments with their families. I loved the way that by switching each were able to truly understand and appreciate each other and also to see their families in new ways. It really made me think of interactions in my own life and how our perspective could be changed for the better if only we walked in a mile in someone else’s shoes.

The story is told through Serena’s POV except for one chapter told through Henry’s. There are times that the fourth wall is broken. There is sexual innuendo and humor and the spice is open door.

Thank you to NetGalley and Swift and Lewis publishing for the ARC.

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I loved getting the chance to get to know Serena! I absolutely loved Ghosted and this being the second book in that series but can be read as a standalone. With Freaky Friday vibes, this one was so fun. But I love all of Sarah’s book so it’s not a surprise I enjoyed this one. Serena is hilarious and super smart. When she meets Henry and has a one night stand, she never knew it would turn into a workplace romance and switching bodies. When Henry and Serena begin working together to get through their switch together, their banter is amazing and adorable. Another super cute HEA but told in a fun way.

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—Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a slow burn enemies to lovers story that has these tropes : grumpy-sunshine, Body Swap, one bed trope, fake dating and more.
It has everything honestly. I loved the women in stem aspect. I love this universe and this did not disappoint.

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When I started reading this book, I didn't realize it was set in the same world as Ghosted, which I loved and made a great surprise! For Switched, I really enjoyed it! I liked the characters and it was a fun premise. I loved the use of "stardust" as a description throughout. It certainly had a shock but so good! I'm definitely a fan of Sarah Ready!

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Switched is a fun, and charming nerdy, supernatural body swapping romcom book. It's like a combination of Freaky Friday movie and Big Bang Theory series. Serena and Henry share intense one night stand in which both of them immediately falling in love. However, Serena is not ready for love and a man so she pushed Henry away. Fast forward to 2 years later, both of them wake up in each others body after getting caught on a crazy storm, forcing them to handle each of their works and family matters.

The use of the footnotes are brilliant, it did added more funny element in the book. The dialogue was not overly cheesy and make me cringe. But some parts indeed make me feel secondhand embarrassment.

Serena loves physics, star trek and her cat. She enjoy being herself, not in love, her messy apartment and just relaxing. She prefer to not get married and having love in her life. Meanwhile, Henry is a serious, organized person that loves physic, family and can't wait to get marry, which is the exact opposite of Serena. I love that the body swapped help both of them to understand each other more (because yeah, words can't convince them). I love that the author bring a bit different and uniqueness in this body swapped in which both of them got some fragments of memory, able to feel the body owner's emotion and their body routine. For example, Serena in Henry body have this huge urge to drink tea when she herself prefer coffee.

I love the banter, tension, chemistry and hilarious moments between them. It's so cute and sweet! Henry is such a cinnamon roll, sweetheart . I appreciate his thoughtfulness for not forcing Serena to accept his love and respect her decision. Serena is so charming, and relatable. I love her character so much! Throughout the story, I enjoy their personal growth since living in each other's bodies allowed them to see, feel and understand things about one another in a new light.

I also love that this book have my favorite troupe (he fell first). However, this is my own personal preference, but some parts did not work for me. I don't really love instant love but it saved by the time skip which make it tolerable. Overall, this is a lovely, magical and sweet book that I highly recommended. Giving it 3.7 ⭐️ Thank you Netgalley for the advance review copy.

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Synopsis: Basically Big Bang Theory meets Freaky Friday as two physicists switch bodies and must find their way back to themselves.
Pros and cons: Last year I read The Space Between by this author and it was an epic love story. This…this was totally different. It was creative but quirky. It had a lot of random facts and drawings throughout. It was totally bizarre. But it was also cute at times. But then weird. I have to just land somewhere in the middle with my rating because it was not at all what I expected and while I didn’t dislike it I can’t say I loved it either.
Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced copy, put Feb 20.

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Could not get through the Vinnny scene. Too much vicarious embarrassment for me. I would read 2 sentences and put it down.

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I read this book and have opted to give it a cool 3.

The best part of the book was the narration easily. Henry and Serena were hilarious in each others bodies and getting to see them live in opposite bodies and lives as well as watching them go from hate to love was interesting. The chemistry, banter and energy between them was good too. They’re opposites in every way (Henry leading with heart and Serena not) but share a love of Physics and I think the author did a good job of separating them as characters and then slowly joining them together to make a convincing love story.

I’m not sure I’ll pick up this book again but I will be recommending it to the people I know who definitively enjoy science-y, comedic type of books ( e.g The Love Hypothesis).

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this e-ARC.

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Serena enjoys a simple life, staying permanently, happily unattached. Henry can’t wait to find the woman of his dreams. Complete opposites… they meet, and sparks fly, "Freaky Friday” style. Serena is in Henry's body. Henry is in Serena's body. The banter and chemistry was fantastic, and I enjoyed seeing their personal growth throughout the book. It was a sweet rom-com that I recommend!

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I was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of the first installment in this series last year, and I am thrilled to be reading this one now. I truly enjoy Sarah's writing and love the paranormal aspect of this series. There are 2 things that I ADORE in a good contemporary romance: banter and nerds. this has both. You will recognize Serena, our FMC from Ghosted (if you've read it) as the friend who worked for CERN. In this installment, instead of ghosts, we get a freaky friday-esque narrative where the FMC and MMC are body swapped. You can imagine the hilarity that ensues. This is definitely a top read this year!

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Switched by Sarah Ready
⭐️⭐️⭐️ / Pages: 338 / Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: Feb. 20, 2024

Rapid-Fire Summary: Embarrassingly funny meet-cute. Instant attraction. Super hot one night stand. Next morning—hot guy turns out to be hot new boss. Oops. Turns into grumpy/sunshine relationship. Bing bam boom: physics experiment goes wrong… BODY SWAP! Must fake date in each other’s bodies for brother’s wedding. Hello one bed, forced proximity, slow burn until we get that happily ever after.

Is there a romcom trope that isn’t in this one? We’ve got:
- love at first sight/insta-love
- he falls first
- women in STEM
- hot boss
- enemies to lovers
- grumpy/sunshine
- opposites attract
- Freaky Friday (body swap)
- forced proximity
- one bed
- fake dating
- slow burn
- happy ending

So, a little predictable but a cute little romcom overall.

Thank you @NetGalley and @crownpublishing for the advanced copy of this book.

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When Serena and Henry share a perfect night, it seems like love is in the air.
Actual Love, Henry welcomes it, but Serena pushes it away having already found the love of her life, Physics.
Serena is not willing to sacrifice her career, or herself for a man.

When Serena and Henry find themselves caught in the middle of an electrical storm, they wake up the next day in each others body.
This is a romantic comedy / Freaky Friday mashup, and I loved it.

I really enjoyed Sarah Ready's previous book, Ghosted. In that review I said I had a feeling who the next book would be about, and that I was excited to read it. So I jumped at the chance to read this one and I was not disappointed.

I am usually not one for magical realism, I want all magic or no magic at all.
But I love this series.
I love the story, the characters, the dialogue, it was a really cute and fun read.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of switched by sarah ready

I absolutely loved this book !! The humor , the tension , the emotion in it left me hooked making this one of the rare book that made me finish them in one sitting . The bouquet scene with Niall had me cackling for 5 minutes straight. The only reason i gave this book 4.5 to 5 stars was i would have liked more chapters in henry’s point of view . I would 100% recommend this book for freaky friday fans .

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I read this in basically one sitting, over the course of a little over 3 hours.

It was very cute, a kind of spin on Freaky Friday. I loved the moments of her getting caught up being him (BOOBS), and the footnotes were a definite hit for me.

I recommend this to anyone looking for a cute, fun, and quick-to-read romance.

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I remember reading Ghosted last year and absolutely loving it! So, when I found out that Sarah was releasing a new book set in the Ghosted universe, I knew I had to get my hands on it as soon as possible. However, I have to say that Switched didn't quite hit the same spots as Ghosted did, at least not for me.

The story follows Serena, a California girl living in Geneva, Switzerland. She's a Trekkie at heart, a vegetarian, and is passionate about physics because she believes science can explain everything. One night, she meets Henry, a British man who's incredibly organized and looking for his true love. Needless to say, he's the exact opposite of Serena. After their one night stand, Serena discovers that Henry is her new boss and she freaks out and leaves. Things are going as well as they can between the two until an electric storm changes everything, making Serena reevaluate her feelings and priorities.

What I didn't like about the book was Henry's behavior. He was a virgin until the night he and Serena met, which was fine, but his obsession with boobs and his hormonal teenage behavior every time he saw them or heard the word was a bit off-putting.

What I loved about the book were the STEM characters, the strong family connections, the mother-daughter lessons, and the strong women characters, including Serena, her mom, and Henry's mom. I also loved the amazing narration by Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster.

Thank you to Netgalley and W. W. Crown, an imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC. for the ARC and ALC in exchange of my honest opinion.

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I tried to give this a real go but it just wasn’t for me at all. I don’t mind a book with a slow start especially with a book like this that promises an exciting plot but as the story went on, I found I was just getting more and more lost. It’s not a bad book by any means but it’s clear I was not it’s interested audience by any means.

Thank you NetGalley for this e-ARC.

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It's a fast paced romance with comedy and sci-fi theme. I absolutely love the way it started like a normal romcom but the biggest twist of souls and bodies getting switched was epic!!
I love the way the author has penned down each of the lead character exploring others emotions and memories being in other's body yet sensing its own feelings too and this helped them to understand eachother more and lead to their happy ending.
Definitely going to check more work of this author.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me a copy of Switched by Sarah Ready.

However unfortunately I had to dnf this book at 27%. I unfortunately didn’t love it and the science stuff did put me off a little bit but if you’re a fan of science and the ‘body swap’ trope this is definitely for you! The footnotes in the book did take me out of the book and they were confusing at times so that took my focus off the whole plot.

I may revisit it later but we shall see.

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I ADORED this book! I loved Henry and Serena!

I was intrigued by the switching bodies trope and was a little hesitant going in, BUT, boy did that change! I loved the banter between the 2 characters, it was quick and witty and the relationship they formed throughout. I am not a STEM girlie so it was a challenge to follow the physics conversations but I felt like Sarah didn't shove it down my throat. And the drawings were hilarious.


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