Member Reviews

I wasn't entirely sold on the idea of body switching leading to romance before reading Switched, but I've really liked some Ready's recent stories especially book 1 of this series, Ghosted, so I decided to give this a shot anyway. I am so glad I did, because I really ended up liking it.

The leading lady Serena, aka Ducky, is a Trek loving particle physicist (and the best friend friend from Ghosted). Ducky loves physics and her research job above all else and believes romantic love causes a women to lose everything she is and to subsume herself into a couple where she has no longer has her own identity. So when she meets Henry, and makes an intense connection with him -that he clearly wholeheartedly shares - she immediately sabotages the relationship after their one night together upon learning that they are going to be colleagues. After that, they have a distant avoidance centric colleague-ship until a weird science work place accident causes them to wake up in each other's bodies.

It was at this point that the story really takes off. And I was wrong, the muscle memory aspect of the the body switch really serves to help the pair understand each other at a cellular level. Add to this the fact that they are genuinely nice caring people and their need to support each other in important situations with each other's families gives the pair an opportunity to gain a true appreciation of each other. Literally seeing from the other's perspective really helps them to make a deeper emotional bond than their almost mystical initial connection.

All in all, this really worked for me (even with the science particle psychics side trips). And I am really looking forward to seeing what the author does with the third book.

ARC courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley. Release date February 20, 2024. This is an unpaid review.

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*thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for a copy of this eARC in exchange for my review*

Of course, Sarah Ready kills it yet again with a truly hilarious and heartwarming rom-com. I am typically not a fan of insta-love tropes, but this one was SO GOOD!! While I wouldn’t describe Ready’s books as unpredictable, this one took some unexpected turns that made this story special.

As the story opens, Serena and Henry feel a magnetic pull toward each other. As someone who regularly feels magnetism toward people, I loved the way she described their instant connection. Also, I can’t describe how much I love seeing a nerdy, sexy, smart Asian American woman as the MFC!

At heart, this is a story about choosing love over fear and not letting other people define what love should look like for you. It was so heartfelt—the way our main characters had to learn to see the world through each other’s eyes. I was so pleasantly surprised at how often I laughed out loud and how many times my heart squeezed with emotion. It’s just such a good one.

Bonus points for Star Trek references. Sarah Ready, you’re a real one.

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This is such an amazing read, thanks NetGalley for making that possible.

Don’t be afraid to catch feelings, I’d say. I was definitely getting the feels with this one and stayed up all night cos I couldn’t put it down. This is ranks as one of my best reads in the last year, and I truly was not prepared!

Despite an almost serendipitous meetcute, Serena was definitely not looking for love and actively worked to sabotage it and Henry caught that full on in the face. Then they are both provided (initially suffering through) the unique opportunity of experiencing the aftermath of that from each other’s perspective. Serena is a strong female who knows her mind and knows what she wants out of life. And Henry is actually a refreshingly relatable love interest who was a bit misunderstood, at least I think so.

All in all, this is such a brilliantly told love story that had me hooked till I finished it. And yes, we were watching you Serena and absolutely loving it!

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3.75 Stars

Sarah Ready never ceases to make me all giggly and fizzy in the brain.
Okay, think Freaky Friday but with a romantic twist. This book leaned a lot towards STEMinist initially, and I was getting flummoxed with the detailed description of the CERN and the other physics-related topics. It soon turned into a whirlwind love-at-first-sight romance novel.
This book had a touch of magic in it but a lot of it was explained by science and I was impressed. I still felt this book was lacking somewhere, I don't know, it was something about their meet-cute(it was perfectly executed and fun, but) that didn't sit well with me. It's hard to digest that you fall in love in one night. All her other books have so far been written so well when it comes to the slow burn and conflicts, but this one lacked the punch.
This book was fast-paced and easy to read for the most part and it delivered on the rom-com part. She knows how to write funny scenes that are organic and enjoyable.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for Providing me with the ARC copy in return for an honest review.

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“If you ever want to get a kick out of life, go about your day and then stop, look at the sky and say in a serious voice, “Little did she know, her ordinary life was about to change”.
“If you don’t reach out and capture the moment, you may never find that moment again”.
"Your soul burns so bright it doesn't matter what you look like or what body you're in-it's you. Nothing can change that. And if being me can't make you lose yourself, then how could loving?".

Serena and Henry are both lovers of science and one day are brought by fate into the same bar. They both instantly feel the connection between them and enjoy one night together. Serena starts to panic as she believes she can only have one true love, which she has already dedicated to science, and feels she couldn’t give herself up to love. Serena believes that when you are in love, you lose yourself in the process, and she definitely doesn’t want this for herself. The bond between can’t be easily forgotten, and when an electrical storm erupts, Serena and Henry's bodies are switched.

Firstly, I loved the STEM representation and that both main characters had careers within this setting. This was a short and fast read. I also enjoyed the anagrams, they definitely helped explain some things! I adored the picture setting, I felt like I was just there with the characters. I have also never read a type of book like this that has footnotes in it, and I really loved this! It was very different and fun.

Thank you Netgalley for this opportunity to read this and to the author Sarah Ready!

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OH MY BEAUTIFUL CELESTIAL STARS!!!!!!!! Switched is the second book in the Ghosted series written by Sarah Ready, after loving the first book which was Ghosted, and I saw Sarah had this book coming out I knew I had to get my hands on it immediately. I LOVED and ADORED this book more than anything. SARAH READY IS THE QUEEN OF MAGICAL REALISM!!!!!! At this point, I would read Sarah's shopping list if she ever wrote one. This book DELIVERED!!!!! I am beyond ecstatic to announce that Switched was my most anticipated book in 2024 and it's now my most favorite read in 2024 hands down. Switched was the most perfect paranormal rom-com ever written. This book was beautiful, raw, pure, heart breaking at times, heart warming, extremely magical, and hilarious. Also, can we all please just take a minute and admire that gorgeous cover? I don't know what it is, but it's just so freaking beautiful, it kind of reminds me of the milky way. I can't recommend this book enough, if you love magical realism and anything paranormal then this is the book for you. Don't let me catch you letting this book slip through your fingers. I loved Switched more than anything, this book will remain in my heart for a long time to come.


First off, I would like to thank my gorgeous twin, Carol for buddy reading this book with me💓. I had the best time giggling and crying with you. Thank YOU for screaming over this beautiful book with me. I love you so much😘.

Serena Otaki and Henry Joules are complete opposites attract. Serena is a free spirited Californian, where life is simple. She loves her job at The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland where she watches atoms smashing together. Loving a man isn't in Serena's future, She enjoys her life being single and staying permanently, happily unattached. The one and only true love for Serena is physics. Serena loves spicy tofu, Star Trek, and her cat, Captain Purrk. Henry Joules is the complete opposite compared to Serena. Henry can't wait to find the woman of his dreams, love and marriage are in his future. Henry is an uptight Brit, he loves organizing his pencil tray and always cleaning his already spotless apartment. Henry LOVES making analog black holes and drinking piping hot tea. Henry loves his family and friends, but the only thing Henry and Serena have in common is their love of physics. One night, Henry and Serena meet, well sparks fly, particles collide, and the universe comes to a complete halt. When Henry and Serena are working, an electrical storm causes an unexpected "Freaky Friday" event at the particle collider building where Serena and Henry are working. Henry and Serena have switched, Henry is in Serena's body, and Serena is in Henry's body.

When Serena and Henry are switched, love and life get really complicated. Henry and Serena have to try and pretend to be each other while attending a wedding in Henry's family, but they have to stick together so nothing goes wrong while they try and switch back to their original bodies. I absolutely loved and adored Henry and Serena. They were too cute, but at times they both made me teary eyed while they were talking about their lives. Henry was such a sweetheart, whereas Serena made me giggle, she was just too funny while she was trying to be Henry. When they switched bodies, I couldn't stop laughing, it was hilarious reading about Henry trying to put on makeup, and well you can guess what Serena woke up with, it was just too damn funny reading about her describing having a penis. I was laughing so much, I had tears streaming down my face, but I also had tears streaming down my face when Henry and Serena were talking about their obstacles and how to try and be better humans, and better versions of their true selves. When Henry and Serena first met and sparks were flying, I had Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift stuck in my head the entire time. Even when they switched, I had Freaky Friday by Lil Dicky stuck in my head as well. Overall, this book was just amazing and I loved every single minute of it.

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3.5/5 ⭐️ The sequel to one of my favorite books of 2023, and it did not disappoint!

When she was a child, Serena Otaki fell in love with physics. It is her one true love and she believes that there is no room in her life for any other type of love. She is perfectly happy dating, but staying completely unattached. Her biggest fear is that in loving someone else, she will lose her sense of self and ultimately give up on her dreams. When she meets Henry, her world is rocked. She feels it... love. And it terrifies her, so she puts an immediate stop to it. They never have to see each other again... except that he just started a new job at her lab. Things get turned upside down when an electrical storm causes an unexpected event at the lab and they wake up in the morning to find out they've switched. Serena is in Henry’s body. Henry is in Serena’s body.

What I Liked
Sarah Ready's creativity with these books continues to charm me. I absolutely LOVED Ghosted, so I was excited to find out that there is a sequel coming out soon, and a third on the way too! While this book wasn't as much of a hit as Ghosted, I still had a wonderful time.

The love story went through a lot of ups and downs and by the end, I'm glad that the two main characters really did go through a lot together. It wasn't superficial.
It's not love at first sight. It's not friendship-to-love. It's not hate-to-love. It's not blind love. It's love built from understanding.

What I Didn't Like
Serena was clearly misled somewhere in life where she believed she was only capable of loving one thing at a time. Who actually thinks that?

I fell in love with physics. I made my choice. I can't fall in love with a man too.
This bothered me the most, that she thought loving someone else would make her turn into them, make her lose all sense of self, and make her want to give up on her dreams. This is partially based on the fact that her mother gave up her career to be a wife and mother. That is a personal choice, and doesn't mean that Serena would have to do the same thing.

There are footnotes in this book. Yes, footnotes. I read one or two, but mostly ignored them. I don't think it added any value. I get that Serena love science, the occasional graphs were proof enough.

Overall, I really enjoyed the switching bodies plot - I can't say I've read a romance like this before. I know there are more to come in this series, and I will definitely see what else Sarah Ready comes up with!

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Serena and Henry meet at a pub in Geneva where they both work and they have a passionate night . What feels for him makesthink that love will make her lose herself so she tells him that what they had was only for fun but what she doesn't expect is that he is her new boss .Then one night while it is raining an electric storm causes them to swith bodies . Will they be able to switch back to their own bodies and find true love ?
I received this book from netgalley and the publicer as an ARC . Thank you . All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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This was such a unique and fun concept! I loved the STEM setting so much and it was a whole different take on forced proximity. I loved their story! This book was hilarious and so fun.

Thank you to Netgalley for the arc!
Pub date: 2/20/24

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Modern day Freaky-Friday vibes??? Sign me UP. Freaky Friday was one of those movies that I binged again and again as a kid, because I loved thinking about how weird and funny it would be to switch bodies with someone - especially if it was someone you didn't like. Messing with their lives as THEM in order to get revenge? Say less. I'm in.

That's basically the plot of Switched. After a truly romantic night together followed by a massive storm, our characters Serena and Henry find themselves trapped in the others body. Chaos ensues as you can imagine, and I had so much fun reading about their misadventures as they try to get back into their own bodies.

Sweet, quirky and fun, this will be a romance that will be nostalgic and brand new all in one!

Switch is set to be published on February 20, 2024. Thank you to W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, NetGalley and the author for the digital advanced copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I recently had the pleasure of diving into Switched, the second installment of the Ghosted series by the talented Sarah Ready. This contemporary romance novel is a delightful blend of humor, heart, and intrigue. With its 338 pages, Switched kept me captivated and entertained throughout.

Serena Otaki, a quirky American physicist, and Henry Joules, a charming British man, find themselves entangled in a whirlwind romance that is both exhilarating and endearing. Sarah Ready's writing style is engaging and fast-paced, making it easy to become invested in the characters' lives and their journey towards love.

Switched is not a perfect 5-star read for me, but it is a solid 4-star novel that I would highly recommend to fans of romantic comedy. The story is full of love and laughter, and it tackles some serious themes, such as infertility, with sensitivity and grace. The characters are quirky, smart, and relatable, and their chemistry is undeniable.

Overall, Switched is a heartwarming and entertaining novel that I would definitely recommend to fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedy. Sarah Ready's writing is full of love, laughter, and emotion, and I am eager to explore more of her work in the future. If you're looking for a fun and engaging read, Switched is a great choice!

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Serena Otaki loves physics, Star Trek and her cat, Captain Purrk. She works at the The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. She enjoys her simple life and staying permanently, happily unattached. Loving a man isn't in her future, she only loves Physics.
Henry Joules loves physics, family and friends. He can't wait to find the woman of his dreams. Love and marriage are in his future.
They are completely opposite to each other.
Once when Serena and Henry are together, the particles collide and their bodies are switched. Trapped in each other's bodies, having to live as the other is going to be a wild ride.

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First of all, I thoroughly enjoyed Sarah Ready’s first book in the Ghosted series and it was so fun to see Jillian and Daniel make a cameo in this book!

Second, this book gives Freaky Friday vibes (but with romance). The author did a great job describing some of the difficulties of switching genders (e.g., getting your period and using tampons versus pads), as well as family challenges (e.g., giving the best man speech at your brother's wedding or consoling your ill mother).

I was fortunate enough to be granted both the ebook Advance Reader Copy (ARC) and the audiobook ARC. The audiobook was fantastic – really enjoyed Kelsey Navarro Foster (voice for Serena) and James Anderson Foster (voice for Henry). How cool that this was narrated by a husband and wife duo?!

Thank you so much to Sarah Ready, W.W. Crown an Imprint of Switft & Lewis Publishing LLC, and Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) for the opportunity to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

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Another beautifully written novel by Sarah Ready. I am unbelievably excited to be reading this book because I loved the first one so SO much. If you haven't read book 1, go read it. Not because you need to read it to understand the plot of this book but because it's so f*cking GOOD. This book has two STEM mc's, Ali Hazelwood fans will definitely like this book. Serena (from California) and Henry (from England) are physicists working at the CERN science Gateway in Geneva and they could not be more different from each other. So, of course, they end up switching bodies during an electrical storm.

This book is as beautifully descriptive as the first, taking place in Geneva, England and Northern Cali. This author just has a way with words. You feel like you're visiting these places. You feel like you're in the brains of the MCs. It's beautifully poetic and feminist, focusing on a woman's choice between romantic love and her love of science. Can she have both? Serena and Henry learn about each other by being each other. They learn about the people that they love, the foods that they love, the things that make them truly happy, and even catch glimpses of each other's memories.

This was a great book and a fantastic follow up to book one! I can't wait to see what Sarah Ready types up next because I can guarantee you that it will be on my TBR.

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I read the first book in this series as well and was not sure what to expect with the second book. It was a quick entertaining read. The ending was a little too perfect for my liking. It was a different take on the enemies to lovers genre but I enjoyed it.

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Serena was really set in her ways, not only in life, but also in love. She didn't want to give up her "self" in order to be a couple. There wasn't an outstanding example of coming together to be better vs losing yourself in another for her. This was definitely a different way of learning about love, but I loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC. This is my honest opinion.

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Love at first sight it’s what Henry felt when he saw Serena for the first time. After a night of passion and full connection Serena left him. They’ve been working together for almost two years without acknowledging that special night. But when magic happens and they are forced to spend time together, their connection can help them find themselves or break them forever. A delightful magic story about trust, family, and love. Sarah Ready at her best

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If you read Ghosted then you probably remember the scientist, best friend who lives in Geneva, well in this book we get her story.

Serena lives for science, her career is her number one priority while love has not even a spot on her list. After a one night with a stranger makes her feel more than she wanted or expected she does what she does best and runs away from her feelings. But she can't run from him since it turns out that Henry is her new boss.

There is a time jump and then we see how they continue to work together until one fateful night while they are working they switch bodies, now Serena lives in Henry's body and they have to work together to fix their predicament before it's too late.

The forced proximity was so good, they literally got to live in each other shoes which made them truly understand each other in a very unique and special fashion.

I didn't love Serena at first, especially after she shut down on Henry and with the way she treated him after their night together. Seeing where she came from and how she was thinking helped to understand her better for sure.

Henry was a sweetheart, I wish he had his own chapters in the book in order to see his pov and what he was thinking in certain occasions.

I got to read and listen to the book and I enjoyed both formats equally. The narrators did a great job with the accents and narration while the ebook had some fun graphics along the way.

* I received an ARC and this is my honest opinion.

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I spent the first 90% of this book thinking "this is such a fun reading experience and FOR ONCE Sarah Ready isn't ripping my heart out so she can put it back together. It's just a fun time" and I thought too soon, because rip my heart to shreds she did.

I loved every second of the journey Henry and Ducky went on. It was fun and light hearted (until it wasn't) and I just love how it all unfolded. No notes!

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PRO: This book was absolutely hilarious. I was reading in public and tried in vain to contain my laughter. Loved the nerdiness and her charts and tables.

CON: I know instalove is kind of what sets up the whole plot, but it was still a tiny bit over the top. He says he loves her the first day they meet 😅

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