Member Reviews

PRO: This book was absolutely hilarious. I was reading in public and tried in vain to contain my laughter. Loved the nerdiness and her charts and tables.

CON: I know instalove is kind of what sets up the whole plot, but it was still a tiny bit over the top. He says he loves her the first day they meet 😅

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Serena is a physicist avoiding love in all measures for fear of giving up her career. One night, in a local pub, she meets Henry. After talking and a one night stand, Serena runs from her feelings and ends any and all communication with a potential love interest. She wants absolutely nothing to do with love and marriage. Henry, a super serious Brit, loves to research and drink hot tea. He wants everything Serena does not. He is pursuing finding the love of his life and marriage. Until one night, 2 years later a big storm hits and worlds collide. Serena and Henry switch bodies. Serena is now Henry and Henry is now Serena. Will Serena and Henry change their minds? Will they find true love?

I really LOVED this book!! Sarah Ready made me laugh out loud several times. Such a perfect Rom-Com. A well rounded story without any plot holes or any parts of the story left unfinished. I would definitely recommend this book! Thanks to NetGalley, W. W. Crown, and imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, for this ARC!

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I never thought I would enjoy reading a freaky friday rom-com but it turns out it was such a fun time. The premise of this sci-fi romance (is that a genre?) was super interesting and kept me invested throughout this story. I loved the tone of the writing and the main character's personality. Much like the first book in this series this author really knows how to make her characters funny and their inner dialogue fun and engaging. I felt that I understood the main character really well and wanted to be her friend and for her to be happy. This was a great romance book to read this month as its sweet, funny and a little bit different than others in this genre. I will continue to read more book in this series and check out some others from this author as I have enjoyed both in this series so I am sure I will enjoy her others as well.

Thanks to Netgalley and W.W. Crown for granting me access to this early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I LOVED this book!! This was my first Sarah Ready novel, and I can't wait to read more by her! This is the second book in a series, but it completely works as a standalone novel.

I absolutely loved the main characters and their relationship with each other and with their family/friends. The main characters have switched bodies and genders, and they have a tough time figuring out how to live in each other's bodies, which makes for some funny moments!

Thank you to NetGalley and W.W. Crown for my digital ARC!!

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As a girl who studied physics and loves contemporary romance, I knew I was going to enjoy this book once I read the description. What I did not expect was to laugh out loud or tear up as much as I did.

I loved the diagrams, footnotes, Star Trek and physics references, as well as the fourth wall breaking. You really get to know the main character’s personality through it all. They were unique and added a lot of humour to the story. I also fell in love with Henry Joule immediately, and even more so throughout the story. I just wanted to hug him the entire time, he is so sweet!

This book is pretty cheesy at some points and some people may not be able to get past the body switch plot but I thought it was a super cute fun read. I also very much appreciate the underlying message about being in love with someone while still being your own person and pursuing your goals.

If you like cheesy rom-coms with a splash and nerdiness I would definitely recommend Switched!

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I enjoyed this unique, funny, nerdy, opposites attract romance about two physicist colleagues who switch bodies. I enjoyed the different POV's. The book was a little bit of a slow start for me, but it really picked up and I devoured it.
It was funny & sweet, and a great escape from daily life.
I hadn't even read the synopsis before I started the book, as I had previously read 'Ghosted' and 2 other Sarah Ready books that I thought were wonderful! This was an immediate yes for me.

The book itself was interesting - with a quirky and intelligent Serena and a serious but extremely sweet and thoughtful Henry. A lot of science info and fun family dynamic, it was very clever, quirky and funny.
I loved 'Ghosted' and couldn't wait to read book 2 in the 'Gosted' series. While it does reference Characters from the first one, 'Switched' could be read as a stand alone.

Thank you to NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and the publishers for the ARC of the e-book and audiobook!
I loved being able to read the ebook with the footnotes, diagrams and doodles, but also to be able to listen to the audiobook as well and hear the POV of both characters.

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First Thank you Netgalley for the ebook arc. Sarah Ready had done it again. I love the twist that she puts in her Rom-Coms, two CERN doctors have a one night stand and after she denies her feelings for him, they end up in a freaky Friday situation. After having to stick together and going to a family wedding and rushing to be by her mother’s side after having a heart attack, they learn more and more about each other and what it means to be in a relationship and the fear that she had of losing one’s identity once you enter a relationship isn’t what she originally thought, it’s about growing with the other person and making each other better , not become one in the same and losing all self identity. With wonderful self growth, and some breaking of the fourth wall, and a whole lot of love Switched is a cute rom-com.

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This was a fun book! It reminded me of Freaky Friday as a romance. I loved the premise and the characters and how their relationship developed throughout the book. I would definitely be interested in reading more of this series and more from this author. Parts of it were a little spicy, but I could feel the depth of the love between the characters. I received a free copy of this book from netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved the creativity of this story, A mix of workplace romance with science and Freaky Friday, Switched is engaging and entertaining. As far as the romance I wish I felt the chemistry more, everything else was brilliantly described while the romance seemed take a bit of a back seat.

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What a fun romantic and interesting adventure for Serena and Henry. I enjoyed this book and the footnotes were a nice addition too. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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This book is unique, and absolutely refreshing with its fun take on soul swapping, science, and romance! I loved the characters so much. As I scientist, I completely related to them and loved the nerdy references. I loved both of their excitement for science, but that they were people outside of their science. This tackles the idea that people don’t have to lose their identity while in a relationship, but their partner makes them a better version of themselves. The character writing was so well done and I felt like I really got to know both characters, even though it was primarily told in Serena’s voice while on Henry’s body. The conclusion profound ideas, and I had a wonderful time listening to this book. I could’ve used a little less than the descriptive side of things so the book moved a little faster, but still so well written! 4.5⭐️, 2🌶

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It took me a bit to get into the story, but once you get to the "switch," the crux of the novel, I had a ton of fun. What a wild ride. There were so many great moments and one liners and Serena and Henry slowly explore their situation, trying to figure out how to fix it while in the midst of multiple family issues.
For how much the beginning and the premise was based in science, I was surprised at how much the author brought in more of the mystical belief of love and acceptance. But overall? I loved it. I had a ton of fun reading it, and would certainly check out other books of hers to see what her style is versus what was unique to that book. Not to mention, her other books have great premises just like this one!

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💜 Stem romance
💜 Insta lust
💜 Body switching
💜 Forced Proximity
💜 Opposites attract

I enjoyed this one a lot more than Ghosted. Serena and Henry have a wild ride when they wake up and have swapped bodies. I wouldn't quite call them enemies but they are definitely NOT friends. They quickly get to know more about each other and pretty quickly an attraction grows. The banter was great. And Henry having to experience a period was hilarious.

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A great read, freaky Friday like love story I do wish we had duel POVs but all in all I really enjoyed this book. I will be definitely looking for the previous book, Ghosted. Thank you for allowing me to read this title.

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What a fun romance adventure! This was light-hearted and a quick read listen.

Serena is a theoretical physicist who loves living and working in Geneva at the particle collider. She is determined to never fall in love - it isn't real and she does not want to change who she is for another person.

When she meets Henry, their connection is explosive and they more than collide in their night together. After which, she learns he is about to become her boss and she refuses to be a woman in STEM whose career is put to the wayside because she falls in love. Pushing Henry away only does so much when an electrical storm causes Serena and Henry to collide in a whole new way - a body switching way. Suddenly, Serena is trapped in Henry's body, feeling his feelings, seeing his memories, craving his tea and meat. Henry is stuck as Serena, and they are forced to stay together to try and figure out how to reverse the switch. In their adventure, they begin to understand each other and themselves better.

The sparks that fly are undeniable in this one! Check this out if you're looking for:
- Body switching romance
- STEM nerd rep, including endless Star Trek references
- Forced proximity
- light-hearted, fun romance

Switched follows Ghosted by Sarah Ready, but is a standalone. The characters from Ghosted are present, but you do not have to read it before Switched.

I adored the narration in this one! Hearing Serena's voice come to life, with the memories and thoughts and feelings she experienced as Henry was absolutely delightful and at times laugh out loud funny. I highly recommend. Also the one chapter in Henry's POV was a treat not to be missed!

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC/ALC. My opinions are my own. Switched is on shelves February 20, 2024!

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It only takes one night together for Serena and Henry to realize how truly opposite they are. The universe has other plans for them when a work accident has them trading bodies. While they work to find a way to switch back, they begin to find out they may have more in common than they originally thought.

Switched is the second book in the Ghosted series. It can be read as a stand-alone. Switched is not quite a paranormal romance, like Ghosted, but is more in the contemporary, magical realism realm. The book is mild on the spice scale but there is some innuendo throughout.

The addition of fake dating gives this “freaky friday” plot a unique twist. The author’s sense of humor really shines through especially in the banter. The slowburn is definitely necessary as the MCs are more focused on getting back into their correct body rather than each other’s pants (at first).

The audiobook is predominantly narrated by Kelsey Navarro Foster with James Anderson Foster narrating a single chapter. Kelsey Navarro Foster is consistently one of my favorites. She does an excellent job bringing each of the characters to life and does well with keeping all of the voices and accents separate. Although there is only one chapter from the POV of the MMC, James Anderson Foster does well giving it the impact it deserves.

Sarah Ready’s distinctive style and relatable characters continue to keep her as one of my most recommended contemporary romance authors. I look forward to seeing what she has next for her readers.

I voluntarily read, listened to, and reviewed advanced copies of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC (W.W. Crown) and NetGalley!

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I LOVED this book. It is probably the best book I have read so far this year. Granted, we are only 30 days in but I stand by what I said. Serena is a theoretical physicist working her dream job in Geneva. One night she meets a man, Henry, in a pub and they instantly click. They have one amazing night together and then she basically sabotages what the relationship could be before it can ever begin because she finds out they are going to be working together. Fast forward almost two years and they end up accidentally switching bodies and having to spend every moment together trying to figure out how to switch back. During this time they grow to understand each other more and it's really a beautiful thing.

The only thing that would have made this story better would have been getting more of Henry's POV. I'm a sucker for seeing both sides and I bet his perspective would have made me feel even more. The characters were written well enough and communicated enough that you still understood how he was feeling too. It made me laugh out loud so many times but also explained some of her work in a way that helped make me feel like I could understand physics. This book kind of reminded me of a Ali Hazelwood book, but better.

I would recommend this book to anyone. Thank you to NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I thought this book was really cute and quirky. What really made this book work for me was the writing style. I loved the use of the footnotes it brought in some humor and uniqueness to this story. I also loved the use of breaking the fourth wall to the audience.

The dialogue of this book was really well done and I thought it was super relatable. It also made the two main characters Serena "Ducky" and Henry really loveable. I really liked the freaky Friday body switch. I thought it was really interesting how that each got some fragments of memory. Not realizing their remembering a day that we're together from each others point of view.

It did have my favorite trope of he fell first but it also had some other tropes that really don't work for me personally. Such as instant love. In the first chapter he is talking about how this is love at first sight. I did appreciate the time jump after this and made it a bit more tolerable. There was also a reveal in middle that I felt was not needed for this story and kind of discredited the authenticity of the love at first site.

Overall I thought this was a lovely story with a lot of heart. The things that didn't work for me was my own personal preferences. I'm interested to read more from author. I would recommend this story to fans of Ashley Poston, where there is a mix of supernatural/magical realism.

Thank you to NetGalley and W.w. Crown for the advanced reader copy. My review is voluntarily my own.

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I'm willing to suspend all the disbelief for this series by Sarah Ready, because both Ghosted and this follow-up have been such excellent reads. Serena and Henry might both be physicists, but their interests, habits and romantic plans are completely at odds - which makes them the epitome of 'opposites attract', and that attraction is something Serena simply can't countenance. The inexplicable event that places them in each other's bodies leads them into situations that are humorous (particularly dealing with some of the more - er - essential physical differences), embarrassing, enlightening and also deeply tender as they gain a greater understanding of each other, their families, and ultimately themselves. Serena as narrator (mostly) is delightful, especially as her long-held convictions are explained and challenged - plus, diagrams. And footnotes! It was also nice to get a glimpse of characters from the previous book. We might only be a month into 2024, but Serena and Henry are characters that will stay in my mind for a long time and this is already in the running to be one of my favourites of the year.

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"Switched" is like a total STEM fairytale, introducing Serena "Ducky" Otaki, a Northern California physicist who's not vibing with love, and Henry Joule, a British physicist who's all heart-eyes emoji from the first pub sighting. The sparks fly, but Ducky's commitment issues and love for science lead her to drop a brutal rejection bomb when she finds out Henry is her new boss at CERN. Then, enter a stormy night soul swap at work, and the plot twists like crazy.

Stuck in each other's bodies, they navigate weddings and family dramas, realizing that love doesn't mean losing oneself. Ducky's fear of commitment and Henry's acceptance create a rollercoaster of emotions, teaching us that sometimes opposites attract in the grumpy X sunshine, one bed trope fashion. As they fumble through swapped lives, the duo learns that the key to switching back is none other than the 'L' word.

“If you don’t reach out and capture the moment, you may never find that moment again."

The story is this cool mix of scientific intrigue and matters of the heart, totally resonating with peeps facing the struggle of balancing work passion and the fear of getting lost in love. Ducky's journey mirrors that modern-day struggle, and the story unfolds with relatable struggles and heartwarming moments.

Big shoutout to Sarah and NetGalley for the ARC hookup.

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