Member Reviews

I’m just going to say it: this book was an electrical storm that smashed my heart like an atom.

Wowza. Not since The Love Hypothesis have I experienced a “Women in STEM” storyline that didn’t feel forced … fans of that book will likely love this one as well!

Serena and Henry are strong yet relatable characters. In all their iterations. The supporting cast here is fleeting and didn’t impact the story heavily one way or another but there wasn’t anyone I hated or “loved to hate” here other than Lorna.

I did find myself laughing out loud in multiple instances so this can safely be called a “smart romcom with some magical realism” in my opinion.

Loved it!

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I alternated between reading and listening to "Switched" by Sarah Ready, which is my preferred way to tackle a book. The narrator in the audiobook was charming and pleasant to listen to. In fact, I sometimes missed her when I was reading some of the more comical parts of the story (such as when Serena was first attempting a posh British accent). In the e-book, the numerous footnotes are easily accessed, and also included a "how to" to teach you how to get to them. I also found Serena's illustrations charming.

The author developed Serena and Henry beautifully and made you get a feel for both of the characters. She struck a perfect balance between humor and emotion. I found this to be a fast, enjoyable read. I finished it in less than a day, so I obviously couldn't put it down.

Thank you to W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles and NetGalley for an e-ARC in exchange for my unbiased review.

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First thought: It’s a cute read with sciencey, freaky friday and soulmate vibes. Can be read as a standalone from Ghosted, but there are character/ time overlaps between the stories.

Serena has one love in life and that is her job as a physicist, everyday she gets to live her childhood dreams. Ever since she was a young girl laying under the stars and big trees in Northern California she knew this was her path, her one and only love she never give it up for anyone.

But then one night in a local bar in Geneva a Brit sat across from her staring and she had to ask his help as she somehow was glued to the booth and couldn’t get up. He was a gentleman and lent her his coat while she peeled out of her pants to free herself from the booth. They hit it off and ended up back in his hotel room, there were sparks and he told her she was his future.

But Serena couldn’t have feelings and definitely not feelings like that! Her future and love could only be her career. So before one night could turn into anything more she smashed his dream like she does atoms as work, and ended it.

However the next day he walked into work and Henry the Brit who rocked her world and made her feel scary things was now her boss. A year and half later and tensions are high. Right before a new planned downtime at work there is a lightening storm and particles collide somehow Serena and Henry switch bodies!

No spoilers you’ll have to read this when in launches Feb 20th to find out if these two physicists can navigate how to switch back before it’s too late.

Literally Themes you’ll find:

* Strangers to Coworkers to Lovers
* Forced Proximity
* Body Swap
* Insta-Love turned Slow Burn
* Opposites Attract
* Physicists
* Mild Spicy 🌶️


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This was adorable. We are introduced to Serena and Henry who are opposite personalities - one more free spirited and the other more Type A. The story moves along by having a body switch due to an electrical storm. The novel was nostalgic in a way watching it take on the Freaky Friday switch but in a romance format. The relationship as a whole was easy to buy into despite an insta-love feel at the start of their relationship. As the relationship grew the couple was easy to root for. Each character stood on their own and were fun and complex at the same time. I simply adored that Henry, despite his more uptight manner, was a sweetheart with a big heart. Something to note is I didn't read the first novel in this series before reading this but didn't find myself too much left in the dark. I will be definitely backtracking to read the first.

4.5/5 stars

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When free spirited Serena and the uptight Henry meet for the first time, sparks immediately fly. But for Serena, love isn't on her mind, only her one true love physics is. Pulled together during an electrical storm, find themselves even closer...they've switched in each other's bodies. Will the two very different Henry and Serena be able to figure out why this happened and put themselves back in their own bodies?

My Grade: B ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5

The Good Stuff:
-Fun body switch concept! I loved how the author really showed how Serena and Henry had to adjust in each other's bodies, and I especially loved chapter 31! (when you read it, you'll understand why)
-The footnotes were a wonderful addition. I found myself laughing multiple times!
-Now that was some steamy chemistry and the romance was chef's kiss perfectly done!
-Pets! A cat and a dog! I always adore pets!
-The author really took the time to make sure that the characters motivations, especially their views on love and relationships, were explained. Nicely done!

The Meh Stuff:
-Personally, I am not a fan of the 'Insta-love' trope.
-The opening of too many chapters were incredibly long with descriptions of the weather, the color of the trees, and the smells of the city. It got a bit much and was really overdone.
-Ducky wasn't in Sixteen Candles. He was in Pretty in Pink. 😉

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Like every other book by this author, "Switched" is a well thought out masterpiece. Much like Ghosted, the first book in the series which stars Serena's best friend- Gillian, the story focuses on the characters and central idea first, the plot coming later.

The idea of this novel really reminds me of "Mother's Day" by JB Priestly, where the two MCs purposely switch bodies. This, however, takes on a romantic storyline and with both MCs being scientists, I loved the bits of information thrown around. I listened to the audiobook, but I still loved the footnotes so much!

So, there's many scenes in the book which I absolutely adore, but here's my favorites- their meet cute, Henry/Serena meets Serena's dad, the 'Ducky' story, Purrk, and Serena/Henry's period. I can't give away too much detail obviously, but I promise I'm not exaggerating when I say this was the most fun, I've had with a book this year. I enjoyed this so much and would've finished it in a day if not for another page turning book I was reading simultaneously (which I finished in a day.)

I don't know how to say it better than this, but Henry and Serena were perfect together. They're cozy and lovable, very easy to root for, I FELT for them. I wanted to spend more time with them, and they became the good friends filling you in on life while you laugh along with them. Of course, seeing Jillian and Daniel again was just a bonus to this super comfy read.

Now what I haven't mentioned yet is that Henry is British and Serena is American. So, with different bodies, they need to learn to fake a new accent. And this is where the narrator Kelsey comes in and plays a BIG role in making me treasure this story. She performed every voice and accent with perfection and conviction, sometimes switching accents so quickly, it's seamless. I've loved her and James (James narrates one chapter from Henry's perspective) in previous audiobooks, and I am again in awe of their voices, with Kelsey narrating most of the story on her own. Obviously, I think you should listen to this as an audiobook because I think you may love it too.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, Sarah Ready has incredible writing style and I love her work so much. I think she deserves the world and will keep reading more books by her. Can't wait for the next books, so it's probably time for a reread.

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This is a fun, entertaining, good read. Henry and Serena are interesting, relatable, intriguing, entertaining, fun, captivating, complex characters. These two captured my attention from the start and held it until the very end – I loved their meet cute. The growth of the characters through out the course of the story is fun to read. I loved the family and friend aspects of the story. The romance is very fitting for these characters and this series. The various secondary characters added to the fabric of the story and my enjoyment. I love that we got to see the couple from the first book in the series and that we got an epilogue. This series is quirky and fun to read. The book is easy to get into and read. Given the story plot, I wish we had gotten more from Henry’s perspective – would have been fun 😊.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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LOVED part 2 of this fun series!! Over the past year Sarah Ready has quickly become one of my favorite authors. I read and listened to Switched and enjoyed it so much!

Serena, a Star Trek loving California girl is all in for work. Henry is on the opposite end of the spectrum. He is a very organized British man who adored his family and of course Physics as well. He wants love, she does not.

These two meet in very strange circumstances and have a one night stand. For him, love at first sight, for her its a not! Fast forward to the very next day when he discovers why she left so abruptly, they work together. They spend years working side by side but as nothing more than friends. That is until one night things get a little crazy and they switch bodies, like a Freaky Friday switch.

Either way things play out, their lives are forever changed.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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4.5 stars! Sarah Ready has become one of my favorite authors. Her books always hit me emotionally while simultaneously making me laugh. I absolutely loved Ghosted, and was excited Serena was getting her own story after meeting her there first. It was fun to see Jillian and Daniel pop in as well. The star of Switched for me though is Henry. I just want to protect this sweet man at all costs. I enjoyed the story and seeing how it all came together in the end. I definitely recommend reading Ghosted first to enjoy all the Easter eggs from the first book. Overall a great read!

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This story was so cute! I loved reading about Serena’s journey to opening up her heart and realizing her misunderstandings about love and what it means. Henry was the perfect amount of patience and adorable. I really loved that this was so much more than a chaotic freaky Friday. I loved the in depth look at what love truly is to its core, and enjoyed that it wasn’t just about loving the other. It came down to knowing who/what you are at the core- enough to take the jump at loving another. I love how Sarah can write love stories that are so much deeper than just your typical lighthearted romance. The characters have so much depth to their love, it’s so well done.

I feel at times, Serena’s scientific ramblings in her head were a little drawn out and difficult to follow and wished there was a little more on their relationship and run-in in the beginning. But overall, this was a cute read and I’m glad I read it!

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Switched is a quirky science based rom com with a dash of magical realism. Across between the love hypothesis and freaky Friday, I can see this being enjoyed by fans of Ali Hazelwood.

Serena and Henry are scientists who share a one night stand before awkwardly discovering that Henry is Serena’s new boss. The awkwardness is further perpetuated with Serena spurs Henry’s advances, and then a mishap in the lab triggers a body swap.

I loved that the ebook had diagrams and footless, which added extra quirkiness and interest to the story. The footnotes were a fun way to incorporate side bars into the story.

I struggled to get into Serena and Henry’s relationship in the first half of the book, and I would have loved to learn more about what happened during the time jump. However I found myself much more invested in the second half. I loved the way their family members featured in the stories, and both characters relationship with both sets of parents. I found the ending really engaging, and overall would recommend this as a cute and cosy read.

Thank you W.W Crown and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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Was this a perfect book? No. Did I have a fantastic time reading it? Absolutely!

The story follows Serena, aka Ducky, Otaki and Henry Joule, who have one magical night that she vows to never repeat, because she is afraid that she will lose herself to love. To make matters worse, she learned after that Henry is her new boss, a fellow physicist at CERN. After over a year (time jump), an accident (or is it?) occurs where Serena and Henry literally switch bodies, and then deal with the consequences.

If you liked the following, you will probably like this book:
*Ashley Poston’s “The Dead Romantics” and “Seven Year Slip”
*Women in STEM
*quick dialogue

If you dislike the following, you may not enjoy it as much:
*Insta-love (somewhat delayed due to plot, but a storyline nonetheless)

This is a sequel to Sarah Ready’s “Ghosted”, whose characters make a few brief appearances, though you can read them in either order and still make sense of the individual plots. I’d say this book is on the lower/medium spice rage, but I tend to prefer less so I was quite happy with the content.

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Switched features Serena and Henry, two physicists who work in Switzerland on the same team and have mutual unrequited feelings after a hookup several years ago. Due to an abnormality in the hadron collider and a storm outside, somehow their bodies switch one night - and they are stuck to deal with the aftermath and how to get back to normal.

I found this story unique and enjoyable. I don't think science matches up with the way everything went down in the story, but am willing to suspend belief for a HEA. :)

I listened to the audiobook and really enjoyed the narrations of Kelsey Navarro Foster and James Anderson Foster.

I received an advanced reading and listening copy of Switched, receipt of which did not impact my review.

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What you'll get:
Woman in STEM field - Physicist
Magical realism
Wedding shenanigans
Second chance romance

Setting: England, Switzerland, California

I wanted to love this more than I did. “I don't do commitment for reasons” isn’t my favorite sub trope. I wanted it to be because they had a lovely meet cute and a magical night together so she tries to immediately ruin it. I didn't love that she would rather have been cruel to him than just tell him, hey, I'm not interested in dating right now.

Loved that she was a physicist who works on the Hadron Collider but I work in bank and didn’t understand most of the science because my science knowledge threshold is super low. There's a glitch or accident and poof They wake up in each other's bodies and have to pretend to be the other person until they can figure out how to switch back. Spoiler: it does not go perfectly.

I thought the narrators did an excellent job. The accents they used as the other person cracked me up.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been provided with a review copy of Switched from NetGalley for an impartial review. I was just drawn into this wonderful story and I just couldn’t get enough of it. It was just so easy to get lost in this great story. I just didn’t want it to end. I just lost myself in and I just couldn’t get enough of these interesting characters. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

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I just love Sarah Ready books and this one was no exception. Cute with a dash of high-brow humor.

Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 stars
This book felt like a 2000 disney channel original movie . I quite liked the writing style.

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Serena Otaki and Henry Joule are physicists who live and work in Geneva. They are complete opposites of each other. Serena loves coffee, while Henry loves tea. Serena is messy, while Henry is organized. Serena does not indulge in relationships, while Henry wants to find the woman of his dreams. However, one unexpected thunderstorm changed everything. They switched bodies, and now they have to live in each other’s bodies until they find a solution to get back.

Serena is a fun and free-spirited character. She doesn’t want to compromise her career for anybody, which is justified. Henry is such a cinnamon roll; he is full of love. Both Serena and Henry are likeable characters, and their character development throughout the story is impressive. Serena initially swore off love, but eventually trusted Henry and fell in love with him. Henry took his time to understand Serena and reassured her that she could still maintain her career and individuality despite being in a relationship with him.

I really liked how funny the body switch situation was. Their witty banter was funny, and I loved how they tried to understand each other. I’m not really a fan of Insta-love, but in this book, it’s actually done pretty well. The plot was really well done with some hilarious diagrams and footnotes that made it even better.

Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot and it’s my favourite book one so far this year.

Recommended if you like:
Woman in STEM
Magical Realism
Slow Burn
Body Switch
Opposite Attracts
Fake Date

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4.5 stars rounded up!

It was SO much fun to read. I finished it within 5 hours; probably the fastest I have ever read a romcom. The plot was so different from the books that I typically read and I really enjoyed reading it. The writing style was so fun and so easy to read. I laughed so many times and I teared up so many times. Would highly recommend reading it!

ps: no pregnancies or babies at the end 🫶🏼

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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My Star Rating: 4/5 ⭐
My Spice Rating: 1/5 🌶️

What you’ll find:
⭐️STEM Focus
⭐️Forced Proximity
⭐️Workplace Romance
⭐️Enemies (sort of) to Lovers
⭐️He Falls First
⭐️Fake Dating
⭐️Second Chance Romance

Switched is a closed-door romance with a “freaky Friday” esque body-switching twist. This book follows the relationship between Henry and Serena, told in Serena’s POV. Serena is carefree, works in STEM, is extremely career-driven, loves Star Trek, and has no intention of committing to a relationship. Henry is more reserved but is a sweet family man who is ready to find the one. Serena and Henry meet in a bar and are instantly interested in each other. After a wonderful night together, Serena learns Henry is to be her new boss, freaks out, and then denies the night was anything more than fun.

A year or so later while they are both working, a storm rolls in, something strange happens in their lab, and they somehow switch bodies. Serena is now in Henry’s body and Henry is not in Serena’s body. The book does a great job detailing the challenges they face while being in each other’s bodies, while also exploring and re-evaluating their true feelings for each other. The family dynamics and emotions attached to their situation kept me reading.

The story is a fun and heartwarming read, that is packed with laugh-out-loud moments. There is witty banter, some 4th wall breakage (footnotes from Serena), and of course lots of physics references. The book also includes some deeper exploration of parent/child relationships. It would have been nice to have a dual POV to give readers more of Henry’s thoughts during the body switch.

The audiobook was enjoyable. I especially enjoyed listening to the narrator for Serena (Kelsey Navarro Foster). She was very animated and entertaining. The male narrator for Henry (James Anderson), who comes in towards the end of the book, did a good job as well.

Thank you Sarah Ready, W. W. Crown, and imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks, and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced reader/listener copy of this book/audio in exchange for my honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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