Member Reviews

I read this, and the first in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series, back to back, and I’m glad to see Serena getting her own story.

I loved the locations, the family dynamics between the couples, and, of course, all the Trekker nonsense.

My biggest gripe, (and it oddly wasn’t the complete lack of spice) was that they skipped over all the Freaky Friday, Body Swapping bits that would have made this book hilarious.

I mean, they talked a good booby/boner-game, but they hopped over peeing, getting dressed (Cerena, who never wears underwear, gets his penis caught in the zipper of his trousers? COMEDIC GOLD), even a good have-to-manspread-because-my-balls-are-in-the-way scene? Why does no one ask for my help?

I’ll be on the lookout for the next in this series.

Thanks to NetGalley, and Swift and Lewis Publishing for this ARC.

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I'm not sure how to rate this one, I think I was simply the wrong audience for this book. This is a freaky Friday, body switch romance. I adore quirky books and characters, but honestly this was a whole other level of quirky. For me, I did not feel the romance between Serena and Henry and I didn't feel an emotional connection to either one of these characters. I got lost trying to keep up with some of the STEM aspects and I think the footnotes were a little distracting at times.

Thank you NetGalley and W.W. Crown for the ARC.

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** spoiler alert ** This is an interesting read. It's a closed door romance. Serena and Henry meet in a bar. The bar is Serena's usual haunt and is literally stuck to her seat(she didn't see the do not sit here sign). Henry is bowled over from the moment he saw her. They had an amazing night together and Henry confesses that he's already falling for Serena. Serena is a commitmentphobe(ok, a lovephobe) and freaks. She also learns that he's going to be working with her at CERN while checking her emails in the bathroom during her freakout. She breaks his heart the next day saying that they were just having fun. Fast forward over a year later, they still work together and Serena still hasn't forgotten that night. We learn later that Henry hasn't either. There's a storm and a freak accident in the lab while Henry and Serena are together. They wake up in the middle of the night in each other's bodies, but not together. They find each other after a few hours and want to figure out how to switch back. In the meantime, they need to play the part of each other and learn a lot about each other in the process. Serena needs to be best man at Henry's brother's wedding and fight off his ex. Henry needs to comfort Serena's mother after a heart attack. I can't really say that they fell for each other all over again because they were already both in love with each other, only Serena refused to admit it to him. They finally figure out how to switch back and in dramatic fashion, Serena finally confesses her love. There's a lot of science mentioned in this book and I have to admit that even though Henry admitting that he was falling in love with her the first night was A LOT, he is an amazing MMC. It broke my heart when Serena broke his. I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more from this author(Ghosted has been sitting on my TBR for an obscene amount of time and those characters are mentioned in this book)
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I am hooked!! Can’t wait to read more. It had everything … made me laugh and made me cry!! Absolutely loved both Seren and Henry who are polar opposites.

Blurb from book:
For Serena Otaki, free-spirited Californian, life is simple. She loves smashing atoms at The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. She loves Star Trek, spicy tofu, and her cat, Captain Purrk. She loves her messy (slob-fest) apartment, her chaotic brand of organizing, and staying permanently, happily unattached. She has one true love—physics.

For Henry Joules, uptight Brit, life is simple. He loves making analog black holes, drinking piping hot tea, and organizing his pencil tray. He loves his family, red meat, and obsessively cleaning his spotless apartment.

Life is perfect. He has many loves—physics, family, friends. He can’t wait to find the woman of his dreams.

Love and marriage are in his future.

One perfect night Serena and Henry meet. Sparks fly, particles collide, the universe comes to a halt and so too does their encounter. Serena cuts it short and tells Henry it was a mistake - just a bit of fun.

Until an electric storm causes an unexpected event at the particle collider and suddenly—they’ve switched. Serena is in Henry’s body and Henry is in Serena’s body.

Absolutely fantastic book. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced read copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Thank you Netgalley for a change to read this!!
I absolutely ADORE Sarah Ready and had thoroughly enjoyed 'Ghosted', so this adjacent story jumped out at me right away! 4.5 / 5 stars. Serena is a CERN scientist in love with science, but not with anyone else. After a closed-door, reality shattering night with her soon-to-be-boss Henry, this story catapults us into a freaky-friday esque body-switching story, causing Serena and Henry to re-evaluate themselves and each other.
This story requires a ton of suspension of belief, and it yet it really works? It's quirky and funny, playing SO well off the hysterical realities of sex positive men/women switching bodies. It does dive really deep into what 'love' is and what happens to two independent people when they fall in love: it was such a great juxtaposition to the comedic elements. I also personally loved the footnotes, drawings, and fourth wall breaking Serena does: but I think this could be a drawback for some people. The steaminess really doesn't hit until the last 90% of the story and it was such a good buildup.
I hear there's gunna be a third in this series and I cannot wait!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

I love a little (or a lot of) magical realism mixed in with my romance. The background of Switched was science based, physics more specifically. And I had no idea what they were talking about when they were talking science. But it didn't even matter. The connection and disconnection between the two MCs was completely adorable. As a woman, the reason Serena (Duckie) refused to fall in love with Henry was relatable and understandable.

Their Freaky Friday body switch was hilarious! Even though it's been done before, Sarah Ready made it feel fresh and fun. I ate it up. The family complications and emergencies leveled it up and made it feel high stakes and urgent. There were so many emotions attached to their agreement on how to handle their situation. It was so sweet how they agreed to stay with each other for the sake of their families.

The secondary characters were all loveable and I appreciated every single one of them. Yes, the main characters of the book are central and the most important. But I have seen times when secondary characters break a book and other times when they completely enhance it.

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📚Book Review📚

Sarah Ready


This is the second book in the Ghosted duology (? 🤔 Could there be more in this series??)

Although this book follows a different couple in the main, there are definitely some overlapping events and stories relating to Gillian and Daniel from book 1. Which, did I tell you?, I absolutely adored!!

So I'd definitely recommend that you read these in order, I mean, even if just for the sheer joy of reading them both! Because they are literally amazing!!

So, in this book, we follow the story from Serena's pov (with a tiny chapter from Henry) - although as suggested again by the title and cover (spoiler??) they do switch mid way!

I cannot describe how brilliantly written this book is! It's packed with humour, it's an emotional rollercoaster and it's an the storyline is a little out there!? - who cares!! Just go along with the flow and I promise you'll have a blast!

I loved both our main characters so much! (And it was great to have a little view of where Gillian and Daniel are at now too!)
Once again, being told from Serena's pov, we don't only get to see what's going on from the outside, but also hear all (and I mean all!) of her inner thoughts, feelings and imaginings - which is the best way to connect....but also, when they switch, imagine those inner thoughts! 🫣🤣

There's a lot going on, but I can't tell you any more for fear of spoilers - but trust me, I could not put this book down (nor book 1!) - I absolutely HAVE to check out more books by this author as I am truly obsessed!!

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Switched is Sarah Ready’s sequel to Ghosted and it was an adventure to read. Thank @netgalley and W.W. Crown for the opportunity to read this via gifted eARC. All thoughts are my own and honest.

This book is very science heavy, especially in the beginning, as both Serena and Henry are physicists. A lot of it went over my head, but once I got into it though, I flew through it.

The switch really helped Serena and Henry understand each other, especially their feelings about love and relationships. It definitely helped both of their characters develop and recognize their own feelings.

This is probably Ready’s least spicy book that I’ve read (1-1.5 🌶️). It was just right for this story though.

Overall, another fun read from Sarah Ready and I would love read more from Henry’s POV, since we only got one chapter in the book.

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3.5 stars ⭐️

Just an adorable, science-filled read. Ducky and Henry are really cute together and even though Ducky was quite immature at times, it fit well into the story.
I also quite enjoyed how the author added footnotes throughout the book and how Ducky often broke the “fourth-wall”. While the science of it all did seem a bit confusing to me at times, it didn’t really affect my understanding of the core story.

Thank you to NetGalley and W.W. Crown for an arc in exchange for my honest review!

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I'm speechless, it's my first best read of the year. I was waiting for this book since Ghosted and it exceeded my expectations
Serena is a friend of Jillian and like her shares her passion for Star Trek and scientific impossibility. But when she feels that impossibility upon meeting Henry, she runs off, only to end up realizing that Henry is her new boss.
trying to avoid the impossibility of love, is how both become almost enemies at work. But when an accident with the atom collider at work ends up changing their bodies, they have no choice but to accept what she have been denying for a long time.
Only this time she has to discover through Henry’s body and learn to trust her heart and body to him.
I just finished the book but I'm seriously fantasizing about the next one. I love this series, and I'm going to fangirl over it tirelessly, I don't think Henry and Serena will get out of my head anytime soon
Thanks to Sarah Ready for give me a copy of this amazing book in exchange for my honest and voluntary opinion

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This book pulled me into the story right from the first chapter and I felt the magic between Serena and Henry’s meet cute. I adored the story even though I felt frustrated with how Serena treated Henry in the beginning. As I read more about her life history, that made a lot of sense. Through all of it, it made me fall into love with Henry even more. He is the perfect book boyfriend and I absolutely adored him. I really loved Ghosted and this was the perfect book that followed up in this series. This book can be read as a standalone and I would highly recommend it. I would also recommend reading Ghosted as it is such a wonderful love story and I adored Jillian and Daniel.

Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Looking for a fun, indie romance to read just in time for Valentine’s Day? Well look no further! One perfect night Serena and Henry meet. Sparks fly, particles collide, the universe comes to a halt, and… it was a mistake. They’re too different. It won’t work. Love isn’t in their future. Until an electric storm causes an unexpected event at the particle collider and suddenly- they’ve switched bodies. And both life and love are suddenly very complicated!

I love that we have a smart MFC who is a theoretical physicist working at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Serena is also relatable because she doesn’t want to lose herself in a serious relationship, so she guards her heart. You will definitely have to suspend reality to fully appreciate the supernatural body swapping, but I had a good time with this one.

*I also got a copy of the audiobook and felt like the narrator did a good job for the most part. The accents could have been better though.

Thank you to Netgalley and Sarah Ready for giving me a copy of the digital and audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this Rom-Com take on freaky Friday. Our heroine meets a guy and has a one night stand, only to find out he’s her new boss. He wants more, but she’s running scared. They then have an incident which results in them switching bodies, and in doing so, they find out much more about each other, and themselves, than they ever would have expected. There are some sex scenes, but only 2 in the whole book, and they’re easily skippable without losing any of the story. I really enjoyed the slow burn romance, which genuinely does make the reader feel all warm and fuzzy. I’d highly recommend!

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This was such a cute read! Amazing characters, insta-love, magic and humour all wrapped up in a nerdy setting. I'm feeling like this would be a great read for fans of Ali Hazelwood!

I usually find magical realism a tricky genre, but this is executed really well and somehow feels believable. I was instantly invested in Serena and Henry's love story and just thoroughly enjoyed the whole read. Perfectly paced, funny and swoony.

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I feel like I went through the five stages of grief while reading this (in the best way) I LOVED this book!!! its heartwarming, emotional, humorous, and addicting in all the ways I didn’t expect. Sarah Ready delivers a fantastic and unique STEM romance with a ‘freaky friday’ twist that engages the reader from beginning to end.

Serena ‘Ducky’ Otaki is married to her work as a physicist working in Geneva. She meets the handsome Henry Joule in a hilarious meet-cute where she’s found herself stuck to her chair at a restaurant. Henry bounces into action and becomes the hero of the day, helping her get unstuck and sparking a quick friendship. It’s love at first sight, especially for him, and Serena has to quickly remind herself that her one true passion is her career. She finds herself stuck between a rock and a hard place, lies about their night together, inevitably breaking his heart. Fast forward about a year and a half later, they get ‘freaky fridayed’ and wind up in each others bodies. While they try and navigate how to switch back, hilarious antics ensure, their connection becomes stronger, and Serena is hit with the realization that maybe she can still be her while loving someone else.

Serena is a care-free, spirited, messy, career-driven individual who loves coffee, dark chocolate, and wreaking havoc in her life. Henry is a rule-following, uptight, British gentleman who wants marriage, kids, and the whole happily-ever-after. They couldn’t be more opposite, yet they kept finding things in common even when they didn’t want to. Their chemistry was off the charts and the author did a fantastic job at the insta-love and then changing that into a slow-burn sort’ve deal throughout the book.

The pacing of this book was fantastic and I truly didn’t want to put this book down for a second! The writing was almost lyrical with the descriptive writing and characterization. their love being described as electric many times is exactly how I felt reading this book, I could feel their love through the pages. absolutely beautiful!

my favourite part of this book was how Serena went through the book thinking that she would lose herself if she loved someone else. That there was no part of her that thought she could still hold her individuality while intertwining herself with someone she loves. She’s seen that with her parents and has only ever been reminded of it in her early life. I loved the conversations and discussions between her parents, her (and henry) about it. explaining how you have always have a choice in life, even when it comes to love.

I highly recommend this book for a feel-good, entertaining, but also heartwarming romance with likeable characters, easy banter, STEM references, and lots of chemistry (pun intended). I listened to this on audio while reading the physical book and the narrator was fantastic! She had great inflection in her voice and comedic timing was superb!

Thank you Sarah Ready, the publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC! This book releases February 20th, 2024

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It had a slow start and at first I didn't think I would finish it. Then they switched and I couldn't put it down. It's a fun freaky friday/rom com story.

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. This book was a fun idea that captured my attention and it’s the first book I’ve read by Sarah Ready. It was a cute story and they characters learned to understand each other.

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I loved this book so much!! The humour throughout the book was in the best places and was written amazingly. I loved watching the relationship between Serena and Henry develop into something really cute as the story progressed. I also loved how it was as if the fmc was talking directly to the reader which made it feel like the reader was kind of there. There was also the unexpected turns from the joyful humourous scenes in the book to one's a lot more serious and things that addressed the characters feelings a lot more which was done well.

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Thank you NetGalley & W.W Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing for granting access in exchange for an honest review! ❤️

I think this was such a fun idea. Serena and Henry meet, have a sweet lil romantic night & in classic extreme avoidant attachment style - Serena runs away from the feelings. They end up being forced together in a science experiment gone wrong and a lot of growth happens in true romcom fashion.
I think this was cute, I love how we really got to see a couple truly grow to understand each other.
However, I did find the story sort of lackluster. I didn’t feel connected to the characters or story or compelled to continue. The humor to me felt a little forced, like we were trying to make our FMC quirky. It’s totally possible that the audiobook narrator had an impact on this, as well! Delivery is huge.

Yes If: you love a lady in stem, want a 00’s romcom style book, a fun light read
No If: character depth and plot flow is a priority for you.

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This was a delightful book. An “opposites attract” with an uptight Britt and a free-spirited Californian.
Serena is only interested in physics, not love and marriage. On the other hand Henry is all for love and marriage. After an “earth shattering” night together Serena finds out Henry is her new boss! Henry wants more, Serena does not.
I got a Freaky Friday feeling from this story, because one stormy night in the lab of the Hadron Collider, something goes terribly wrong. The next day when Serena wakes up, she is in Henrys body. This is where the story gets interesting. How will they switch back?
I really enjoyed this book. It had romance, drama, comedy, and a cat! I absolutely loved Serena’s cat, Captain Puurk, names for James T Kirk. It is well worth a read!

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