Member Reviews

Sarah Ready books are an auto read for me, whatever book she publishes I will read. Switched was a really fun read, I let myself get swept by the storylines. I am a fan of Sarah Ready's writing, it has so much emotion, intrigue and hopefulness that I cannot stop reading.

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Oh this was fun! Who doesn’t love a good body switch trope. This story combines two things that I don’t usually see together when it comes to the main female lead - she’s literally brilliant ( I mean she works at CERN!) but I would also describe her as an emotional mess. Through the book we see her grow and learn to see things from another perspective (Henry’s) and and it lets her develop in a really great way.

I loved how the author used the body switch trope and how it wasn’t just a simple swap of the body but they also took of some of the memories, feelings and likes and dislikes of each other. I also really enjoyed all the different locations that we got to explore in the story from Switzerland, the UK all the way to Northern California.

I didn’t realize when I first picked it up that this is the second in a series of interconnected stand alone books so I definitely want to go back and read the first one and I’m excited about the next one!

Thanks to NetGalley, W.W. Crown and the author Sarah Ready for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I am a Sarah Ready super fan. And while Josh and Emma are still my number one favorites I really enjoyed this one. I loved the concept of love and how you don't lose YOU in the process of loving someone when it is right. I loved Henry and Serena. I do wish we got more from Henry's point of few and a little less physics. I found myself skimming a little. Overall I really enjoyed it though.

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I discovered Sarah Ready when a friend recommended Ghosted, and when I picked Switched, I didn't know it was part of the series--that was the first pleasant surprise since I thoroughly enjoyed Ghosted. I also thoroughly enjoy Ali Hazelwood, and the characters in this book have those Elsie Hannaway and Jack Smith vibes I cannot say no to.

That said, Switched is a truly wonderful novel all on its own. I loved the characters, Serena's passion for the Universe and all things physics, the way Henry falls hard and fast, as well as the concept of true love/soul mates who need the switch to understand one another fully.

I loved the world-building and the elements of magical realism, and, as a cat mom, I absolutely loved Purrk. The diagrams and footnotes sprinkled throughout the book are an absolute delight, and this read was very close to 5 stars for me. The reason I deducted a star was the absolute absence of Purrk in the last chapters. Once Serena and Henry decide to adopt a corgi, the cat vanishes from the picture. In the epilogue, Cupid the corgi is mentioned three times, but there is absolutely no mention of Serena's cat as if he doesn't have a place in the family anymore (it could have been mentioned when Serena says some nights they cuddle on the couch). Some may say this is not enough reason to deduct a star, but I found this part lacking, and it truly dimmed the end for me.

Aside from this misstep (in my opinion), Switch was a truly enjoyable and immersive read.

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One perfect night Serena and Henry meet. Sparks fly, particles collide, the universe comes to a halt, and they’re too different. It won’t work. Until an electric storm causes an unexpected event at the particle collider, and suddenly—they’ve switched. Serena is in Henry’s body. Henry is in Serena’s body. And both life and love are suddenly very, very complicated.

Oh man!! What a rollercoaster ride this book was! I've been waiting for this one since "Ghosted," and it's safe to say that it was hella satisfying.

Told solely from Serena's pov, I loved how quirky, humorous, & whimsical this story was. A cosmic lovestory that I'd never imagined. Lovers of STEM romances I'm sure you're gonna love this because it has got plenty of scientific references that, when added to the contex of romance, makes it even more realistic.

I adored Serena & Henry's chemistry. I thought the switch was going to be weird but it never felt that way. I loved how Serena's brain worked with so many laugh-out-loud moments along the way.
Can't wait for the next one in the series.

<i>Thank you Netgalley & Publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.<i>

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I initially decided to read 'Switched' because I was looking for a fun, new romance to read and this book met those expectations! I gave this book an actual rating of 3.5 stars but rounded up for the review. Sarah Ready writes a beautiful love story between main characters Serena and Henry but does so in a truly unique way. This is a perfect book for fans of Ali Hazelwood and those who love women in stem, work place, love at first sight novels. I also felt the writing to be so beautifully done at times that it felt almost poetic.

However, the main issue I had was that I did not like Serena's character. I often found her to be quite annoying and arrogant in a distrustful way. While it did lessen some of my enjoyment of the book, I still found the love story to be well written and interesting. My only other issue with the story being that sometimes I found the writing inconsistent. As previously mentioned, there were times it was beautifully done but others I found it somewhat immature.

Overall, it was a quick, lighthearted read that still managed to pack an emotional punch!

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hi!! i dnfed this book because it didn't it didn't seem like the best content for me to be reading. thank you for the opportunity anyways!! i really liked your cover and it seemed very cute and in a couple years i would love to read it!! thank you for your time.

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4,5* What can I say? I just love Sarah Ready style.

You would think a romance novel with two character switching body would be something you already know, already saw, pretty predictable.
Well, you couldn't be more wrong.
For a romance junkie like me, who eats romance for breakfast, who likes pretty predictable and easy romance, this is somenthing more.
Ready builts her character very strongly, with something unique, all about Serena yells fun, bold and passionate: I found her very romantic and really loved her thoughts on stars and universe and how she kept mentioning them throughout the book...

I also loved the footnotes, they're not as charming on a ebook as I found them on paper, still I appreciated them and even if I can't be sure I thought of them as a reference of Sophie Kinsella I've got your number.

Lovely, funny, dreamy and heartbreaking.
Are you ready to be surprised and inspired by something typical turned unique?

Thank you NetGalley for providing this book as an Arc in exchange of an honest review.
And thank you Sarah for this charming read.

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How you know a book is good? Probably when you don't bother to tell yourself" one more chapter" and just keep reading till dawn breaks.

Not my first Sarah Ready book. I fell love with Dear Christmas and put Ghosted on my TBR immediately. Not mad at all that I started the series (out of order) with this book.

Serena and Henry spend an amazing night together. Serena has no place in her life for love and Henry might have just found " the one". Despite their chemistry, Serena shuts things down immediately. Fast foward 437 days later and an unexpected, impossible occurence at the Hardon Collider where they are shocked to find out they wake up in the other's body.
Unable to understand or fix the problem, they have no choice but to stick together till they can figure out a solution together.

Being in each other's bodies enables them to discover things about one another ( good and "negative") and this enhances their understanding for each other.

I loved the comparison of the angler-fish to relationships ( going to Google that after this review😄)
This story unfolded in a funny but heartwarming way and was just an absolute pleasure to read from beginning to end. I wish I could read it again for the first time.

So many thanks to Netgalley, the author and publisher for the wonderful opportunity to read this book! I was also given the chance to listen to the audio and it sounded great ❤️

One thing is certain, this will not be my last Sarah Ready book!

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I don’t even know where to start. This book! This world that Sarah Ready created! I am in love!

Switched is book two in the Ghosted series and follows Serena ‘Ducky’ Otaki, a theoretical particle physicist and Jillian’s best friend who is the female lead in book one “Ghosted”, and Henry Joules, a British physicist and her boss. Serena and Henry’s meet cute was everything! It was funny, sweet, and awkward which later turns steamy then unfortunately uneventful. Serena and Henry are opposites for each other. Whereas Henry is a believer in love and marriage and loves tea and being organized, Serena is not. She is messy and loves coffee and is averse to marriage and believes that falling in love means sacrificing independence and individuality. When an electric storm occurs at their workplace, they experience an unexpected switch that causes them to switch bodies. Now Serena and Henry have to figure out how to reverse this accident before it’s too late.

This book was heartfelt, funny, and tender. Like all of Ready’s book, vulnerability shines through all of her characters and this wasn’t an exception. Serena’s fear of losing her sense of identity, personality, and essentially herself if she were to fall in love resonated with me so much. Her underlying apprehension and dread she believes comes with being romantically involved with someone deters her away from committed relationships and marriage. Serena’s initial trepidation and uneasiness which later morphs to acceptance and assurance made her character development much more heartwarming and satisfying to read. But let’s not forget about Henry! Henry just might be one of my favorite men Sarah has written. His vulnerable, sweet and tender heart is so enduring and lovable and the way he has always entirely accepted Serena since the beginning was so genuine and pure. I am so excited for the next book in this series.

Thank you so much to NetGallery for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Another smash hit by Sarah Ready. Ghosted was one of my absolute favourite reads of 2023 and now Switched might just be one of my favourites for 2024.

The cosmic soulmatism of it all kept me on the edge of my seat and my eyes riveted to my kindle the entire time. I read this entire book in one sitting, I simply started and then just couldn’t put it down. After spending one incredible night together Serena decides she’s not ready for any sort of relationship and sabotages any romantic connection she had with Henry. However, everything does not go as planned due to an unforeseen occurrence in which they both awaken in each other's bodies.

I laughed out loud multiple times due to all the shenanigans within this story. This was a perfect romantic comedy and I loved the banter, love, and loyalty between Serena and Henry. Serena was strong, sassy and knew what she wanted… before love, something she had never wanted or expected hit her hard. Henry was truly one of the most sweetest, caring and loving mmc I have ever read, he always followed his heart, no matter how much it hurt him in the process.

Everyone need to read this excellent addicting book.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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Switched by Sarah Ready

-women in STEM
-body switching (Freaky Friday style)
-forced proximity
-fake dating
-magical realism

I impulsively grabbed this as a Read Now on Netgalley when I read the magical realism synopsis. This romance is like... Big Bang Theory meets Freaky Friday. You have to be willing to suspend reality for a bit, but I truly loved the magical realism aspect of this. This was a really neat concept, and I enjoyed the love story between Serena and Henry. There were some fantastic laugh-out-loud moments as well.

It wasn't perfect but it made me happy while I was reading it, and what more can you really ask for than that?

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Serena is a free-spirited Californian who falls in love with Henry an uptight Brit. Sparks fly but it doesn't work because they are
too different. Until one night, they switch bodies and things become complicated.

I love the supernatural element here. I like Freaky Friday plot. Enjoy Henry and Serena's chemisty a lot too. A fun book to read.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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Serena is a physicist with no interest in ever falling in love. Henry is a physicist who knows he'll find his true love someday. And when the two meet at a bar one night, it's love at first sight. But then Serena pulls away... and Henry starts a job at the place where Serena works. Over a year later, they're both at work when something strange happens...and they wake up in each other's bodies.

Switched is very fun, and I loved how having the two characters in each other's bodies added to the story--them having flashes of each other's memories, each other's taste buds, etc. was great. I did wonder why they didn't have each other's accents, since, on top of all the things they DID acquire from the other person, accents are partially muscle-based.
Serena falling so hard so fast for Henry did pull me out of the story just a bit, with how much she insisted she had no interest in love (and I'm not a big insta-love person anyway) but it ended up working. I also loved that is was the man wanting them to give it a shot and the woman being afraid of commitment. And I really loved how that particular aspect of the story resolved.
There was also a bit of a tonal shift throughout the book--from more romcommy to feeling more like a straight romance. And I missed the footnotes as we got further into the book (I thought the footnotes were SUCH a fun mechanic for a book about physicists).

Overall this was a very fun read and I'll definitely be reading more by Sarah Ready.

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