Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and author Sarah Ready for the copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

"For Serena Otaki, free-spirited Californian, life is simple. She loves smashing atoms at The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. She loves Star Trek, spicy tofu, and her cat, Captain Purrk. She loves her messy (slob-fest) apartment, her chaotic brand of organizing, and staying permanently, happily unattached.

Life is perfect. She has one true love—physics.

Loving a man isn’t in her future.

For Henry Joules, uptight Brit, life is simple. He loves making analog black holes, drinking piping hot tea, and organizing his pencil tray. He loves his family, red meat, and obsessively cleaning his spotless apartment.

Life is perfect. He has many loves—physics, family, friends. He can’t wait to find the woman of his dreams.

Love and marriage are in his future.

One perfect night Serena and Henry meet. Sparks fly, particles collide, the universe comes to a halt, and…

It was a mistake.

They’re too different.

It won’t work.

Love isn’t in their future.

Until an electric storm causes an unexpected event at the particle collider and suddenly—they’ve switched.

Serena is in Henry’s body.

Henry is in Serena’s body.

And both life and love are suddenly very, very complicated."

I was drawn to it based on the description. And it did not disappoint. This is a fun and entertaining read.

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It's not love at first sight. It's not friendship-to-love. It's not hate to love. Its not blind love. Its love built from understanding.

4 stars! ⭐

This book was like something I have never read before...and I loved every second of this!

My thoughts:

I couldn't out this book down, and this book transported me to this world. The vibes were super cozy, with the setting being in Scotland, and the whole premise is just unique.

Basically, it's a version of Freaky Friday.

And lorddd, do I love Henry.

It was also fascinating seeing the diagrams and charts that Serena made.

I just love everything about this book, however, there were a few things I disliked.

What I liked:

• Henry. Of course, sweet, sweet Henry. My baby.
🥲And the fact that he's British. 🤭
•The atmosphere was so cozy
•I loved all the side characters. Vinny? I can't.
•This book is hilarious. You have no goddamn idea how many times I laughed my ass off
•Henry and Serena's chemistry
•Henry and Serena's irresistible urge to drink fifty cups of tea and coffee every day
•This book is written very well, and I read through it smoothly
•I really enjoyed seeing ghosting represented in a book, because it has happened to me many times, and this is my first time seeing the aftermath of being ghosted in a book before, and it made me so emotional. But I loved it.
•This book has so many good things I can name, but I very much mostly like the message this book gives. That you don't need to fear love, because you already love something with you're whole heart. Love doesn't have to devour you. You can love multiple things

My dislikes:

•Serena. No, not Serena, her personality. Nah, it's just Serena. Now, hear me out. I do not by any means hate this character, I liked her pretty well, however, this girl would constantly talk about how she is so attractive and that all the men want to be with her. Once the switch happened, the way I felt about her in the beginning changed. I just didn't feel like she had much personality, but at the same time, she is literally married to her job, doesn't do relationships, and gets trapped in someone else's body. That would make sense why there isn't much personality really there. BUT GIRLIE REDEEMED HERSELF.
•I disliked all the constant science talk. Yes, I get it is her job, but I was just so confused and in random points in the book, it would go on and on
•Lorna. Say no more.
•Something that weirded me out was these two kissing themselves, basically in love with themselves and to me it felt weird. I understand they had to go into each other's bodies, and there were only a few scenes like this.

Overall, this was one of my favorite reads so far this year, and I can't wait to read more from this author, and finally read the other two books in this series.

But one more thing: PRAISE FOR HENRY MY KING. ✨🥲

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This was my first read by Sarah ready and I can definitely say that it won't be the last!!
After a one night stand, Henry and Serena had totally opposite reactions to their affair. To Henry it was love at first sight. To serena was a disaster waiting to happen.
They are quite opposites when it comes to love. Henry gives in to it. Serena is complettly affraid of falling and losing herself in the process.
It all complicates when, with a bit of magic (and physics) they swap into each others bodies and are forced to live the other's lifes.
They learn to live life with a new perspective, and realise that maybe their previous view on life had something missing.
Henry was such a sweet guy! I ended up wanting to hug him trough all the book. Serena's character grew a lot through the book.
This story made me laugh, made me cry and think a lot about perspectives. Maybe sometimes we really need to be in each other's places to better understand one another and to mainly better understand ourselves.

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After reading Ghosted, I thought I would prefer Serena's story. I was excited that it featured a unique take on STEM by making it paranormal. However, Serena was the cause of most of my disdain for this story. I hated her. She constantly discusses how pretty she is. It was exhausting.

For the rest of it, I found it extremely repetitive, as though the author could not trust me to remember things that occurred a few pages back. On top of all of that, I never felt the couple's chemistry.

At this point, I think that Sarah Ready is not for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and W.W. Crown for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Switched was an easy read. Strong middle part when the characters switch. Beginning felt exactly like Love, Theoretically so it was hard to get through to the actual original bit. Ending was too cheesy, couldn't read it. Kinda wished one of the characters died in the end. Felt like the movie Tangled in the end but less powerful. Overall would not read again. As a whole, book needed more problems to solve. Felt too happy the whole time which decreases complexity and intellect, unbelievable as a narrative.

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I love Sarah Ready books! I love footnotes in this book, it might just be my language!! Imagine all the explanation my anxious brain can provide for everything that comes out of my mouth!! I am skeptical about body switch thing but being a big Sarah ready fan, I repeatedly assured myself that she will do justice to my trust and man! Did she!! California girl and an English dude..fall in love but freaky Friday body switchroo happens. They learn each other and more importantly learn to accept each other. Every romantics bone in your body will be satisfied with this book!

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Switched by Sarah Ready was typically everything I look for in a romcom. I’ve got to admit that I didn’t have any idea what I was getting into because I’d never read any books from this author before, but I loved the writing just as much as I adored Ducky breaking for the fourth wall every now and then and addressing the reader directly. Both main characters were loveable and I had so much fun reading about their switching bodies problem — a trope I’d never read beforehand, either.

The big plus for me was all the very nerdy references, as a sci-fi nerd girly I loved getting all those Star Trek names drop here and there. I know some people do not appreciate heavy references to pop-culture in romances, but I’ve got to admit I couldn’t get quite enough of them, and all those little science diagrams included as well. It was a funny little plus!

The only downside would be the ending, which was slightly rushed, and in my opinion the epilogue felt more of a forced little snippet into their lives —because it somehow *had* to be written— rather than a fun little plus side to the story.

I would definitely read more from this author without a second thought! 4.25 stars ⭐️

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Such a fun and magical read!! I loved how it gave me the feels and made me reminisce about Freaky Friday!
I laughed my way through Henry's family and sighed and teared up during Selenas.
It was a good mix of all emotions.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This novel gave me a whirlwind of emotions vibe. It was well written, and very descriptive. I feel that sometimes it was too descriptive in the sense that the details of the locations were too much sometimes; too lengthy in detail, but that’s just me. Other than the exaggerated thesaurus of words, I did like this storyline and that’s what’s important. The story got so wild towards the last few 40 pages or so and I was nearly holding it together!! Thank you for this unique book from everything else that is out there - it was a good different.

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This took a few chapters to get going but once they switched bodies I got really into it! I really felt for Serena and her fears about getting lost in a man, I do think she was unnecessarily harsh on Henry in the beginning so it took me a little bit to warm up to her. Henry was a cutie and I loved his sincerity. I did not realize this was part of a series when I read it, it can absolutely be read as a stand alone, however, the couple from the first book do appear and their story is spoiled. This didn't bother me and honestly I'm super intrigued to read the first book now!!

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"Switched in Love" is a delightful rom-com that deftly blends science, humor, and romance. Serena Otaki, a carefree Californian physicist, and Henry Joule, a meticulous British scientist, couldn't be more different. However, when a freak accident at the Large Hadron Collider swaps their bodies, chaos ensues. What follows is a hilarious exploration of identity, love, and the unpredictability of life.

Sarah crafts a witty narrative filled with quirky characters and laugh-out-loud moments. Serena's laid-back attitude clashes amusingly with Henry's uptight demeanor, leading to plenty of comedic misunderstandings. Yet, beneath the humor lies a heartwarming story about acceptance and finding love in unexpected places.

The novel's unique premise, combined with its well-developed characters and fast-paced plot, makes it a page-turner from start to finish. Readers will find themselves rooting for Serena and Henry as they navigate their newfound predicament and discover what truly matters in life.

"Switched in Love" is a charming tale that will appeal to fans of romantic comedies and science fiction alike. With its blend of science and romance, it's a refreshing addition to the genre that will leave readers smiling long after they've turned the final page.

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I truly enjoyed this book. Sarah Ready's description of settings and facial expressions really enthralls you in this book and transports you. For me it felt more like watching a movie than reading a book in some ways.
Serena's miscommunication and I hate love attitude was frustrating for a second, but honestly, it made the 'enemies' to lovers all that more enjoyable for me. I usually hate when a character gets too attached fast or moves too quickly, but for some reason, in this book, it just seemed right.....

I found myself laughing out loud multiple times and it was just a fun read.

Thank you, Sarah Ready and NetGalley for giving me early access to this novel!

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Writing: Quirky Plot: Unique, but not for everyone Rating: 4 stars Genre: Contemporary Romance Tags: Insta-love, opposites attract, forced proximity, fake dating, slow burn, minimal steam

"Switched" by Sarah Ready is a quirky and romantic tale that explores the complexities of love and self-discovery in a refreshingly unique way. The occasional breaking of the fourth wall, diagrams, and footnotes provided an interactive experience that enriched the storytelling and kept me intrigued throughout.

I loved the Freaky Friday body swap trope, but it felt a little weird watching Serena fall for Henry despite him looking and acting like her. I also enjoyed being able to relate to Serena's feelings of love being an end-all to the person she was. I also grew up with the theory that to fall in love was to lose yourself and your dreams.

Despite the central romance, I couldn't help but feel that the chemistry between Serena and Henry fell short of expectations, it lacked any depth and intensity until the final 20% of the book.

Nevertheless, "Switched" remains an enjoyable read, characterized by its whimsical charm and heartfelt exploration of love and self-discovery. Despite its occasional quirks and minor shortcomings, the story offers a delightful escape into a world where love transcends boundaries and challenges preconceived notions.

Thank you to Netgalley for sending me this ARC to read.

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I had a fun time reading this novel! Definitely an interesting concept with the author’s own twist. Would recommend 10/10

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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This book centers around a plot that had me intrigued from the beginning: switching bodies and falling in love. The two main characters have a funny meet cute where the female mc literally gets stuck to a seat and the male mc has to help her. Sparks fly and their night is magical, but that’s not when the body swap happens.

Serena fears getting serious and pushes Henry away suddenly after realizing they’ll be working together. Late one night they are working in the lab when the unexpected happens and they wake up in each others’ bodies.

It would be easy for this concept to go cringe as there are mentions of physical differences and challenges of living in the opposite genders’ body, but they are tactfully done and the characters show tender care for each other as they face those challenges. Forced to attend a family wedding and deal with a family health scare, they become closer than ever as they live for each other.

This book is science-y and smart. I like that the female main character is prioritizing her hopes and dreams and the male main character is a supportive softie. An enjoyable read if you love Freaky Friday!

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Switched, by Sarah Ready, is a cute opposites-attract rom-com, with definite Freaky Friday vibes, all set in a nerdy, STEM-filled atmosphere.
It's a quick easy read that even comes with electronic (I read an ebook) footnotes! Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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I always end up enjoying Sarah Ready's books; they always provide a delightful reading experience. This particular book was no exception. I found myself thoroughly engrossed in the story and of course, charmed by the characters. The inclusion of scientific tidbits. physics, and illustrations added an extra layer of fun when reading. However, what truly stood out were the footnotes; they were a brilliant and unique addition that added depth and humor to the narrative. I found myself wishing for even more footnotes, as they brought such a playful element to the story. The chemistry between Serena and Henry was another highlight for me. While I initially found the switching a bit jarring, I quickly grew to appreciate it. Witnessing Henry and Serena's gradual discovery of each other was a cute journey, and I loved seeing them get their happy ending. Overall, this book was fun to read, and I would recommend it to others.

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4 stars ⭐️

This was such a cute read! I blew through it in two days. Freaky Friday, but make it nerdy. And I’m here for it! Fans of Ali Hazelwood, like myself, will eat this up.

I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and humor. It’s light-hearted and funny, but also has moments of sentimentality. I laughed out loud several times while reading this. And there were several heart-warming moments. It did start out with a lot of physics talk. Like A LOT. And while I was a science nerd in school, physics was my worst subject. But it was overall easy to follow and it chilled out pretty quickly. The characters were great. Serena (or Ducky) is the primary POV, and she’s hilarious. I really enjoyed Henry too.

There’s some instalove in this story, which is far from my favorite trope. However, I think it worked really well here. Without giving too much away, Serena is extremely avoidant of love to focus on her career, leading Henry to not be her biggest fan despite their instant connection. But I loved how, while being in one another’s body, they learn so much about each other. It was giving literal “put yourself in someone else’s shoes.” They begin to understand each other on such a visceral level,

Part of me wishes I would have listened to this on audio because I think listening to the accent switch would have been hilarious hahah.

Overall, this was an adorable opposites-attract romcom, and I highly recommend it!

Thank you to Netgalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for the eARC!

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I love this series! It does a perfect job portraying the complexity that is love, but in the funniest, most magical way. I love the characters and their development in this one. I would recommend this to any and everyone.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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