Member Reviews

Little Robin by Jo Priestly

This story is about Serena Wilton-Robbins is the daughter who grew up in a wealthy household since her father was a rich banker but due to surprising circumstances getting pregnant with no support she is now living a life of poverty with only the clothes on her back.

She finally starts a new life but the terror of the past will soon come back to haunt Serena. A past she would rather forget and never revisit and she might not be able to climb out of this crisis. What shall she do? Will she pick love or a life of independence, Read and find out in this emotional action packed book,

An emotional journey right from the start with so many twists and turns that I was gasping for air, anticipating what would happen next. A book I could not put down which was a total nailbiter and I absolutely loved!
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy from netgalley. I voluntarily agreed to read, review and blog an advance copy of this book. All thoughts, ideas and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the copy. An enjoyable read about a young woman's "fall from grace" and her subsequent uphill battle to build a life for herself. This was technically a 4-star read, however, the faux relationship square threw me for a loop. Would still recommend.

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What an amazing romance! Jo Priestley is a new author to me, and I plan to read more of her books. While I was expecting a typical Edwardian romance; I found a beautiful tale of love, hurt, pain, growth, forgiveness and justice. Serena makes several bad decisions leading her to run from her sheltered life. Along her journey, she finds kindness and care from strangers and sees the majority of people are truly kind and good. We get to watch her grow up and become a strong woman from the protected young girl she had been before her choices lead her to run. I loved the ending and do not want to give it away. Once I started reading Serena’s story, I could not put it down and spent the day with her on as I read through to the end. This book would be great for either the beach or by the fire – just enjoy!

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When Serena finds out she is pregnant she tells the father of her baby who is engaged to another woman but he still plans to go through with his wedding.
Serena leaves home and gets work as a maid in a household where she is treated well and starts to put her live back together.
This is a story about second chances.
Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op for my e-copy in exchange an honest review.

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