Member Reviews

Burnout also isn’t just an individual problem, solvable with personal band-aid solutions alone. It’s a rapidly evolving workplace phenomenon that asks for the involvement of both employers and society at large.

Burnout is preventable, and with a well-thought-out strategy, you can restore your well-being and achieve the perfect work-life balance.

If you want to quit the stress and feel more relaxed and energetic at work, then get your copy today!

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I found this book quite helpful! It managed to avoid platitudes, and was very gentle and validating. I enjoyed the anecdotes as well. It also had a very good balance of scientific and nonfiction writing, which made for a quick read that felt well researched and reasonable.
I only wish the potential solutions part was a bit more built up. Of course you need to talk to someone, but maybe there is more to it.

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This a good reading, rather well structured. However, this feels somewhat basic at times - not that I’ve found something rather new

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Perfect timing for me
You are normal you are just burnt out!
Good read for any office worker and timely in an ever changing work place

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Reading this book was not related to an underlying issue for me and still, I found it useful and smart. It helps understanding what is hidden below the general term of burnout. There is not one burnout but as many as the people who encounter it.

The tools given to recover from burnout are actually great tools to prevent it as well. Be aware of your situation, be mindful and be vocal about your needs. I will keep all that in mind in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for providing me with an ebook copy of this book, in exchange for my honest review.

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A Worker’s Burnout Recovery Kit is a lifesaver for anyone grappling with the overwhelming challenges of burnout. In a world where over 50% of the workforce is feeling the heat, this guidebook provides an essential toolkit to navigate the pitfalls of emotional exhaustion and stress. The book explores the intricacies of burnout, offering realistic action plans, calming questions, and relatable anecdotes that make it a comprehensive and effective resource. The strategies presented are not just theoretical; they are actionable and address the root causes of burnout. As someone who has experienced the draining effects of work-related stress, I found the tips invaluable in regaining balance and moving towards a more fulfilling life. If you're feeling isolated, drained, or emotionally exhausted, this book is a great -read – a beacon of hope in the journey to recovery.

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Buckle up, folks, because A Worker’s Burnout Recovery Kit is the no-nonsense guide we all need in this crazy work world. Feeling like you're running on empty and ready to throw in the towel? Well, fear not! This book is like a superhero cape for your mental health, with strategies that don't just talk the talk but walk the walk. Burnout ain't just a buzzword; it's a legit occupational syndrome, and this guide spills the beans on how to kick it to the curb. I was blown away by the sassy take on burnout – it's not just a "motivation problem," folks. It's a real deal, and this book breaks it down with a mix of personal stories, scientific insights, and kick-butt strategies. So, if you're tired of feeling like a burnt-out potato, grab this recovery kit, unleash your inner superhero, and take charge of your work-life balance! Trust me; your sanity will thank you later.

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Please note this is a 3.5.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC.

This is a really helpful starting point for those who are looking at burnout as a possibility for them - something to be able to assist those who are curious as opposed to decided about their burnout. This book has some good tips to help those who are struggling, and it covers burnout element by element.

I do think it could have done with some more information across the board, particularly in how to access further help when the problem has gone well beyond being handled at home. I also think it could have done with a little more information on the dangers of burnout and stress physically, and gone a little deeper into what happens physiologically when this gets out of control.

I really liked how this book handled the concept of dealing with such an insurmountable issue in stages - and I do believe this is an excellent book for workers and managers alike to get a good grasp of what burnout is and how to manage it.

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I have had a really hard time the past couple of years, being an account clerk during the pandemic, then a during, and now a Starbucks employee this book helped point out what i was doing to contribute to my current status of extreme burnout. Offering up guidance on how to eliminate or lessen the chances of burnout, and tools and tricks to help survive or get out of burnout.

This was presented in a way that did not make me feel bad for myself or I did something wrong. This encourages without blame and gives logical and helpful tools to move forward.

I appreciated the hard look inward to see what was the root of my issue and I will start journaling with these tips in mind to improve my self-worth and lessen imposter syndrome. I will set clear boundaries in life and work and set expectations that are realistic with myself.

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An excellent guide to burnout I did not know that, besides work, caregivers can get burnout. This is an example of one thing I did not know, but there are many such examples. Highly recommended.

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