Member Reviews

Saucy heroine Esme and honest thief Jasper are after The Winged Tiara. The catch is they are married but estranged and want the Tiara for different reasons.
The clever banter was flirty fun. The chase was fraught with danger. The danger was sometimes slapstick!
What disappointed was that I was expecting a Christian novel. Also I was taken aback by some of the slang terms.
The setting was well described as opulent Post-WWI and was scattered around Europe and the UK. For the most part it was fast paced although it dragged a bit in the middle. The characters progressed in their development but I think Esme listened to the wrong reasoning before making up her own mind.
A complimentary copy of this ebook was provided by Thomas Nelson via NetGalley. All opinions are mine alone.*

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Conspirator. Thief. Charmer. Thrill-seeker. But never liar.

Quite a pair. They met in a whirlwind at the end of the War and married, only later finding out all they had in common. Both were rejected by others in their youth and ever since have been trying to prove themselves, both as thieves. Good ones. They're on the hunt for the same stolen jewels, pushing and pulling each other all the way. They're both smart and competitive, taking them into the most luxurious settings, where they each shine. Lots to sigh about. Fast paced race to a glorious end.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

@jnellciesielski @TNZfiction @HarperCollins #thewingedtiara #jnellciesielski #ThomasNelsonFiction #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #FiveStarNovel

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This book is a fast paced romp through Europe during the roaring 20s.
The author provides rich descriptions, really making you feel like the settings are tight in front of you.
For me though I never could connect with the characters or really root for the romance.
I had really hoped for some sort of growing together for the couple. But so much of their behavior and interaction just felt a touch too toxic for me to be invested.
I have absolutely loved some of this authors other books but this one didn't do it for me.
If you are looking for a fast paced read featuring heist vibes you may enjoy this one, just don't expect much in the way of character development.
I was provided a complementary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgally, all thoughts and opinions are honest and completely my own.

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The Winged Tiara is a well written historical book. I throughly enjoyed the plot and the well developed characters. I definitely will be reading more of this author’s books.

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This was an interesting book. Two jewel thief’s after the same thing who happen to also be married.
It’s a game of cat and mouse certain to keep your attention to the end

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Honestly!!! I ate this up!! This was a good palette cleanser because it still gave me the elements I love, the historical fiction, the romance and the suspense of it being a cat and mouse game! The 2 thieves have great chemistry that shines through the pages and she was chefs kiss!

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Esme Fox and Jasper Truitt, both jewel thieves, marry impulsively after too much champagne while celebrating the end of the Great War. Esme quickly vanishes, only to reappear four years later, chasing the same tiara as Jasper. The expected high jinks ensue as they chase across the European continent, with true love awaiting at the end.

The book is exquisitely written, although a bit predictable. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for providing an early read in exchange for a fair review.

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This story had me rolling my eyes (in a good way) from the beginning. A quick wedding at the end of WW1 and the wife takes off less than 24 hours after they marry. Four years later, they meet as competitor thieves after the same prize. The prize changes hands quicker than one can blink as, first one, then the other has it, ping ponging back and forth, then for a fun twist, neither. Meanwhile, they claim not to love each other, or only one loves the other, or maybe they both do? It was such a fun read.
I received an ARC copy of the book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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"Two thieves. One tiara. Which of us will claim the prize?"⠀

J'nell Ciesielski, The Winged Tiara ⠀

The Winged Tiara by J'nell Ciesielski is one of my favorite books of the year! I look forward to reading J'nell's books for their immersive historical settings and exciting yet hopeful drama. ⠀

The Winged Tiara delivers on all accounts with the breathless caper of Esme and Jasper. Their relationship is the definition of second chance romance, as a champagne filled wedding and day after regret, results in them being separated for four years before being thrown together in the search of a lifetime for the renowned Valkyrie Tiara. ⠀

I just about swooned over their escapades as jewel thieves and I loved each time their paths crossed. Esme is clever and passionate despite her cynical upbringing and Jasper always seems one step ahead, with a heart of gold that belies his difficult childhood. Their banter and playfulness with one another was so delightful to read. ⠀

This story is fast paced and exciting, drawing me in with a glimmering description of the 1920s culture, from railroad travel to swanky parties. The prized tiara fit perfectly with the lush extravagance of the post war era and I couldn't wait to see who ultimately won such an elegant treasure. ⠀

If you are a fan of historical fiction, romance and revenge, or glamorous capers, The Winged Tiara is a five star book I would love you to read!

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"Diamonds and danger dazzle in Ciesielski's latest enchanting romp through post-war Europe as estranged spouses and jewel thieves hunt an elusive Valkyrie tiara.

November 12, 1918. It was a match made in champagne-soaked heaven, but all too soon the bubbles dried up, and Esme Fox awakens the morning after celebrating the end of the Great War to find herself shockingly and accidentally married. She gathers her belongings and slips out before her new husband can stop her. After all, she knows it's best to leave before he does.

Four years later, Jasper Truitt, after having made a name for himself in the underground world of jewel thieves, is on the hunt for a valuable heirloom: a one-of-a-kind winged tiara - the last Valkyrie tiara ever created. So it's with great surprise that he discovers it at a charity event atop the head of a woman he's never forgotten. His long-lost wife...who happens to be pursuing the tiara for a vengeful opera diva desperate to obtain the jewel for herself.

The reunion is cut short when Esme vanishes - again - but their separation is temporary. With a hitman on their heels and a deadline looming, the pair find themselves in an epic game of cat and mouse across Europe following leads from the French Riviera to a shop of wonders in Venice, a fairy-tale castle in Bavaria, and a veritable circus thrown by a champagne heiress, all before a dramatic horseback flight through the French countryside.

In the end only one can win, and with both of their hearts on the line, the winner may well turn out to be the loser.

In her latest glamorous historical romance, J'nell Ciesielski spins a sparkling story filled with her signature snappy dialogue and vivid atmosphere that will keep you reading late into the night to see what happens next."

I love the trope of accidental marriage actually working out in the end. Even if they're both thieves.

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What an entertaining read of two thieves that impulsively get married because of Armistice Day celebrations. Four years have passed after Esme ran out the night after their wedding. Esme and Jasper try to outdo each other to find and reclaim the Valkyrie tiara. Their quest takes them around Europe until it finds them back together in England where they have to work together to acquire the tiara and reevaluate their feelings for each other.
The author does a wonderful job creating the tension between the characters as they navigate their journey. There is the “will they or won’t they” get together throughout the story. I connected with Esme and Jasper and the secondary characters were bold and interesting. The romance is very clean and sweet.
If you are interested in a historical mystery mixed with romance, I recommend this one!
#TheWingedTiara #Net Galley
Thank you Net Galley and Thomas Nelson Fiction. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Arc Review- 4 stars
Publishing Date: 8/13/2024

“Two Thieves. One Tiara. Which of us will claim the prize?”

Brief Summary-
We are introduced to Jasper and Esme who, 4 years prior, exchanged vows in a drunk moment of celebration. These two lovely characters are also jewel thieves. They “bump” into each other 4 years later competing in the same heist for the Valkyrie Tiara.

“May the best thief win”

My Thoughts-
This was a cute cat and mouse captivating tale set in the dazzling 1920s in Paris.
One part historical fiction. One part romance. One part suspense.

I was blushing constantly when Esme and Jasper snarking and flirty interactions.. you can’t deny the chemistry between them even if they want to.

I really enjoyed this storyline. It was a refreshing read. I recommend this book to anyone that likes historical fiction 💖

“Diamonds and women are more beautiful when paired together.”
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"
“Darling, ive been in over my head my entire life, but as you can see, I’ve learned to float”

✨Thanks to NetGalley, The Author, & Thomas Nelson Publishing for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review✨

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The Winged Tiara is my favorite Ciesielski book yet, and I'm so happy to have received an eARC. While I highly enjoyed the plot, what held my attention most were the two MCs--Jasper and Esme. These characters aren't perfect; they each have their own set of struggles, fears, and lessons to learn, and their realness made them so relatable.

The Winged Tiara is a riveting, dazzling, and immersive read, where lyrical prose meets page-turning action.

Favorite quote:

"There are far too many ghosts we carry in this life," she said quietly.
Jasper's head came up. His gaze was steady and deep. "How do you silence yours?"
"They refuse to be silent, but I do my best to drown them out."
"Do you succeed?"
"Sometimes. And sometimes they scream louder."

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC of The Winged Tiara. A positive review was not required, only my honest opinion. All thoughts are expressly my own.

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Two jewel thieves, for whom taking from the rich had never burdened them, are searching for the Winged Tiara. They happen to be married, for one night only, after a champagne-infused celebration of the end of World War I.
This is a rollicking story. A favorite line: He took [the derringer], weighing the toy in his hand. “What do you expect me to do with this? Hunt mice?”
While this is a clean story, aside from all the alcohol, it isn’t inspirational, which is disappointing.

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DNF read.

I’m pretty evenly split in books by this author; I loved two of them, and didn’t love a couple more. This new book sounded fascinating, and the cover is gorgeous! So I thought I’d give it a go and see how I got on/which camp it’d fall into.

Alas, for me it fell into the latter, and suffered from the same things as the two books I didn’t care for: ongoing alcohol use and scenes I wished faded to black a little sooner. I quit drinking a few years ago, and the MC’s enjoying my then-favorite drink on the regular was a special personal challenge.

I’m not sure I’ll leap into other books by the author, now that a few have missed the mark (and for the same reasons). She’s talented, and I still love those two other books, but I’m seemingly not the right reader for now!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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There’s something about the books being published by Thomas Nelson that never could go wrong. The last time I requested an ARC, Storm Siren, from them was probably in 2014 and I really enjoyed the book. So when I went back to Netgalley and saw the ARCs they were offering, I immediately grabbed this one. And just as I expected, The Winged Tiara delivered all the things that I want in a historical romance novel. Two lovable protagonists, an action-packed plot with full of twists, a cozy romance all happening in different quaint places.

Our story starts when our heroine, the beguiling albeit sneaky Ms. Esme Fox, abandoned her husband, the bastard with a gentle heart Mr. Jasper Truitt, after spending only one steamy night with him in their honeymoon bed. The two did not see each other again for four years and treated the marriage as something that can be hidden in the attic for storage and forgotten over the years.

While things are going well with our protagonists’ lives and their chosen professions, a cruel twist of fate has suddenly thrown them into each other’s paths once again when their individual clients demanded that they retrieve or rather rob a highly-prized and rare winged tiara. This is where the story really picked up as crazy after crazy had suddenly engulfed the lives of Jasper and Esme. While they are hellbent on getting a divorce and treat their once beautiful marriage as a sham, their waking hours are pretty much occupied with outwitting, out sneaking, and out surviving each other to get the winged tiara first as if their necks are on the line. Well, their necks are really on the line particularly in Esme’s case. But this did not stop her from getting what she wants and ensure that her reputation as a superb thief is not tarnished by being out robbed by her estranged husband.

While Esme and Jasper’s globe-thieving adventures were quite hilarious and entertaining, the author did not forget to weave her magic into the romantic relationship between the two. It was nothing too melodramatic but nothing too passive either that you could not feel the toe-curling and giddying moments as the two protagonists cautiously navigated their resurfacing feelings for each other. From a realistic point of view, you would understand the constant push and pull between Esme and Jasper, why they cannot just immediately settle the matter and kiss to their heart’s content. While their reluctant love was not wrought with a heartbreaking story, it’s understandable given their circumstances and upbringing. They were just being mature and uncertain about what life has to offer them. This is the part where the author really shined because she was able to craft something wonderful without resorting to a lot of ridiculous stuff just to make me root for Jasper and Esme’s love story.

While the romance was the main focus the Winged Tiara, the hunt for the tiara was equally given importance as the author was relentless in throwing different obstacles and challenges for our protagonists to overcome. So much had happened in this book that no part of it was boring as it’s certainly a page turner that really ended well and happily.

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3.5 *'s
This was a fun romp through Europe between the wars with a lot of Characters and one intense chicken

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Set in the Guilded Age, The Winged Tiara, by J’nelle Ciesieldki, is a cross between The Thomas Crown Affair and To Catch A Thief. Follow Jasper and Esme as travel through Europe trying to steal the Valkyrie tiara and get it back to the person paying them. Only different people wAnt the tiara. Hastily married after the Armistice, Esme leaves Jasper, but they are forced to work together to recover this priceless item. It’s a rollicking time with unexpected twists and turns. The reader might even find some romance thrown in for good measure. I was able to read an ARC on #NetGalley.

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PITCH: The Thin Man meets Mr. and Mrs. Smith

I loved this story. The banter is top notch. The leads (Jasper and Esme) are well defined and come across as equals. It’s a heist book set in the 1920s and it moves quickly! As a standalone, the book is delightfully refreshing. I have not had much attention span for books lately, and I devoured this one within 48 hours.

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Ciesieski’s latest is a true gem. Intelligent writing, cinematic imagery, and electric moments give readers a front row seat to Esme and Jasper’s push and pull toward one another. This novel doesn’t need explicit scenes to create heat. There’s sexual tension in spades that catapults this romantic adventure to another level. Mr. and Mrs. Smith meets the Roaring Twenties in this lovers to enemies to lovers tale that’ll enchant readers with perfect banter and sizzling chemistry.

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