Member Reviews

This book was everything I was looking for - a wonderful romance, excellent plot and dialogue between the characters, and a story that kept me turning the pages late into the night! J'nell Ciesielski is writing that classic kind of story that is not very common nowadays - attention to historical detail, characters you like and root for, and an ending that is satisfactory in every way. I highly, highly recommend this book!

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The story begins with two people whom barely know one another, end up married, they had quite a celebration of the War finally being over. She sneaks out, and leaves Jasper asleep, but Esme and Jasper's path cross again!

These two are professional thieves, and each wanting the same coveted winged tiara, and we are there for the banter and danger that surrounds the lifting of this elaborate piece.

As we search for the tiara, we are privileged to delve deeper into their personal lives.

You wonder, even with the attraction between them if these two can ever end up together? I did love the epilogue that the author gifts us with!


I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Thomas Nelson, and was not required to give a positive review.

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An amazing and entertaining adventure romance set in the Roaring Twenties that will leave you wanting more adventure, more romance, and more jewel heists!

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Big thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for this ARC! This the first book I've read by the author and while I enjoyed the story, I found myself bored at times.

I was instantly intrigued by the concept of Esme and Jasper's relationship and the adventure and mystery of their quest, but I didn't find myself rooting for Esme. Jasper fit the "he falls first" trope to a T, but Esme held out for so long, I honestly wanted Jasper to find someone else.

Jasper's reasons for wanting to claim the tiara were valid and emotional, and I felt a connection to his desire. Their competition was fun, but I never felt particularly engaged by the adventure of it all. EVery time I began to get into a scene, it felt like it ended abruptly and we were thrust into another setting. Due to this, I wasn't able to focus my attention on the plot.

The first few chapters were great, and I enjoyed the end, but the middle did seem to drag a bit; again, all the different beats seemed disjointed in a way I couldn't seem to get past.

Overall, it was a great plot, but character development and writing were lacking in some areas. I did love the historical aspect too, and I think I will try another of the author's books just to see if was just the uncorrected ARC that made be space out.

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Such a fun book with tons of adventure, mystery and fantastic characters. Jasper and Esme were brilliant as they competed as high-end thieves with snarky and flirty dialogue and interaction, and plenty of history between themselves to work thru.

I enjoyed their waffling between competing and when absolutely necessary, teaming up for a hot second at different times, as well as the quirky situations they got themselves into. I thought the ending was perfect and equally entertaining yet endearing.

Overall it was a lighter story - the characters dealt with their own issues and struggles but the focus was more on the action and adventure as well as the tension between them more than anything. All in all it was an enjoyable and highly entertaining book.

Thanks to Netgalley for the advanced copy of this book. All opinions are mine.

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Generally, I have enjoyed J'nell Ciesielski's books. I find them engaging and easy to read. For some reason this book fell flat. I have been pondering what the problem was, and I think that the character building was lacking--especially the relationship building between the two main characters. To me it fell flat from the very beginning. The story did get more interesting around the last third of the book, but the first part of the story just dragged on.

I still look forward to reading other novels by Ciesielski, this one just missed the mark.

Thank you publishers and netgalley for the free e-arc. The opinions in this review are my own.

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Thank you to @netgalley and @ThomasNelsonFiction for this ARC. Esme Fox is on the hunt for the famed Valkyrie Tiara. Little does she know that Japser, her current husband from a one night lapse of judgement, is hunting for the same thing for different reasons. When they cross each other in the same hunt, they realize the competition has just begun. Similar to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I really enjoyed this book and the hunt for the prize! #TheWingedTiara #JNellCiesielski #ThomasNelsonFiction #Aug2024

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Fun and entertaining read about two different thieves who want the same prize. Jasper and Esme married on a whim and haven’t seen each other in years but a chance encounter during a job leaves both of them wanting to rekindle a relationship while they search Europe for a treasure. Great story with action and adventure.

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First, thank you NetGalley, J’nell Ciesielski, and Thomas Nelson Publishing for this book!

This was such a fun book!! Historical fiction can sometimes be boring or struggle to keep the book interesting while still keep the historical details. However, this was not the case with this book! J’nell painted such a great picture of this time period. Her details on the post WW1 time period were on point. I was so impressed with how she captured this era!

The story was wonderful! I love both Jasper and Esme and I appreciated the dual POV. I love that we got to see Jasper through Esme’s eyes and you see her struggle to want to be with Jasper but also how scared she is to fully give herself to him. The story is so fun and I love all the twists and turns along the way. To was such an interesting puzzle, one I was trying to put together the whole book.

Thank you again, to NetGalley and the publishers for this book, and thank you to J’nell Ciesielski for writing this story and sharing it with us. It was wonderful and I truly loved it.

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My deepest thanks to the Author, Publisher, and NetGalley for an early ARC of this book. I was in no way forced to give a positive review.

I’m beginning to think this author just isn’t for me. I really prefer my books to be clean/cleaner. And I’ve found this author to push my line as far as what I am comfortable reading. (Keep in mind the author in no way markets her books as clean just historical fiction, however they are sold in Christian retail stores) I DNF’d after the first chapter. In which I had already come across multiple mentions of a wedding night, (mild detail) two uses of the B word. And more noticing then what I am comfortable with. The prologue also opens with a woman and man n*ked in bed together the morning after their marriage. Which had more detail then I needed to know. This author I think is extremely talented, and she has an excellent writing style, I just don’t think her books are for me. Not saying I won’t ever try again, but at least for the time being, I need to be done.

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The Winged Tiara takes readers on a game of thievery across post-world war one Europe.

Main characters Esme and Jasper meet following the end of the war in France, where champagne flows freely and people are caught up in the exuberance of celebration. A night of romance, leads to regrets and a chase that won’t end until four years later.

The narrative is so well done, I couldn’t put the story down. Both Esme’s and Jasper’s stories are compelling. Their reasons for chasing after the missing winged tiara put readers in a fix because both of them need to find that tiara (which makes for some great conflict in the reader!!!).

The cast of characters are mostly unlikeable, which puts professional thieves Esme and Jasper in a better light. Readers can’t help but to root for them to succeed in the end.

Readers who enjoy action and puzzles will enjoy this read.

The Winged Tiara reads more as a general market clean read, without a faith thread, but with plenty of sizzle between married people (no open door scenes). The tension between Esme and Jasper is intense, both resisting the other for almost the entire book. There’s mention of drinking, drunkenness, smoking, carousing, physical abuse, and extra-marital affairs resulting in babies (and use of the period’s colorful language to describe them).

I received an ecopy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A fantastical caper that has a jewel heist set during the era after WWI. An enjoyable read. These latest books have reminded me more of a Marvel movie with the stretch the imagination edge to the stories. But this one had poingnant elements in the personal dilemmas of the main characters, too.

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J’nell Ciesielski is one author that I read without even knowing what the books are about. And I am never disappointed. And The Winged Tiara proves that yet again. Dashing and fun and full of life and light, it will keep you guessing and laughing and hoping for a beautiful and happy ending! Better get it soon so you can see for yourself!

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This book is so highly rated and had a lot of potential. Unfortunately, The Winged Tiara just wasn't for me. Coming from Tyndale, I had different expectations for the book content-wise and was disappointed to see no evidence of being published by a Christian publisher. The characters are "morally grey," which can be really fun, but I didn't enjoy how these characters were written. I was a bit turned off by how this couple initially came to be and they sadly didn't grow up on me throughout the story. I did find the setting to be beautiful and loved different aspects of history shown in the story! I think that this is a case of a great book that just didn't find its reader in me.

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"But want and need were two very different beasts, and only one could be mastered at a time."

Such an interesting historical fiction set in 1922 about two high-end thieves! I definitely enjoyed the backdrop of Europe as it was coming back to life after WWI. The parties held by the nobility were fun to get glimpses of. Esme and Jasper were a fascinating pair - both born into less-than circumstances but making the best of what they know. It was definitely an adventure following them as they chased the infamous winged tiara while they met resistance from foes known and unknown.
Esme and Jasper had an unconventional romance and their banter was truly witty and delightful. Their moves as they tried to outsmart each other at first, then as they combined forces to outsmart others, were impressive and clever. The plot had plenty of surprises that made the story more complex. There wasn't much faith element in the book but it was a fun, adventurous ride through the black market of stolen art and jewelry to find trust and belonging.

I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Thomas Nelson and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.

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Ready for a chase across Europe for a tiara stained with old grudges and regrets between two not-so-maybe-so married lovers holding their own grudges and regrets? I sure was. The magnetic push and pull between Esme and Jasper is delectable, with one wanting the comfort of loving arms and the other too drawn by the winds of independence. Breezy, witty, and punctuated with tender, unguarded moments when they stop running, The Winged Tiara is a suave read.

Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for providing me with the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Based on the synopsis, this story could have gone a margin of ways. Which for the author was helpful as she was able to craft a very well-written story full of adventure, cunning, and romance. The leads in this tale weren't your typical leads. Jasper and Esme were actually anti-heroes thieves to be exact. Both were full of flaws but that made them more endearing and memorable. They also had the whole Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing going for them. Lots of chemistry! 

I was very satisfied with the way it ended because it ended very tidily. Meaning I didn't feel anything was left out or unexplained. Sometimes books just leave you with the aftertaste of things missing, but not this one. I left the book with a smile, and I'm already anticipating what the author will come out with next.

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Book review 📖

📜The Winged Tiara
✍️J’Nell Ciesielski
📠Thomas Nelson
📚Romance/Historical Fiction
🗓️Pub date: August 13, 2024


✨Thank you @NetGalley and @thomasnelson for providing me with a complimentary Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. These opinions are my own.
Also thank you to @jnellciesielski for penning a wonderful book!

✨In 1918, after a night out celebrating the ending of the Great War, Esme surprisingly wakes up to a hangover and an accidental marriage to Jasper. She disappears before he awakes, as her motto is it’s best to be the one to leave than to be left.

✨Four years later, Jasper, who has made a notorious reputation for himself in the jewel thieves underworld, is on the hunt for a winged tiara, something that is a remarkable heirloom and practically priceless.

✨Esme reappears in Jasper’s life, but with her own motives to steal the winged tiara as well. With a hitman hot on Esme’s tail and roadblocks in every direction, will the two fare better at hunting for the tiara separately or can they stand each other long enough by teaming up?

✨ This was a magnificent tour de force! A mix of The Great Gatsby and The Thomas Crown Affair, The Winged Tiara is a stunning and sparkling masterpiece. The roaring 20’s combined with a thrilling jewel heist, flirty banter and enemies-to-lovers, and you can’t get a better combo.

✨Ciesielski captured me from the first page with her vivid writing style and plot, and I will be returning to devour everything she has ever written! Bravo!

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Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and the author of this book for the ARC.

I applied for an ARC copy of this book on a whim and I’m so happy I did. I didn’t know exactly what to expect but i have to say I am pleasantly surprised.

Esme and Jasper had me hooked from the start. They were fun, they were witty, they were cool. I loved their bickering, I loved their games and their cat and mouse dynamic.

Jasper was dreamy. A pure gentleman with a heart of gold and a brain that is at least as sexy as his rogue black curl.

Esme was smart, resourceful, and had an incredibly smart mouth. Above all, her brokenness was relatable. At least to me.

The writing was lovely, very descriptive, but in a non-overwhelming way. I enjoyed it a lot, and I definitely enjoyed the setting. It made me feel like I was living in the 1920’s as well, a time I’m not ashamed to admit my mind tends to romanticize.

The only reason I’m not giving it the full 5 stars is because I felt my interest dip a little at around 35%. At that time their dynamic was becoming a little repetitive. However, things picked up again at around 50% and so did my interest.

All in all this book was right up my alley and I will definitely recommend.

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I like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read a book prior to publication.

You know, I've been craving for a clean, historical, thief vs thief story, and this one really suckered me in. You have two people, meeting after the end of WWI and quickly (I mean, in a night!) falling in love and marrying. Our girl, Esme, leaves our man, Jasper, alone in the marriage bed. Four years later, she turns up as a thief after a crown that he has been tasked to retrieve / steal.

The whole thing simmers with their fun banter, chemistry, and will they / won't they in terms of their future. I enjoyed the tiara and why both parties were after it and how everything tied up in the end-game.

The only reason I rated the book down a star is I felt there needed to be more umph in their characters. May it be their situations or their meets '/ partings. They got a little predictable and repetitive after some time.

I did like the book and I'd recommend this to anybody who is looking for some fun cat and mouse game set in roaring twenties.

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