Member Reviews

How amazing!! Our dashing hero and daring heroine play cat and mouse games as they hunt for a bejeweled winged tiara. Estranged spouses and jewel thieves, each needs it for different purposes. Just when they think they have it, the chase is on! Full of witty, snappy banter, glamour, danger, and romance, they romp through post-WWI Europe on their search. This was my first book by this author, but it won’t be my last, as I really enjoyed it!

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Drop everything and read this book!! One of my favorite reads this year! Fantastic story of enemies to lovers and priceless jewels. When I tell you I could not put this book down! I absolutely adore this author and this is probably her best book yet! I would absolutely recommend this book to everyone!!

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The Winged Tiara by J’nell Ciesielski reads a lot like her previous two books, The Brilliance of Stars and To Free the Stars. Two main characters have a past that ties them together, but their ultimate goal in the story overtakes them pursuing a relationship with each other. Ciesieskli keeps the characters hoping all across Europe as they hung for the Valkyrie tiara. They intertwine at different places, not on purpose, argue, and appear to be working together, but then one gives the other the slip, and this happens over and over again. As the story moves along, the main thread is the hunt for the tiara, but the tension and strife between Jasper and Esme takes over the storyline. I do enjoy the hunt for the tiara. I like how creative Ciesielski made the hunt. It was not so simple to seek the tiara. However, there were moments that I wish were a little shorter, then onto another clue to find it. If readers were looking for a spiritual thread, there is not one. Just a good enjoyable story. Overall, The Winged Tiara by J’nell Ciesielski does encapsulate a treasure hunt between the two unlikely partners who really do not want to be partners, but enemies. I enjoyed the overall storyline.

I received a complimentary copy of The Winged Tiara by J’nell Ciesieskli from Thomas Nelson Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, a classic caper with two thieves who had a night of passion at the end of WWI reunited four years later when they both chase after a tiara across a Europe still rebuilding after the war. The two leads were delightful with fun banter and simmering chemistry. The antics of trying to steal the tiara are exciting and a satisfying ending. Would recommend to anyone looking for a fun historical romance.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The Winged Tiara by J'nell Ciesielski is a book you will not be able to put down. Esme and Jasper create chemistry that I could not get enough of! Between the cat and mouse games to the moments of unparalleled romance, I was turning pages as quickly as I could absorb the tantalizing tale. Esme and Jasper are both notorious thieves who find themselves after the same prize, the Valkyrie tiara. Each has their own compelling reason, and neither will let anything stop them from succeeding. Their intersections on the chase are charismatic and addictive. I wanted them both to succeed. Moreover, I wanted them to succeed together. The story comes full circle in a serendipitous twist, and I could not have been more thrilled. I was entranced from start to finish. Highly, unabashedly, recommend this book.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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The Winged Tiara is such an enjoyment to read. It takes place in Europe after the war in the dazzling 1920s when a shift in society started taking place.

We are introduced to Jasper and Esme who, 4 years prior, hastily exchanged vows in a moment of celebration. The next morning, Esme leaves and Jasper wakes up alone. Years later, they are reunited, both jewel thieves after the same prized item, and the race to reach the item first begins.

Their interactions with each other are hilarious and amusing. Always trying to outdo one another results in entertaining schemes and comical reactions.

Esme tries hard to ignore the feelings starting to grow, but can't deny the chemistry between them.

From start to finish, this story will thrill you with a unique plot, sweeping romance and exciting adventure.

Thank you netgalley for a free copy of this book, my thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was lighthearted fun! Competing jewel thieves galivanting across Europe in pursuit of a famed tiara. To add to the fun, they happen to have a history: a hasty marriage after the post-war celebrations, only to end the next morning when the bride disappeared without a trace. The prose was fun and easy. You could taste the food and drinks and see the glitz of the jazz age. Thoroughly enjoyed!

Thanks to Net-Galley for the ARC.

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Romantic, intriguing, and well-paced, this is the first book I've read from the author and I can see why they have a dedicated audience. It combines the high drama of the Gatsby-era 1920s with a somewhat silly yet fun adventure with married main characters.

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What a delightful book this is! I am new to the author and the time period it is written in. I really felt like I was swept away into the excitement. The action was fast paced and the relationships were the right balance of angsty and sweet. The conclusion was predictable and a little rushed. IMO it would have been much more satisfying if Jasper had chosen a different path. All in all a great read and lovely characters

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A quote near the end of the book, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" perfectly sums up the early behavior of the protagonists of J'nell Cielsielski's novel "The Winged Tiara". This intriguing and fast-paced story follows long-estranged married couple Esme Fox and Jasper Truitt as they individually traipse through Europe in search of the same tiara. These two flawed people are both products of unfortunate upbringings, and are actual thieves. "Survival had its own code of ethics."

Their cat and mouse game takes them to glittering parties and fabulous homes. The author's imagery is lush and evocative: "the women as gaily dressed as tropical fish in their pinks, silvers, and greens" is just one example of her flair for description. Characters come to life as well. Countess Accardi, her violent henchman, and the clever, egg-shaped Lamb are just a few of them. Even eccentric Lamb's pet chicken has a personality, and the Duke's true character is surprisingly nuanced. Esme and Jasper become the people they're meant to be. Dialogue is intelligent and witty.

Cielsielski's prose is crisp and expressive. This author pens deeply romantic stories without resorting to smut. There is some innuendo, perhaps, but nothing that comes close to being graphic. These characters are already married. "The Winged Tiara" is a wonderful read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for an ARC of this captivating novel.

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I was only able to make it a couple of pages in before knowing I would be adding this one to my DNF list. I am used to sweet Christian fiction, not whatever this is. Maybe this book and I just got off on the wrong foot, and it gets better later on, but I’ve got so many things to read, there’s no point in spending a lot of time on books I’m not enjoying.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ebook copy of this book.

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Paris, France 11 November 1918: After four years of death and misery, the Great War is over and all of Paris, the world, is celebrating. Focus in on one couple: Jasper, a war weary soldier and Esme, a just as weary nurse. With the flow of champagne and the and the joy of the end of hostilities, Jasper and Esme take it all one step further, they marry. The next morning after the bubbles have disappeared, so too does Esme.

But that is not the end of that relationship. These two charmers meet again only to find they are both chasing the one thing...the Winged Tiara.

So begins the hunt and the chase through 1920s exotic cities as they follow the elusive prize.

I loved this book. From the first page I was hooked and couldn't read fast enough to follow the adventures and dangers of the chase. Beautifully written and described, here is a story for the romantics.

I do hope that we will see more of Jasper and Esme in the future because, having fallen in love with these two delightful characters, one book is definitely not enough! Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this story prior to publication.

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This is an amazing book that will delight fans! I also just really love the cover, which I found striking.

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The author's books are auto-reads for me because of their amazing histfic tales, and The Winged Tiara is no exception! Exquisitely written, romantic and compelling, it grabbed me from page one because of the intriguing narrative that left me speechless. A must-read for fans of unputdownable histficroms with creativity, depth, and heart.

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3.5 ⭐️

From the first page, Ciesielski draws the reader into the glittery, dazzling world of a Gatsby-esque 1920s, parading down European streets on a whirlwind jewel heist trip.

I appreciated the way the post-war atmosphere was framed. It was a time of forging ahead while being overshadowed by all the horror left behind. Coming off the high of Armistice Day, Esme and Jasper
meet & marry immediately… for all of one day. Only to be reunited 4 years later. Despite the insta-love it’s ultimately a story of discovering what love & commitment look like (as neither Esme or Jasper have had good marriages modelled in their lives), a tale of breaking down fears & barriers in a relationship, of removing the masks they hide behind and risking someone seeing their hearts.

*Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.

Content: opening chapter starts with woman awaking naked in bed with a man (not descriptive and they are married); woman drugs her husband with a sleeping pill to win a contest; mild language (h and d words)

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This story takes you right into Europe during the flashy 1920s. The author does an excellent job in portraying the attitudes, styles, and popular society during the time. Everything from the outfits to the smoking this book covers what you would expect from a 1920s time frame. This story reminded me a lot of the movie Fool's Gold which stars Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey only in a historical context. It is labeled as historical fiction but this story is very much a romance and boasts a silly adventure type feeling that doesn't really feel like typical historical fiction. You follow the two main characters in hijinks across countries as they lie, cheat, and steal their way through life only this time they are both looking for the same item. It is a typical lovers to enemies to lovers romp that had a bit more spice to it than I was expecting. This book is very different from the author's other novels and honestly I never know what to expect with her writing as no book is similar to the next. While I did enjoy this story for the most part, I was pretty disappointed in the character growth and lack of morals as a whole. As a reader I was frustrated most of the time with Esme and Jasper wasn't a hero I would want to look up to. It was just a bit disappointing in that aspect. The setting and silly treasure seeking adventure was entertaining.

Three Stars.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and I was not required to write a positive review."

*Please understand that this is not Christian fiction and it doesn't claim to be aside from the publisher. I read this book as if it was secular fiction because that is how it reads.

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I enjoyed this story, but not quite as much as past books by this author. To be honest, I struggled to connect with the characters, but wow, the plot moved at a fun pace and I enjoyed the banter. Though this wasn't my favorite, I have loved so many other books by J'nell Ciesielski, so I'm 100% in for whatever she writes next!

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“Diamonds and women are more beautiful when paired together.”

Jewel thieves competing for the same ‘heist’, the Valkyrie Tiara, keep running into each other and getting in each others way. There is something between them- and both try to deny it. What is it? They just happened to be husband and wife.

They had a hasty post-war marriage -and hadn’t seen each other for years after she disappeared the morning after their wedding.

This story is fun, full of adventure and surprises, and yes- has a unique love story with it.

I was excited to get this ebook from NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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This book was amazing! J’Nell Ciesielski did such a great job with this book. It was so addictive and I could not put it down. The writing and romance was so addictive.

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In THE WINGED TIARA, J’NELL CIESIELSKI has treated us to a delightful historical extravaganza that takes place in 1922 Europe and England as people try to get over the horrors of WW1. Her prose and quick dialogue is outstanding as we journey with two thieves, Esme Fox, whose beginnings were in the music halls of London’s East End, and Jasper Truit, the bastard grandson of the illustrious Duke, in search of the Valkyrie tiara. They aere both broken and suffering from the after effects of the war, and their marriage on Armistice Day in 1918 lasted only one night.
They meet four years later, both chasing after the same prize. But what are they really after?……
The pace is hectic as they evade one another, then chase after one another, until they grudgingly decide they need to work together so as not to get killed……
This is a lovely read and one I highly recommend.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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