Member Reviews

A Hallmark movie in book form.

This was very cute, and totally got me in the mood for the holiday season. Overall, it was super sweet and a nice introduction to the holidays.

This is definitely a book for the Hallmark movie lovers.

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This was a nice story. It takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It’s about family, friends, new and old romances. They spent a lot of time in the story drinking and eating. The food all sounded really good and had me wishing the recipes had been included.
It’s another good book by this author.

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I was granted an ARC by NetGalley for this delightful holiday novel by Pamela M. Kelley! Riley left home for the lights of New York , had received a promotion to her dream job earlier in the year and was laid off just before the holidays….not what she was expecting but timing was perfect. Her mother, having suffered an accident, needed additional help at her bed and breakfast so Riley packed a bag, loaded it and her cat, Lilly (don’t you just love when the author includes animals!) and headed home to shores of Cape Cod. Ms. Kelley, draws you in to the lives of those Riley loves and knows and the people she meets at the Inn and makes you long to make reservations and stay for a while. Five stars for The Christmas Inn!

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I thought this book was going to be a four star and then a three, but if I’m being completely honest, for me it was a 2. It started out as a sweet, easy read and for those who like this genre, I’m sure you will like it. Let me explain why it could only be a 2 for me.

To start, everything was over detailed. Simple actions were described step by step. Every single meal, every single day was described. I’ve never needed to know what characters are eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There was lots of commentary on how much, or might I say how little, the female characters would eat. As if it was rewarding for how light of eaters they were and oh how bad, they had a third slice of pizza. These details were so odd and unnecessary.

Next, I’m not sure why the alternative relationship choices had to be “bad” instead of just not right. Sean’s comments about Marcy were actually petty and unnecessary. She never paid, she didn’t like dogs, etc. Considering this was their first few dates, it would be a red flag for me if a guy brought up his ex that much, and in such a negative light. There was no reason to make her so negative just to make Beth seem better.

In the end, I was not a fan of Riley. She told Aiden she was happy with Jack but what is this based on? She complained about him and barely talked to him the entire book. He’s supposed to be the “bad” city boyfriend in this type of plot but he never really did anything wrong. He worked long hours but he was upfront about his goals and job requirements. He helped her get an interview and was excited to work with her. He included her with his coworkers. Riley was a wet blanket at the NYE party. The other women were welcoming, there was good food and dancing, a breakfast buffet brought out. She is going and lives in Manhattan but that was too much for her? She was the problem that night. He checked in with her the next day and wanted to spend time with her but she declined and talked to her friend about how she was upset he didn’t spend time with her. Then, she breaks up with him and goes to Aiden the NEXT DAY. You can’t call what happened between the two of them while she was in Chatham anything but an emotional affair. Riley was the bad guy.

I wanted to just leave this at a 3 and it was a sweet, clean novel but I had to give my honest opinion.

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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Fun holiday book about a sweet coastal town on the Cape and the stories intertwined there. You get a couple of generations within this book and the stories they live out and intertwine with. I did feel the overly descriptive wine and setting details got to be cumbersome as the book went on.

Overall a delightful read especially around the holidays to give a cozy, snowy day to along with cocoa or tea.

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Pamela Kelley tends to be a hit author for me! This novel is no different. I absolutely felt connected to the characters and this small town. I adored the found family within the Inn at Christmas time. This ending was very predictable and Hallmarky however I adore those!

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"The Christmas Inn" is a simple Christmastime story about a young woman named Riley who loses her job working for a marketing company. When her mom breaks her leg, Riley decides to move from New York City back to her hometown of Chatham, Massachusetts to help her mom run their small inn. While there, Riley reconnects with old friends and reevaluates what she values in life.

This story and its characters were very vanilla. There was no tension, no humor, no major climax. The story just felt very monotone. There was enough plot with Riley, her mom, her sister, her boyfriend, and her ex to create enough of a plot. Adding the side plot of Franny felt unnecessary. Her storyline didn't tie in to Riley's in a special way and could've been left out. This was a cute story but nothing about it stood out.

*** I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. ***

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What a feel good, easy read! Makes you feel right at home. Pamela Kelley is one of my favorite authors for just this reason. Thank you for ARC.

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My Thoughts:
The Christmas Inn is an enjoyable holiday read with all the feels of Christmas in a small town. I enjoyed the setting of a family run inn and the relationship between Riley and her Mom, plus the side story of Franny and Joe. Everyone seemed to find love at Christmas, whether it was a second chance with their first love or a new love in the case of Beth's mom. The inn brought out the best in people and helped bring joy back into their lives. Aiden and Luke were my favorite part.

Coming home at Christmas and small towns are usually a hit for me, but this one fell short in my opinion. I knew exactly what was going to happen and how it would end within the first few chapters. I found myself struggling to finish because of this. It was too predictable for me. And way too much repetitive wine and cheese talk!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an ARC for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars for The Christmas Inn, I have to admit I have a soft spot for a great Christmas story, and Pamela M. Kelley did NOT miss! The Christmas Inn is a small town swoon-worthy second chance, comfy, charming Hallmark's Countdown to Christmasesq book that just gives you all the holiday feels. Riley loses her NYC marketing job just prior to the holidays, which leads her home to tend to her mom, who's injured. The story was cute, fun-loving, and heartwarming, literally had all the characteristics of a sweet-loving family Christmas. Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Riley after losing her job goes home to Cape Cod to help her mother who has a broken leg with her inn. Christmas on Cape Cod, with a fire and a mug of hot chocolate and a whole new attitude toward family and all the new friends there. A magical Christmas story!!

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The Christmas Inn by Pamela M. Kelley is the kind of feel-good holiday read that you just want to curl up with. I’m a big fan of her books, and this one definitely lives up to the hype. Riley’s journey back to Chatham, after being laid off right before Christmas, pulls you right into the cozy charm of small-town life. Helping her mom at the family BnB and reconnecting with her past, including an old high school flame, brings all the warmth you’d expect from a holiday romance.

Aidan and his son Luke absolutely stole my heart—every character in this book is just so likable, it’s impossible not to get attached. And while there were moments where the details, especially around the food, felt a bit much, it didn’t take away from the overall experience. If anything, it added to that cozy Christmas vibe.

The story ties everything together beautifully, with multiple plotlines that wrap up in a way that leaves you completely satisfied. If you’re looking for a holiday book that’s full of heart and warmth, The Christmas Inn is a must-read. Pamela M. Kelley has a way of making you feel right at home, and this book is no exception.

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The Christmas Inn by Pamela Kelley was such a sweet, cozy read. I really enjoyed the characters, the gatherings, and the romance. It was a joy to read. I will be looking for more by this author.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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What a cozy Christmas book! I normally read Christmas books in July or late fall. This one spoke to me just before the publication date, and I am so glad I read it! This is the perfect story of small town life where everyone bonds during the holidays. It is a story that features wonderfully developed characters, and makes one pine for this type of Christmas season. There are quite a few characters in the book, but the author weaves their stories together perfectly. Thank you to Netgalley for this free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Riley Sanders has lost her job a month before Christmas. A call from her sister is bringing her home, the place she couldn't wait to leave. While she is helping her mother navigate using crutches and running a B&B, she is slowly realizing Chatham isn't so bad. She is helping her mom update her website and post on her blog to drive business. It's all the little stories that makes this book so special. There is new love in the air and old loves re-igniting. Riley is worried about finding a job. She accepts a job at her boyfriends law firm. Only she's not happy being back in the city, in her lonely apartment and not seeing her boyfriend. Who said you can't go home.

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This is a perfect book to read this upcoming holiday season! Pamela Kelley always delivers a quick and easy read that captures well the relationships among the main characters, and the Christmas Inn is no exception. While the ending seemed a bit quick and not entirely realistic, the rest of the book was great!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is just the book I needed. I was ready to dive into a "Hallmark" feel book and this gave me that in spades! I would love to see this turned into a movie!

This is the first book by this author I have read and I look forward to reading many more! I loved most of the characters and how there was three second chance at love for 3 amazing characters in the story, it was so heartwarming. Riley was the center character of the story though. Through out the story you were cheering for her to find her way back home to the life she deserved and her heart really wanted, not the one her head was telling her she wanted. She deserved to be surrounded by people who made her happy and not for her to be alone in her apartment working in a cold place where she wasn't happy at all.

Grab this book on release day and enjoy the magic of Christmas! This is a book I could read over and over again!

Thanks to the author, publisher and Net-Galley for the early copy of this beautifully written story.

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The story is heartwarming and enjoyable, focusing on Riley, her innkeeper mother, and a guest named Franny. While the plot is somewhat predictable, I appreciated its themes of second chances and new beginnings. It’s a cozy read, perfect for a chilly winter evening, and the Cape Cod setting made it worthy of five stars for me. Although the pacing felt a little slow and there were moments of repetition, I still found it to be a delightful experience overall.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an ARC of this novel for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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The Christmas Inn is a cozy read that takes place in a small town around Christmas time. When Riley unexpectedly lost her job, she found herself back home to help her mom take care of the inn. She soon realizes she loves working at the inn, meeting new people, and being around her family. Her high school sweetheart, Aidan, is also staying at the inn while work is done to his house, and Riley is enjoying catching up with him so much that she starts doubting her relationship with super busy lawyer, Jack.

The story is sweet and cozy, and I enjoyed Riley’s story as well as her mom’s and Franny’s. The plot was fairly predictable, but I appreciated that it was all about second chances and new beginnings. It’s a heartwarming read that would be great for a cold winter night. It was a bit slow paced at times, and slightly repetitive, but I still found it enjoyable overall.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy.

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