Member Reviews

A holiday story about family, friendship, and second chances.

Set at Christmas with a Cape Cod backdrop, it has multiple romances and is an overall feel good story. I liked the family bond, how the Inn was welcoming and cozy, and the multiple romances of varying ages. I did find it a bit slow for me, but still a good, light read. If you love the Hallmark Channel, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this book!
Reviewed by Comfy Chair Books (August 6, 2024)
eBook ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley

Reviews posted as book is released

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Pamela M. Kelley always writes such sweet stories. I love being at the Cape again and this puts me in the Christmas spirit. I just missed reading it in Christmas in July. I love that there was no cheating and a lot of adult talk. Like actual adults having real communication.

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Riley Sanders is laid off just before Christmas. Her sister calls to inform her that their mother has fallen and broken her leg, asking if Riley can come home. Her mother operates a B&B Inn on the cape, and Riley left for the big city as soon as she could. She packs her bags and her cat and returns to town to assist her mother. She has been in a relationship with a lawyer for the last few years, but he seems unable to take a break from work to maintain the relationship.

Upon her return, Riley discovers her high school sweetheart living in the inn with his son. His wife has passed away, and his house is undergoing renovations due to flooding. The inn hasn't been doing well lately, so Riley sets out to update the website and social media, which brings in more business. As she reconnects with her hometown, family, and friends, she begins to question whether NYC is still where she wants to be.

When her boyfriend visits for the weekend, he spends the evening working on his laptop and leaves early the next day to return to work on a case. Riley heads back to NYC before Christmas to interview for a job she's interested in and another position at her boyfriend's law firm. After spending Christmas back home, she contemplates whether the life she has in NYC is truly what she desires.

She does go to work at the law firm; but finds the job is not what it was supposed to be.

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The Christmas Inn is my first foray into Christmas reading this season. I enjoyed the story from the beginning. I felt the cold chill of winter when Riley's position as a contente editor is replaced by artificial intelligence just before Christmas as makes her way alone to her apartment. Her boyfriend, who is on track to make partner at his law firm, cancels their date, making the day that much colder.

If this were a made for television Christmas movie, I could almost cast the characters with todays favorite actors. It is not, however, because it is a book and a book is always better. Pamela Kelley has developed likable characters that come alive on the Cape at Christmas.

Life doesn't just happen in the big city. After losing her job, Riley returns ho
me to help her mother recover from a broken leg. As she sends out resumes for a new job, she learns more about herself than she could possibly dream of. Her life is in New York, her boyfriend is in New York. As the story grows, so does Riley. Just as others before her, she has some decisions to make and soon.

The story is a little predictable, it is a Christmas romance story after all but there is always one little thing that keeps you interested because the story twists are just enough to keep you reaching for this heartwarming story. So, grab that hot chocolate, or pretend you are visiting the local wine and cheese shop for that glass of Cabernet. It is time to start reading your Christmas to-be-read pile and The Christmas Inn is just the book begin. It has all the charm and elements to make you smile.

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A perfect book for those searching for a warm holiday story! When Riley loses her marketing job in NYC just weeks before Christmas she is dismayed, but it turns out that the timing coincides with her mother breaking her leg. So, Riley heads for Cape Cod to help her mother run her B&B…and the hotel guests, along with other family and friends, help her to enjoy a wonderful holiday season and rethink her priorities. This novel, filled with characters from Pamela M. Kelley’s other novels set in Chatham, is a tale of love, second chances, and the search for work-life balance. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you can’t beat Kelley’s novels to make you feel as if you are actually on the Cape. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC and provide an honest review.

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The Christmas Inn is an enjoyable heartwarming holiday story. When Riley unexpectedly loses her job, she heads home to help her injured mom at the Inn. While back at the Inn with family and friends, she realizes her life back home isn't all that she thought it was.

The three storylines in this book flow very nicely together and the character development - especially with Riley is really good. This Hallmark-worthy story will take you back to the Cape where the holiday season brings you family, friendship, second chances, and love.

Thank you to Pamela, her Publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of The Christmas Inn. I enjoyed this book and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a wonderful story where everyone gets a second chance at love. An honest to goodness feel good story about 3 generations of women who find love again. Two with men from their pasts and one with someone new. I loved all 3 stories that intertwine nicely and help us get to know Riley, her mother Beth, and Franny so well.
When Riley loses her job the timing is perfect for her to go home to Chatham and help her mother with the Inn. It turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her in many ways. Aidan and Luke are a nice surprise. Being around them because they are staying at the Inn while their house is repaired, helps her see what’s important in life. Before anything happens there though she discovers on her own that her boyfriend Jack was clearly not the one for her because he is married to his career and she will never be priority. Good timing because seeing Aidan again has definitely caused feelings to resurface.
Beth had no intentions of starting to date again especially with her leg in a cast, but she meets Sean and that changes her mind quickly.
The letters Franny’s sister left her are great and they tell her she has to follow what they ask her to do. They lead her to some big amazing changes and leave her wanting to stay in Chatham. The very last letter is just the best one of all and quite a surprise.
I really enjoyed this much easy read that has three HEAs.

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Book Title: The Christmas Inn
Author: Pamela Kelley
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press-St. Martin’s Griffin
Genre: Women’s Fiction/Romance
Pub Date: September 24, 2024
My Rating: 4.2 Stars
Pages: 320

It is right before Christmas and Riley Sanders has just lost her job in Manhattan (Who besides Scrooge gets someone go right before Christmas? Actually her boss feels bad – it seems AI is replaces many people.)

Riley’s sister Amy calls to let her know their mother Beth fell off a ladder and broke her leg, Riley tells Amy that is perfect timing as she can return home to Cape Cod to help Mom at her B&B.
Riley does misses her boyfriend Jack who is back in Manhattan.- he is able to get away and spend the Holidays with her only things get super busy at the law office and he has to return to New York.
However, Riley remembers one of her mother’s sayings - “Everything happens for a reason!” She is wondering if going back to Manhattan is the right thing to do. She has been enjoying meeting new friends and getting reacquainted with old friends including her love from tenth grade Aidan Shaw. She and Aidan broken up in college and both had different ideas on what to do after college. She married however his wife was in a fatal automobile accident. So he is now a widower with young son Luke.

There are a couple side stories going on – one is with Riley’s mother who has been divorced
since Riley was twelve.

I read a lot of thrillers ~ this was such a great change and I totally loved it!

Want to thank NetGalley and Saint Martin’s Press- St, Martin’s Griffin for granted me this enjoyable early Christmas digital galley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for September 24, 2024.

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Stepping into a Pamela Kelley book is like coming home. That is, if your home is the type of place everyone wants to be. Warm, welcoming and full of the best characters.

Grab your cocoa and sit by the fire while we decorate the Christmas tree!

Riley has come home for a couple of reasons. Her job is over. They are all being replaced by AI. And her mother has broken her leg and could use some help at the inn.

Staying at the inn are Franny, who has just lost her sister and is a bit sad, and Aiden and Luke. Aiden is an old crush and he is now a widower. They are a bit sad.

Between Riley and her mother they plan on putting the joy into everyone this year!

Such a lovely story!

NetGalley/ St. Martin’s Press September 24, 2024

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Pamela Kelley delivers another heartwarming story in her latest book, perfect for those looking to get into the holiday spirit. The plot follows Riley, who, after losing her job in Manhattan just before Christmas, returns to her hometown of Chatham to help her mother at her bed and breakfast. Despite missing the hustle and bustle of Manhattan and her boyfriend, Riley soon finds comfort and familiarity in her hometown.

Kelley's writing shines as she introduces new friends and rekindles old flames for Riley, making the reader feel as though they've made new friends by the end of the book. The characters are down-to-earth and likable, drawing you into their lives and making you root for them throughout the story.

The narrative is reminiscent of a Hallmark movie, offering a cozy and enjoyable escape. It's a nice break when you need to relax and immerse yourself in a feel-good story. While Riley grapples with whether to search for a new job in Manhattan or embrace the new possibilities in Chatham, readers are taken on a delightful journey of self-discovery, friendship, and romance.

In conclusion, if you're in the mood for a heartwarming holiday read that feels like a warm hug, Pamela Kelley's latest book is a perfect choice. It’s a story that will leave you smiling and filled with holiday cheer.

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review the ARC of the Christmas Inn. I loved this feel good Christmas story. Riley loses her job at the right time even though it was right before Christmas. Her Mom just fell off a ladder and broke her leg. So, Riley is needed to help her Mom run her bed and breakfast in Cape Cod. She packs up and leaves her workaholic boyfriend, Jack, and moves in with her Mom. While helping at the Inn, she comes across her old boyfriend, Aiden, who is living there with his son while repairs are being made to their home. I won’t spoil it for you but just know Riley has a lot of decisions to make about whether she will choose a new job in NYC or stay in Cape Cod. And who will she choose to spend the rest of her life with. This is a new author for me. I really love how she pulled me in from the beginning and kept me interested and wanting more. I would certainly recommend this book.

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This was out of my ordinary reads, however as a Hallmark movie junkie, I really enjoyed the book.

This is definitely written in Hallmark Movie style. Likable characters, minimal drama and wraps up nicely at the end.

All in all a really cute Christmas story. Great book to get you in the mood for Christmas.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I was lucky enough to be approved for the advanced reader copies of both the book and audiobook for The Christmas Inn. It was great to be able to continue reading when I couldn't listen. This was a delightful story about a daughter who comes home to help her mom who got hurt. Her mom might also own an Inn that is in Cape Cod and of course it was Christmas time. She's able to help her mom at the Inn while trying to decided what to do now that she lost her job. Does she want to go back to NYC or stay in this sweet town where she is now building some relationships and she's realized how much she's missed it. I love Christmas books and movies and this one did not disappoint. I enjoyed the heartwarming ending and would hope that one day this becomes a Christmas movie. If you are like me and like these kinds of books you will love this one.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher.

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A Hallmark Christmas movie in book form! As with all her books, Kelley makes you wish to be part of the family she’s writing about, as well as wanting to visit every location in the book.
Another must read from this author!

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Another winner from Pamela Kelley, The Christmas Inn is perfect for fans of cozy Christmas books, or Cape Cod reads.
Four stars!

*I received an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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What a delightful Christmas romance! Fans of Hallmark Christmas movies will get all the feel-good vibes. I loved that Pamela Kelley included three different generations with more than a casual mention. All three women were in a place of change and open to where things could go. I was more invested in Riley and her mother's storylines but really enjoyed Franny's. I won't go into the plot but you can read the publisher's synopsis. The Christmas Inn is just what I want in my Christmas reading.

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The Christmas Inn was my first Pamela Kelley book and I will definitely be reading more. It was cute little small town romance that is perfect to get ready for the holiday season.
Riley returns to her hometown right before Christmas to help her mom run her Inn while she heals from a leg injury. While she loves New York, she quickly realizes she misses being around family.
This cute Christmas romance is full of family, second chances and love. Thank you NetGalley and publisher for a copy for my opinion.

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This book is a Hallmark Christmas movie in print! If that is what you love to read, you will be so happy to read this one! Riley loses her job right before Christmas, so she returns to Cape Cod to help her injured mother run their B&B. While there, she meets up with both new and old, including her former high school squeeze. Can you see the writing on the wall? It is a perfectly executed, frothy, light Christmas read. Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Griffin for providing an ARC.

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After losing her job just before Christmas, Riley returns to her home to Chatham for the holidays to help her mother at the B&b..
After meeting new friends and getting reacquainted with an old flame.
To true to form Pamela Kelley has written another heartwarming story that makes you fell like you made new friends.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC

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Riley loses the job that she loved right at Christmas time. Her mother has broken her leg and could use some help running her inn in Chatham (Cape Cod). So Riley heads there to help out and brings her business expertise to help attract more tourists to the inn. She's left her boyfriend in NYC because he's a lawyer on the partner track at his firm and he's always working long hours. She hopes that will lessen once he becomes a partner. Meanwhile she is searching for a new job that will bring her back to Manhattan.

There are people staying at the inn who are visiting short term, and there are a few who are there for longer stays because they have need for a temporary place to live. This story has old friends, former loves, people reliving their youthful joys. In Cape Cod, there are friends, solutions to problems, and fresh starts. The characters enjoy each other's company, wine, and eating out.

This is a perfectly fun read for the holiday season. It's everything Pamela Kelley fans expect from her books.

I had both the ebook and an audio copy of the book. The narrator did a wonderful job.

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