Member Reviews

Lydia is a forensic photographer with a dark past who has always felt out of place by just how fascinating she finds her most gruesome cases. Now, there seems to be a new serial killer in town and Lydia finds herself unwilling to fight the urge to lean into that fascination.

To be perfectly clear! Yes, this is a dark horror romance told in dual POVs and it had great bones. However I felt the execution was lacking. The suspense was good, there are parts that had me on the edge of my seat. I honestly felt Adam was a very twisted but interesting character to read. However, I think this book needed more flushing out in terms of character development, motivations, and pacing.

This story is very macabre, do not take that lightly before deciding to read it!

But for the dark romance fans out there just know:
the villain gets the girl
said villain is NOT redeemed
I know there will be many out there that have been searching for just this.

Generalized spoilers below along with my critiques (major spoilers are hidden):

The first 20% of this story had me hooked. It was creepy and fast paced. However things slow down from there and get a little disorganized.

I needed more character development, particularly from the fmc. Her motivations were not quite believable to me. <spoiler>For example, there was a part towards the very end of the book, Lydia talks about how much she dislikes Heather, and how Jacob shares a name with the man that abused her. If I had been given that information earlier on it would have done wonders to make me believe that she would support Adam’s actions. This in general was the biggest flaw for me. Lydia seemed like a kind doting aunt when these characters were first presented. It then feels like she doesn’t care at all to see them again. This would have lent well to her getting on board with Adam but it did not match the initial interactions, making Lydia seem inconsistent as a character. There were several things along this line. Lydia couldn't be both dark and twisted and kind and well adapted. One needed to be leaned into.</spoiler> I also felt the dialogue didn’t quite flow naturally and read like proper English instead of how someone would really talk. This didn’t happen all the time but would fall back into the pattern from time to time. I think this story would have benefited from more pages too. I just wanted more time to really get to know Lydia and Adam and develop not only the overarching plot but also the romance. As it was, pages and pages were spent on describing the murders (this was great writing! I needed it the whole book), then other plot points were developed briefly in fits and starts with unclear time jumps. Oh, and if you’re gonna murder children - give me the most smutty of hot sex scenes on page please. That would have sold their connection as well. But having “fade to black” intimate scenes in a serial killer book just felt out of place.

All that to say, I still couldn’t give this book below 3 stars. It had me at parts. It was unique and with this being a debut, I think this author has potential. We are on the right track!

Give this one a read if you think you can brave the macabre.

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This fast paced dark thriller follows the paths of a forensic photographer and a serial killer, whose lives colide in more ways than one.

As someone who loves camping and recently enjoyed some boondocking through the PNW, this book was an especially enjoyable read for me.

While initially unsure about the main character, Lydia, and encountering a few moments that didn't quite hit the mark, I found it easy to immerse myself and become captivated by its storyline.

I highly recommend reading his book but be sure to read the trigger warnings beforehand.

Thank you Mad Axe Media & Stephanie for the opportunity to read this book and give an honest review. Looking forward to seeing what Stephanie writes in the future!

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A quick and dark read with a very intriguing main characters. I read it in one sitting but there was just something amiss that kept me from fully being engaged with the story and the characters.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me an arc.

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I wish this was a bit longer. It had the gritty and intense vibe with a very complex and intriguing main character that piqued my curiosity as to how the story would unfold. But I have to say some parts felt very predictable. Overall a quick decent read and if you're into dark mysteries with complex characters, give it a shot!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an eArc.

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a forensic photographer with an interest in death and a killer killing hikers. both interest each other, until one is affected where it hits most. this book is perfect for fans of shows like criminal minds, law and order, CSI & Netflix’s YOU.

i am rounding this up to 3.5!

this book is well written, and the descriptive writing sets the scene beautifully. the trauma the character endures really helps you empathise with Lydia and draws you closer to her. i also admire the fact that there was a trigger warning at the start, displaying what triggering subjects would be touched upon in the book.

the dual perspective between cop and killer’s psyche really grips you, especially as Lydia isn’t your typical cookie-cutter forensics character. in between the first few chapters, the author puts images of police reports, which drag you into the story and case deeper. however i do wish they were shorter and spread out more throughout the book, to add an air of mystery to the plot.

you can tell Stephanie Rose really did her research, and it pays off. although it’s a unique take on a crime thriller / horror, at times it felt predictable. if you like a thriller with a element of romance, then this is the perfect book for you.

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This was a fun, gory, traumatizing ride. If you don’t like graphic scenes, don’t read this. The author provides an in depth trigger warning at the beginning, and even with that my stomach was like, “hello, it’s me” at some points.

We follow two povs:

Lydia: A crime scene photographer in Oregon. She has a terrible, sad, past and is dealing with it by putting all of her effort into her work. Her demons literally coat every inch of her apartment, and there is a darkness bubbling from deep within.

Adam: Equally horrific past/childhood. Scary. Very scary.

There is a serial killer on the loose in Oregon, and he is targeting -at first- campers in secluded areas. Investigators (and Lydia) are starting to piece together his motives and patterns, yet they can’t seem to precisely figure it out. The bodies are piling up, and so are the photographs.
During an outing, Lydia bumps into Adam at his place of work. They are both smitten instantly, and so begins a whirlwind romance seeped with trauma bonding, pictures, and pocket knives.
I think this should have been longer. I wanted to be in their heads more. I wanted them to connect even more deeply and follow them on this… adventure(lol) together. I wanted more Frank, wanted more insight on the impending investigations, etc. This lil popcorn thriller was like a drug to me, okay? Release a sequel, I beg! I refuse to be satisfied with that ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher who provided me with an ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All of these thoughts and opinions are my own.

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When the system is broken, the broken create a new system - in the aftermath of horror, horror becomes the comfort, and what happens when you meet someone just like you who took a slightly different path? Who will catch who?

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This book was a 5/5 for me and Stephanie has become one of my favourite authors!
The cover is what drew me in at first and the description sold it for me.
I'm a huge fan of criminal minds and it reminded me a lot of it, I really hope Stephanie writes more books like this.
With this type of book it's hard to have a good exciting twist since most have the same plot twists but this one I didn't see coming at all!
It's refreshing to have a book that isn't like a lot of the mainstream popular books and still give me a burning need to know what happens next.

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Hooked from the get! What a Rollercoaster. I wanted to hate the characters but just couldn't. Getting the serial killer's POV made this such a fun read, and it didn't give debut author to me.

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Book review
Hiding Lies, A Novel by Stephanie Rose @
Rating: 5/5
“I still remember standing outside the blazing house. I wasn't sorry.”

Lydia Walker is a forensic photographer, trudging through life in the shadow of her traumatic past, when she is assigned a case centered around the gruesome murder of a camping couple. Her personal life begins to improve after a chance encounter that makes her feel like she's finally connected with someone, a fellow tortured soul named Adam.
As more victims are unearthed she discovers she has a personal connection to the case, her commitment to the case grows deeper, but her motives remain opaque to her colleagues. Will she sacrifice her reputation and her morality to explore her darker urges? Or will she uphold the justice system that failed her, and never held space for her.

Review: This book gets you in a chokehold right from the first paragraph and doesn’t let up the whole way through! I couldn’t put it down and devoured it in one sitting.

Its dark and gritty undertones flow throughout the unwinding story and touches on the dark nature of seemingly uncomplex but deep main characters. The writing style allowed effortless reading and I was instantly pulled into a twisted, perverse world, eagerly if even dragged into it somewhat unwilling. I found myself feeling the characters and loved the exploration into their minds and the monster that can be created by actions caused by society’s darkest taboos. I loved the telling from both main characters perspectives, which enabled a deeper understanding of their mind frame and motives.

I was pleasantly surprised to read the authors acknowledgments of inspiration from some of my favourite stories including those by Thomas Harris as these stories came into my head through reading the book and gave me the same gritty, dark, macabre feel.
In conclusion if you loved The Red Dragon and Hannibal or the series You, then you will LOVE this book!

I’m looking forward to future books and can see Stephanie Rose becoming one of my favourite horror/thriller authors.

Available 29 October 2024
Thankyou to @stephanierosewriter @netgalley @ madaxemedia for the early copy of the eArc

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4.25/5 stars! I picked this book up specifically for its dark, edgy cover. There was a lot of internal conflict for Lydia throughout the book. The storyline was built up well and I didn't see the final twist coming, which I appreciate. I love the perspective inside such a dark mind and it kept me engaged in the story. Will be looking for more books by this author.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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What a wild book! Read in less than 12 hours because I needed to know what happened. A story of a serial killer and a foresenic crime scene photographer that fall in love. Loved the alternating view points and short chapters. Keep me very interested, and makes it more interesting to read.

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Ooooooh boy, what a twisty little book. This was incredibly unnerving from the start. While I wasn’t the biggest fan of Lydia, I found myself hooked by her character. The graphic descriptions of murder were a little much for my taste, but this whole book read like a Criminal Minds episode and had me thinking and trying to predict the ending. I also loved the setting, anything set in Oregon is a win for me. A truly gruesome story.

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Spice Rating : 0.5/5🌶️
Tropes : Thriller, Suspense, Serial Killer

What a book! I’m speechless. I just got done with the book and it was a wild ride.

First up, check the Trigger Warnings before picking up the book. It has some sensitive topics discussed in detail, gore and mentions of abuse and trauma.

That being said, Book starts with a bang, it sucked me right in. It was very engaging and fast paced right off the bat. I love the writing style as well. Didn’t strike me as a debut. The book gets particularly interesting after the 60% mark, it turns into a proper cat and mouse chase where the readers are kept guessing about what could possibly happen next.

I was surprised that we get the serial killer's motive and MO very early on itself in the book. I kept wondering if it was a premature reveal but as the story progressed everything started making sense. There was a fair bit of romance, unexpected but pleasantly surprised.
When you say “morally grey”, the characters in this book describe morally grey to a tee. You hate them, but cannot hate them. They are all victim to circumstances and trying to best work with what they are dealt. What surprised me the most was how the author drew the character sketches. Each character was so grey; the victims, the perpetrator, the investigator and the innocents, no one was spared. Good exploration of human psyche. A lot of parts of this book were very emotional and hard to read simply because of the detailing that went into it. That being said, crime is crime and that is where we separate fiction from reality.

As someone with Forensic background myself, the detailing and writings were well researched, well done and interesting. The case files given to read are a nice touch. I love mixed formats within the books, keeps it compelling.
Knowing that this book is part of a newly emerging niche of thrillers, I’m sure it will get the hype it deserves.
I will definitely read more by the author, the book is quality entertainment.

If you enjoyed the You series, The Mindfuck series or The Butcher and the Wren, this book will be right up your alley!

I received an ARC of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Thank you to Netgalley, the Author and the Publisher for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Hiding Lies is a dual narrated psychological thriller horror novel from a debut author that I fell in love with immediately. I love the POV from the serial killer and that the author did research on real life serial killers to create character Adam. Page turning, dark, and I gasped out loud. I'd recommend this for any book club and fans of thrillers and horror!

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