Member Reviews

I want to start off with saying that I am obsessed with the first book in this series and I am truly excited to read the third one too.

This was a mixed bag for me, and the more I thought about this book the more I changed my thoughts. I honestly would say this was a 3.5 star read for me. I feel that that Lark we met in Butcher and Blackbird wasn't there, and while I loved getting to know this side of her the side we already knew was gone. I enjoyed the meet cute between Lark and Lachlan, along with Sloane and Lark were wonderful. In the end I wanted more from the characters overall . I did love Rose in this one and she is going to be a kick in her book with Fionn.

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Brynne Weaver does it again! Lachlan and Lark are two killers whose immediate distaste (and tension) towards the other is palpable. They are brought together by chance circumstances then reunited through the engagement of her best friend and his brother. As their sour relationship continues, they agree to a fake marriage to save ones they love. What follows is one of everyone’s favorite romance tropes - he falls first and their illusion begins to slip. As they fall for each other, their banter and spice is off the charts and charges toward a climactic ending where their love for each other and their family is put to the test.

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This was my most anticipated release of 2024 and as such my most nerve wracking. The hold its predecessor had on me was insane. I loved the book so much that i read it and then bought every format of it I could. It’s hard for follow ups to meet that initial intense feeling.

I am happy to say that leather and lark holds up. Another five star read. Brynn weaver managed to take all of the aspects of b&b that readers loved and dish them up again in new and interesting ways. From ruining food, to our killers with hearts of rose gold.

Everything you loved is here. And everything you didn’t know you needed is here too. Lachlan and Larks chemistry is top tier. I hope every reader enjoys the twists and turns in this hilarious dark comedy romance.

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Gracias Brynne Weaver, Zando y Netgallery por el arc.

Tenia mucha curiosidad sobre Lark porque en el libro anterior se veía tan tranquila y tenía mucha curiosidad saber cuál fue su desencadenante.

No fue un mal libro, pero no me gustó como Blutcher & blackbird. Le faltó más asesinatos, con tantos tw esperaba algo más sangriento o fuerte y en realidad todo fue muy tranquilo a excepción de lo que se da a entender que le pasó a Lark en la escuela, también el desarrollo de la relación de Lark y Lachlan le faltó más. Siento que todo se quedó a medias: el romance, los asesinatos, la venganza, el villano. Pero dentro de todo estuvo entretenido.

Mi personaje favorito fue Ethel.

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This falls somewhere in a 3.5 ⭐️ to a 4 ⭐️ . I liked it, although not as much as the first book, but if you didn't like Butcher & Blackbird you won't like this. Also you have to read Butcher & Blackbird because there is no review of the past in this book.

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I loved everything about this book! It was so sweet and funny, but also kinda dark and gruesome. I devoured it in one day, and then was sad that it was over. Leather & Lark is the second book in the Ruinous Love trilogy. You don’t have to read Butcher & Blackbird first to enjoy this book, but you still should.

Lachlan and Lark first meet under suspicious circumstances, and they did not hit it off. Lachlan works in “clean up,” and Lark needed help with a mess that she made. They reunite when they realize that her best friend is marrying his brother. Despite hating each other, they decide to enter into a marriage of convenience after learning their loved ones are in danger. Their marriage will allow them to work together and hopefully keep everyone safe. I always love a fake relationship that turns real, and this book does that trope so well.

Lark is one of my most favorite female characters. I love the women this author writes. Lark is absolutely adorable, but I’m also a little scared of her. She loves crafting, but her supplies can be unconventional (besides all the glitter). Her relationship with her aunt Ethel was a special and emotional part of the plot. She was one of my favorite side characters.

Lachlan is loyal and protective, but kind of grumpy and closed off. I really loved watching Lachlan truly discover who Lark was as a person. He was quite surprised with how she procured her crafting supplies. His reactions to her true nature were equally hilarious and swoony. He truly sees her though, and he falls fast and hard. Lachlan also had some really glorious groveling to do and I love the ways he righted his wrongs with her.

I loved this book so much, and can’t wait for Scythe & Sparrow, which will complete the trilogy.

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She does it again with book 2 in the Ruinous Love Trilogy!

-serial unaliver romance
-grumpy/sunshine (him/her)
-hate to love
-he falls first
-marriage of convenience

Lark & Lachlan's story surprised me in the best way! I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I fell in love with both of them and devoured this book. I'm a sucker for books with feminine rage and Lark's was even better because she did it with *sparkle*. Lachlan really grew on me and throughout his whole groveling process, I fell hard for this man. The way he pays attention to Lark and just is overall obsessed with her was just precious.

The tension and banter between Lark and Lachlan was so well done. You don't expect to be giggling from a serial unaliver romance but that's one of Brynne's brilliant talents. The dialogues are some of my favorite parts and had me cackling all night. We also get some Sloane and Rowan in there too!

This is a bit of a slow burn and the build up is intense but the spice was so worth it! Oh and don't worry there is also plenty of "my wife" and "touch her and d!e" energy throughout the whole book to keep you going. Highly recommend this book and series!

P.S. in true Brynne fashion, more foods are indeed ruined lol

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3.5 ⭐️ If you know me, you know I’ve been screaming about Butcher and Blackbird since last summer and it holds a special place in my heart. I was looking forward to Lachlan and Lark’s story but unfortunately this one didn’t hit the same for me.

I absolutely loved their meet cute and the first 20ish%. I loved the scenes between Sloane and Lark, and all the banter between the Kane brothers. Lachlan makes a nice swoony gesture towards the end that melted me, and grandma Ethel is absolutely going to (rightfully) steal everyone’s hearts!

But this felt like it was missing Brynne’s magic from B&B. I felt like the Lachlan and Lark we met in B&B were not the same characters here. I didn’t feel their chemistry and honestly ended the book not convinced Lark was as in love with him as Lachlan was with her. There was a lot of telling me their relationship was moving forward and how they felt as opposed to showing me. Ultimately, their relationship just felt flat to me and the story too slow. I also felt like the “big bad” was disappointing and there should’ve been a closing scene between Lark and Sloane.

I also wanted more from the gore. Am I the weird one? 😆 I didn’t have the same visceral gross-out reactions like I had with B&B. 🤷‍♀️ I think the mainstream readers are going to like this one more than the first because it’s a little safer and not as wild.

It’s hard to follow up a banger like the first book, and I’m still excited to read S&S next year.

Thank you so much to Brynne and Zando for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Leather & Lark was a completely different feel for me versus Butcher & Blackbird. The dynamic in L&L was more focused on the marriage of convenience and enemies to lovers, it didn't have as much dark humor or the extreme unaliving as the first book.

Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the story and the growth of both Lark and Lachlan. Their characters are awesome and they're each so vastly different, but the way they end up is pure perfection.

I loved seeing Sloan and Rowan pop up because let's face it, they're amazing! Haha.

The bad guy in this story was easy to predict who it was, but the twist that comes with it is a crazy ride. I definitely would have loved to see his story played out more though lol. Idk what that says about me and my black heart? Lol.

Overall, I enjoyed this story and meeting the new characters as well. I loved following Lark's journey and her glitter obsession 🤣 but honestly, I think my favorite character is Auntie Ethel. Iykyk 😉

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I loved Butcher & Blackbird so I was very excited for this and it did not disappoint! The chemistry between the main characters was very good and the banter was witty and sharp. It was a slow burn in a way but very satisfying! Will be recommenxing and adding to our library collection.

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It started as a temporary arrangement one created by hate then slowly over time that hate became love and the arrangement became more. A union was made between the cleaner and the killer. Lake arranged marriage with Lachlan for protection.

Lark and Lachlan met under unusual circumstances. The chemistry between them was combustible with hate. Lark hated the way he spoke to her in a condescending manner. Lachlan hated cleaning up her mess.

Lark is good friends with Sloane. You might remember her in Butcher & Blackbird. Lark is a snarky woman with a sassy personality.

Lachlan is Rowan’s brother. I loved how Brynne Weaver tied all four of these characters together. It was nice to get a glimpse of Rowan and Sloane.

Brynne Weaver took a slightly different approach with Leather & Lark. The killings were subtle with much less flare. The writing is the same with a bit more focus on Larks tongue twisting sass. Brynne Weaver crafts a string of female characters with witty sharp tongues who are by no means damsel in distress types.

I felt like I was reading a riddle. I’m not sure what’s at play between Leather & Lark. Brynne Weaver weaves words together in a way that is unique. I love finding original storylines with creative characters. The content in this book was different. I was expecting an extension of Butcher & Blackbird.

Brynne Weaver took her time brewing these characters from haters into lovers. The process of making them fall in love was simple enough but lacking. Comparing Lark and Lachlan to Rowan and Sloane isn’t fair yet hard not to think about given the writing voice and style they were created from. I had high expectations hoping to go into the second book with the same gusto as the first.

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*Thank you NetGalley and publisher for an e-copy

I was so excited for this book I LOVED Butcher and Blackbird. This did not disappoint! Lachlan and Lark’s story was a delicious slow burn.
When connections to Lark’s family are being murdered suspicion lands on Lachlan. When it’s suggested they “take care” of the Kane brothers, Lark realizes she must intervene to protect Sloane’s happiness. Her scheming Aunt Ethel suggest marriage.
Full of forced proximity, groveling, steam, and glitter. It was an instant five star read for me!

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I am at a loss of words for how good this book was. It was just as good as Butcher & Blackbird and I LOVE these two characters just as much. Lark’s character is not surface level. She has so many layers and I just love the character development. I literally giggled during this entire book. And the spicy scenes were well worth the wait! Love this series so much and they will live rent free in my head.

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Again this shouldn’t even come as a surprise that Leather & Lark was an easy 5 ☆ read with the way I absolutely inhaled Butcher & Blackbird.

The perfect blend of marriage, mayhem, and murder. As if two serial killers falling in love couldn’t get any better. Try two serial killers who absolutely hate each other, are also forced to marry one another to help save the people they love, AND THEN END UP FALLING IN LOVE. (Okay I didn’t have to yell but I needed to get this point across)

The tone of this book was different from B&B and I loved that this began as a marriage of convenience. At this point, why even bother putting on a show for the other and just see the most authentic version of each other (which ultimately is what makes them fall in love). Lachlan Kane is such a broody asshole that we all need in our lives while Lark’s such a fucking little ray of sunshine that you just know it’s hiding darkness beneath. The chemistry between them is so charged it’s *chefs kiss* and I can’t wait for you guys to read this one.

This book absolutely consumed my soul and I don’t think I will ever be the same without it. I’m consistently impressed with the way Brynne creates and builds out the people she fills her books with. It’s stunning and heartbreaking and funny, everything I want in a book like this. Brynne really said “hold my beer and watch this shit.”

And as always, please check the trigger warnings before reading.

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𝕬𝕽𝕮 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖜:

5 trophy stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

∆ HERE I COME! With the review of 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 & 𝑳𝒂𝒓𝒌 by Brynne Weaver. This story was mind blowing, sweat-inducing, dark, twisted, and oh so Brynne coded🎀 what am I if I don't read Brynne's books? Nothing! Brynne's books, especially Leather & Lark, make me feel soooo good about myself and it makes me wanna live in their (characters') world for the rest of my life!

∆ 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 & 𝑳𝒂𝒓𝒌 is the book 2 of the Ruinous Love Trilogy, with the first book being Butcher & Blackbird about Sloane and Rowan! This book is about Lachlan and Lark (OMGGG JUST THINKING ABOUT THEM GETS ME EXCITED)✨ This book is a hate-to-love, marriage of convenience, grumpy×sunshine romance where there is loads of grovelling and loads of touch-them-and-die moments (make it psycho). This book is highly appreciated and recommended 🖤

∆ We get to see our sweet little singer Lark right off the bat and oh she is so sweet,so wonderfully amazing, so just! She does her work so graciously that I actually would worship her🛐 I loved her relationship with her stepdad because that was wholesome to read!

∆ I got to see Lachlan my darling darling man as a grump who is ruggedly handsome and makes everyone drool yet makes everyone wanna slap him for his a-holeness🛐😂 I mean he is so different yet not so different from his brother, Rowan. I loved that about this book!

∆ I loved the banter between Badass Barbie and Budget Batman, that was a foreplay of its own and what a yummy yummy banter-full foreplay it was🤌🏼😌😮‍💨 but what I love the most was how flirty Lachlan and Lark were together towards each other (you should know the difference between the two) especially when Lark is "regal, yet saucy" and Lachlan is a "rakish, yet debonair"🫣🫦

∆ The best part of this book was that the broody asshat fell first and the way he fell in love was observed by everyone except for Lark, but alas, better late than never. Their love story was so amazing🤌🏼😌 I actually kind of want the same without the psycho-ness.

∆ The spice, oh god, the way it came, hit me so suddenly and it was perfect! I loved the way Lachlan was with Lark and the way Lark was with Lachlan. So hot, so steamy, I melted all over.

∆ I loved the depth, story and all the characters in this book, it is like my own personal fantasy happening right in front of my eyes! Oh my! Brynne Weaver is a Queen for writing such a brilliant work!

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Absolutely adored! The perfect follow up to Butcher & Blackbird. The quirkiness of the heroine, Lark, was endearing and the hero’s, Lachlan’s, temperament worked in perfect contrast. I loved that there was a bit more grit, and an emotional punch to this one. Honestly don’t know how I’ll hold out for Fionn and Rose!

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Leather & Lark was a worthy sequel to the iconic Butcher & Blackbird. This one wasn't as funny as the first and the banter between Lark and Lachlan wasn't as good, but it makes sense considering who these characters are. I adored these characters, especially Lachlan who is a lot sweeter than what I thought he'd be. Their romance is a bit of a slow-burn, but when they finally do get together the chemistry is unmatched.

While the plot isn't as tight in this one, the emotional aspects of the story more than make up for it. Lark and Lachlan have been through so much, always looking out for their loved ones, so seeing them focus on themselves and their happiness was so heartwarming. The side characters, particularly Lark's family, bring some comedic relief to the story. And there's definitely less gore in this book, but enough where it doesn't feel too different from the first.

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It's so so hard not to compare this directly to Butcher & Blackbird but I have to say the plot in Leather and Lark was a little bit more muddled than in B&B and with the similarities in the characters, it's difficult to not draw comparisons. But as the two characters were a part of B&B, both Lachlan and Lark in this book felt disconnected from the same people we met in the previous book. They felt more muted and less entertaining.

However, the pacing felt off, the middle dragged a LOT when I'm used to a more more subtly paced narrative, and I think that took away a lot from the development of the relationship and once together, the romance felt a little rushed.

What remains top-notch is the hilarious banter, the delightful tension and slooooooooow burn and the wild antics and weird gifts the MCs give to each other. Weaver has still the touch for the macabre that I enjoyed but it wasn't quite up to her usual standard. Despite all this, L&L is an entertaining time, I just felt zoning out in the middle a little bit.

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Lark and Lachlan’s story was an intense and emotional read. I really enjoyed Sloane and Rowan’s book and wanted more of Lark when she was mentioned in Butcher & Blackbird. Lark is not what she seems, she has a dark side to her and when you find out why she does what she does it is truly heartbreaking. Lachlan protects his family and is fiercely protective of his brothers, when he agrees to enter into a arranged marriage with Lark he’s not too pleased as they can’t stand each other but he also has an attraction to Lark he simply can’t keep fighting.

The plot for this book was interesting and immersive, I liked the back and forth between Lark & Lachlan , I also liked seeing them become vulnerable with each other.

I look forward to reading Fionn’s story.

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The perfect follow-up to our newest most unhinged romance series. Leather and Lark is laugh out loud funny, deeply tender, and hot as hell. Truly obsessed with this series!!

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