Member Reviews

The book opens with a powerful scene - a sixteen-year-old girl giving birth and making the difficult decision to give her daughter a chance at a better life and giving her up for adoption. The first chapter was promising, introducing a flawed yet likable main character. While the writing flowed well, I found the narrative interrupted by the main character's introspective thoughts, often centered on her damaged self, guilt, and closed-off nature.

The author excelled in developing relationships and introducing romantic elements, providing a lighter touch to the heavy subject matter. However, the conclusion left me questioning the relevance of a particular character's story. I also felt that the title seemed disconnected from the story.

Despite these shortcomings, the story beautifully portrays the protagonist's resilience and ability to forge friendships, giving life another chance despite overwhelming trials and tribulations
3.7 stars

Thank you, NetGalley and Harper Muse, for this opportunity

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The beginning: brilliant.
The ending: brilliant.
The middle: a bit lacking but still great.
The whole storyline about the adoption/giving a child up for adoption was portrayed in a beautiful way and felt quite realistic to me. I love Gemmas and Karims relationship. He is a super sweet love interest. Also the way Gemmas anxiety was written was brillant.
But there were also some things that just seemed unrealistic to me. Mostly the interractions between Katie and Erin or between Katie and Gemma.

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Statistically speaking it was good, but not great ( ahah )

The beggining and the end were quite good, but the middle was a hudge mess and difficult to read actually.

The description of the book made me think about Eleanor Oliphant but It wasn't like that, at all.

I think I put to much pressure in it and then felt a bit disappointed of the lacks and mess around this story.

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Best described as contemporary women's fiction with a just a smidge of romance. This novel dealt with some heavier topics such as childhood trauma, substance abuse and adoption in a light-hearted way. I connected with the (implied) neurodivergent MC with her coping mechanisms of list making and counting and was charmed by the delightful secondary characters that made up Gemma's found family.

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This book wasn’t my usual read. The descriptions of Gemma’s anxiety- I really empathised with. But I loved her development as a character.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I understand the woes and stressed of being a teacher, and I'm glad Gemma was able to handle her anxiety and make the best out of life.

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Thank you to net galley for this book! More of a 3.5 but still a good and charming read. The main characters desire to know that the child she gave up for adoption (and would have just turned 16, the age she was when she gave birth to her) adds a layer that raises this up your average British light romance.

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This book had a lot of potential, but did not deliver.

I did really like the witty nature of our main character Gemma and even though this story is really heavy and deals with emotional topics, it was delivered really lighthearted and with a lot of amazing humor that I quite enjoyed.
Gemma was an interesting character that really got me hooked in the beginning of the book, but I couldn't quite grasp her intentions, character or really anything about her the more I got into the story. She felt all over the place and maybe that was intentional, but it sadly threw me off completely.

There wasn't a whole lot of "plot" going on and I so wished for it to be more than just a "vibes only" book, because when there was a slither of a plot twist or revelation I really enjoyed it and thought that the author did quite a good job unraveling it.

The romance in this book kind of creeps up on you. It had its sweet moments, but I ultimately couldn't get into it.

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3.75 ⭐
I had a great time reading this book! It's a mix of women's fiction with a bit of romance, and the story is super sweet, more about the vibes than a strong plot. We follow Gemma as she rebuilds her life after a lot of pain. It’s an emotional journey, but the story is often really funny. The characters are all super likable, and the way female friendships are portrayed is so positive and heartwarming. I really connected with Gemma's struggles and growth—it all felt so real, making this a beautiful and relatable read.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for this ARC

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Whether Debbie Johnson sets out to write a witty book or a serious one, she nails it. Every. Time.
I love the characters in her books and the relationships they have and the banter between them and I don't know how she can whip out so many in a short time to such a high standard.

Firstly the characters in the book were very human. The way the protagonist was so normal in her unique way spoke to me. Even though we have a completely different upbringing, Gemma's way of coping and owning who she was was amazing. The PE teacher guy sounds like a dream bf. Handsome and funny and caring. Above all, someone who didn't try to change her at all.
Margie, Katie and Erin are the best friends that I've always wanted and I do find myself saying that about quite a few of Debbie's characters! Bill of course was the adorable boy next door.

The book started in a witty way which was funny to think of being a key and traumatic event that was being experienced. We were introduced to Gemma and her coping mechanisms of counting and thinking of fact after fact. Throughout the the book, we learn how Gemma reacts to different scenarios that life throws at her. Some traumatic, some romantic and some even lunatic.

I enjoyed that the story included a romance but didn't start as one. I enjoyed the hard topics written about and how they were tackled with poise, affection and genuine feelings. The ending of course had me crying buckets and there's nothing quite like happy crying to give you a sense of calm and to make your own dog look at you with questioning side eye!

All in all, I loved it. All hail 'Queen Can Write No Wrong'. 5 stars from me!

Thanks so much to Netgalley, Harper Muse and Debbie Johnson for allowing me the chance to read this and write a review. All views expressed are my own

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I enjoyed this book out the gate, but then got a little bored in the middle and started to lose interest. I pushed through and it definitely got better. I am glad I stuck through to the end and saw Gemma's story through. I very much enjoyed reading not only one story of adoption but two throughout this story. Adoption can be such a beautiful thing. Somewhere along the lines the "statistics" part of the story got lost.

Thank you so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for a honest review.

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3.25⭐ i liked the beginning and how easy it was to read the writing style and sympathize with the main character. however, by the half point i quickly lost my interest; there wasn't really any big conflict or questions i wanted to be answered and i began to wonder what even the point was in finishing the book... and obviously that can't be good! so while it did have a few enjoyable parts, the book as a whole didn't work for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Muse for allowing me to read an ARC of Statistically Speaking by Debbie Johnson, in exchange for my honest review.

So much love! This was a fantastic story. As someone who lives with anxiety disorder/panic attacks, I admire Gemma for her coping mechanisms, and recognizing when she will (and will not) need them.

I would like to commend and thank Debbie Johnson for her brilliant portrayal of this not-spoken-of-nearly-enough-brain-chaos, showing it can be managed and there are people who will understand and love us.

I definitely recommend this book!

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Post on 8/21/24

This book starts out with the FMC giving birth at 16 and then goes to how she lived her adult life in the most controlled way. She was a perfectionist, neat and clean, always counting, and she never spent a moment not thinking about the baby she gave up. She does genuinely feel like someone who has been hurt and will do anything to avoid messy feelings and uncomfortable situations. But, then something happens. She considers staying put in her cute home, with a small group of good friends and she finally opens up to people about a secret she’s been hiding. It’s that moment where things change for her. She frees herself from the burden of this secret and it has a positive chain reaction. One thing leads to another and she finds herself in a better place for it. Here’s too taking chances and moving forward!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy. ♥️

This novel is a truly sweet and heartwarming read. It’s one of those stories that focuses more on the emotional journey of the characters than on a traditional plot. While there are smaller storylines throughout, the main focus is on the protagonist, Gemma, as she rebuilds her life after experiencing significant trauma. Witnessing her transformation is both deeply moving and inspiring.

The novel delves into heavy topics, yet it maintains a lighthearted and often humorous tone. Gemma’s character is refreshingly honest, with a sharp wit that brings plenty of laughs along the way. There’s a particularly funny scene involving a yoga class that had me genuinely laughing out loud—something that doesn’t happen often when I read. The humor in this book is so well-crafted that I found myself sharing the moment with my parents, who enjoyed it just as much.

Gemma’s journey is enriched by the wonderful people who come into her life, each of whom plays a crucial role in her healing process. Characters like Margie, Erin, Katie, and Karim are incredibly endearing, and their interactions with Gemma bring warmth and love to the story. Despite her initial resistance, Gemma finds herself surrounded by a supportive group of friends who help her navigate her challenges.

The portrayal of mental health in this novel is particularly noteworthy. It’s handled with a raw honesty that doesn’t shy away from the realities of living with anxiety and depression. Gemma’s struggles are presented in a way that feels authentic and relatable, making her journey all the more powerful. As someone who has faced similar challenges, I found this aspect of the story especially impactful.

While the novel may not have a traditional, engaging plot, its strength lies in its emotional depth and the beautifully written characters. The author’s writing is filled with warmth and insight, reminding us that even in the midst of life’s difficulties, there is beauty to be found. For this reason, I’m giving this book 4 stars. It may lack a strong narrative structure, but its heartfelt exploration of life’s ups and downs makes it a touching and worthwhile read.

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The heart of the story is Gemma's struggle to reconcile with her decision to give up her child for adoption as a teenager, a choice that continues to haunt her as she approaches her daughter's 18th birthday. Gemma's character development is the novel's strongest asset. Her journey from a woman paralysed by "what-ifs" to someone who begins to embrace life's uncertainties is portrayed with nuance and authenticity. The novel also excels in its exploration of different types of families. Through Gemma's relationships with her neighbour Margie, her students, and her potential birth daughter, the author presents a nuanced view of how family can be both biological and chosen. It is a compelling read. I do think the beginning could have been stronger to grip the reader, it was a bit slow.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Harper Muse, and the author, Debbie Johnson, for a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I am glad I got to read this novel thru NetGalley. It hooked me from the beginning as the main character gives birth and thru her journey after giving up her child for adoption, Lots of issues covered in an insightful way and it was wonderful to witness her growth. I loved the part about her “chosen family”. Great characters, interesting situations in a unique location make this a great read!

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Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for an advanced copy ♥️

This novel is as sweet as can be. It’s kind of a “no plot, just vibes” type of book. I mean, there are mini plots, but they aren’t overarching, we’re really watching Gemma come into her own after a lifetime of trauma and it’s beautiful to witness.

Watching Gemma build her life up after she’s endured so much pain is VERY emotional, so be prepared! But don’t be fooled, though this story tackles some heavy topics, it’s pretty lighthearted and hilarious. Gemma is blunt, honest, and witty beyond belief, so her narration is riddled with nuggets of comedy gold. There’s this one scene where someone farts extremely loudly in Yoga class and the way Gemma explains it had me actually laughing out loud. Huuuugeee congrats to Debbie Johnson, it takes A LOT to make me laugh out loud at a book. I literally had to read it to my parents to explain my random laughter. They also thought it was hilarious since I inherited my 12 year old boy adjacent sense of humor from them <3

Gemma (begrudgingly) lets a lot of epic people into her life in this story, so we meet some epically sweet characters. We have Margie and her dog Bill, Erin, Katie, and Karim. These people make my heart melt. They are so magically human and they are everything Gemma needs. No matter how hard she tries to shut them out, they stay, and that’s beautiful. That’s LOVE.

Some character notes…

Margie: Total icon around the age of seventy. Has a cutie dog named Bill who I kept thinking was a person. Loves wine. Total flirt. Scandalous. Gives the best advice and gives Gemma tough love.
Erin: Katie’s mom. Recently widowed. Strong as hell. Hilarious. She was the offender in the aforementioned Yoga class, bahaha. Quirky. Amazing mom. Icon.
Katie: Redhead. Wise beyond her years. Madly intelligent. Emotional maturity of the highest degree. Epic sense of humor. Wears tutus bc why not. History nerd.
Karim: Trying to win Gemma’s heart. Hot. Incredibly thoughtful. How is he real (ok he’s not but you know what I mean). PE teacher. Amazing one liners. Unbelievably patient. Unafraid of authenticity. Sweetest sweetheart to ever sweetheart. Did I say hot?

I looooove these characters. They make my heart so full.

Something I really appreciated in this novel is the representation of mental illness. It wasn’t glamorized, commodified, or sugarcoated, it was raw. Gemma doesn’t exactly admit she has severe anxieties and most likely high functioning depression, but it’s very loud on the page since it hijacks her life. As someone with the same issues, I deeply empathized with her and it actually helped me recognize some of my own patterns. Gemma is a total warrior who has handled her adversity amazingly, I was repeatedly left in awe of her.


Yes, this novel lacked a concrete plot and was hard to get through at times, but it was beautiful. Johnson is an incredibly skilled writer who infuses soul into every sentence. There were so many lines that tugged at my heart strings and reminded me that in spite of all of the sadness and pain, there’s so much beauty and warmth to life, we must have the courage to seek it (for some of us, like Gemma, that’s a lot easier said than done). That’s why I gave this novel 4 stars, though it could use more of an engaging plot, it offers such a soulful and honest look at life, it alchemizes pain in such a gorgeous manner. I think offering a slice of life vibe rather than an elaborate plot beautifully drives the novel’s message home.

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I really enjoyed this book! I loved the writing and the way Debbie Johnson brought the characters to life. The pacing was perfect and the main character was messy and came across as realistic.

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thank you to netgalley and to harper muse for providing me with an e-arc of this book! the thoughts and opinions shared are my own. i have to admit, it wasn't easy for me to get into this book. gemma, the protagonist, was a bit boring and bland, and her inner monologue made it hard for me to push through. but in the end, i am glad i did. i think the book does a really good job building the relationships between the characters. i thought margie was just fabulous, and erin and katie too. i especially liked katie's spunk and passion. and i liked the sweet moments shared between gemma and her mum and the growth it showed for the characters. however, despite finding karim to be really sweet, i wasn't very engaged by his relationship with gemma, and felt like those scenes were some of the weakest moments. i didn't find them, as a couple, interesting to read about. i am really glad we got an update on gemma's daughter at the end, it felt like a nice resolution to the book! a solid 3 stars from me.

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