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I really enjoyed this book! The story was very well written and the character development in this book was great. I would recommend this book!

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The Accidental Proposal by Y. M. Nelson
Rating: 3.5/5
Release Date: 25 June 2024

After years of lamenting his inability to find a good woman, earning the nickname "Emo" from his college friends, Jason Reed has finally met the love of his life. He's completely smitten, dreaming of their future together and her wearing his ring. But first, he needs to formally introduce her to his friends.

Fortune Edwards loves being with Jason but isn't thrilled about a formal sit-down with his friends, especially since she once kicked one of them where it really hurts. Seth deserved that kick, though. Still, Fortune is willing to start over, and so are Jason’s other friends—except Seth. He can't accept that she’s Jason’s girlfriend. Maybe it's because she’s looking at Seth with fresh eyes, or maybe it's because she's a plus-size Black woman in America, but Fortune sees Seth for what he is: a racist, body-shaming bully.

With Fortune and Seth not getting along, Jason feels the need to live up to his other nickname, "Mister Fix-it," and try to mend things between them. However, Fortune wants him to choose her and their future together. If Jason keeps trying to fix things between Fortune and Seth, he might lose the love he’s waited his whole life for.

⚔️Touch her and die trope
🥐Beta heroes with gooey cinnamon roll feelings inside
👱‍♀️Plus-size heroines
🤣 Funny (and truly awful) group dates
🌶️Steamy love scenes

Such a delightful and engaging story featuring a plus-sized woman! I love the storyline. While it might not be the most original concept, Nelson brings her own unique twist to it. The incorporation of body positivity and self-confidence is wonderful. Fortune's witty personality paired with Reed's laid-back attitude makes for a fantastic combination.

Although this book could technically be categorised as a rom-com—with its vibrant characters and humorous interactions—it leans more towards women's fiction. The underlying message has much more depth than a traditional rom-com.

This wasn't the book I initially thought I was picking up, but it turned out to be a deeper and more intriguing read than I expected. I'm eager to explore more of this author's work, as this is my first encounter with Nelson's writing, and I'm excited to see what else she has to offer!

Thank you so much to NetGalley, One Creative Summer Press, and the author, Y. M. Nelson, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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