Member Reviews

I read into 8% of the book before giving up, I'm not sure if it's me that's just slow at catching up on what is going on and what some these characters were. The writting is smooth, and I liked the relationship I got to see between the mc and his stepfather, he was not the nicest when talking but also wasn't cruel.

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I stopped halfway through. The characters in this are supposed to be young adults, but they are all incredibly immature. I also was bothered by the fact that every time there was a reference to male characters, even just people going by in passing, it was always "man" yet no matter how old, the female characters were always "girl." Damaetra's sisters were older than her, yet with literally everything about the descriptions of them and the references to them, I was given the impression of young pre-teen girls.

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4 ⭐
1/2 🌶️

Reaper's Gamble surprised me. Looking at the cover, I wasn't sure what I was getting into, but surprisingly enough, it was an interesting amalgamation of what I would call sci-fi, urban fantasy, dystopian, a bit of horror (just a smidge), and dare I say, a love story. Its pacing seemed odd at times, and the world-building was sketchy (however, the glossary I found at the end helped a great deal). But the story entertained me all day today as I read the book in one sitting. Learning about this odd world and the prejudices and social structure set the stage for the "school" Lor (our slacker hero) must attend to find his guild. In many ways, the world seemed like it could be the setting of an RPG video game. The Guilds' roles in society are the main classes your character would play. It even goes as far as potions or draughts made to heal, enhance, or destroy. This story is just beginning, and I see this pack of talented friends from different guilds (all having talents that help the group) having many adventures. Is it high literature? No. But is it fun? Yes, definitely!

Thank you, NetGalley, R.E. Holding, and Cliff Cave Books, for the eArc. I liked this book and these are my opinions.

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I was expecting more from this book. Don't get me wrong I loved it anyways but it's not my comfort zone type of books. Surely a great story neverthless.

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