Member Reviews

This was a thorough guide that was much needed. This benefits not only newbies but also members who have been using Netgalley for a while. Looking forward for more such toolkits.

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very useful guide, have used this to improve my feedback ratio - improved my bio and got better organized at keeping my profile updated

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I found the information provided in this small reader very helpful and clearly presented. I am sure that I will return to it for future instruction and refreshers on the ins and outs of the NetGalley system,

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From how to write different types of reviews, to how to DNF books, "NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit" is an absolute life saver!
Will definitely be referring back to this book again & again!

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This Toolkit contains everything a NetGalley user could hope for – and if it's not on the page, there is a link to it with a note where to find more information! I appreciated the clear and concise language and guides on topics that can feel difficult to figure out by oneself as a reviewer, such as how to deal with the unfortunate DNF situations that happen every once in a while. This is a great download for anyone using NetGalley, but especially those just starting out on the platform.

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This is a great, informative and updated detailed toolkit on how to use Netgalley. I really liked the "how to DNF" page as that seems to be an issue that new users have trouble with. Thanks Netgalley!

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Thank you! This "Toolkit" is a great resource for working with NetGalley. I have been using NetGalley to review books for less than a year. I am learning as I go. Just in my first read of this document, I have picked up several pointers. I took notes, and will keep this document handy. Very helpful!

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This is such a great guide and I really appreciate that NetGalley is making the effort to make everything more transparent and accessible. I wish there had been something like this when I started with NetGalley nearly 15 years ago! Even as a veteran reviewer there were lots of things I found really helpful though, as well as answers to some questions I've been wondering about for a while. Thank you for putting this together!

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A quick trot through reviewing books. Quite a nifty little starter read for Netgalley newbies and old hands alike. Always good to have a refresher. And it doesn't take too long to read. More updates to come by the looks of things too.

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A great resource, and a worthwhile update to the Book Advocate Toolkit. The information within is comprehensive but easily digestible (thanks in part to the graphic design). I'd love to see these toolkits featured in a more prominent way on the NetGalley website, so that they might be more easily accessible to the users who stand to benefit the most from these resources!

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I love this guide! Super helpful tips for someone like me, who is still learning how to navigate NetGalley. I especially like the ratios 101 information.

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As always, super helpful and user-friendly information! Thanks to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit!

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A fantastic resource! Thank you so much NetGalley. I've read through this toolkit a number of times now and have a lot of information that will make my journey with this platform a lot smoother. The tips on profile writing are fantastic as this was an area that I was stuck on.

Highly recommend all members take the time to read this!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit was very helpful in describing the "how-tos" for reviewers new and seasoned. The infographics and succinct descriptions were very insightful.

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This is a really helpful toolkit for both folks new to NetGalley and for those who have been around for a bit. It provides helpful guidelines for how best to create your member profile, tips on how to maintain a good feedback ratio, and various other little things I hadn't thought about until I read this guide!

It's always good to brush up your profile every time an update to this toolkit comes out.

I definitely learned new things about the NetGalley Shelf app, and especially want to highlight that you can filter the shelves by archive date. Mind blown. You can also create custom collections! And you can use the Read aloud setting for EPUB files, which uses text-to-speech!

And ooh there's a sneak peek about something coming soon: a NetGalley Social Media Toolkit! This should be really helpful, especially if it will delve into algorithms since Instagram has been changing a lot within the past year.

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Wow! This is a great resource for even those of us who have been participating in NetGalley for years or a newbie! The content is very thorough and I love the journal presentation.

This will be a perfect resource for everyone!

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Thanks so much for the reminders. I can change my profile and appeal to get more books approved. I can also improve my reviews, esp the critical ones. Thanks.

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Informative document that is easy to read. Extensive but still a lot of fun. Will recommend to my friends for sure!

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I definitely think this is an improvement from the Book Advocate Toolkit I read when I was first starting out on NetGalley. While I did know most of the topics they talked about in the Toolkit, I do think that this revised edition will provide a lot more insight for budding reviewers and content creators about best practices on NetGalley as well as how to utilize NetGalley to expand their platform. With helpful tips and detailed examples, this revised Toolkit is a must-read for any new member on NetGalley.

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I read this guide on the suggestion of another NetGalley reviewer on Reddit, and I'm so glad I did! I first joined NetGalley a few years ago but only decided to really give it a try this year, mainly because when I first joined I wasn't sure where to even start. I wish I had known about this earlier and read it sooner! The part about building your profile was especially helpful and answered a lot of questions I had. I also really appreciate that the guide gave examples of bios, because I had been looking for some online and struggled to find any. I definitely recommend this to any new NetGalley reviewer!

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