Member Reviews

Interesting guide with a lot of writting tips regarding the reviews, profile details and other useful tricks to help you become a valid member of NetGalley society. It is a short and handy toolkit with additional articules if you are more courious or would like to indeepth the theme.
Good for new members, so they would understand and address the Publishers' expectations, but also recommended to the experiences members, like me, to remind where is the profile, how to update the information, lots of dos and don'ts.

Recemended to all members of NetGalley.

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This is such a good guide!! Thank you for putting it together and making it so easily available for folks new to review writing/ARC reading!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a resource for all of us who use this great platform to find and review new books. I'm glad I decided to download this book! While it had information I already knew, it also included some great suggestions and explanations. I feel more prepared to write better reviews, updated my profile to better attract publishers, and learned where to find different publisher's preferences.

Whether you've used NetGalley for a long time or are new, this is a great resource.

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An easy-to-follow toolkit that's covering all the required areas when starting out on NetGalley. It's harder to make mistakes after reading it, and easier to create meaningful reviews while being helpful to authors and publishers. I'm looking forward to the toolkit about social media that was featured in the book.

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Crazy that you need to give feedback on this for it to count on here. And that it has to be 100 characters for a "helpful tips".

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Thank you netgalley! This a super helpful tool to have and I appreciate that you are willing to put together free resources for your users to download.

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This is a short guide to Netgalley. It's especially helpful if you are, as I am, new to the platform.. Its less than forty pages, full of illustrations and examples and links to help uses navigate Netgalley. it gives tips on profiles and, most helpfully, on how to write useful book reviews. I thought its advice about audiobooks to comment on both the writing and narration was helpful. But I thought its example book review, in which the author thanks Netgalley for providing an ARC was strange, since providing reviews on the site implies the source of the ARC is Netgalley, and also no professional reviewer does this. Even so, this is a minor point. The guide is to the point and handy for anyone trying to navigate the website. Recommended.

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This guide is incredibly helpful on how to better curate your profile to better suit your bookish personality. The 'tips' and examples were easy to understand I felt they added great value to the toolkit. It was also insightful to see the different types of members and I wish I had gotten this guide when I first signed up! The section on navigating NetGalley is a gem, and I'm so happy it was included. Everything in the guide was handy, and as a reviewer I hope that everyone takes the opportunity to look at it and keep it on hand for aid when navigating all aspects of NetGalley!

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This is a great tool for both those who are new to the review community and long term members for a refresh. It gives nice ideas on how to build your following and keeping your reviews relevant.
I will be popping back to this guide regularly.

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Answers all my questions and will definitely use as a guide to go back to. I like that it gives many examples as well.

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Good and solid guide for people new to NetGalley or reviewing in general. Can also be used as guideline for other ARC/DRC/ALC distribution services, as a good amount of the tips shared are universally applicable.

For veterans it holds a few reminders, some of us tend to forget (such as: update your profile every couple of months) about.

Some advice, on the other hand, is debatable, such as: write a summary. Yes, if you publish a review somewhere where no blurb or summary of any kind is available, that makes sense, but it absolutely doesn't if you publish it on sites where that info is readily available. As more and more reviewers seemingly also use AI to let it write reviews for them (what I - and authors - think of that ... take a stab in the dark), I am more and more gravitating towards: write only content summaries when absolutely necessary, as those rise suspicion in this day and age. Besides, no one wants to read a two page review that contains of 2 pages minus 2 lines summary and 2 lines of opinion. Which is what a lot of long-ish reviews are like (even the - very few - non-AI ones). No one needs those. The emphasis and strong point of a review should always be the reviewers opinion, clearly explained and put on a solid foundation (not just: I didn't like/did like but also why or why not). I wish this would have got pointed out a bit more strongly.

I found the design a bit "TikToky" or PowerPoint presentation like. Not my favourite, but that's a personal preference. I prefer a short, well-written text without much faffing about aside of it (all that graphics stuff - not a fan).

All in all: solid guide.

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Very helpful will take everything into consideration for my future reviews! Thanks again NetGalley Staff!

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Very helpful book. It has many tips for great reviewing. Easy and fast read. I am thankful that Netgalley sent it to me for free.

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Brilliant book to help out newbies like myself, I'll definitely follow all the tips and make my profile shine

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This guide is helpful and easy to use. Even as someone who has used NetGalley fairly consistently, there were new tips to learn. I especially appreciated the links out to other help articles.

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In the Netgalley Book Advocate Toolkit, you will find answers to all your questions, which are explained in an accessible and understandable language. Here you will find many tips and tricks on how to get your account in order. I really liked the section that tells you what to do if you haven't finished reading the book, this scheme will greatly help beginners understand this topic.

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This was a really informative toolkit. There were loads of things that can help you build your profile.

As someone who was recently started reviewing advanced reader copies, this was really useful and informative.

I recommend this to any new NetGalley user.

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Having been a member of NetGalley for quite some time I downloaded this to see whether I can improve on my profile. Indeed, I found some ideas that I have implemented.

This is helpful for new NetGalley users and a good refresher for long-time users.

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Love this toolkit. It has all the info you need to learn how to navigate Netgalley, how to review books, and more.

I found a reading journal through it, that I look forward to using, and found some great reviewing tips.

Highly recommend it to every reviewer. If you are just starting out, or have been reviewing for years, you'll surely find something useful!

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a great resource for new and established book influencers. It's full of tips and covers all the essentials to being a successful reviewer on NetGalley. It includes: crafting a compelling bio, navigating the NetGalley interface, and maintaining a strong feedback ratio - a metric that can make or break your relationship with publishers.

As someone just starting their book influencer journey, I found the section on bio creation particularly useful - it helped me refine my online presence and better communicate my unique perspective as a reviewer.

I would recommend this guide to any NetGalley user looking to become a more effective reviewer.

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