Member Reviews

Super helpful toolkit for book reviewing! I just started posting more book reviews/book content on socials like Threads, so this has been very helpful!

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Great guide - really loved the DNF chart I love that it gives a clear process to decide how to move forward with an ARC that isn’t for you - and the illustrations were great as usual. NetGalley seems to really put a lot of effort into these I find them all really worth the read - thanks !!

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A quick and helpful guide to using NetGalley. I'm a new member so this was helpful to learn about navigating the website, information to include on my profile, what publishers are looking for, and review tips. I'm looking forward to the Social Media Toolkit next!

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I have read an older version of this book before but I saw a lot of things that were added to this modified version. I think this modified edition is much more helpful than the older version because it still has everything you need to know about understanding NetGalley. I would recommend this book to anyone who is new to netgalley and needs to understand the website more.

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If I had this guide when I first joined NG, it would have made my life a million times easier! As someone who is relatively new to the world of reviewing books, the included guides on how to write a clear, coherent review was especially helpful for me. The ever-evolving terrain of social media admittedly has a tendency to make me feel ancient at times, so I immensely appreciate all of the tips on how to navigate and effectively engage with such platforms. I'm now so excited for the journey ahead!

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This is a great toolkit and gave me a lot of great ideas for reviews. When I am reviewing several books a month, sometimes it's hard to make each review unique. There are so many great ideas here. The toolkit is a big help for us book advocates, or any new reader/reviewer trying to make their voices heard. Thank you!

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This is extremely helpful for knowing how to setup your profile to draw publishers.

It also helps for what to do during reviewing!
Love the tips.

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This is a great guide to clarify what you should write or not in your reviews and NetGalley biography, what's expected of you on this website, as well as some tips and links to articles that should help you too . I will use it a lot in the future for sure.

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I am so excited about the updated Book Advocate Toolkit. I love how much easier it is to understand, follow, and learn from. Everything you need to know to make the most from your experience with NetGalley is in this guide. I liked the section on how to write a review. This along with Review Tips and NetGalley resources were so helpful to me. This guide is perfect for beginners at NetGalley or those who have been around awhile to help refresh our ideas. I loved how easy it is to use and follow. I highly recommend this guide to all book advocates. I keep returning to it for ideas.
1000 stars

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This toolkit was a succinct, useful PDF of information I could use to better understand how to create a good first impression on NetGalley. I want to be able to get access to a wide variety of ARCs, and I believe this toolkit has better prepared me for what publishers look for when approving ARC requests.

I will use this PDF as a future reference point as needed.

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I thought this was a great informational toolkit, straight from We are Bookish. It gave me some great ideas on how to set up my profile, what high points should be considered, how to make sure approvers notice me, how to give appropriate feedback, and most importantly how to DNF! I don't DNF very frequently, but its a great reminder of the thought process you should be considering.

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Como una nueva usuaria me encanta esta guía puedo ser más fidedigna lo que se busca de mí en esta página así que está Super

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A super helpful guide for both navigating Netgalley, as well as how to write reviews. It's super nice to have an updated version to keep track of any changes, or just refreshers, for being a reviewer on NG. Thank you We Are Bookish for this guide!

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Excellent resource for anyone who uses NetGalley. I appreciate having an updated resource to answer any questions I may have. Great for beginners and those who have been here for a long time.

Thank you We Are Bookish and NetGalley.

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Thanks for providing awesome tips and resources. This was very helpful in navigating NetGalley and have given me advice I will be using going forward!

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Even if you don’t review for NetGalley, there are some good hints on organizing and writing reviews that would work anywhere. The information is laid out in a simple, uncluttered fashion, often boxed for ease of focus, and is easy to read and understand. While there are still questions I’d like to see answered in a more extended fashion, it does answer many of the questions that seem to pop up repeatedly on related forums. Kudos to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for making the effort to make this available to reader/reviewers.

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Great toolkit to introduce to new participants (and to remind long-time members) of the ins and outs of the site and how to craft critical reviews and such. The overall look of the toolkit is colorful and engaging, and is not too0 overwhelming, though it looks more like it's targeted to a younger audience (which is not a bad thing).

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Super helpful reference guide for everything you need to know before you get started and also after you have. Lots of helpful tips, thanks!

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Thanks NetGalley Team for putting this Book Advocate Toolkit together! As someone who is still newer at using NetGalley, I thought the tips and tricks that were presented in the toolkit were helpful, including the details surrounding what elements should be put in your profile bio. Saving this toolkit to circle back to!

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The Toolkit is just what I needed. I loved the examples given on how to write a review and posting suggestions. I even enjoyed the specifics when it comes to publishers’ approvals and instructions. It is very easy to get busy and read through emails too quickly so I will have to make it a point to take my time to read approvals received by publishers. For new members I highly recommend reading the toolkit because it’s packed with information that will be useful when writing book reviews.

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