Member Reviews

Very helpful in learning about how to use NetGalley and tips/tricks to get accepted more often. Thank you!

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This is the perfect tool to help you master the art of NetGalley. So many helpful tidbits to getting you that perfect score and getting all of the requests you want. If I have any questions I can look back on this kit.

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The Book Advocate Toolkit was super helpful while starting out with NetGalley. It helped me organize my thoughts and structure reviews so the content was relevant. I'm sure I'll reference it again and again. I appreciated it linked back to several resources on the website.

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This guide really helped me because I had no clue what I was doing. I still don’t know but that’s ok because I can always go back and look in the guide book.

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It was a pretty simple explanation of the system. Hopefully after I complete a few books, I will be able to get approved for something g. Looking forward to the social account how to. I’d like to see what they feel will work well for reviews.

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NetGalley’s Book Advocate Toolkit is a guide for the website regarding setting up your profile, review writing, how to use the site, and other tips and tricks. It is set up in a very accessible and easy-to-understand way which makes it great for beginners. As someone new to the site who had no idea about these unspoken “rules”, this was a huge help. I will certainly be using these tips, some of which I didn’t know existed, like publisher approval preferences being available.

There are also interacting links within the toolkit to provide more information, which is great because it’s available to you, but doesn’t overwhelm you by being in the actual ebook. I would recommend this toolkit to every person getting started with NetGalley.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this ebook.

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This toolkit has been very helpful for fellow NetGalley users in knowing how to manage our accounts here. Personally, as a reviewer that's starting out, it informs me of everything I need to know in submitting reviews and requesting ARCs. I thank the team for giving us an opportunity the guidance offered by this toolkit for our future reading endeavors.

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A great resource for readers getting started and what to put in your reviews as well as navigating the website.

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Thank you NetGalley for the insightful how to guide for using this platform! This was a very helpful compilation of info to help both new and old members in the crafting of an effective NetGalley profile.

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Super helpful guide. This helped me to understand how to write a good review. I had been wondering how I can write a review where I didn't like the book. This helped to give guidance there on those "did not finish" books.

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This was definitely helpful. I went through every page and used all the information to make my profile better. I liked the idea of setting an alert to keep updating my profile. I also feel like it answered all the questions i always felt would be stupid to ask.
I enjoy that netgalley is trying to help its reviewers do better jobs and get books they want.

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This toolkit offers a great introduction to the world of NetGalley, as well as ARCs and DRCs. It's short, but packs quite a bit of useful info; some of it I already knew, but this still served as a helpful reminder. I will most likely go back and read it again from time to time.

Thanks NetGalley and We Are Bookish!

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Thank you Netgalley and We are Bookish for this valuable and concise manual on how to write a book review on Netgalley.
As a beginner myself to the bookish review scene, I can recommend this book to anyone who wants to get their foot down as a book reviewer or refine their reviews.

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As a new user of NetGalley, this is so helpful on providing tips on how to make the most out of use of the website and app. I’m excited to get started!

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Thank you so much for doing this! I found it super helpful! I always appreciate when programs create content to help the users be more productive

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Very useful resource and a great refresher! I look forward to the social media toolkit that is coming soon.

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I liked the updates to the Book Advocate toolkit.

The reminders on how to write a good review were very timely!

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Great Resource for all Book Advocates. This updated toolkit gives more hints and tips to start or continue your bookish journey. As I am returning after a hiatus from the bookish world this has came at the perfect time for me to update my profile and get my NetGalley shelf in order.

Thank you to We Are Bookish and NetGalley for the toolkit. It will be my go to reference for book advocacy and reviews.

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This was a super helpful resource! There were tips on drafting reviews, how to give negative feedback, and what would be beneficial to include in your profile.

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5 stars, great tips and skills to develop for enhancing your netgalley profile and arc reading proficiency.

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