Member Reviews

This was a super helpful resource! There were tips on drafting reviews, how to give negative feedback, and what would be beneficial to include in your profile.

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5 stars, great tips and skills to develop for enhancing your netgalley profile and arc reading proficiency.

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Very helpful guide that gives you a lot to think about and a lot of great information about how to make the best of netgalley. Thanks!

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Net Galley’s Book Advocate Toolkit is a helpful resource for readers using NetGalley. Thank you for providing!

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As a first time user of NetGalley, I’ll admit I felt somewhat overwhelmed attempting to navigate the process of applying for ARCs, establishing my profile, etc. This toolkit did an excellent job of laying out the basics and helping me find my way. From explaining how to update your bio to how to deal with DNF books, I feel far more confident and at ease navigating NetGalley.

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This is a nice, informative toolkit for beginners and current users of Netgalley. From creating a profile to security measures to writing reviews this book has a lot of information packed into its pages.

New users of Netgalley will find lots of valuable information in this guide. Even seasoned users of Netgalley will find this guide a beneficial refresher course on how to get the most out of using Netgalley.

A definite must read for users of the site!

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I really like this tool kit. It's great for those new to NetGalley and those who have been around for a while.

Great tips and tricks to kick up your reviews, get new ideas and even great advice on what to do with those DNF books.

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I found this guide to be helpful and user friendly. I particularly appreciated the sections about creating and updating your Netgalley bio, writing reviews, and the flow chart for what to do if you DNF an ARC.

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I found this very insightful and helpful for using NetGalley. In particular I found the section about not leaving reviews helpful and the about you section. This is a must read for all new users of NetGalley. I only wish I had seen earlier!

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Great updated resource for any NetGalley user, with very useful tips on how the make the most of your NetGalley experience!

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A big thank you for such an understandable process.
It's worth the read for anyone who is doing book review/reports.

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Thanks for the toolkit, NetGalley and We Are Bookish! What a helpful and insightful resource, especially for those of us starting out in reviewing and on NetGalley. Grateful to have, to learn and to feel supported on this platform.

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This is a nifty and helpful book of tips and tricks to being a good book reviewer. It's well put together and I like the way the pages are set up. It makes finding specific things like how to request a book, review information, and how to avoid taking on too many books at once.

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A really helpful guide to NetGalley! I especially appreciated the section on leaving reviews, since I don't always know what to say.

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NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit
This was very helpful! Thank you for providing it for us to read!!

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This was a great overview of netgalley. I’ve been here reviewing books for a little while, but it was good to see what else netgalley has to offer.

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Super helpful!! I’m new to publicly reviewing books and trying to build a social media presence so this was helpful in all those regards!

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We Are Bookish have provided a great starter/refresher guide to polishing an NG account as well as social media presence. Thank you!

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Very helpful and probably should be the first item that everyone has to go through to get familiar with NetGalley, the request and review process.

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Essential Toolkit for Mastering NetGalley and Crafting Outstanding Reviews

If you're looking to enhance your NetGalley experience and write reviews that stand out, this toolkit is an invaluable resource. Designed for both newcomers and seasoned reviewers, it provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the NetGalley platform and crafting insightful reviews.

The toolkit breaks down the NetGalley interface, making it easy to understand how to maximize its features. It offers step-by-step instructions and strategies for tracking requests and deadlines, which is crucial for staying on top of your reading and reviewing

The toolkit is well-organized and user-friendly. Its tips are presented in a straightforward manner, making it accessible for users at various skill levels.

Overall, this toolkit is a must-have for anyone serious about making the most of NetGalley and improving their review-writing abilities. It offers valuable insights and practical tools that will undoubtedly enhance your experience and effectiveness as a reviewer.

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