Member Reviews

I really enjoyed reading this book. It kept me sucked in and I couldn't wait to see how it ended and let me tell you... I didnt see it coming. I love that the Author put the podcast through out the book it really tied all together and really wanting more.

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I really Enjoyed this book, thank you Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC.

This book had great plot and charter development. I enjoyed the pacing and thought the book was unique.

Given that this was the first time I have read this author this book is one of my top reads of the year.

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This thriller was just okay for me. I figured out everything really early on so there were no twists for me, and I love a good twist. I liked the podcast premise, but this one just gets 3 stars from me.

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I admit right now I'm addicted to Wilson's books and will read anything he writes! They are always creepy and dark but the characters are wonderfully complicated and often sympathetic so once I start, I put everything aside until I'm finished. In this one protagonist Poe hosts a podcast where she asks listeners to "tell me what you did" and they respond with a crime they've committed. Poe's own mother was killed 17 years ago and Poe witnessed it, causing her to lose her speech for 3 months. Her interest in crime sparked the idea for the podcast and it's wildly popular. This novel clearly has it all: serial killers, mistaken identity, arson, and even rat poison! Obviously not for the faint of heart, this book made me laugh, weep, and mourn, even as I raced through it as I do all of his books and can't wait for the next one!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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"Sometimes the light that comes after the dark is the worst thing imaginable"- Poe. Poe, a true crime podcaster, says to her guests, "tell me what you did" to begin each show but she never could have imagined herself being asked those same five little words.

This book is a head spinning, speed reading, heart racing thriller. I found myself trying to read faster and faster while my heart thumped in my ears. I missed a few hours of sleep simply unable to put this book down. While given so much information as to Poe and her life, there are bits and pieces the reader will continually chase to learn throughout the book. I love page turners that keep me guessing, unable to determine the ending, and this book was just that!

The writing and format are both unique and captivating. Poe may be one of my favorite characters, ever and this book will likely be placed in my top ten. Simply brilliant!

Thank you NetGalley and the author for providing me the opportunity to review this book and providing me with a new author to explore.

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I absolutely loved this! I suspected parts of the twists at the end but the book was so propulsive and compelling, it didn’t even take away from the overall wow factor of the story for me. This was well-written, witty, clever, and unputdownable.

Poe has a well-known crime podcast called “Tell Me What You Did” where she invites her guests to confess to their crimes. However, one day, one of her guests confesses to the murder of her own mother and tells her she knows what she did.

This story drew me in from in from the very first page. It was so intense. It had my pulse pounding, my heart racing, and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough!

Thank you to Net Galley and Poisened Pen Press for this advanced e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review!

this was one of the most stressful books I've EVER read. I guessed the twist early on, but it honestly didn't even matter. this book runs purely off suspense and it does a fantastic job with that. this author really does a great job with characters - you were super super rooting for the good guys and they felt like genuine people who could have existed IRL, and the bad guys were utterly repulsive. it was a little long, and the romance was quite tacked-on, but I think this was an excellent thriller.

also spoilers that I feel the need to post without a spoiler tag: yes the dog and cat are fine at the end of this book THANK GOD.

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Wow what a ride that was. Fast paced, complex, complicated in the best way and full of unexpected twists and turns. The story had me guessing til the very unexpected end.
A fantastic read, 5 stars.
Blurb: She gets people to confess their crimes for a living. He knows she's hiding a terrible secret. It's time for the truth to come out…
Poe Webb, host of a popular true crime podcast, invites people to anonymously confess crimes they've committed to her audience. She can't guarantee the police won't come after her "guests," but her show grants simultaneous anonymity and instant fame—a potent combination that's proven difficult to resist. After an episode recording, Poe usually erases both criminal and crime from her mind.
But when a strange and oddly familiar man appears on her show, Poe is forced to take a second look. Not only because he claims to be her mother's murderer from years ago, but because Poe knows something no one else does. Her mother's murderer is dead.

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"Tell Me What You Did" is an adult thriller novel by Carter Wilson. The main character, Poe, has a famous podcast where people speak (usually anonymously) about terrible crimes they have committed. She is taken aback when a man comes on her show and admits to murdering her mother many years ago, but Poe is pretty sure that she already found and killed her mother's murderer. The man knows things that only the killer would know. Poe is blackmailed into having the man on a livestream. The book jumps between the recent past and Poe and the murderer(?) on the livestream. An interesting and quick read, this is a recommended purchase for thriller collections.

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Thank you, Poisoned Pen Press, for the copy.

I really tried my best to finish up reading the book. I would say this is not the thriller for me. The premise sounds very promising and it will be perfect for those who like slow reveals and twists here and there. I was expecting the same and I knew it wouldn’t be an easy fast paced read.

But the pacing seems a bit off and the interactions between the characters didn’t work for me.

I am definitely looking forward to read other works by the author.

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I want to thank NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

wow wow.. I have never read a thriller quite like this before.. this was creepy down to the bone.. I got actual chills reading this.. the short chapters kept me even more hooked to turn the pages which was a bonus on that. The storyline was incredibly bone chilling. I actually was afraid of Poe myself at times.. she was a badass at times sure, but she’s done some pretty messed up things herself that had me kinda scared of her also tbh.. all the characters in this book were described perfectly. even the animals. I was honoured to have been chosen for this ARC. This is a book I will not be forgetting. I definitely recommend if you wanna be creeped out.

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I just…. I can’t, wow.

This book is everything I dream of in a page turner. Who killed Poe’s mom? Who is telling the truth? Who is Ian torturing while they’re live? Ugh. I flew through this. Completely obsessed

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I was completely interested in the plot of this novel and I am not disappointed. This was a great thriller. One part first-person narrative and one part podcast interview format. This plot keeps the tension going and begs the question who is this mysterious man on Poe’s podcast and how far will his game go?

Thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the ARC of this book. This will be out January 2025! Highly recommend adding this one to your TBR.

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I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for a truthful review. So here we go!

Starting from page one I was hooked and rapidly turning pages to find out what happens next.

Poe runs a podcast in which people can come on and confess their crimes to her and her listeners. It’s an intriguing process and I found it really entertaining. The entertainment becomes a little more like fear when Ian Hendley appears on the show, claiming that he killed Poe’s mother.

But that can’t be possible, can it? Because Poe killed her mother’s killer several years ago.

Thus begins a twisty game of cat and mouse with Poe and Hendley. He tries to convince her that he is the killer and he’s pushing her to confess what she did herself. He watches her. Stalks her. Attempts to scare her into confessing.

But is he even who he says he is? Did Poe kill the wrong person? You’ll find this out by reading, along with many more answers you’ll be seeking.

Full of twists and creepiness, this story was one that I devoured in less than a day. I really enjoyed the writing style, the pace, and the characters. This was an easy 4 star read for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This book is so intriguing chapter after chapter of new crimes discussed by criminals who committed the crimes! The suspense, mystery and more!

A few amazing lines catch my eye from this author, “Your going to learn a lot about regret”, “And how hobbled they are before they succumb to death”!

I love the different stories within one book! What an amazingly talented author!

Thank you Carter Wilson, Poisoned Pen Press & NetGalley for allowing me to read this Great book!

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In "Tell Me What You Did" by Carter Wilson, Poe hosts a podcast where people reveal their darkest secrets. But Poe has her own hidden past, including witnessing her mother’s murder. When a man claiming to be her mother's killer reappears on her podcast, she has to face the terrifying secrets she's been running from.
I was thrilled to get my hands on an advanced reader's copy of this book, and it did not disappoint! IT HAD ME SHOOK! From the moment I started, I had to remind myself to breathe—the suspense is that intense. If you're a crime junkie, obsessed with podcasts and serial killer stories, this one will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you double-checking your locks every night. Grab a copy as soon as it’s available and brace yourself for a chilling read.

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This book was definitely a roller coaster ride, but in a good way! When you think you have the plot figured out it would go in another direction.
I liked the main character Poe. She was flawed in many ways but she didn’t back down from taking charge.
This is a very fast paced book and had me hooked from the start. This is my first book by this author but definitely won’t be the last.

The setting of the book is what drew me in to it was set around Halloween, the main character Poe is a pod cast host and she gets people to confess with what crimes they did. As the story goes on you just want to know what’s going to happen, who did what to who.
I had many different endings for the book, but I didn’t see this one coming!

Thank you Netgally for giving me this ARC to read and review!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Poisoned Pen Press has some of the more unique thrillers I’ve read and I absolutely loved Tell Me What You Did as one of the standouts in 2024. We follow Poe, who has the unique job of hosting a podcast where callers can confess to crimes. Unfortunately Poe has her own crime she’s been hiding and her next caller seems to know what it is.

This was such a great exploration on the mind of a serial killer while building tension so perfectly. Poe wasn’t a carrier I necessarily was drawn to but her plot line was so well written it really didn’t matter. Between the mystery of what Poe and her caller did are flash forwards to present day where Poe is having to confess her own crime on her podcast to save a mysterious third party. The pacing and structure was so great, keeping me on edge throughout. If you like thrillers you can’t go wrong here!

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Overall I really liked this. It was a little slow at parts and to be completely honest I found the main character to be rather unlikeable. I think it might have been better if it were told more chronologically instead of putting transcripts for a few podcast episode throughout. It would be a lot more suspenseful that way but overall it was great. I recommend it.

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A Gripping Psychological Thriller That Pushes Boundaries

Carter Wilson's "Tell Me What You Did" is a pulse-pounding psychological thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. This intense and provocative novel delves deep into the dark recesses of human nature, exploring themes of guilt, revenge, and the blurred lines between truth and deception.

At the center of this gripping tale is Poe Webb, a complex and intriguing protagonist who hosts a popular true crime podcast. Wilson's skillful character development brings Poe to life, making her both relatable and enigmatic. The premise of her podcast, where anonymous individuals confess their crimes, sets up a fascinating narrative structure that keeps readers guessing throughout the story.

Wilson's writing is sharp and incisive, creating a tense atmosphere that builds steadily as the plot unfolds. The author doesn't shy away from the darker aspects of human behavior, and readers should be aware that the book contains graphic language and violence. These elements, while intense, serve to heighten the realism and psychological impact of the story.

The introduction of the mysterious man claiming to be Poe's mother's murderer injects a personal element into the narrative, raising the stakes and adding layers of complexity to the plot. Wilson masterfully weaves together past and present, creating a tapestry of suspense that will have readers questioning everything they think they know.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its exploration of the psychological toll of harboring dark secrets. Poe's internal struggle and the gradual unraveling of her carefully constructed facade are portrayed with nuance and depth, making for a compelling character study.

The pacing is relentless, with twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end. Wilson's ability to maintain tension while slowly revealing key pieces of information is truly impressive, demonstrating his skill as a storyteller.

While the graphic content may not be for everyone, those who appreciate intense psychological thrillers will find "Tell Me What You Did" to be a standout in the genre. Wilson's unflinching approach to difficult subjects and his ability to create a visceral reading experience set this book apart.

This book is highly recommended for fans of dark, intense thrillers who aren't afraid to confront the shadowy aspects of human nature.

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