Member Reviews

Well that was a fun read and from the synopsis I gathered it would be , I am feeling very satisfied at the moment !!

If you’re a fan of True Crime Podcasts then you’ll love this fiction story that is centred around our morally grey FMC Poe who is peppered with her flaws.

“ What I saw that day is a secret I’ve carried for seventeen years. And I have a strong suspicion it’s a secret the whole world will soon know “

Can you spot a lie ??

Read this if you like :
🎤 Podcasts
🎤 Morally Gray Characters
🎤 Revenge Stories
🎤 Vigilantes
🎤 Fast paced reads

Poe Webb has a very popular true crime podcast which is different from your average podcasts. She interviews people and gets them to confess their crimes to her and based on their testimonies she deciphers if they are telling the truth or not .

We are taken on a wild turn of events when a peculiar guest she is interviewing gives Poe the creeps and she instantly knows that things are going to get ugly for her because this man claims he murdered her mother years ago , but Poe has a secret about that tragic day that no one else knows ! 👀

I really liked this book , I loved the format of the Podcast between Poe and Ian and found the story went so quickly, in fact before I knew it the book was over .So if you’re looking for something thats a bit different and definitely gripping 🧐 then be sure to add this one to your TBR!

Although I had my suspicions about a few things, the ending had a small twist I didn’t expect which was just the icing on the cake !!

Thank you NetGalley , Poisoned Pen Press and Carter Wilson for this fun ARC!

Respectfully Another Read by Angie

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