Member Reviews

well this book was not what I thought it would be. Set over a period of 7-8 days I truly felt like it drugged on and on. This main female character was extremely unlikeable and almost unbearable with her thoughts and attitude towards life, vengeance and love. I understand being scared from traumatic events but I felt like it was more than that and her character never really developed. The plot really was a great one but I felt it was not executed well. There were truly only 4 main characters but we never really got to know the main character's dad, who played a huge role and didn't get more in depth with her love interest. These two had such a presence in the story but never their own revelations/growth. It also was definitely slower for me to get into, which is shocking because I'm such a thriller junky, but it missed the mark on thrill and mysticism.

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I'd give this 3 stars! While it gripped me I didn't find it the best, I kind of was just hoping for it to pick up the pace however unfortunately for me it didn't. I was super intrigued at the start and I think the concept of the book was something I have never read/heard of before so was super excited however I don't think this is a book I am likely to remember!
I think, if you want something really easy then its a good little thriller however, I definitely prefer a more fast paced thriller!

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Poe Webb is the host of a podcast that allows annonymous people to confess their darkest sins. Little does her audience know that she has her own dark secret.

Carter Wilson is a master of his craft; weaving a tale of revenge with a badass female lead. I think it can be tricky for authors to produce a thriller with today's audience because everyone wants to guess the ending. I didn't feel that way with this book, I just enjoyed the ride. Honestly, it was a great plot all around, but the end of the book had me glued to my Kindle. My house could've been burning to the ground, and I probably would've kept reading. Love the addition of Alice into this book (Wilson's former character from his 2018 book Mister Tender's Girl).

Thank you to #NetGalley and #PoisonedPenPress for this ARC.

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I could not put this down. This is the first thriller in a while that I could have read in one sitting. It’s very dark but a good read!

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My Goodreads review:

Thank you NetGalley for the advance copy!

This is my first Carter Wilson novel but will not be my last! Poe interviews people with secrets.. she even has some of her own. I was on the edge of my seat for the majority of the story - I’m not sure I expected the ending, but it was a good one for multiple reasons.

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Wowwww this was so good! I was hooked from the beginning & couldn’t put it down - read this in one day! I enjoyed the twists & trying to figure out what was true before it was revealed. It was interesting to follow Poe’s back and forth thoughts about what she had done & whether or not it was the right man. Really interesting how it all came together at the end!

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Wow, wow, wow!

This psychological thriller is a clever, gripping, twisted, unpredictable & memorable page-turner that will keep you riveted from start to finish. Be prepared to set aside everything else going on when you open this book, you won’t want to put it down. I devoured every word, every page, every chapter.

Adding the QR codes is ingenious. They add so much intensity to the story that I watched each one of them twice!

This book deserves all the praise & I’ll be recommending it to everyone I know.

Favorite Lines:
“Life’s much easier when you don’t have to talk to people.”
“ See, that’s the thing about trauma. You never get to quit it. You never walk away from it and rediscover the innocence and joy you felt before The Thing happened.”

Thank you to NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press & Carter for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This thriller is a heart-pounding, hairs standing up on your arms story that keeps you on edge until the last chapter. I am usually quick to figure out the ending, but not with this one. It kept me guessing and the tension was mounting until the very end. Some of the story is told in a podcast format, which makes it current with the times and keeps you on edge!

The main character, Poe Webb, is a 30 year old girl who hosts a very popular, true-crime podcast called, "Tell Me What You Did." People who have committed crimes, will come onto her show and confess the crime(s) they've committed anonymously. Her boyfriend Kip helps her with the tech side of this, as the episodes are not broadcast live - they are prerecorded and then made available to her audience.

Two big things are revealed in the plot line - I do not want to spoil it, but Poe witnessed a horrific crime many years ago, and Poe also committed a horrific crime as a result. The crime she witnessed is what got her into this podcast, the latter of the two no one knows about.

As these big events are revealed, Kip is contacted and a live broadcast on Halloween night is requested by a man who is a big fan of Poe's podcast. He wants to be on the show and talk 1-1 with Poe - live. She agrees and that may be one of the worst decisions of her life.

I highly recommend this book, if you like a fast-paced, page turner, with a villain who is reminds you of real life serial killers.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for sharing this thriller's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all, thank you to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for allowing me to read this advanced copy. Now….where to begin, WOW! This book literally had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Even though the main character, Poe, is morally gray and flawed (though with good reason!), I cheered for her throughout the story.

Poe hosts a podcast where people can call and confess to crimes to get it off their chests. One day, the caller seems a bit too familiar as he claims to be the person who killed her mother. Things quickly spiral as he takes the upper hand.

The format of the book enhanced the suspense as the timeline went back and forth between certain events. This book was creepy, twisty, suspenseful, and I loved it! This was the first book by Carter Wilson that I’ve read, and I’m on my way to find more!

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The premise of this was enough to have me interested, but it took all of one chapter for me to be fully hooked.
I enjoyed the dual narrative between the story and the livestream, the characters were interesting, and you really felt for Poe.
The mystery and suspense was masterful, I didn’t know what was going to happen next and the end, I definitely did not see coming.
5 Stars, one of my best reads this year!

ARC provided by Net Galley, all opinions are my own.

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This was surprisingly good. I’m always cautious going into a story based around true crime podcasting, which seems to be a booming trend in thriller fiction lately and is usually not done well, in my opinion.

While it had its fair share of stupid character moves and unrealistic plot points, this was a very solid read. It really had me turning pages and feeling unsettled. I was genuinely creeped out and on edge. I still feel disturbed after finishing, which doesn’t happen to me very often.

There were quite a few references to real life serial killers / true crime cases which is one of my pet peeves since it's usually so heavy handed and forced, but I thought it was light enough and done well here.

I think one of the characters was a reference to one of the author’s previous books. I didn’t know that beforehand, but I didn’t feel like I was missing anything about that character. I’m not sure if it would have been different had I known her story. (I’m definitely going to read that book now, though.)

The only thing that bugged me was that some of the formatting during the excerpts from the live podcast was a bit funky, but I’m not sure if this was just an issue with the download on my Kindle.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is a fan of horror or dark thrillers.

TWs for murder, sexual violence, stalking, etc.

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Tell Me What You Did is a compelling exploration of personal redemption and the complex web of human relationships. The novel follows a gripping narrative centered around a traumatic event that drastically alters the lives of its protagonists. Through an intricately woven plot, Wilson delves into themes of forgiveness, accountability, and the struggle to rebuild one's life after a devastating mistake.

Poe Webb, host of a true crime podcast where people confess crimes anonymously, faces a chilling dilemma when a man on her show claims to be her mother’s killer. Poe knows he’s lying—her mother’s murderer is dead, and Poe herself is the killer. The truth she’s hiding is about to be exposed.

Some may find the pacing slightly uneven at times. The intensity of the action scenes. stands in contrast with the slowness of the scenes leading up to them. While the emotional depth and well-crafted dialogue make up for it, it would have been nice to have a bit more added to keep those sections more engaging. The novel’s strength lies in its ability to evoke empathy and reflection, urging readers to confront their own judgments and assumptions.

Overall, Tell Me What You Did is a thought-provoking and engaging read with emotional resonance and intricate storytelling. The novel’s strength lies in its ability to evoke empathy and reflection, urging readers to confront their own judgments and assumptions. I recommend for fans of thriller fans looking for a different take on the true crime podcast trope.

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Wow! This one was hard to put down! Kept me on the edge of my seat and wanting to know how it would end. Fantastic read!

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Book/Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book Cover: ⭐⭐⭐⭐️


POV: Singular, First Person
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Tropes: None
Spice: None
Genre: Thriller
Debut Novel: No
Safe or Dark: Dark

“Tell me what you did.”

What I did was love the hell out of this book! 

We all have secrets we plan on taking to our graves. Dirty laundry we don’t want to air. But what if we were forced to share things we’d rather not on a podcast or live stream? What if someone’s life depended on us sharing the darkest parts of our mind and our lives? 

What a fun, fast, and addictive read. I could not put this book down. I always had to know what happened next. The short but engaging chapters and the flow of the writing made that easy to do. “Just one more chapter” became my mantra while reading this. 

“He’s Buffalo Bill demanding for me to PUT THE LOTION IN THE FUCKING BASKET.”

The true crime podcast aspect of the plot was such a fun take on the thriller book genre. The podcast itself was an interesting take on true crime shows. I would love if someone took this idea and made an actual true crime podcast from it. However, that would be hard to do given the topics discussed. 

I was LIVING for the way the story alternated between being told in current time and on a podcast. It was such a fun experience. Both flowed nicely and tied into each other seamlessly. The sifts in perspectives were not jarring in the least, and you’re definitely able to stay locked in on the story. 

“But nothing is permanent, and nature is beautiful. Everything eventually dies, and most lives end with frustration over not being able to revisit the flights of our youth.”

During the live stream part of the plot, Ian Hindley is holding a victim hostage, but we are not told who it is up front. We know it is a male, but that’s all. Is it Poe’s boyfriend, Kip? Is it her dad? Is it a random fan of her podcast? We have no idea. That made it that much more suspenseful, and I enjoyed trying to figure it out. 

Our main character’s name is Dylan Poe Webb. Her dad made sure Poe was part of her name due to his love of the writer. I absolutely adored this nod to Edgar Allan Poe. Especially since he lived and died in my home state of Maryland. Call me morbid, but sometimes that’s my biggest flex. 

“We never really know how others view us, but the one certain thing is that it's rarely how we expect.”

Choosing to name the villain in the book Ian Hindley was genius! I picked up on the “homage” (the character’s words, not mine) right away. I got it as soon as I saw the name. A name combination of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, the couple responsible for the Moors Murders in England during the early to mid 1960s. Fellow true crime lovers, Carter Wilson did that one for us. *appreciative slow clap* 

I also have to give this book props for having a left-handed character. As a lefty myself, I sure do love the representation. 

I will for sure be checking out Carter Wilson’s other books. 

“It’s the ghost you’ve always wanted to appear.” 


I would like to thank Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review an ARC of this book.

This is my voluntary, unbiased, and honest review.

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Carter Wilson's TELL ME WHAT YOU DID is a gripping thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from the very first page. Wilson, a new author for me, created an intense, unique plot that weaved together suspense, intrigue, and complex characters.

The story unfolds quite quickly, one where secrets are buried deep, and everyone seems to have something to hide. When our protagonist, Poe, is thrown into a role she normally saves for guests on her podcast, she finds the tables turned, the situation spiraling out of control and into one that tests both her morals and emotional endurance. The narrative takes off at a relentless pace. Wilson expertly crafts a web of mystery and secrets, making it impossible to predict where the story will end up.

I really loved the character of Poe, who although incredibly flawed, is strong, intelligent, and compassionate. Her love for her dog, Bailey, made me feel connected to her in a way only other dog lovers would understand. You truly care about Poe and her fate, understanding her desperation while staring into the face a pure evil. The evil I speak of is truly one of the creepiest antagonists I’ve come across in a long time! Wilson’s writing is both taut and vivid, creating a sense of unease that lingers long after you’ve turned the last page.

If you're a fan of novels that explore the darkest corners of the human mind while keeping you guessing until the very end, TELL ME WHAT YOU DID is a book you’ll devour.

Thank you to NetGalley, Carter Wilson, and Poisoned Pen Press for my ARC of this unputdownable thriller! It was a privilege reading this before publication in January!

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A true crime podcaster has the tables turned on her in this creepy thriller. Poe's podcast invites people to call in and confess their crimes... but one caller confesses to a crime she knows he can't have committed, because she killed him. Or did she? I was ready for a creepy thrill ride, and this didn't disappoint. I was engaged and rooting for the antihero even as I questioned my own sympathies. The structure--alternating between a live podcast and the events that led up to it--was interesting and worked well. The characters were appropriately complex. I never felt the author was trying to excuse--or have me excuse--the choices that they made.

All in all, this was a fun and solid book. It was what I'd hope in a book from this genre. However, there were some pacing issue, some inconsistencies that took me out of the story, and a few characters I wanted to have a little more insight into. (Kip, I'm looking at you.) Loved learning in the end author's note that a side character I found very compelling was actually the main character of an earlier book. I'm intrigued enough to now seek that one out.

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Tell Me What You Did had me hooked from the very first page. Carter Wilson weaves a chilling tale of mystery and suspense, blending a true-crime podcast element with a story that unfolds chapter by chapter. The back-and-forth between the podcast episodes and the story’s development adds a unique layer to the book, which drew me deeper into the mystery and kept me on edge.

The author’s ability to build suspense was excellent and each chapter reveals just enough to keep you guessing, but never too much to spoil the twists and turns ahead. The sense of unease grows with every page, making it nearly impossible to put the book down. The story’s creepiness is perfectly executed—it’s unsettling in the best possible way, making you question every character's motives and wonder who can truly be trusted.

This was my first read from Carter Wilson, and it certainly won’t be my last. The writing style is engaging, characters are likeable, especially Bailey the dog, and the plot is well crafted. I was hooked from start to finish and found myself completely absorbed in this dark, creepy thriller.

Big thanks to NetGalley for the advanced read and another creepy thriller recommendation from me! Pick it up!

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4 stars!

I saw the reviews beforehand stating that this book was a real page turner and they were not wrong! I finished this pretty quickly over one weekend. Unfortunately, the characters did fall a bit flat for me and some of Poe's decisions really annoyed me. I did enjoy the storyline overall and would recommend it to fellow thriller lovers.

Thank you Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the ARC!

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She gets people to confess their crimes for a living. He knows she's hiding a terrible secret. It's time for the truth to come out in Tell Me What You Did by Carter Wilson.

While the premise sounded exciting and page-turning, Poe was a frustrating character as she made some questionable decisions that were a bit unbelievable. The relationship between Poe and Kip was also a bit over the top.

There were good red herrings, but some of Poe's decisions and amateur detective work had me shaking my head.

Tell Me What You Did was just an okay read for me.

#tellmewhatyoudid #NetGalley @PPPress

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Whew. It will be hard to put down this book once you started. Even though it is quite gruesome at times (not for the faint of heart), it keeps you rooting for the spirited protagonist. Well thought out plot lines and cleverly constructed narrative that will keep you at the edge of the seat, compelled to timidly read on.

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